
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

11- Archetype of the earth: (Type-Earth), (Marikawa of the Blue Earth) [R-18 content]

Solomon mindlessly walked outside of the bus, his expression was blank right now, it was not angry or sad, the best way of describing it would be indifferent, he knew that those previously described feelings have no place in a mission they can give you the determination to follow through the hardships, but in the middle of the battles they would only cloud your judgment, of course, he didn't expect to have the capability of being completely indifferent to these feelings, that would be a bad joke, humans are emotional creatures even if his body and soul were not human anymore his mind still was, and that would still take many years to change or so he thought...

He watched Shizuka make a fuss trying to open the door, but this scene, which normally would bring a dumb smile to his face, now could only make him feel more bitter he entered the place right after Shizuka, immediately after the group entered the place Hirano was already dragging Takashi around to look for the guns Shizuka had talked about, he seemed to be extremely enthusiastic about the topic.

Saeko has gone to the kitchen saying something about making dinner, Saya and Rei said they were going to take a bath when they started dragging Shizuka with them, Solomon interrupted them and asked Shizuka.

"Where can I find another bathroom?" Solomon asked with a tired expression, "third room to the right." She said pointing in the direction.

When Solomon was walking away to the bathroom Shizuka stared at his back for some moments she was biting her lips and seemed to want to say something but when she opened her mouth Solomon had already gone.

In the bathroom, Solomon looked himself in the mirror, and what he saw was not pretty at all, the amount of dried blood and unknown bits of flesh covering his face and body made him look unrecognizable gone was his unnaturally red hair and in its place was a mess of reddish-brown, he was almost naked, and he repaired something his nose was ignoring since he arrived at this world he was so surrounded by the smell of rot and decay that his senses have become dulled to it, he was smelling bad, like a dead animal who stayed all day in the sun, to resume, it was terrible! So terrible that he could only expect that the smell sense of the rest of his group was as dulled as his own...

He fastly takes off the rags that were covering him at the moment, seeing the state it was he doesn't need to look at it twice.

"To the trash, you go!"

'He turned on the cold shower and started to take a bath, at the same time he talked with the (system).

'So system start to talk about those methods of growth.'

['Do you remember that [Past eater] (skill) you gained?']

"That is it? I could start using it right now, this doesn't sound very difficult."

['Because is not just using it, if you started to use this (skill) right now you would receive minimal gains.']


['The (skill) [Past eater] is a bit special if you take a note is possible to see that it possesses half of the level limit expected from a skill of (Rank E), to level up this (skill) will take much more time than a normal one.']

"So the problem is the upgrade time? Still doesn't sound like a problem to me."

['No! So stop interrupting, I'm trying to explain something here!']


['Even if is harder than normal wouldn't take much time before you maxed out, the problem is quite the contrary it will level up faster than you need to, this is one of the rare skills that gain extra abilities per (Rank) but with the new abilities also come to a disadvantage, you will gain more by using the (skill) but the weaker enemies will not attend the requirements anymore, so here comes the trick you will need to overcharge the skill to extend its reach to the limit so you can extract the maximum amount of benefits from the lower level enemies.']

'Okay, but how am I going to find so many recently deceased, we are in the middle of the Apocalypse, there are not many living things right now, I can only dream to find so many of them in one place!'

['I have some good news for you, thanks to the way the world will have been doing this whole zombie thing, they can all be considered recently deceased, their souls can't move on but their bodies are already dead.']

['So right now they can be considered the equivalent of a recently deceased person whose soul still haven't left the body.']

'So what are the consequences?'

['This (skill) was designed to be slowly used until you adapt enough to the fast passage of time, the way you pretend to use is going to make you experience thousands of years in seconds, the problem of this is not the body the real problem is if your mind don't break during the process, the incongruities between your soul and body will probably leave you catatonic at best!']

'Why will this cause an incongruity between my soul and body?'

['If I have to sum it up, it's that the soul's way of experiencing time is different from that of the body.]

'So what I do if by a miracle I survive all that shit?'

['I will use the incongruity of your soul and body to facilitate your transportation to another world, and before you even ask why I need to do all of this to send you to another world the answer is that a stable body and soul are more resistant to the dimensional travel process, normally I would need to stay here for a year to be able to send you to another world.']


['You don't need to freak out the two worlds exist in different spacetimes so time there don't matter here and vice versa.']

