
Started With a Gamble

Natalia Rutherford, a 23-year-old woman, exposed herself to gambling, being unemployed, and being a single woman. Being the best in poker, she pressed her luck on each gamble, and in fact, she won each of them. However, fate decided to stop her winning streak, losing to a famous celebrity, a master in poker. However, she had no other way to pay up and even wanted to blame the star for fraud. An unexpected man came into her life, proposing a deal with her to change her life. This started a life filled with blood, mystery, and crime. Theodore y Barciena, a 28-year-old French prodigy, took on the title of 'Caïd' in the mafia organization, S.I.N.I.S.T.E.R, one of the leading organizations in Europe and North America. His father, Dominique y Barciena, decided to take his son on the road full of blind dates to bear an heir due to the lack of people from their bloodline wanting to continue their reign for the title 'Caïd,' which Theo despised with his whole being, trying to avoid these setups and to focus on rehabilitating their clan even more. How can he avoid them, and what can he even do? "Stop meddling with my business, or I will shoot a bullet through your head. You, out of all people, should know I never miss." Theo threatened me, pointing the gun at my head, becoming somewhat irritated. I giggled, enjoying his effort to intimidate me, but I also had something on him, "Do it, I dare you. Your father wouldn't let go of it." I spoke dangerously, but I coaxed it with a sweeter voice. Heh, is he the only one who can threaten me? That is something I am capable of as well.

KiyoshiiKun · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Marriage?

Natalia's POV:

"Marry me," he demanded with an air of certainty, the gun still menacingly aimed at my head. The words echoed in my ears, leaving me utterly dumbfounded. Why on earth would he ask me to marry him? I couldn't fathom what could be the reason behind such a request. What made me so unique in his eyes? The truth was, there was nothing, absolutely nothing, that justified him proposing such a strange proposal to me. The sheer absurdity of the situation left me perplexed and filled with questions.

"Are you insane?" I exclaimed, my voice laced with disbelief and defiance, determined to make my position clear, even in the face of his menacingly pointed gun. The very idea that I would entertain his absurd assumption and turn it into a reality was preposterous. There was no way in hell I would ever agree to marry him. It was out of the question.

The thought of binding myself to a man who had proven to be a cold-blooded killer sent shivers down my spine. I would rather face death than become entangled in such a twisted union. The irony of the situation hit me, and despite my fear, a burst of hollow laughter escaped my lips. Of course, it wasn't the appropriate time for this, but realizing the absurdity brought an involuntary reaction. Nevertheless, despite the constant fear gripping me, I held my resolve. I refused to be tied to him, even if it seemed inevitable.

"I don't believe you have much of a choice here, my dear," he sneered, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, his pistol casually grazing the side of his head. His tone dripped with sarcasm as if he found the entire situation amusing. Little did he know that his feeble attempts at intimidation held no sway over me. I knew better than to be cowed by his empty threats. Who did he think I was? An easily controlled woman who could be manipulated with a mere show of force? He couldn't have been more mistaken.

"I would prefer death over being with you, a remorseless killer," I stated proudly, mustering a hollow smile as sarcasm dripped from my words. Holding my ground, I refused to let fear consume me, even though deep down, I couldn't deny the undeniable sense of dread that lingered within. His retort came swiftly, accompanied by the sharp sound of his hand tapping the table, filling the tense silence between us. "Really now? Do you not know me at all?" he taunted, his gaze locked onto mine, brimming with hostility. The audacity of his question was almost laughable. At that moment, I couldn't help but scoff at his feeble attempt to challenge my perception. He must be kidding if he believed he could deceive me with his gestures and words. I remained resolute, unyielding in the face of his intimidation.

"As if anyone even cares who you are," I retorted with a touch of wit, savoring the fleeting moment of satisfaction as I heard his sharp intake of breath. However, my triumph was short-lived. He closed the distance between us in the blink of an eye, causing me to retreat until I found myself trapped in a corner. Panic surged through me as his strong hand closed around my neck, cutting off my air supply. Tears welled up in my eyes, and my arms strained against his unyielding grip.

