
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · Urbain
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36 Chs

Blood Refinement.

Ronan checked the blood of the various beasts in the unique containers. All of this is the blood of monsters. These are items necessary for the twilight body forging technique's fifth layer.

Ronan plans to refine all of his blood using blood essence from the monsters. Ronan's strength had already surpassed 15,000 pounds after only four layers.

He is already an advanced-stage martial arts student. He already had a trainee certificate in town two days ago.

Ronan placed all of the beast's blood into a special tub and infused it with herbs. Star Force is abundant in the beast's blood.

He utilized Star Force to rid himself of his blood. After that, he used the blood essence of creatures and yang Qi in the bone marrow to generate new blood.

In that tub, Ronan looked like a dried corpse. The entire operation was excruciatingly painful, and he felt like he was roasting internally. Ronan kept going until the morning.

Ronan opened his eyes in the tub in the morning. The entire tub was dried, covered in red and black lumps.

All of this is a waste of the beast's blood. His body only absorbed what was beneficial to him. Ronan went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Ronan felt strength throughout his entire body. His strength may exceed 20,000 thousand pounds.

Ronan cut his finger with a knife. He examined the blood on the tip of his finger. His blood viscosity increased as well, although it did not affect his body's functions.

His body operations were substantially increased in comparison to before.

Ronan checked the clock, ate breakfast quickly, and dashed off to school.


"What happened to you?"

Looking at Ronan, Li Yan asked.

She saw Ronan had changed and had become more attractive and cheerful. Even though she has no idea what happened, he makes her feel warm and she instinctively wants to be close to him.

Ronan spoke with a smile.

"Nothing, maybe I dreamed about you."

When she saw Ronan smile, Li Yan's face reddened. When she saw it, her heart nearly melted.

{Why would he have dream about me? why am I feeling this?}

"Are you okay?"

"I'm... okay..."

She blushed as she replied...

At that moment, two or three girls approached Ronan.

"Ronan, have you had breakfast?"

One of the girls immediately handed him a box.

"I made it for myself."

She ran from there.

Ronan's table was soon packed with various types of boxes.

Ronan was taken aback as he looked at the boxes.


Li Yan cursed silently in her heart.

Ronan did not touch them and instead gave them to others. observing Ronan distributing boxes to others Li Yan's heart felt better.

As soon as school began, Ronan fell asleep on the table. However, the teacher did not attempt to awaken him and continued with the classes. The entire class was taken aback by this.

Ronan awoke slowly at about noon.

"Did you have a good dream?"

"Yes, I'm about to catch some large rabbits."

Li Yan glanced at Ronan, not understanding what he was saying. However, his gaze was elsewhere.


Li Yan cursed him and stormed out of the room.


"Principal, the new student was asleep in the classroom."

"Oh, did you bother him?"

"I wanted to, but I remembered your words."

"Why don't you want to deal with the student?"

"He was recommended by the master Robin."

"You mean the leader of the twilight martial pavilion?"


The teacher was taken aback.

"More importantly, that student Ronan was already an advanced martial trainee."

"There's no reason to focus on him."

"Just do your job."

" Okay, principal."


While walking toward his house, Ronan was encircled by a few punks. Ronan looked at them for a while and saw no danger to himself. He was aware that they had been following him from school.

"Boy, our master wants to meet you."

"Oh...who is he, and what is his name?"

"You'll find out soon."

"All right, take me to your boss."

Ronan followed them as they made their way to a club. Ronan quickly entered the room. The entire room was pitch black and lit dimly.

Ronan restrained his laughter as he glanced at the big body on the sofa.

"Boy, you're the one flirting with my sister."

Li Feng is the one who sits on the sofa. Ronan wants to laugh when he sees Li Feng's attire. Li Feng dressed like a gangster and packed with weapons.

Li Feng was likewise enraged as he gazed at Ronan. He wasn't upset with Ronan, but it was something else.

a week before.

When Axel was hurt, Li Feng learned about it and went to the hospital to see him. But the guards wouldn't let him see Axel. He also tried his father's connections, but it was futile.

Knowing that Henry and Wilson were the ones who attempted to assassinate Axel. Anger towards them also reached higher levels.

Henry and Wilson are no longer alive, but Li Feng is filled with rage. He almost traumatized Henry and Wilson's lackeys by directing his anger at them.

To be honest, Li Feng felt angry at himself for not informing him that Henry and Wilson were cruel. Maybe Axel wouldn't have been hurt if he had told him everything about them.

He found out yesterday that his sister's class had a new student, and more importantly, he shared a table with his student. However, he learned today at noon that he was flirting with his sister.

Li Feng has two sisters, Li Yan being the younger. Li Feng treats her little sister like an angel.

"Boy, tell me how you wish to die."


Ronan couldn't stop laughing and eventually burst out laughing.

li Feng shouted as he stared at Ronan, who was giggling.

"Break his legs."

Lackeys of Li Feng also took action, but it was futile. After a while, they all collapsed on the floor.

Li Feng's expression changed as he looked at the situation.

"Fatty, has anyone ever told you that you are shameless?"

Li Feng was stunned after hearing Ronan's voice.
