
life, death and fiction

On a cold and dark evening late in the winter a blond haired young man was making his way home from a long shift at work. "Damn I hate when my boss makes me stay overtime ,I should have got off work over two hours ago. I now have to walk home as I've missed my bus" the man starts sulking and kicking snow around.

As the man approaches a red light he starts to spam the button to change the lights as he does suddenly a teenage boy in a school uniform who looks like every isekai protagonist ever starts crossing the road without looking and all of a sudden a Mexican food truck suddenly starts approaching ,the driver was too busy looking at his phone.

The young blond man starts to panic ,and his body started moving on its own he sprinted towards the boy he shoved him out of the way , but realised he would not be able to get out of the way. The man was flung through the air and smashed his head on the road.

As blood started spilling out of his head ,the teenager ran over and tried helping the man, "no no no I'm so sorry please stay with me" the teen shouts ,while trying to stop the bleeding from the man's head.

"Oh no please don't die" he starts shouting for help while the man in the food truck sat in his truck in a stupor at what he has done.

The blond man starts to cough blood ,while trying to swallow down blood as not to drown he looks at at the crying boy "you know kid next time pay attention to the lights someone could get hurt". The teen grabs the man's hand and continues to apologise.

"Kid i need you to do me a favour" the man's skin starts to turn a deathly pale. "Of course what do you need I'll l do anything" the blond man starts smirking while taking his phone out of his pocket and hands it to the boy. "The boy asks if he wants to call someone for him but the man shakes his head and looks at the boy "delete....my search his...." suddenly the man's grip starts fading as he passes a way. The boy looks at the dying man while crying his eyes out he starts smiling at the dumb final words.

"Huh where am I how am I still alive" the man looks at his own clothes and sees he is covered in blood ,he feels the back of his head and feels the giant gash and comes to realisation.

"Yes child it is as you see ,you are no longer in the land of the living" the man quickly turns towards a golden light and sees a man who is over ten feet tall with long brown hair and a beard. "Jesus Christ?" The man asks in disbelief at what he sees. The giant suddenly looks very annoyed and questions to himself "why do they always call me that.  no child I am the god of all fiction" he shouts while majestically putting his hands on his hips and stares of in to the distance.

"Oh umm... so what now" the man awkwardly asks. "I have chosen to give you chance to live anew in a world of fiction ,to do as you please" the man suddenly becomes very excited and asked if he was getting 3 wishes.

"no don't be greedy it's will be random to be fair" the god proclaims.

"oh I can live with that I guess" the god raised his hands and the golden light obscured the man's vision and when it came back what he saw made him very ecstatic and worried.

several giant roulette wheels with hundreds of items.

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