
Star Wars: Ancestral Gifts

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What if a Star Wars loving nerd suddenly woke up on a shuttle sat across from a young Ashoka Tano on their way to meet their new Jedi Masters. How would you react to suddenly appear in your favourite franchise and in the middle of a war to decide the fate of the galaxy, can our hero use his knowledge to save the galaxy or will he choose to follow the route of power and join the Dark Side. I'm using Disney's Official Chronological watch order as a timelineof events.

1 étiquettes
Chapter 1The Beginning of the Journey

I was just finishing a gaming session of Star Wars The Old Republic when I suddenly blacked out, thats when I got assaulted by extremely bizarre noises, almost immediately I'm shook awake by someone who I recognise from my obsession with the Clone Wars, it being my second favourite period of Star Wars. The person shaking me awake was none other than Ahsoka Tano, the Togruta Padawan of Anakin Skywalker. I assume I'm having a vivid dream from a lack of sleep and decide to play along.

"Dankel Fec if you don't wake up now I'm meeting our new Masters without you," Ahsoka complained obviously getting frustrated so I opened my eyes seeing that she was right in my face, "Good you're up, it would have been awkward if I had to explain to Master Obi Wan that his new padawan was still asleep on the ship." I absorbed as much info as I could, I was going to be Obi Wans Padawan and we're just about to land on Christophsis. We landed and introduced ourselves to the Jedi Masters however Anakins freak out about having a Padawan happens a lot sooner meaning they had even less time to get a transmission to the council. Anakin and Ahsoka head off to the lookout leaving me with Obi Wan who signals me to walk with him.

"I'm sorry about this informal greeting young one," He looks over at me with an apologetic look and picks up a data pad scrolling through the supplies, "Please tell me about yourself." I try to think of how to respond to this when I realise he probably knows more about me then I do.

"Well how about you tell me what you already know Master so I can tell you something you don't know." He looks taken a back slightly but his signature smirk quickly grows. After reaching the command holo table, he pulls up a file on his datapad.

"Let us see, your a Mandolorian with a Midichlorian count of 16,500 most impresive, you were praised for your duelling skills." I'm a Mandolorian Jedi! That is so cool and my Midichlorian count is higher than Obi Wans! I hadn't even thought about me Lightsaber and reached for my belt. "Could I see your Lightsaber for a moment?" I take my Lightsaber off of my belt and note that it has a metallic crossguard, Obi Wan ignites it revealing a dark emerald blade with a similar pattern to the Dark Saber pulsating through the blade, "What an interesting blade, I hear the hilt is made from beskar similar to the legendary Dark Saber, may I?" I nod as he retracts the blade, and strikes the crossguard with his own lightsaber much to both mine and his relief his Lightsaber doesn't cut through it. "Beskar truly is a remarkable thing, tell me have you decided what Lightsaber form you have decided to focus on?" I think over all seven forms of Lightsaber combat: Form one Shii-Cho, Form two Makashi, Form three Soresu, Form four Ataru, Form five Shien/Djem So, Form six Niman and Form seven Juyo/Vaapad. I don't even want to consider the Jar'Kai variations until I am comfortable with my current Saber.

"I'm torn between two Forms Master, Forms four and six as I want to use the force more then my Lightsaber especially against living opponents, if that makes sense." I look at Obi Wan, he was smiling and just as he was about to speak reports of the energy shield come in. It didn't take long for Anakin and Ahsoka to show up with Rex, they quickly started strategising about what to do about it. After some time me and Obi Wan were waiting to ambush the Droid army, the Clones were making sure their equipment was working then just began to talk with each other. I watched the droid army approach, they definetly seemed more intimidating in person and even though this is a dream I can't help but feel nervous which Obi Wan noticed this, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Calm yourself Padawan, have faith in Anakin and Ahsoka they'll take down that energy shield." I knew this and looked over at a pair of macrobinoculars and attempted to use the force to pull them too me which they do much to my delight. Obi Wan seems to chuckle at this, "Master Yoda had informed me despite your connection to the force you did struggle harnessing it, when we have the chance we'll work on it together." I smile and thank him and look through the macrobinoculars looking for a certain box, giving up after a while as the clones stand up ready to take positions. I look around seeing a walk way barely hanging on to its support beams.