'Ok, so before we do this, can you explain to me what exactly is happening to Shizuka?'



['Okay... With some exceptions, nothing can kill a (Type), and even killing them doesn't work in the traditional sense of the word, but to gain all these advantages they must lose something, they don't have the (Concept of self) and because of that they can't be hurt by anything born from human or human-like logic so, in the end, they lose their sapience. Because they have no (Concept of death) in themselves they can't die but they also will never know what is to be alive, what the planet is doing is slowly taking those things from her...]

Solomon momentarily was livid but he started to calm down Shizuka don't appear to be acting inhumanely.

'She can be a little air-headed but even her will notice the beginning of such massive change, and she is too kind to have such an inhuman mind.'


['Sorry for having to destroy your happiness but (Types) can interact with humans perfectly, how do you think they do it? The sad answer to you is imitating, they have no sentience but this doesn't mean they are dumb (ORT) the (TYPE-Mercury???) and (V/V) the (TYPE-Venus) are the "living" proof of that the (ORT) learned to mimic perfectly the human behavior after just some hours of "interaction".']

"So aLl ShE Is DoiNg iS a LiE..." Solomon said his voice crazily trembling.

['Calm down the change didn't go this far.]

'So how far it has gone?' Solomon said a little soothed by the information.

['Right now if she was not so connected with the world she would already have developed a (Reality Marble).']

'System can you please speak English? I don't speak this kind of witchcraft you are speaking right now.'

['So to resume, a (Reality Marble) is something an individual unlock when they have worldviews so different from the common sense of the world around them, that they become capable of temporarily rejecting the reality and imposing their versions of it on the world around, to unlock one is described as necessary to have an alien common sense. A truly distorted mind...']

Solomon immediately left the bathroom at that moment he didn't even remember that he was naked right now, and to say the truth even if he knew he wouldn't have cared right now, after all, he had something important to do.

Solomon left the bathroom and walked straight to the living room, his eyes full of determination at this moment if someone tried to halt his march he would kill them without any hesitation.

Everyone was in the living room, Saya and Rei were having some girls talk Saeko was polishing a katana that God knows where she found, Hirano was showing Takashi how to use a gun, and by last was Shizuka she was acting the same as always but now he knew the truth he could see was not fully a lie but was also not real.

When they saw a naked stranger entering the room they were ready to attack him but his appearance left them speechless,

his body followed the golden proportion perfectly, his muscles were ripped, he had long red hair of such a brilliant shade that it bordered on the supernatural, red eyes with black slits, and an extremely serious expression on his face.

All the faces of the girls in the room immediately turned vibrant red Saeko was the first to get out of her funky and moved the katana with a blind speed (for a normal human) but before she could cleave his head out of his neck she recognized that eyes and seeing his serious expression she was instantly wet.

Ignoring everyone's shocked expression Solomon walked right into Shizuka's direction

he set her on her feet, tucked his chin on top of her head, and told her softly. "I know everything."

Her face immediately got blank, at that moment she almost looked like a doll. "But don't matter anymore I going to solve everything! Now you just need to relax and wait." His next words contained a determination of steel, and unshakable confidence if at that moment he said he would descend to hell to kill the devil tomorrow none of those in that room would have any doubt that he would do it.

"Put your trust in me and all will be resolved."

Tears slowly started to fall from her empty face and a smile formed although it was a small smile, at that moment it might as well have been shining like the sun.

"I know." That was all she needed to say.

Solomon picked her up in a princess carry and said. "Do you want to try to have some undead babies with me right now?"

She said laughing like a little girl, at the joke only she understood.

"I would love it."

Solomon started to run to the closest room so fast that he could very well be breaking some laws of physics. Shizuka started to giggle even more with his antics.

In the room, Solomon rested her in the bed and did something he wanted for a very long time, and he knew the reason for it right now, once the system said to him that the blood of a [True Ancestor] was e elixir that could give special powers to anyone who drinks it, he gave an example of a common Magus (Michael Roa Valdamjong), who after being turned into (Dead. Apostle) by "The White Princess" (Arcueid Brunestud) of the (True Ancestors) was capable of superficially achieve (Akasha), the fount of every phenomenon in (Nasuverse) and gained the ability that gave him his famous titles "Serpent Of Akasha" and "The Infinite Reincarnator," the ability that allows him to reincarnate every time he dies.

