

A2 didn't know how to feel right now as she looked around the clearing. After days of full-speed sprinting to where the human was. She left the reunion without waiting for or explaining what was happening, but knowing Anemone, she put two and two together to figure out the human was in danger. Old programming kicked in for the first time in recorded history.

Looking around the blackened earth as she goes through her memory banks bringing up an overlay of what was here. Stepping into the mouth of the cave system that is half covered with now cooling molten rock and the returning stream trickling over the steaming ground. Even though a few days had passed the ground was still burning hot. Given that the entire forest was reduced to atoms and burning ground.

"Statement: This is not good." Looking over to the pod as its lens was darting side to side scanning the blackened cave system. The usually enthusiastic pod had been quiet lately. She understood why she was also feeling a pain that was spreading throughout her black box. She hasn't felt like this since 4D, 19H, and the rest of her assault squad were given that human awful mission.

Her eyes scanned the ground picking up scuff marks that matched the rough size of the Humans feet. But something was wrong with one of the feet. It had been dragged almost like it was damaged and being dragged. Quickening her pace she reached his room, but as she entered her sensors were hit with the smell of cooked boar and scorched hair.

Her processor stalled at the smell as waves of information passed through her piecing together what had happened here. Footprints indicated that the human was stepping out of the cave when the orbital bombardment commenced. Looking over the wall and the rough outline burned into the wall.

"Statement: The Human was alive after the strike. Signs of self-mutilation have accrued here. A mixture of his leather shirt seemed to have fused with the Epidermis and some of his reserves of fat. Due to the size of the removed flesh, the pile of leather fused with said flesh, and blood pooled on the ground. My calculations would guess anywhere from thirty to forty percent of his skin had to be removed." The pod moved in a small circle the more he talked scanning the area looking for and gathering data.

"The bag the Human called the 'oh-shit' bag has been taken along with his supply of the Willow bark extract had been used by human." after a few seconds of silence the pod lens was fluctuating rapidly as A2 was rocked on her heels doing her gathering. The pain the human had to have gone through set alight a flame inside of her. Thinking it over YoRHa had almost killed a human it didn't matter what excuse they had.

YoRHa's fuck up would normally send shivers of happiness down her spine, but now she had a pit of dread forming, and with the information, Pod has continued to provide it was not going away. It was only getting worse. The human was alone and nearly crippled it was a testament to his will that he was even moving with the injuries he sustained. The information about humans Pod had sent over didn't paint a bright future for the Humans as even the smallest wounds could become infected and kill them. Such fragile creatures our creators were... No! Are one is still alive zoning back into the Pods messages? It relaying them out loud cut through my inventorial.

"Well, he was alive when he left if he has his bag he has a month's worth of dried food, water, and some of his medicine." A2 sounded like she was trying to convince herself that the human was alive as she blinked her moist eyes.

"Explanation: The Human has a fifty percent chance of survival with the supplies he has gathered. He would have likely headed in the general direction we headed as that was his only inclination toward any kind of civilization nearby. At his current speed of four kilometers per hour with plenty of breaks, he should be within forty kilometers if he took minimal breaks and walked six to ten kilometers per day." Pod quieted down now as it floated lazily still scanning the flash-fried flesh that was more than likely cut off by the human.

A2 took one last look around before gathering up some of the human supplies inside her bag before leaving. "Destroy anything left Pod" Pod didn't say anything his laser lit up sending out beams of light and destroying the flesh, bed, and any of the items left by the human. As it did this some of the runes flashed before glowing brighter and brighter making both of them pause glancing at each other before sprinting and flying away as fast as they could.

Once outside she looked over at the Pod "Was that going to ex...." The cave system flashed before being swallowed into a nexus point as both the pod and android watched with fascination... "Pod what happened?"

"Statement: It would seem the discussion of the 'Runes' as the human called them caused an implosion... by my calculations it had a thousandth the gravity field of a black hole..." A2 gaped at the information being sent over... What the fuck did that human create?!

"What the hell pod? So if he made a bunch more runes they would become a black hole?" She ranted while pacing around going over the danger rating of the human. A black hole no matter if it becomes self-sustaining could destroy the solar system... A dark part of her wanted to get him to make one at least there would be no more machines or their Alien overlords.

"Statement: Insufficient data. No more data advised to be gathered..." Pod stared at A2 as if reading the nagging thoughts going on inside of her. She huffed before following the trail left by the human.

"Send our location to Anemone and all the... data you collected inside of the cave we will need the Resistance's help to secure the human and get him the help he needs. Also, send the projected direction he is headed toward. They should be a day and a half behind us so maybe they could cut him off" Pod paused floating sending off all the relevant data to the Resistance camp and Anemone.

A2 sat down on a nearby rock going over her haggard body as the three days of pushing her frame to its limits caused minute stress fractures across her legs and hips.

A/N: So I have been in the hospital. Still inconsistent updates I am sorry about that but I am only doing this for fun.

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