"Master if we can bring down that walk way wouldn't it slow the droids advances, buying Master Skywalker and Ahsoka more time?" Obi Wan looks over at the walk way, and turns to a clone who I find out is called Dart, he points to the walk way and a grin forms on Darts face as he opens a crate, revealing a RPS-6 rocket launcher and once me and the rest of the clones had stood a safe distance away to avoid the back blast Dart shot the walk way causing it to fall directly in the droids path. Obi Wan then had the Clones take up positions either side of the makeshift barricade, when the ray shield passed over the rubble the Droids stopped and had to wait for the tanks to round the corner. That's when Obi Wan gave the order to open fire we took out a quarter of the B1 Droids before they began firing back, I ignited my Lightsaber and it was as if the world slowed down around me, my saber lightly hummed in my hand. I managed to deflect a blaster bolt that was going to hit a Clone behind me, the feeling of the power suddenly stop and shot off back towards its source was almost satisfying, I watched as the bolt melts through its armour disabling the Droid. I slowly advance forward, my saber sliced through Droids easier than a hot knife through butter the Droids were slower than I remember them being.

"It is the force young one, it has hightened your senses and speed. " A female voice in the back of my head explained, that was weird, by the time I met Obi Wan in the middle like we discussed before only another quarter of the B1 Droids had been destroyed, the enemy tanks had turned the corner but we were to close to their forces for them to attack. The B1 and B2 Droids advanced and thats when it happened, a blaster bolt grazed my hand knocking my saber out of my hand but I hadn't focused on that at all. Pain is meant to wake you up from dreams, the pain I felt was as if I just poured a boiling hot kettle on my hand. When I snapped out of it I realised that Obi Wan was defending me, I was about to pull my Lightsaber to me when suddenly time seemed to freeze completly. "You're about to die child, you don't belong in this world." I pulled my Lightsaber to me and prepared to defend myself but nothing appeared, "You are powerful, the training your body recieved is there but you must trust in the force, you are not dreaming this is real life." I dashed forward as the world began to slowly start up again, I wanted to believe that it was still a dream but the pain, the smells, everything was so real which meant I could really die. I slashed through multiple Droids, I just let my body work the muscle memory carried me through. I wanted to use the force and thats when a feeling in my gut told me to dodge left, as I did a shell from one of the tanks flew past me hitting the rubble effectively clearing a large portion of the makeshift barricade.

I try thinking through all the force abilities a padawan would probably know, I would only know the basics unless I was naturally talented at something which probably wasn't the case. I start jumping around, I was smaller than the Droids only being upto their chest so I just started using them as spring boards and was slicing through the Droids. That's were it all went wrong because a B2 Droid managed to hit my leg mid jump and I went tumbling into a group of Clones that had come to help me retreat, I hadn't noticed that I had been flanked leaving me and the Clones backed up against a crumbling building, I quickly got up and started deflecting blaster bolts defending the Clones the best I could. Two of the clones went down, they had been hit in the shoulder and leg respectively, I was angry, if I had been on my own I'd try using force lightning but not while Obi Wan was nearby, I could attemp force judgement however Plo Koon only used that in legends and I really don't want to face any punishments. "Can you cover me?" I shout to the nearest Clone who relays the order to his brothers and I kneel down, closing my eyes begging whoever froze time before to help me. Her voice had sounded so familiar yet I couldn't place it at all, this time a different voice answered my call. It was male, again I recognised it but I couldn't place it.

"She was right, you're going to die you've made stupid decisions and now your soldiers are going to die while you are conversing with me." His voice was cold yet full of emotion, he was powerful that much I could tell, "You want to use an ability yet you fear the consequences of using it, you are my descendant and I will not accept such fear." A red mist began to appear in the darkness, it took the shape of a man however there weren't any telling features, "Your blood may have diluted over centuries however you have both our blood, you have both our power, now use mine and become the immortal leader and clear a path for your men." My eyes shot open, a burst of energy flowed through me and I walked in front of the clones who had tried so hard to protect me while I had been meditating, only four of the seven who had come to help me retreat remained unharmed, I ignited my saber and before I knew it I had cut down six B1 and four B2 Droids. I wasn't dodging any blaster bolts I was deflecting every single one back at its source, whoever it was lending me power was definitely strong and I was either channeling his power or he was helping me access my power. The four uninjured Clones helped the injured to their feet and followed behind me shooting when they had a shot but mostly where watching me dash around clearing the way that's when my blade sliced halfway through a B2 Battle Droid and was met by a blue blade. Obi Wan and the rest of the Clones had been pushing through to us. We promplty covered the injured Clones retreat and by the time we made it back over a now shattered barricade the ray shield was disabled and the long ranged cannons began to open fire, I looked over as the General my master originally had to trick into peace talks was hit dirrectly by artillery bombardment.

