
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime et bandes dessinées
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110 Chs

Chapter 77

Both sides called up their witnesses and began questioning each side. Senator Vulcan called a Ziro the Hutt, General Korra, and Duke Fredon.

Ziro's relation to the charges were obvious. He was there to besmirch Jial on behalf of the Hutts that had been defeated over 40 years prior. The Hutts were still holding a grudge as their wounds were still fresh in their minds. The species were nearly immortal so a short 40 years meant nothing to them. The fact that they were also unable to leave their home planet due to the treaty they signed also helped them hold a grudge.

Ziro went on about how Jial had killed so many of the Hutts and even exterminated the Shell Hutt species.

But when he was questioned by Queen Jendi, the truth came out. The Hutts were mostly killed by Jial and the Yautja's allies. The number that they had killed themselves barely reached 20.

General Korra was a commander who had to face the Necron army of Sev'rance on a small planet. She spun tales about how dangerous the army was and the atrocities that they had committed.

There was little that Queen Jendi could do to counter these claims. She was not expecting this witness so she was not prepared to defend against them. But in her defense, the queen was able to minimize the damage.

The last of those called forth was actually the current representative of the New Mandalorians.

The Duke was making claims about how Jial had basically reformed the old Mandalorian ways on Yautja Prime. And although it wasn't a crime, it struck fear into the hearts of those politicians.

The Mandalorians were considered the biggest threat the galaxy had ever faced. More than the Sith, much to the Jedi's horror. And that was because the Mandalorians did not need fancy powers. They did not come from a single race. And they had no true goal.

Mandalorians originally could come from anywhere and do almost anything. A squad of 4-5 Mandalorians could systematically take out an entire city by themselves.

And these same Mandalorians, when gathered into a large enough group, were always ready to begin attacking the rest of the galaxy. And not for a true goal either. Just to have a war.

The Duke was barely concealing what he truly meant. That Jial was gathering Mandalorians to instigate the next star wars.

He was the wisest out of all the witnesses. He never said anything directly but simply implied everything. He was a farmer who planted the seeds and just watched them grow in the minds of others.

The queen could do little to salvage the situation. She couldn't ask anything in response that was too direct, otherwise, it would appear as if what the Duke said were true and she was trying to deny them.

Jial looked at him and felt a shiver run down his spine for the first time in a long time.

'This man is a fucking snake. Maybe I should have saved the Titans for later. Could have dropped one off inside of their domed city and just let it go to town,' Jial was thinking he needed to make more hidden weapons to use for such situations.

'Oh wait. I still have Beta. I can let him cause a bunch of destruction with some Bad Bloods,' Jial smiled when he remembered the hidden forces that were currently crawling around the halls.

Queen Jendi called for her witnesses next. The first was the current prime minister of Maramere. The man spoke nothing negative about Jial and the Yautja. He spoke about how they had built 3 new cities in the past 50 years while their waters were cleaner than ever. All of this was thanks to not only the low taxes that the Yautja placed on them but they had even helped them improve their infrastructure. Something many members of the Republic wished it did for them.

The next representative was Nok Secura. He was the leader of one of the earlier rebel cells of Ryloth. He had been captured during the first few weeks when prisoners were still being taken in.

Nok was very honest on the platform. He spoke of the ways the Yautja waged wars. How they had attacked hard and fast without caring about the non-combatants. But he also mentioned the fault that the rebels played in it as well. They were basically trying to use their families as human shields.

Nok knew he was one of the lucky few who did not lose any of his family members. This was why he was chosen to act as witness. He had the most impact of someone who was once an enemy of the Yautja but bore them no ill-will.

The last to stand before the Senate was the former queen of Naboo. She was far older than when Jial had last seen her. She was no longer the beauty that turned heads but she had the elegance of a woman who had seen many ugly things yet still retained her self-identity and pride.

The former queen spoke of how Jial was truly. Arrogant, selfish, goal-oriented. How he was sweet and sweet. How he could declare war against entire systems when he did not even have full control of his own planet because they threatened his people.

She painted him in best yet worst light. She did not make him out to be some great hero or villain. He was simply a man in her eyes. One that she was grateful to but nothing more than that.

When she stepped down, the woman did not forget to curtsey toward Jial and smile at her old friend. Jial nodded to her gratefully. He was going to have someone send them the Doug Titan for land combat while the Maramere would be given Tiamat. Both of their assistance in the matter were greatly appreciated.

And with the witnesses called, there was a single person left.

"We will now hear from Lord Jial of Yautja Prime," Senator Tallun called Jial forward to answer some questions. "Senator Vulcan shall go first."