

Sorry to disappoint you, but this is not a chapter.

Just a few questions if that's fine.

You don't have to answer, but it will make things easier for me.

Basically, just comment 'yes' or 'no' in paragraph comments of the question.

Lets begin lol.

Should there be romance later, and if you say yes, one or more?

What type of lightsaber for later, both color and single, dual, pike or double-bladed?

Should he find family roots later in the book, like parents or something like that?

Last but not least


Not too much, but a bit. So if you don't want that, then you can skip. It won't change anything.

I can't figure out a name… I have some I can use, but what if you guys have some I like more? ( both normal name and, *cough, Darth name *cough )

Have a good day! Will try to upload earlier this week.

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