We head back to our base of operations, on the way Dart who I hadn't realised was the Clone I asked to cover me was telling everyone who'd listen about how cool I was. I for one was very interested, "He asked if we could cover him, I thought he was gonna use the force to crush em all ya know, but he just knelt down for a moment muttering slightly then just after Twigs here got his helmet skimmed," I looked over at the Clone called Twigs whose helmet had a burn mark going across the left side, "The kid stands up and just walks infront of us like there isn't a load of Clankers aiming at us, he ignites that awesome Lightsaber of his and before me and the boys can ask what the plan is he's scrapped ten of em. I swear to you when the Clankers opened fire on him he was surrounded with that dark green and all the Scrap piles that shot had all been hit by the same bolt.." I wanted to keep listening but Obi Wan had pulled me to the side so we could have a private talk. He placed his hand on my shoulder and then all the energy I had seemed to completely left and I almost collapsed, "Your skill is very impressive Dankel, but you rushed off without taking in your surroundings." He went onto tell me his plan for my training when the transport carrying Anakin and Ahsoka landed, Dart ambushed them as soon as they got off and immediately told them what I had done, Ahsoka looked at me with wide eyes while Anakin looked slightly impressed then Cody and Rex lead Dart away to take his report. The four of us walked over to where Master Yoda was waiting, I could feel Yodas power and knowledge, so much wisdom I wanted to pick his brain and learn everything I possibly could. I must have zoned out because Ahsoka began dragging to the transport, she had a smile on her face like she'd just recieved the best news however when she looked at me she must of noticed how confused I was.

"You zoned out again didn't you?" I nod and she just groans, "Fine basically Jabba the Hutts kid has been kidnapped and while your Master goes to talk to Jabba your coming with me and Skyguy to where the scouts say he is." I nod and just follow her until we're on the bridge of the 501st Cruiser, Admiral Yularen was giving orders I couldn't help but run to the window and look out into the endless space of well Space. Ahsoka couldn't help but laugh as if I always did this and honestly I probably will, I can not describe how beautiful I found it. Anakin made it to the bridge just as we were jumping into Hyper Space (which was even more beatiful) after calling us twice me and Ahsoka walked over to him, I could tell he wasn't thrilled with me being there he looked at me with an almost loathsome look.

"Master Skywalker is it true you're the best pilot in the Jedi Order?" I tried breaking the ice because it was so awkward, luckily flying is one of his favourite pass times so he quickly began talking about it. He then started talking about Plo Koon and how he was determined to have a race with him when the war was over as he was an extremely good pilot. "Do you think you'd be able to teach me how to fly?" A smirk grew across his face, almost devilish, all he said was that he'd talk to Obi Wan about it. We arrived at Teth in no time, we barely got any rest but this is war so I guess I needed to get used to that, Ahsoka was busy telling the Clones how she saved Anakin who was not impressed with her for telling them all about it. I tried to focus on contacting the voices on the way but I had no luck and I'm not the most patient person so I decided to practice with the force, I was able to lift my Lightsaber from the other side of my room, the amount of concentration it takes to hold it in the air is suprisingly less intense than I thought it would be. I would have done more training but we had arrived so we all loaded up into troup transports, Anakin was very adament that me and Ahsoka stick together which from the look on her face she wasn't too happy about.

All I heard when we disembarked was Anakin say he'll race us to the top as we faced the giant cliff before us, that's when the Padawan chased her Master leaving me on my own as the clones followed the two Jedi towards the defending Droid army. "You are falling behind young one." The female voice stated, a bit obvious I thought which is when she chuckled "Yes I suppose it is obvious, I could teach you a secret technique from my time if you'd like?" Before I could even ask about the obvious catch the world around me became faded and the Clones who had been sprinting past had slowed to point of nearly being frozen. A turquoise ghost with feminine features appeared infront of me, "Hello child, I apologise for my limited form your connection to the force is limiting the amount we can appear to you, fortunately for you my old friend is having a harder time appearing to you then I am." The man must be her old friend I assume, she walks forward placing a hand on my face "You have his eyes, I pray that is all you inherited from him." I was going to ask what she meant however before I could say anything her eyes began glowing, "This is a trick my master, Jedi Master Orgus Din, taught me it'll highten your senses to new heights and should allow you to easily scale this cliff, I promise you that if you train this ability to its limits you'll need not fear any duelist." It all flooded into my head, it was obvious to the point I wanted to tell a Clone who was speeding up again to punch me in the face, the woman was the Hero of Tython, my character from the old republic game she was my Jedi Knight class! I looked up at the cliff in front of me, I knew what this power was but this was more advanced it was a variation of Force Sight and it allowed me to see all the details of the cliff about a fifth of the way up the cliff, I also somehow knew where was big enough for me to jump off of. As I'm scaling the cliff I try my best to not be suprised at how effortlessly I'm jumping up, and it isn't long before I've passed Ahsoka who has hitched a ride on a AT-TE, she shouted at me which caused me to slip as I tried to hear what she was saying, luckily my Beskar crossguard makes for a pretty good climbing pick. My rythme had pretty much been ruined so I just got up next to Ahsoka helping her with defendinng the driver, is that the right term? Probably doesn't matter right now as there are Spider Droids and Droids on speeders shooting at me, can I use the force on the Droids? Might as well try, I raise my hand while still deflecting the odd blaster bolt (no way these things move at light speed) a pulling sensation in my gut rolled through my body to my hand and a B1 Droid got launched into the air, landing on the leg of a Spider Droid! Am I a Mary Sue?

