

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Fantaisie
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75 Chs

I've all the rights.

Lips were moving in a sync.The kiss was smooth and calming.Zen was trying his best to control himself but his condition was becoming wild.He was slowly kissing her and she was responding to his kiss.

"Princess this is so wrong",him in his mind.

Roby's eyes shifted to the front mirror which was reflecting Zen's image.He settled the mirror to get a proper view.

"My baby boy isn't a baby anymore", Roby mumbled and smirked.

Zen detached his lips and caressed her hair she smiled and rested her head on his chest again.She had a feel like she was on seventh sky but poor Zen his condition became wild.He grabbed her waist more tightly and pulled her upwards then snuggled into her neck to control himself.

After an hour they entered into their city now the only confusion was,where to drop the girls?Ana said that she'll take care of Jennifer so drop them Infront of hostel but Zen was concerned that she wouldn't be able to take care of Jennifer alone.

"Zen bro what to do now?",Roby asked and stopped the car.

"I think we should take her home with us",he replied.

"No I don't think that it's a good idea,she is my best friend and I can take good care of her and secondly she is not your responsibility,I don't want you to take care of her in any pressure or guilt",Ana replied seriously.

"listen Ana she is injured and you wouldn't be able to take care of her alone,it's quite difficult so don't be stubborn",Roby said.

"Exactly",Zen said.

"Okay fine but, isn't it awkward that she'll live with you Roby"

"She's going to stay with me, I'll take care of her",Zen interrupted and made Ana shock by his words.

"wait whatttttt?!"

"but why?!"

"She is in this condition because of me,and I just want to free myself from this guilt and secondly she is not just your friend she is my friend as well and I have all the rights to take her responsibility",Zen replied with his serious face expressions.


"Ana trust me, he'll take good care of her",Roby said and held her hand.

"Ahh fine",she replied while rolling her eyes.

"Okay so let's go home",Roby said and started driving.

"Roby can you please drop me to hostel?"

"but how you'll stay there alone?"

"I'll be fine and as you know Jennifer isn't in a condition to pack her stuff so I'll pack her bags and luggage so please",she replied.

"okay,I'll first drop you then we'll go to our place",he replied and drove to hostel.

Ana came out from the car and from window she caressed Jennifer's back with teary eyes.Roby patted her shoulder and gave her a warm hug.

"Zen please take good care of her",she said and Zen nodded.

"Don't worry",Zen replied and gave her a small smile.

After dropping Ana they went to their apartments.Zen lifted Jennifer in his arms and lead to his apartment.Roby unlocked the door and they went inside.Zen gently placed her on his bed and covered her with a blanket.

"See you within a few hours",Roby said and was about to go Zen stopped him by saying,

"let's have a coffee together".

"Well sure why not",Roby replied and they went to the kitchen.

Zen was making coffee and Roby was sitting on the kitchen shelf.

"what's going on?",Roby asked while smiling.


"what's going onnn in between you two?",Roby asked again with a smirk.

"what-whatt does it mean?",he replied nervously.

"Don't try to act smart,I caught you both while kissing each other romantically in the car",Roby said and smirked.

"oh-um actually.... she was not in her senses that's why she did some stupid acts...nothing else",he replied and smiled awkwardly.His cheeks were a little pink due to blush.

"Stupid acts like kissing...so she kissed you or you kissed her?",Roby asked to tease him.

"Brooooo,it's not like that"

"stop lying,it's okay if you don't want to share but at least don't lie", Roby said and took a sip of the coffee.

"ahh fuck.....I don't know what's happening?why I always lose all my controls over my mind and heart whenever I'm around her.Her presence is enough to make me feel alive and I always feel good whenever she is around me.I love touching her,I love talking to her I love taking care of her",he replied and sat on the chair next to Roby.

"Okay so my little boy is in love with her",Roby said with brief smile and patted his shoulder.

"THERE IS A COMFORT IN HER EMBRACE",he said and smiled.

"So basically you're confused that it is love ior just affection for her, you're confused in between love and friendship",Roby said and took a glance at him.

"Don't worry you'll find it out very soon,universe will help you for sure",Roby said and smiled.

"yeah just hope for the best",he replied and finished his coffee.

"I think you should take a leave tomorrow and spend time with her because all she need right now is care and attention",Roby advised.

"yeah I think you're right I was thinking the same,so it's final I'm not going anywhere tomorrow",he replied and hugged Roby.

After having a little more conversation Roby said good bye and went to his place.

Zen entered in his room and walked towards the bed where Jennifer was sleeping peacefully.He caressed her cheek with his thumb and then pecked her forehead.

"My cute little kitten",he mumbled and smiled.

He placed himself on the couch and fell asleep.After round about 5 hours Jennifer woke up and found herself in an unfamiliar place.She was covered in a blanket there was a pillow on her back to avoid direct contact with surface.

"where I am?",she said to herself then tried to turn her direction and her sight fell on Zen sleeping on the couch peacefully.A smile appeared on her face.She struggled and sat on the bed straightly.She felt a sudden thirst so she looked around to get some water and found a jug and glass on the side table.

She tried to hold the jug but in between her struggle the jug fell on the ground and broke into small pieces.Due to the sound of breaking glass Zen woke up and took a glance at Jennifer.

"JENNIFER are you okay?",he said and was about to come near her but she stopped him.

"be careful there are small pieces of glass on floor you may get hurt by them",she said.

"Do you want water?",he asked politely and she nodded as yes.

He went to the kitchen and then carefully went near her and gave her the water bottle to drink and sat near her.She drank it and placed the water bottle on her side.

"How're you feeling now,is it still hurting?",he asked politely.

"I'm fine just a little pain",she replied and looked down on the floor.

"I'm sorry",she said after hearing her apology he smiled and teased her.

"Apology isn't accepted",he replied and tried to control his laugh after seeing her faded expressions.

"I need payment of this loss",he said on a serious note.

"I'm ready to give you,how much for this?",she asked innocently.

"Five kisses all over my face",he replied and smiled.

"what?",she asked him with her puppy eye face.

"yes ma'am it costs five kisses all over my face please pay the debt",he said and brought his face closer to her.

"Sir actually I'll pay for it after my daily morning routine is it okay for you?",she asked and smiled back.

"good no problem,I'm waiting",he replied and chuckled.

She tried to stand up from the bed but Zen didn't let her do it by herself and lifted her up in his arms then took her to washroom.She did her daily routine and he waited outside for her.As she came out he again picked her up and went to kitchen for breakfast.

okay babies so cute moments or romantic ones ?!

A_jennie_creators' thoughts