
Starting from Douluo Dalu

Iam just putting some of my ideas on the net Just saying my MC is neutral. He is living for fun

M0011 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 Rewards

After the slaughter.

'1 slime left'

'System status pls'


Level: 1 (0/100)

HP (100%) + 3% min <- (this mean regeneration)

EP (100/100) + 3.2% sec

MP (1000/1000) +2.1%min

Wuhan: broken weapon

Experience points: 2510

Store points 490

Talent: adapt lvl3, child that equals the heavens

Ability: intelligence +, low converter lvl 2 , telekinesis lvl 5, Electrokinesis lvl 4

Skill: fast thinking lvl2 {10/200}, Lowest regeneration lvl 2 (35/200)

technique: basic cultivation method lvl1 {60/100}

As all of you can see right my converter ability has been used and why you asked well I am a baby so I need food to live so I converted my EP that I don't even use to some stamina or food.

My abilities levelled up now there is a screen in front say to do boss or not before I clicked yes I accumulate around a 200 of my MP to a single point and what do you guys know I got a skill for it.

{skill: condensed electric charge: by consecrate a huge amount of electricity you can strike enemies with stronger strike. MP cost depends lvl 1 (21/100)}

After the skill been created it got easier to use so after I accumulated enough I stared at the yes button and the boss appeared.

Like how should I say this. Is the slime was the size of a baby then this one is the size of a 3 year old. It is just a bit bigger. But i didn't wait I just struck it. And it was 1 shot.

{you got 200 exp,

40 points,

Awaken stone}

'Oh system is that awaken stone will give me like a talent or ability?' I was pretty excited I mean this is the first item I got.

{no, This awaken stone is for the host to awaken is wuhan}

'Oh' pretty disappointed but looking at my wuhan in the status screen.

'What does it mean broken weapon?'

{it's broken}



'Ok system use the stone'

The moment I said I closed my eyes and that i felt something breaking warm go through my body then something breaking through.

I open my eyes and you will not believe what I found.

Sis you guess it


You heard it right nothing.

'System I think i am getting scammed here'

{note: your wuhan is a weapon a broken weapon you just have to think about a weapon and it will appear }

'Any weapon?'


'YEAAAHHH'. i could get EA or any other legendary weapons' while I was happy the system continued talking.

{yes... if you could fix and upgrade your weapon right now you weapon is some common weapon}

'So how do I fix it?'

{Host imagine any weapon you can think of}

Then I thought about any weapon I could think of. Of course because i am from the modern era the first weapon is a simple hand gun: 500 S&W Magnum.

'Can I make more?'

{host could}

After hearing this I was happy and I tried to make another 500 S&W Magnum but nothing happened

'System it is not working'

{if host get a spirit ring that can clone or multiply you could get more}

A bit dejected but oh well.

'Now I need bullets'

{note: you don't need bullets every bullet take around 1~10 EP}

'Can I like make my shot stronger? Like in "Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou" to make a normal shot into a rail gun'

{Host can}

The moment I heard this I tried it straight away because my little body can't carry itself I use my telekinesis to carry the gun. Then I try to imagine a spinning iron bullet after doing this I fell something leaving me but it get back in few seconds. After doing this I input electricity. The moment I did this I shot on a very small blank of wool. Well that is what's left of dozens of trees and I got two skills.

{host got the following skill:

Basic Marksmanship(passive) lvl 1: the fire rate, accuracy and power increase by 5%

Basic Railgun shot: use electricity and your shoot simple right? Lvl1: the shot gets 50x in all states. Cost 1~10 EP and 5 MP}

'Ok then let's continue. And system I want you to make using ability creation every mind ability possible that does take over 10 min after this fuse every ability that use MP to make a more powerful skill'


After the first floor I kept climbing the floor to the ninth floor and iam about to enter floor 10

The rewards that I got is this

Floor 2: 2x HP potion and night vision skill

Floor 3: 3x MP potion and 10 copper coins

Floor 4: 1 MP potion and 1 EP potion 10 silver coins

Floor 5: 10 gold coins and a ring of souls

Floor 6: 100 gold coins and intimidation skill

Floor 7: 1000 gold coins and I got a very interesting item tear of the goddess(lol item)

Floor 8: 1 lowest rank pure energy stone. And Vampiric Scepter

Floor 9: magic carpet and 2x Corrupting Potion

Of course all of this rewards without the exp that I got and the store points now to explain what my abilities is.

Night vision skill is passive skill that make me have half the normal seeing range

Intimidation skill: is a passive/active skill that intimidate. Apparently if it is high enough it will evolved to conquer haki but that is for later

The potion is simple increase the regenerations you heal 20% of your total in 10 seconds

Now the equipment part:

Ring of souls: a ring that devours 1000 soul to make soul pill. Effect: the devoured pill will increase the maximum EP, MP by 100 permanently. You might think it is small but the amount of stuff that yours truly killed is almost 1000.

Tear of the goddess: LOL game if you don't know. Effect: 240 EP

Focus: Attacks deal an additional 5% physical damage to monsters.

Mana Charge: Strike a target with any attack to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus EP, up to a maximum of 360 bonus EP. Bonus EP doubled if the target is a soul master.

Gain a new EP Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).

Vampiric Scepter: life steal literally. Effect: all of your damage will cause life steal effect if the host is injured the host will heal. If the host is completely fine then it will STEAL LIFE itself.

Magic carpet: watch Aladdin. It fly with the full speed of the rider

Corrupting potion: LOL item. Effect:

Active - Consume: Consumes a charge to restore - 10% Health and 7.5% EP over 12 seconds. During this time, damaging Abilities and Attacks burn enemy soul masters for 15 % EP over 3 seconds. Holds up to ♾ charges and refills every 1 hour

Corrupting damage is reduced to 50% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.

After all of this I heard a very good noise.

{skill created: absorb - (passive/active) : the ability to passively absorb energy in the surroundings by factor of two and actively is by a factor of 10 but you can't move lvl 1 {0/1000}}

Call me surprise because this means that I have an EXP generator right there then I did something you expect 'system fuse absorb and basic cultivation method'


{The host gained the talent: easy lazy life. Effect: you generate and absorb a huge amount of EXP or energy for other. In other words you are like the centre of a divine spot where the energy is huge and dense}

'So how mush EXP do I gain a day'

{100,000. That is about 7 time what you will gain in 1 day}

{host all of the mind powers that could be made under 10 min has been made and fused do you want to see the results?}

'Yes' i was extremely excited because from what I have seen if I fuse two skill I will get a skill with something that should be fused with three abilities.

{talent: Demi-divine mind: all mind abilities can be used if the host have enough energy even the power of time is available lvl 1 (0/1 billion}

The EXP to upgrade it was huge but it is worth it because now when I use Telekinesis to hold the magnum in the air it's 1/100 of my energy.

Ok now to floor 10



Level: 1 (0/100)

HP (100%) + 3% min <- (this mean regeneration)

EP (100/100) + 3.4% sec

MP (1000/1000) +2.1%min

Wuhan: broken weapon lvl 4

Experience points: 1,203,620

Store points 120,272

Talent: adapt lvl3, child that equals the heavens, easy lazy life(new), Demi-divine mind (new)

Ability: intelligence +, low converter lvl 2

Skill: fast thinking lvl2 {10/200}, Lowest regeneration lvl 2 (35/200), Basic Marksmanship(passive) lvl 9 (new), Basic Railgun shot lvl 4 (new), night vision(new), intimidation lvl 3(new)

technique: -

Iam tired

Amazingly I have exactly 1500 words

M0011creators' thoughts