When we came over the edge of the cliff and saved Anakins Bantha, we encountered the droid which I was debating on destroying but I couldn't be bothered. I decided to stay with the Clones so I could try to meditate a little bit however that was impossible with Dart begging me to show him some awesome Force abilities. "Wanna fly?" He looked confused until I lifted him an inch or two off the ground and moved him over to Captain Rex (who I really wanted to talk to!) who tells him to and I quote 'Leave the less annoying one alone' Ouch. I decided no matter how hard I try I'm not gonna be able to ignore the ADHD Clone so I pull my Lightsaber off my belt, it is MY Lightsaber I designed it for a competition I really want to open it up and see the crystal. After what feels like a while I tell Dart to grab a pack so that my plan to annoy Ventress can be put in motion, Anakin and Ahsoka return with the Huttlet Rotta so I position me and Dart in the way of Ventress' Droid. It doesn't take much to get Dart talking, Anakin was so busy trying to shut Dart up that he didn't say he hated Hutts! Once Ahsoka had him strapped to her back I went up to him and to kick the Sith Assassin while she's down I say "Hey little guy, this is my best friend Ahsoka she's the strongest person I know and I'm certain she'll get you back to your dad safe." I give him a little head pat trying not to grimmace at the texture of his skin, Ahsoka looked at me as if to thank me for the compliment. Then all hell broke loose the Droid army descended pretty quickly, the Clones covered our escape which I didn't feel good about at all knowing who was gonna burst through that gate. We're running through the corridors until we make it to a room were Anakin tells us to rest and the second I got somewhat comfortable I fell asleep.

I was a Computer Engineer with a masters in Physics and Chemistry so yeah you could say I'm a little bit of a nerd which is how I knew the bright red smoke and the bright blue smoke weren't normal even when it comes to dreams. "So are you guys the ones that brought me here, I mean I know you're both extremely powerful hell I made you that way but pulling my consciousness from my reality to one of the best Sci-fi fantasy universes to ever exist is a bit beyond your power." I wasn't angry per say, I mean I did't exactly have much going for me in my world I had a good job but that was it. The two humanoid smoke beings kept shimmering to the characters I created but it was as if they couldn't hold it, "Is my connection to the force making it harder for you two to appear as Force Ghosts?" The apparitions stopped struggling and just looked at me, at least thats what I assumed they were doing it was difficult to tell if they were facing me or not. "Hmm he's not as useless and stupid as I thought he'd be" The Empires Wrath proclaimed, with the Hero of Typhon laughing at this, "Yes he does seem to know a lot doesn't he, he seems to have inheritted your charm my friend!" The Hero of Tython placed her smokey arm on his shoulder as if to reassure him.