He scowled, momentarily loosening his hold, only to replace it with a firm grip on my cheeks, squishing them cruelly to immobilize my head. "You... you're getting too feisty. Don't you realize your current position?" he jeered, his tone dripping with sadistic amusement. With the muzzle of his revolver pointed directly at my head, he emphasized, "No one can save you now but me. Absolutely, no, one." He emphasized the last word by word as he released my cheeks. He tapped the flushed skin with the cold metal of his gun, a menacing gesture designed to intimidate me further.

Collapsing onto my knees, I cradled my throbbing neck while he calmly settled back into his office chair, placing his gun on the table within arm's reach. He kept a watchful eye on me, his gaze unwavering as I tried to alleviate the pain coursing through my body. The torment was palpable, evident in my glassy eyes and the tender touch of my trembling hands against my injured throat. I couldn't help but wonder, Does he love watching people in pain? Thoughts raced through my mind, desperate for a way to escape this dire situation. As I stared at the cold, unforgiving marble floor, my palms became slick with sweat, mirroring the unease that filled my entire being. Was there no way out of this predicament without surrendering to his demands? The hopelessness washed over me, threatening to drown any flicker of optimism.

"Let's see... how about we make a deal?" he suggested, swiveling in his office chair, piquing my curiosity. A glimmer of hope flickered within me, wondering if there was a possibility of reaching an agreement. Eagerly, I inquired, "Like what?" Despite my legs threatening to buckle beneath me, I summoned the strength to rise. My eyes were fixated on him. A fleeting smile danced across his lips. His gaze fixed upon me as he laid out his proposal. "You don't want to die, do you? And I feel the same. I don't want to take another life without reason. We'd exactly be on the same boat," he explained, his white hair catching the light, emphasizing the seriousness of his words. Confusion clouded my mind. What was he suggesting? Impatience tinged my voice as I pressed him for clarity. "Cut to the chase. What exactly is this deal you're proposing?" I stood my ground, maintaining a safe distance from him, not daring to come close.

"Act as my lover, and I'll help you settle all your debts, including the one with Geraldine. In other words, you'd live a life of luxury. What do you say?" he proposed, his words hanging in the air and leaving me momentarily speechless. My mouth opened and closed, unable to fully comprehend the weight of his offer. How much money does he have?! Evidently, he was no ordinary wealthy individual; there was an air of peculiarity about him, a distinct aura that set him apart. My astonishment knew no bounds. Gathering my thoughts, I mustered to inquire, "And what if I refuse?" Uncertainty shrouded my words as I crossed my arms, awaiting his response. He chuckled, his fingers gesturing to his head demonstratively, leaving no room for misinterpretation. It became abundantly clear that I faced no choice. Either I agreed to marry him and enter his world, or I would meet the grim consequences of refusal. The weight of the decision pressed upon me, a heavy burden threatening to crush any glimmer of hope that remained. I yearned to live, but to be bound to a killer? It seemed inevitable that he would eventually kill me. But right now, he's technically toying with me!

"Why do you need me to act as your wife anyway?" I inquired, genuinely intrigued by the urgency behind his request. A mischievous grin played on his lips as he shook his head, implying that he wasn't ready to disclose his reasons just yet. "I am not in a position to divulge that information... not until you agree," he retorted, maintaining a sense of secrecy. Frustration welled up within me. How could he expect me to decide without his reasons?! I huffed audibly, making no attempt to conceal my annoyance as I fixed him with a pointed stare. This was a tough choice to make. My life had been fine before he intruded upon it. Yet, the allure of his offer and the temptation of a luxurious life clouded my judgment. It felt as though the glimmer of wealth was blinding me. Hopelessness washed over me as I grappled with the weight of the decision before me.

"Can I have another day to think it over?" I pleaded, desperately hoping for more time to consider my options. His disapproving frown provided me with the answer before he even spoke. "No, this matter is urgent, and I can't simply allow you to slip away," he retorted, a sadistic grin playing at the edges of his lips. Frustration surged through me like a tidal wave. I was denied additional time, and he demanded an immediate answer. Just when I was thinking about running off...

This choice alone would change my whole life.