Now imagine how precious was the blood of a nonvirulent (TYPE), even if it's one in the process of creation. But he could care less about power right now he had a promise to keep and a woman to satisfy...

[R-18 Starts now: If you want you can jump, it is not essential to comprehend the story but I recommend it.]

Solomon immediately bites Shizuka's neck with an unbelievable amount of hungry her face becomes a crimson shade of red and immediately started to squirm under him releasing sweet moans all the time.

"Ah… ah… ahh… agh…."

"Ah… ah… ahh… agh…."


It would be a lie to say they started making love, but what else is to be expected from an insane undead and a woman inextricably connected to nature's baser instincts, what they would do next could only be defined as fuck like animals...

Solomon couldn't wait any longer, his cock already erect as a spear, he immediately used his teeth to rip off her blouse and the bra followed immediately, revealing her plump breasts to the world her rosy nipples fully erect, then he ripped off her skirt, and moved the tiny panties she was wearing to the side, revealing a very wet pink pussy quivering with anxiety, he pressed her wrists against the bed with violence almost as if to stop her from resisting, his instincts roaring for him to claim her and then mark her as his, and so he did, he thrust his cock into her with brutality making her moan in pain the tears ran from her eyes but the silly smile and the drool running from the corner of her mouth betrayed the real reason...

"Sol Ah… lo ahh… mon agh…." Sloweaa!!

Blood flowed from her pussy, but Solomon didn't care all he could think now was how to put his big cock a little deeper in her tight cunt, as soon as he reached the bottom of her pussy he wasted no time to start pumping his cock in and out of her, he put so much strength and speed into his thrusts that Shizuka had to wrap her legs around his waist to steady herself.

Now all Shizuka could do was whimper and moan under him, after some time Solomon began to hungrily suck and bite on her tits by the time Salomon finally released his seed inside Shizuka, she had already had four orgasms being reduced to a spasming, babbling mess on the bed, after releasing his load Salomon stopped to admire the artwork he had created, Shizuka spread legs trembled from time to time her pussy constantly leaking obscene amounts of cum, the time for admiring was quickly over, he still wasn't satisfied... He put Shizuka on all fours on the bed pulled her hair with one hand like a bridle the other hand holding Shizuka's fat ass, the way his fingers sank into Shizuka's fat and firm buttock almost made him go crazy, finally, he started pumping again, all the while Shizuka's breasts were jiggling crazily, her face firmly fixed staring at the ceiling eyes rolled back and tongue slightly protruding from her mouth... after a few hours, Shizuka couldn't take it anymore and fell asleep.


Solomon slowly put a blanket over her and admired her silly little smile for the last time he kissed her forehead and said affectionately, "I'll be back in a moment just wait."

Salomon closed his eyes and started his skill, he didn't have any clothes on him but he doubted that Shizuka's friend had any male clothes, so naked would have to do.

He opened his mouth and started to eat the time of all the zombies in the area, he could hear many notifications but didn't have time to check them now, suddenly he could feel the weight of time.

One year-(1).



Thirty-two-(32) years




One hundred and twenty-three-(123) years




Thousand five hundred and seventeen-(1517) years




Three thousand seven hundred and forty-(3740) years




And finally, stopped at? Four thousand two hundred and twenty-three-(4223) years.

Solomon finally understands the crushing weight of time and the sadness of millennia of solitude, but contrary to what the system believed he didn't break, his mind has never felt stronger before, because, in the end, the system didn't know how far determination could drive a crazy man like him.

He finally felt the nausea of his soul and body conflict, the last thing he saw was one of the many notifications he received.

[Experiencing the crushing weight of time, you finally understood a fundamental truth...]

[The final destination of all things is death and decay...]

[The requirements have been fulfilled]





+perk:[Stairway to Hell]

[First circle of Hell (Sloth)]

[Skill created]

[King of Decay Lv 01/100](Rank EX)...


Wallachia-Future Romania.

Suddenly is possible to see a naked man appear in a plain.

"Fuck" He looked to be disoriented but he was fastly forced to restructure himself when he heard an old man scream his instincts warned him immediately the old man was not human.

What he saw surprised it was an old one-eyed giant, he is broken of his funky when he heard.


"Oh fuck!" That was all Solomon could say...

[Author note:I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next releases can be a little irregular, I'm thinking of starting to accumulate some chapters so that I always have some at my disposal so thanks for reading.]