"Wait while I've got you both here, which one of you was the outlander?" That got their attention, they quickly got very quiet which was unnerving. The Hero of Typhon was the first to speak after silently agreeing on something, "We don't have time to get into that right now young one as I'm sure you're well aware, Asajj Ventress approaches, you must fight her as to bu.." I raise my hand and suprisingly she stops talking, "You expect me to fight the very Sith Assassin who can fight both Anakin and Obi Wan on my own? I'm gonna die!" This is when the Empires Wrath spoke, definitely pissed off by the way, "OH PLEASE, she is nothing! A spec compared to you child, no your true challenge will be convincing Skywalker to abandon you so you can fight her." Hm I hadn't thought of that considering I'd have to fight someone who is concidered one of the best Jar'Kai duelists of the clone wars, hang on I'm talking to two of the strongest force users in the old republic and they are also considered to be better Duelists. Before I could even think to ask, the Hero of Typhon proudly proclaimed "We both are Masters of Form Six: Niman and I myself preferred two full length blades." Awesome, the form that takes about ten years to master along with Forms one, three, four and five being learnt along side it as well as it was kind of the jack-of-all-trades Lightsaber Form. "Hey kid, you got any questions?" The Empires Wrath seemed to have calmed down, hopefully realising that I was actually concerned for my new life! "Does the science I know apply here? Like chemical reactions and the scientific forces, I mean gravity obviously exists." The two Force apparitions looked over to each other and I could swear they were smiling at each other, they turned back to me and said simultaneously "Yes they do but remember that only sith use Cryokinesis." Now I had a stupid grin on my face, I had a theory that if a Force user had a knowledge of Science they'd be able to use the force to trigger reactions if the right elements where there and this all but confirmed it! I was about to ask more but I jolted awake in a cold sweat, Anakin asked if I was alright and that's when I had a Eureka moment, "I had a series of visions Master, in the first one you and Ashoka were on a balcony looking over at a ship, next I see two red lightsabers clashing with a green one, then I see you and Ahsoka on Tatooine with the ship crashed in the dunes." I stop to see if he wants to say anything but to his credit he's listening to every word which is probably due to his experience with dream-like visions, "I saw you alone fighting an old man with a red blade and Ahsoka with the Huttlet and R2 fighting droids I'd never seen before, she's shouting 'Master' up a cliff and I could hear a speeder in the background." I finish and that's when to my suprise he takes out his Lightsaber and asks if I'm up for a little spare, I agree as I could use the practice and I guess he thought the same as he pulled Ahsoka's Lightsaber to him so we could do some drills. By the time Ahsoka wakes up I've got a pretty decent grasp on fighting against two sabers, Anakin was pretty good with two blades he disarmed me twice and managed to disarm him of Ahsokas lightsaber thanks to my Beskar crossguard. Then 'Rex' called over the comms asking for our location so I answered saying we'd meet in the main room, Ahsoka was about to protest but I just gave a nod to Anakin and headed off to fight Ventress. I knew Obi Wan was on his way and I had an idea of how to play this out so when I looked down at the droidekas I was bit more terrified but the plan I had could probably work? I dropped down and said "Hello there" Ventress just looked at me, she didn't know who I was just as I suspected the Droidekas open fire but they aren't that difficult to deflect with what I assume is a more fluid of Form three, I run around them with Ventress obviously sizing me up then I run down a corridor. The Droidekas start rolling so I turn around and pick one up with the Force and cut down the other one, the one I picked up I launched it at Ventress who promptly cuts it into thirds I use the distraction to rush forward and take a swing at her legs, I missed. She pushed me away with the force, flinging me into a pillar where I embedded my Beskar crossguard and balanced on the hilt and stared down at her, I really didn't want to get into a dialogue with her so I decided to try something. I raised my hand and focused on the friction as I was causing the molecules in the air to heat up then I pull Hydrogen into the area which quickly ignites into a small flame, Ventress is obviously taken aback by this and I add Oxygen to the flame as well as Hydrogen to increase its size, once I think it's big enough I hold above my head not realising there was a tapestry hanging down which catches light pretty quickly so with my other hand I use the force to send it towards Ventress also sending the fireball on the same trajectory which quickly ends with a large patch of fire on thhe floor seperating us.

"How the hell did you do that, you're just a Padawan!" I laugh as I jump down pulling my saber out the wall, igniting my blade as we start circling the fire which is quickly dying down, the second it's gone we rush each other I did struggle keeping up at first until the Hero of Typhon told me to activate the advanced version of Force Sight she gifted me after that I was able to keep a pretty decent track of both of her blades, something that slightly threw me off was whenever I clashed with her left blade I heard a faint cry in my head. I utalised the Force more than I thought I would, I did accidentaly launch myself with a Force Push as I was dodging back, however I reckon I played it off well when I went back in with some quick Form four strikes which I finished off with a heavy Form five strike. Asajj Ventress was quick to counter though with a cut to my left shoulder which caused me to jump back which she punished by jumping up and bringing both blades down on top off me. I was forced to kneel down only being able to block it with Saber, if it hadn't been for my Beskar crossguard and my Master arriving taking away her attention well I'd be dead meat, in the split second she was distracted I managed to get out from under her and using the Beskar crossguard to force her blades to the ground as I spin on my right foot to make sure my left leg was out of the way. Once I was certain I was out the way I brought my hilt down on to her left wrist and through the pain force pull her left Lightsaber to my hand as I back away with Obi Wan clapping as I do so. "Well done Dankel, I'll take it from here so head out to see if the clones can't get you patched up." Just as I was running out of the room I heard Obi Wan bragging about how that's twice his Padawans have beaten her now, that's when it actually sinks in, I'd survived! I make it out just as Anakin was telling Rex he wasn't going to be abe to assist him to which he says "It's okay General, Padawan Dankel has just arrived." That's when my commlink starts beeping, it was Ahsoka who was freaking out so once I calmed her down and explained that I took one of Ventress' Lightsabers off of her just as my Master walked in all I heard was both of them burst out laughing with Anakin saying he was gonna so rub that in her face when he next saw her, I saw fit to remind Anakin of my visions then I felt the two of them leave the system which was a weird feeling. It wasn't long before Obi Wan joined us in the courtyard and noted that I had put Ventress' Lightsaber on my belt, I said I'd explain once we got the chance to talk as I was busy blocking blaster bolts one hand which I had only been doing two handed up till now. Dart survived which I was sorta happy about he was technically my first friend here, we stood side by side and he shot as I deflected blaster bolts, I clearly wasn't as accurate as I was on Christophsis but I left that up to being down an arm.

