
Standing on top of the worlds

Don is the ruler of the world earth, but gets betrayed by his ally, after his death he finds himself in a new world way diffrent then the one he was in before. Don sets his sights on conquering this new world and getting stronger, striking everyone agains him or even those that’s not against him all to relise his new goals.

dad_song · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

New world (1)

Don found himself in the form of a soul, this shocked him, not that he did not beleve that we had a soul, but that being in the form of a soul felt nothing, yet kind of warm.

He looked around and found other souls like him drifting in What seemed like the river of rencarnation. He was exited on what's going happen next, so he just waited, then a soul came near him, and he tried talking to it.

"Hey! can u hear me, my name is Don ruler of- i mean former ruler of Earth." … There was no respons, either he was being ignored or he could not talk, or the other souls did not have former memory and could not talk.

He thought it was the last line, or else There would be conversarions everywhere and panic. So he just drifted and minded his own buissnes. After a while "WOOOM" he was pulled very hard to the side, he thought he was gonna get obliterated, When suddently. Darkness covered his vision. "What's going on" he thought, but then he relised that it was very warm here but comfortable type of warm, And very dark.

He could feel limbs but he was too weak to do anything, even open his eyes, so he just started rethinking about life.

Maybe it wasn't so boring to rule earth afterall. He thought that after he acheved his goals then life was just boring, but now he relises he was wrong after months of thinking about it and other random stuff like how he killed a lion with a knife and was wonded afterwards.

Then he feelt a pulling force on him but he did not resist, well he couldn't even if he wanted to. Then came a bright light even with his eyes closed, so tears ran down his eyes unwillingly but he did not make a crying sound.

"Wow this is a unique one he is crying but not scream crying" said a voice.

"Here take him he is in good health" said the man

"Thank you dockor callor," she took the boy in her arms and started gently moving him right to left, and kissing him.

He heard other voices too but, Obviously he did not understand shit. so he just listened to it after some time he of adjusting to the light, he opened his eyes and more blinding light hit him so he closed them and opened them from time to time then fell asleep.

The next time he opened his eyes it was not as blinding of a light, and he found himself in a room it was a alright sized room maybe that of a medium family and there was a door that was open in the other end of it, he was in a babby bed in the cornor so he could see through the door.

He heard people talking and wanted to find out more so like any babby he started crying "very loudly" "eueeeeu eueuuee, then a little babby coughing ahe ahe eueeeuee" he then heard people coming to him and he continued to cry until the mom is what he thinks, started to pick him up and comfort him, "there there it's ok it's ok" said the mom, he did not understand but he still stoped crying.

He also saw a man near the women Holding him, he was ripped and felt dangerous. He Said something to the women.

"Let me hold him a little" the man said

"Of course here" then she handed him Don

Don instantly became wary, this was not the hands of a man they where too strong it felt more like he was picked up by a metallic robot because of how strong and sturdy his hands felt.

Don thought of all possibilites to get away from this man and came up with only One, and that's "EUEEEEU EUEUUEE" he started screaming his lungs out and that's when the the man gave the child back to the mother.

"Seems he don't really like me" said the man

"No darling it's just a phase ones he grows up and you train him you will form a bond I believe" said the mother.

"Hope you're right Mari" then he sighted and left.

Mari with Don in her hands started singing a good night song to him and Don pretended to be asleep so she will leave, and he can start his exploring of this new place he's fallen to.