
Chapter 29

A week later, Daniella was back to her usual, cheerful, bubbling and annoying self again.

"If you wanted steak, you would have just ordered it." Korina huffed, watching Daniella as she extended her cutlery to her plate and took a piece of meat again.

"I swear, if you extend your hands to my plate again, you would lose those hands." She glared at her.

"Stop threatening me like you are some mobster's wife." Daniella said rolling her eyes.

"Just eat your salad and leave my steak in peace."

"Fine, fine." Daniella raised her hands in mock surrender, "Is Anne still going to make it?" She took a spoon of her salad and her lips curled in distaste, "I shouldn't have ordered this." She grumbled.

"Nope." Korina replied, "She has a lot of shoots going on."

"You know, we should go see her at her work place, sometime." Daniella suggested.

"So you could ogle at shirtless male models?" She eyed her cousin.