Once we'd cleared the courtyard I explained to Obi Wan why I was fighting Ventress alone and I didn't need the Force to sense that Anakin was so dead when we arrived on Tatooine, my Master escorted me to Sick Bay where I was shouted at by the medic saying he'd never seen a Lightsaber wound so strained before which was when I made a mental note to never use the Force through injured limbs again. "So, you conjured fire through the Force?" I nodded my head, which caused Dart to explode with questions before the medic removed him so the more injured Clones could heal, however they seemed just as interested. I looked at Obi Wan who seemed to be a bit taken aback by this but nodded and then asked something I was dreading, "Why did you keep Ventress' Saber?" I took it off of my belt and looked at it, the cries hadn't stopped since I had taken it, I looked back up at the Jedi Master and asked an innocent question which had a major impact. I simply asked, "Don't you hear it crying Master?" He placed his hand on the hilt trying to hear what I was hearing but when he opened his eyes he shook his head, he realised that I hadn't picked up the Saber I had picked up the Kyber Crystal.

Obi Wan escorts me to my room making sure he told me to get some rest about every corridor which let me tell you was a lot of corridors! When we finally reach my quarters, he placed his hand on my shoulder and with a gentle tone asks "Please don't do anything like that again, one reckless Padawan was enough and Anakin was enough for two lifetimes." He chuckled and walked away, it didn't take me long to get comfortable and I took a look around my room which had the basics but what caught my eye was a tool kit and what looked to be a circuit board that's when something hit me, slicing and hacking have some simularities there was hacking device I just had to try and make. See Star Wars isn't the only Sci-Fi show that I'm a super fan of, the travels of a certain Time Lord are also a key interest of mine with the Sonic Screwdriver being the one piece of tech I'd prefer to a Lightsaber. I quickly jumped up, wincing at the pain in my shoulder and moved over to the desk I'd placed Ventress' Lightsaber down on earlier, I was about to try open it up when Dart opened my door with a small meal. "Yo Boss, I got you something to eat, do you need anything?" I gratefully accepted the meal and thought for a good couple seconds, then I requested for him to find a spare scanner with a bunch of other devices. Just as I'd opened up the Lightsaber and had the Kyber Crystal hand I hear the door open, I spin around expecting Dart however when I turn around there is none other than Jedi Grand Master Yoda who definitely noticed my suprise.

"Greetings Young Dankel, a duel with Ventress I hear you had hmm?" I offered him my chair but waved his hand and went and sat down on my bed! After collecting my thoughts I told him about the visions I had about how I did only see the Lightsabers clashing but how I had seen Ahsoka on Tatooine so I took that to mean I had to fight Ventress. I took a moment to breathe then I mentioned how in the 'heat of the moment' (The pun did not fall on deaf ears as it made Yoda chuckle!) I had conjured fire, "Show me you must." I was hesitant as on a Planet the atmosphere had plenty of gases to burn but on a Spaceship, I shook my head and raised my hand conjuring a small flame. Yoda looked at it for what felt like a while, that's when Dart walked in dropping the equipment I had asked for, he rushed over asking the same questions he had done earlier in the Medbay. "Dude please, I'll answer your questions later but as you can see I have company." I nodded towards Yoda, Dart rather quickly stood to attention then picked up the equipment he dropped and placed it on my desk before practically sprinting out the room. I let the flame die as I looked at Yoda, "You're going to tell me that this ability isn't allowed aren't you?" Yoda seemed to ponder this for a moment and shrugged his shoulders with a grumble. "Consult the Council on Coruscant we shall, much to talk about we do." I nodded and that's when I remembered what I had been holding just moments before, I spin around on my chair and begin frantically looking for the Kyber Crystal. That's when it floats up over my head to Yoda, who looks rather upset by its presence, I quickly explain how I had disarmed Ventress and how the crystal had been crying out.

"Master Yoda, is there anyway for me to help it, to heal it?" Yoda shook his head, did he not know that crystals could be purified after the bleeding process? "Please Master, you know as well as I do that the Kyber Crystal is calling out to me..." I take off the sling and place out an open hand, reluctantly Yoda gave me back the Crystal as I knelt down on the floor. I focused on the Crystal trying to think of what to do, bleeding a Crystal is forcing all the negative emotions into it, as far as I'm aware the only person to heal a Crystal was Ahsoka... I knew forcing the Light Side into the Crystal would not be the case at all so I felt for where the Dark Side had been forced into the Crystal. I was very aware of not just Yoda but the Hero of Typhon and the Empires Wrath watching me, I thought about what I'd want to accomplish in this life I'd been given because I was obviously a Jedi however to ignore the Dark Side is in my opinion is absolutely ignorant. I poured these feelings into the Crystal, I wanted this Crystal to become a symbol of my connection to both sides of the Force, similar how my current Lightsaber is a symbol of my Mandalorian heritage. Rather suddenly I lost all my energy, that's when I fall down onto the floor? I was floating off of the ground, I look down at the Kyber Crystal which was now glowing a bright pink which seems to somewhat impress Yoda who had made his way to my side. The cries had died down to a gentle humming which apparently was better, Yoda patted me on the shoulder as Obi Wan entered the room letting us know that we'd arrived in Tatooines Orbit. "Much to discuss with young Skywalker we do!" Yep, Anakin is dead.




