
Chapter 3: Escape from Naboo!

A/N I apologize for the long time it took to put out this chapter. I have been super busy and finals were coming up so I was cramming in order to prepare. Regardless I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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Narrator POV

A city in ruins, hundreds of inhuman footsteps can be heard marching through the city searching for any they may have missed. In a certain part of the city, a small contingent is escorting a group of high-value targets, not to protect them but instead to insure they do not escape.

Not far from there a duo of robe-wearing males is heading toward them, their intentions unknown. All seemed calm, all seemed normal, and not a soul suspected anything out of the ordinary. However, hidden nearby spread out through the buildings, five people were preparing to strike.

{Target ETA, 30 seconds.}

{Copy, hold your position for now. Delta, status?}

{High tower, two kilometres to your 5. I have line of sight on ambush point.}

{Good. Check fire}


At this point it was obvious these were not your average people, their equipment alone should have given that away.

{Echo, Charlie, engage at your discretion. We will follow suit}

{Understood. Engaging now}

Two figures leaned slightly over the edge of the rooftop and tossed metal tubes down into the streets below which then exploded into massive amounts of smoke. Soon after sounds of battle rang out as the group attacked in perfect unison and quickly dispatched the group of droids serving as escorts.

The six guards that were with the HVT quickly exited their shocked states and moved to secure the weapons of the fallen droids and quickly moved into a defensive formation around their charges.

"Who are you!" The one who looked in charge yelled out at the attackers.

"The people who are getting you out of here. Now we need to move before we get boxed in"

"Hold on one moment" Two more robed figures dropped into the fray. "We are coming along too" The older of the two announced.

"And who might you be?" One of the masked soldiers questioned. "It seems I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Qui-Gon Jinn and this is my padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"So you are Jedi, thank the force, it is so good to see you." The gaudily dressed Queen interceded.

"Indeed we are but as our masked friend said we must be moving," Qui-Gon spoke calmly and deliberately. "Droids could be on us at any moment"

"Understood Master Jedi." The guard captain agreed which the masked soldier's apparent leader seems to shake his head at.

MC Pov

'As much as I just want to take them in my ship that would change things too much. I would prefer it if they meet Anakin in a natural way' I muse as we make our way to the hangers.

{Delta have you moved yet?}

{Yes sir. I have line of sight on the hangar and can quickly make it to you if needed}

{How many droids are in the hanger bay?}

{12 B1 droids sir}

{Copy. Move to meet us at the hanger bay}

{Understood sir}

Cutting coms as we reach the hangar I move up to the two Jedi that are leading our little group. "We need to wait a short while, the last of my people is on her way here"

"Okay. We can wait for a moment" Qui-Gon replies.

Not long later Delta arrives and my team moves into position to breach the hangar. {All set?} I call out on coms.

In response, all I get are some confirmations in my hud that we are good to go. With a quick hand motion, my team moves into the hangar.

Quickly selecting my targets I pick them off in a matter of seconds and do a quick sweep of the surrounding area. Seeing nothing I motion to Audrey to free the captured palace staff and pilots and then move to secure the ship.

"Let's go! We don't have much time!" Yelling at the people of Naboo and the Jedi they quickly move into the ship.

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Author note:

Sorry about the really short chapter I was having some writer's block while doing this but I really wanted to put out a chapter for you guys so here it is. I have been really busy lately so sorry for taking so long. If you have anything you think I could improve on please let me know.

I hope you all have a great rest of your day and I wish you the best!

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