
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime et bandes dessinées
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110 Chs

Chapter 85

The next morning, several knocks on the door prevented Jial from sleeping all morning.

"My lord, Sice just sent word that the Jedi are attempting to apprehend the Skywalker kid. Mira and Kroq already left. We would suggest that you leave to in order to prevent more dead bodies."

Jial groaned when the man first started talking but jumped out if bed when he heard the rest if his sentence.

Talon had also heard the words and gotten up as well. Both reached for some clothes and put them on in a flash.

"Get some Elites in the area and ready to provide support. We may be going to war with the Jedi. Also get have Emergency Plan Z4 prepared in case things go south."

Although Anakin was just a new recruitz he was part of the Yautja. If the Jedi tried to forcefully take him away, then they wouldn't mind showing everyone how they could pop off at a moment's notice.

The pair hoped into the nearest speeder and took off toward Senator Palpatine's residence.

Jial and Talon saw what was happening and jumped from their speeder, landing before the new group of Jedi with their weapons drawn.

Behind them, Kroq had Master Piell in one hand, trapping his arms and crushing his body as the sounds of bones creaking could be heard all around.

Master Piell was the mix between Napoleon and Blackbeard. Terrible personality, drinking problem, excellent commander, and excellent swordsman. He was one of the best Jedi combatants of the current council and he was being manhandled by Kroq.

Mira stood over the body of Master Billaba with her plasma casters pointer at the Jedi's chest if the targetting laser was to be believed. Her two shuriken guns were pointed at Jial and ready to shoot the Jedi who had just arrived.

Billaba was the previous apprentice of the current Grand Master. She was Jial's favorite of the current council. Didn't take herself too serious, could tell a joke, and was skilled with blade. She made Jial wished that he had found her first.

Jial and Talon stood unimposed by the 4 Jedi that had just arrived. Each was a member of the High Council except for Qui-Gon and they were all skilled in fighting. Especially the Grand Master.

"You wanna explain why you have two of those blasters pointed at my old Padawan's head?" Windu asked while igniting his lightsaber

"You wanna explain why your apprentice was trying to take the kid?" Jial saw Sice was standing in the back with Padme, now wearing her royal attire, and the unaware Anakin behind her. Her yellow blade hummed, ready to join in and fight.

"You should know exactly why we are here. That boy is the Chosen One," Mace whispered, not wanting the others to hear

"He's too old to be a Jedi. Don't you guys cut off recruitment when someone is old enough to speak?" Jial did not back down at all

"We can make an exception for him," Windu lowered his weapon when he saw that Jial was willing to talk but he still kept it activated

"You mean for us," Talon corrected him. "If we didn't find him, you would have been perfectly fine with letting his waste away as a slave on Tatooine. But now that we have him, you are afraid we will turn him into one of us. A living weapon."

"You may be correct," Windu did not deny their allegations. He was personally against bringing Anakin into the order but he would rather do that than let the Yautja train him.

"What will it take for us to take the boy back to the temple?" Qui-Gon asked the important question

[Multiple Paths Detected

Path 1: Give Anakin to the Jedi

Rewards: 3x Premium Companion Summon

Consequences: Lose the chosen one and speed up Padme's death by 40 years

Path 2: Keep Anakin for the Yautja

Rewards: 100 Spirit Stones

Consequences: Hostility from the Jedi

Path 3: Keep Anakin bur allow Jedi to teach him as well

Rewards: 1x Premium Companion Summon and 20 Spirit Stones

Consequences: Increase chance for Anakin to fall to the Dark Side amd chance for Anakin to join the Jedi]

'Easy choice.'

"You can't. But we will allow visitation. 1 week per month, you send from a select group of Jedi to teach him your ways," Jial was willing to allow for visitations.

Anakin was too young to travel all around like the rest of the Yautja did and it was best to learn about foreign cultures himself. May as well let the Jedi take on some of the work teaching him while they were training him.

Windu and Qui-Gon shared a look before nodding at Jial. This was the best deal they could get without having more news reports about Jedi kidnapping kids. And being right.

"You mind letting my fellow council members go?" Mace finallt put away his lightsaber but began to hate Jial even more. All of the Jedi before him said he would either love or hate the Yautja leader. And Windu was definitely in the hate category.

"Yep. I do mind. At least letting them go without some warning about kidnapping Yautja members," Jial snapped his fingers and the pair behind him acted.

Kroq slashed Piell's left eyez turning closer and closer into a pirate while Mira just gave Billaba a kick to the guy since she liked the woman.

The Jedi looked on in shock as they witnessed their members being brutalized. Master Mundi and Koth wanted to interfere but they were stopped by Windu and Qui-Gon.

Windu realized that they had shown their hand far too early and acted recklessly. Because of his orders, two of his fellow Jedi were hurt and he couldn't do anything about it.

The pair were thrown before the Jedi's feet who picked them up and began to retreat. This was an unfortunate foreshadowing of the battle that would happen between both sides.

"Sektor!" Jial called out

The red android jumped out of nowhere and appeared kneeling before Jial.

"Bring Anakin and his mother back to Yautja Prime," Talon gave the orders. She understand Jial well enough yo know exactly what he was thinking

"Roger roger," Sektor replied before disappearing. Right after he did, the area he was at was covered in purple lightning that came from Jial's fingertips.

His number one weakness was people mentioning the B-1 Battle Droids to him. And Sektor was the worst because he could perfectly replicate their voices.

The others laughed as they saw Jial in his non-relaxed self. He was usually so calm so seeing him express frustration made him seem more... mortal.

Sektor appeared next to Padme and Anakin while picking up the boy.

"Can I say goodbye to Padme first?" Anakin asked, without knowing that Queen Amidala standing next to him was the Padme that he knew

"Padme is off running an errand for me, Anakin. But I will be sure to ket your sentiments reach her," Padme agreed to pass the message to herself

"Thanks, Your Majesty."

Sektor soon took Anakin off planet while the Yautja retreated back to their land. It wasn't their time to act until after Padme met with the Senate and saw how slow the corrupt bureaucracy of the Republic would be unable to help her people.

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