Ahsoka smacked me across the head while Obi Wan did the same to Anakin and Yoda just chuckles to himself, Anakin and Ahsoka listen on intently as I describe my fight with Ventress. I also conjured a small flame at the tip of my finger with Yodas nod of approval, other than that and hearing how my vision led to Anakin helping Ahsoka with the Magna Droids leading to them entering Jabbas palace at the same time just as Senator Padme Amidala was talking to the Hutt the journey back to Coruscant was quite calming as I got to work on dismantling all the tech Dart had brought me. Anakin even offered to help me with my projects as an apology for 'abandoning' me, it was obviously not his idea however he did quickly become interested when I explained my idea to him. Obi Wan, escorted by an ever loyal R2-D2, entered my room to makes sure I was resting however he saw me and his former Padawan disassembling a bunch of what I assume is (was, sorry Master) rather expensive equipment. "R2! Get in here buddy I need blueprint 673 holoed up, you should see it kid I reckon it's right up your alley." R2 beeped as Obi Wan walked away head in palm, I would have apologised however Anakin had been right blueprint 673 was a Crystalline Computer Chip which if done right would be exactly what I needed to make a god damn Sonic! I looked at the Astromech who was talking in Binary, actual Earth Binary which I understood! "Master Skywalker, could I get a Droid?" I thought it was a valid question, most Jedi did have Astromechs which were really cool droids however I wanted a certain type of Droid, Anakin laughed at my question as he opened up a commlink, "What type of Droid would you like kid?" I have no clue if the Droid I want has been built yet, so I describe it to Anakin. "R2 pull up a BD Unit Exploration Droid," I thank the Force when the familiar bipedal design replaces the Computer Chip. "These Droids are rare Dankel, the likelihood of you getting one would be slim at best, wait how do you even know about them?"

Crap... Think of something, "I saw someone with one in the Archives with one, I was too shy to approach him because he looked enthralled by his research and I did.." Anakin raised his hand, he knew who I was describing "Master Eno Cordova, he's researching an ancient race of Force Users and has been for as long as I've been in the Order." He slumped in my desk chair as he thought about things, I pulled a medical scanner towards me so I could avoid the obviously conflicting emotions he had on the subject sadly that didn't work, "I mean I've been in the Order for 8 years! How can anyone focus on researching so many dead ends for that long?" This is one of those rare (highly common) moments where my mouth moves before my Brain does, "The guy's passionate about the thing he loves, we aren't allowed to form romantic attachments to other people so he poured all that energy into his work." Sounds ok so far right? Just wait a second, "I mean I personally don't understand why we aren't allowed attachments, the need to protect the things or person you love is basic animalistic instinct especially when you've known them for as long as you've known..." And there is the hole I've just dug myself into, Anakin immediately went wide eyed. "R2, it's obvious you two have known each other for a long time." He let out a very visible sigh of relief, he then makes up some random excuse that he has to leave which he does with R2 close behind, that Droid needs his Speakers washed out with disinfectant.

After waiting a bit to see if he'd come back, which he doesn't, I let out a sigh of relief which isn't helped by the two voices in my head those being the Hero of Typhon and the Empires Wrath, both of which are laughing hysterically. "Can you guys shut up!" This sadly doesn't work so I tidy away all the spare parts laying all over the place and once this is done I begin to meditate. I can sense both Master Yoda and Anakin, they have such potent auras they're suffocating although the presences of the two Force Ghosts behind me were almost like voids. I lose focus very quickly when Ahsoka comes through the door, "Dankel! Are you ok?" as I open my eyes I see the world has turned sideways, nope it's me, I'm laying down on the floor. "Yeah, I'm ok just help me ge.." I bolt upright examining my shoulder, Ahsoka begins to protest as I begin taking off the bandages however gasps in amazement when she sees that there isn't even a scar left over. I look between her and my shoulder, "I should probably go to the Infirmary yep," I kinda just scoot past her going into auto pilot as I'm trying to figure out what the hell happened: a healing factor? Force Healing?

