
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime et bandes dessinées
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110 Chs

Chapter 55

(Little longer chapter. 2000ish words)

Near one of the entry points in Coruscant's shield, several vessels were passing through it under careful inspection. But as one vessel was passing through, no one noticed a stealth vessel that had passed along with it.

Jial, Nott, and Mira had taken the Phantom on a trip for Jial to test out his new abilities in live combat. And he could think of no better place to try out his new abilities than the Black Sun HQ. The Pride had scouted out the location along with several of his Bad Bloods. Both reported how heavy the defenses were so Jial wanted to weaken them and test himself at the same time. 

The trio took the ship and landed it in the industrial area of Coruscant where they had purchased a few spots. This area was on the surface and was incredibly expensive but Jial considered it a future investment. He was planning on creating his own arena where he could show off his droids as well as make money from having slaves and independent combatants battle. Once the ship landed, the trio disembarked from the ship and stood in the sunlight.

Mira was wearing his Mandalorian armor. She had made very few changes to it since she had removed it from Demagol's body, only altering its size and adding the Yautja symbol to the upper left portion of the chest.

Nott was wearing the Cloak of Hatred that covered her blue, leather armor underneath. This armor was crafted from the scales of the Kimogila that she and her sister had hunted together and it was further reinforced using Sith Alchemy, making it capable of resisting blaster bolts and being resistant to lightsaber strikes. 

Jial was able to find a way to get his wrist gauntlet to fit around his larger arm but the rest of his clothes had to be made by a tailor. He wore a simple green and black outfit that had his combistick and bio-mask attached to the belt. 

The trio activated their cloak and used Force Stealth to erase their presence visually and from the Force. They didn't want the Jedi or Black Sun to notice their presence. 

"Follow closely behind me. This place is a giant maze," Jial whispered to them both as he led the pair through Coruscant. Neither had ever visited the planet but Jial had come several times with his parents in his youth. He knew that this city planet was not as great as it seemed.

While the top 100 or so levels of the planet were decent, the further one got away from the 'crust' the worse the crime rate got. By the time one reached level 500, they should expect to get robbed unless they had a reputation and 2 blasters to back it up. He showed them the way to one of the elevators, giant holes where ships entered in order to bring supplies and people to and from the lower levels. 

The trio jumped atop one of these ships that was about to descend. They stayed on top of it until it reached level 200 before jumping off and waiting for another ship. They had to repeat this process several times until they had finally gotten to level 1313 where the Black Sun base was stationed.

The trio disengaged their stealth while sitting atop a building a few hundred feet away from the front gates of the base. Standing guard outside were 4 Sith War Droid Mk 2s. These droids had come to the Coruscant when the Sith invaded the planet and destroyed the Jedi temple thousands of years ago. Most were destroyed when the Republic took the planet back and in the years after but they could occasionally be found in remote parts of the planet or owned by powerful organizations. And of course, they were highly illegal. 

These massive droids had 4 massive blasters on their arms with a bulky body supported by 3 legs. They were droids made for war and not simply security which was why they were destroyed whenever they were found. The fact that the Black Sun Syndicate blatantly had 4 sitting outside of their front gates showed how deep the corruption went on the planet. 

Jial and the twins activated their cloaking fields once more before walking up to the droids. Each of the girls stood in front of one while Jial stood between two of them. All 3 deactivated their cloaks at the same time, earning the attention of the droids.

Mira activated both of her lightsabers while rushing under the droid and cutting off all 3 legs before stabbing the swords into the back of its body and disabling it. 

Nott took a different approach. Instead of activating her lightsaber, the young lady raised her right hand and surrounded the droid's body perfectly with the Force. She then used Force Crush to make the droid implode as an invisible pressure attacked it from all directions. 

Jial had the most brutal battle of all 3. The Feeorin threw his combi stick through one droid's body, destroying the core with a single blow. He jumped onto the body of the other droid before beating it with his bare hands, shattering the armor covering the core components. He then sent a surge of Force Lightning into the body, destroying all of the core parts. Jial walked over to the other droid's body and removed his weapon.

Their battle was swift and pretty much silent, not alerting any of the Black Sun members. The trio then jumped over the gates before walking up to the front door with Mira knocking. 

"Who the fuck knocks? Just open the fu..." a Black Sun member complained while opening the door but he paused when he saw the 3 figures before them. Each of them had very famous features which made it easy for him to know who he was facing. 

And before the man could let out a scream, Jial grabbed his head and squeezed tightly. The entire head exploded (imploded?) in his palm. And this was just Jial using his bare strength. Even without using the Force, he was able to literally crush a man's skull with his hands.

