

First off, I would like to apologize formally to my few faithful readers and everyone who is following this fic.

I am sorry about breaking my promise, as were I am from it is very, very bad to break a promise.

And no, I am not dropping!

Shit hit the fan in my city and house, lol.

My father is so ill he can't take a shit alone without risking going into cardiac arrest.

And In my city we have had a ton of shootings and killings in the middle of the city.

but the biggest problem is my family.

He needs me and my basically disabled mother to care for him constantly.

We also have two huskies that need care.

I walk them 5 times a day for 5km each time, so i am tired out and barley get 10 minuets to do something for myself or you guys.


When I write again, it will be great!

I promise that if it is fixed by the end of this week, then the next week you guys will get doubble the amount of chapters.

Even if i have to lose sleep, well not that I got so much to begin with.

But either way, you have my promise.

Also, if you can think of some things you would like down the line of the story, do comment and let me know.

As I will have time to add things and think it through in my head until I'm back.


Now i need to go to sleep again, Good night.

Chapitre suivant