Obi Wan was waiting for me there, he was genuinely concerned about my well being, the Medic was perplexed I had no remanents of any scar tissue or burns. Thats when I had yet another dumb idea, I stabbed myself, the Medic looked at me with horror. "Padawan would you like to tell me why you just stabbed yourself in the arm with a scalpel?" I shrugged and pulled it out, the wound closing in a matter of moments. "Are we sure I'm Mandolorian Master?" Then Medic threw the bandages at me and walked out, I felt bad for the guy but I had to test whether it was due to the meditation or something in my genetics, ok I admit stabbing myself in the arm maybe wasn't the best way to test this one but it was efficient. "You are Mandolorian Dankel but this is most curious." Am I passively using the Force to speed up my healing? If that's the case I could be in trouble because cells have a limited amount they can regenerate. A part of me wanted to test the limits of this but the more reasonable part of me (The boring side) said that was a bad idea, Obi Wan practically dragged me to a training room cause apparently we're going to train. "Now Dankel, until the Council gives the all clear I don't want you conjuring fire so we'll be focusing on Lightsbaer combat."

He didn't give me a chance to object as he rushed forward with his already ignited Lightsaber, in the split second it took for my dumbass to realise that he was rushing me he was about a meter away. This lead to me doing what I will stand by is the coolest thing I'll probably do for a while, I jumped up really high with a backflip and ignited my Lightsaber mid spin so that when I landed my blade clashed with Obi Wans. Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi is the Master of Form three so the fact he was on the offensive meant he wanted me to practice defence, so obviously I did however probably not in the way he intended for me to. I used Form four to dodge the majority of my Masters attacks, only really using my Lightsaber when required, once he'd tired himself out I switched to Form three defences with Form five strikes after whenever I saw the chance. Just as I thought I was going to win he kicked me in the stomach and disarmed me as I fell to the floor coughing. He seemed suprised when I got back up and thanked him for showing me where I lacked in defence, "Don't you think the kick was an unfair attack?" He seemed suprised when I began stating that there was a War on so therefore there was no such thing as cheap shots.




I don't like the Jedi Council, it's not because they are bad people (Well except for Ki-Adi-Mundi), their auras in the Force is unlike anything I've ever felt before they all seemed to pick up on this. Just as my head felt like it was going to explode the hand of Jedi Master Plo Koon plant itself on my shoulder, "It's okay young one, do your best to focus less on us and more on yourself." I looked at him as he smiled down at me (At least I assumed that he was smiling.) I looked around at all the Masters noticing my own wasn't present, Plo then continued "I understand you've had a difficult couple of days, that is why you're sensing all of our connections to the force." Ah so what you're saying is that sending a child (Me) to a battlefield can and will traumatise them, well who would have realised that! I take a deep breath closing my eyes and hum my favourite song to relax to, obviously it must sound like made up nonsense to them but it means a lot to me, sure enough this works as I'm no longer on the verge of throwing up. "Thank you Master Plo, I'm feeling much better now." He returns to his seat but I do wish that he'd stay standing up here with me, I've never done good being the center of attention.

" After putting together all the reports as well as what you have told Master Yoda we obviously have a few questions." Mace Windu was the first to get down to business, "For example, please show us this ability to conjure fire which you apparently possess." Well I'm not one to disappoint so I click my fingers, summoning a small flame which manages to catch all their attention. "I can make it bigger if you'd like?" Master Kit Fisto waved his hand to say that was enough so I let the flame die out, I then proceeded to answer a majority of their questions like how in the heat of battle (Pun intented) I summoned the fireball and have just been able to do it almost as easily as I weild a Lightsaber, I mean it really was easy if you knew what you were doing I personally found it easier than Lightsaber combat but that's just me. They then asked what I felt when I conjured the fire, with permission I summoned a flame and I tried something I had wanted to test which is changing its shape which was pretty simple (If you must know, I created a vacuum surrounding the flame like a test tube gummy bear rocket and changed the shape of the test tube while adding the fuel.) After trying to think of an answer to this question I decided to just wing it, "I don't feel any emotion when using it, the one time I did was when I first used it an all I felt was suprise, however looking at the fire now I do understand how dangerous it could be but I also see the beauty and safety it could mean to people." I let the flame die out, the majority of the Council were smiling at me and they came to a silent agreement besides one (Can you guess which one?) so I was allowed to use Pyrokinesis with a few conditions which were: I had to do research on it in the archives (I'd planned on it anyways), Alongside my training with Obi Wan I also had to train under Master Plo Koon as and I quote 'Without the correct training in these types of abilities he could hurt more people than he helps.' No faith in a Padwan with the ability to conjure fire from absolutely nowhere, what is wrong with these people.



Dankel Fec: Current Ability Level

Duelling - On par with Padawan Anakin Skywalker

Connection to the Force - Limited

Force Abilities - Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Force Sight (Advanced), Force Healing (Passive).

Current mastery over the Abilities on a scale of 10;

- Telekinesis = 3

- Pyrokinesis = 4.5

- Force Sight (Advanced) = 2.4

- Force Healing = 0

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