"Intruders!" a guard yelled after he recovered from seeing his friend get his head crushed before getting his own face blown off by a plasma bolt. But the man was still able to alert everyone nearby who let the rest of the facility know that they were under attack.

But that was not the Yautja's concern. They just didn't want them to know they had arrived before they got into the building. Now that they were there, they were fine with a loud and violent battle. The group walked into the hall and began to eliminate everyone that they had come across.

Jial stood at the front using his combistick to block and reflect blaster bolts while Nott used her Force Powers and Mira attacked with her plasma caster and other gadgets she had taken from Jial's original Yautja armory. Their killing efficiency was amazing as they walked through the corridors without anything coming close to even damaging them. 

By the time they had reached the main room, at least a hundred Black Sun members and droids lay behind them, destroyed and dead. 

When they entered the main room, the Underlord was sitting on his throne and staring at the door. 

"I'm amazed by your boldness," the Underlord commented 

"You shouldn't be," Jial told him while walking further into the room with his two apprentices behind him. "Do you really think these few that you have brought with you can stop us?"

Several Jedi jumped down from the second floor with the lightsabers activated as well as a few Nightsisters, Seyugi Dervish, and Shapers of Kro Var, individuals that used the Dark Side of the Force to manipulate the elements. 

All 3 of the groups that the Underlord had hired were known as powerful Dark Side organizations, but only the former two were mercenaries. The Shapers usually remained on their home world and stayed out of the affairs of others. 

"Let's see if they can," the Underlord replied confidently. "Get them!"

The 4 groups attacked the trio at the same time which they responded to with ferocity. 

Nott blasted a Nightsister with a wave of Force Energy before cutting down one of the Seyugi Dervish that appeared before her and clashing with two of the Jedi. 

Mira unleashed a torrent of heavy fire on the Shapers, killing all of them before they could act. She then sent a Shadowtrike with her foot, breaking the skull of one of the Jedi. The Nightsisters were soon on her with their blades drawn, ready to meet her twin blades.

Jial rushed to the side and punched through the head of one of the Seyugi Dervish before kicking another across the room. The three Jedi that remained all closed in on him but Jial was able to fight them off with his combistick. 

The Underlord watched in shock. He had spent a large amount of money and used many of his connections to get all 4 of those Force Organizations to fight for him. And even with all of his effort, he had lost more than half of them without even scratching the trio that had appeared. 

The man wanted to leave but a silver spear soared through the air and his shoulder, pinning him to the throne where he sat. The Underlord was forced to watch Jial twist the head of the last Jedi standing. With his neck broken, the Jedi fell to the ground dead and joined the rest of the Force Users that the Underlord had hired. The elite group that he had planned to use to assassinate Jial had been killed without taking away a single member of Jial's inner circle. 

The Underlord tried to pull out his blaster pistol with his free hand but Nott used the Force to cause the blaster to explode in his hand, crippling the man. 

"I yield. I yield! I'll tell my men to stop! I will no longer attack you or any of your people!" the man begged. He was willing to say anything for his life to be spared. 

Jial walked up to him, ignoring his pleas. He pulled his weapon out of the man's shoulder and lifted it above his head, ready to deliver the final blow. But before he brought it down, a blue screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Multiple Paths Detected

Path 1: Kill the Underlord

Rewards: 100 Trillion Credits and Force Weapon

Consequences: The Republic joins the war on the side of the Hutts

Path 2: Spare the Underlord

Rewards: Aldari Database, Imperium Database, Tau Database, Necron Database, and Chaos Database

Consequences: The Black Sun officially joins the Hutts as a single united power]

Jial thought about it for a moment before sheathing his combistick and walking toward the door. He cared more about knowledge that he could gain from the races that Kaldor mentioned than the Hutts and Black Sun. He was already confident in taking them down alone, let alone with his three allies. 

The other issue was the Republic. He was confident against the two groups but the Republic was a major threat. With their vast resources and numbers, he could not beat them back. His numbers were too thin to do so. 

"Let's go. Killing him like this makes us assassins and does not prove how mighty the Yautja are. We shall show the Galaxy our power," Jial spoke to his two apprentices

"Understood, Master," the two said at the same time. Neither cared about whether the Underlord lived or died. To them, they could always kill someone of his level.

The trio walked out of the room and made their way back to the surface. They then boarded the Phantom and began flying back to Yautja Prime. It was only when they entered the atmosphere of their home that Jial got the message. 

[Host choice confirmed. Rewards are placed in storage.]