
SSS-Rank Villain's Domination

This is a world of the future, a world that is highly developed yet devoid of morals, rich yet the majority of people are below poverty. Hypocrisy is a must-have for any elite who want to stay in their class. Invisible evil envelops the entire world. However, above all evil, there is an evil that in a short time terrorizes everyone. *** Discord: (https://discord.gg/4hkjAaMwqJ)

Dark_Crow1111 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

President's Daughter

Unlike Isabel, Violet remained calm, as if this was just a small matter. She nodded lightly after hearing Levi's words.

"You're right, Dark Crow's target is lies and hypocrisy, places full of those things," she said.

She also did not deny the reality, that she herself was part of the lies and hypocrisy.

Levi once asked her why she continued to walk this wrong path, and she casually said that she wanted power and wealth so that she and her family could live comfortably, not being oppressed by anyone for being at the bottom.

It was that simple, of course.

The belief that only power and wealth mattered drove her ambition to infinity.

"Mom, are you saying that my campaign is full of lies?" Isabel suddenly asked.

She seemed to object to such a notion even if it was the truth.

Of course, it was natural for her to object in front of others like in front of Dark Crow, but here it was just Levi and Violet, two people who knew her personality well.

It could only be said that she was still a young girl, lacking a sense of reality about herself.

Violet chose not to respond.

"Tomorrow night, Lucas is going to have a big campaign by inviting some famous singers, let's see if Dark Crow will come to mess up his campaign," she said while looking at Levi.

She preferred to continue discussing with him.

"That will be interesting, it will definitely cause a big fight. After all, Mr. Lucas will surely prepare enough people to welcome Dark Crow's arrival," Levi replied, laughing softly, showing interest in the figure that was himself.

"I must admit that this Dark Crow is very interesting and mysterious. Yeah, if he's really powerful, and has the desire to create a ruckus, the world will be even more exciting. I can't wait to see the angry expressions of the old people in Pyramid City!"

Violet really didn't hate Dark Crow, she even looked like she idolized him.

Despite her various ambitions, she was indeed a woman who enjoyed seeing the elite meet troublesome problems.

The Pyramid City she mentioned was the capital of New Atlantis, one of the superpowers known for its progress. Arsenal State was only one of the nearly fifty states in the country.

Of course, the Arsenal State was considered to have great influence due to its vast territory and abundant natural resources.

However, Pyramid City was indeed a gathering place for the most powerful people.

After that, Violet looked at her watch on her wrist.

"It's time for dinner, let's go to the kitchen," she said before standing up.

Hearing that, Isabel let go of Levi's body which she had been hugging until now. She seemed to be starving and wanted to eat immediately.

However, Levi suddenly said, "aunt, I'm not hungry, so I'm going straight to my bedroom."

Levi used a very polite tone when he said that. After all, he practically refused the dinner provided by his aunt.

Violet didn't mind, thinking that Levi had already eaten out. She nodded to him, giving him advice not to stay up too late before taking a step.

As she took a step, Isabel said to Levi. "I want to sleep in your room tonight, don't lock the door!

After saying that, she followed her mother, who didn't react at all, as if she hadn't thought about whatever they were going to do in that room.

Levi did not respond and his reaction remained casual.

He then stepped onto the stairs, going to the second floor.

There were four doors, Levi entered one of them which was the door to his room.

His room was simple without many amenities so it looked spacious, consisting of only a bed, a wardrobe, and no desk at all.

This was simply because he did not like too much stuff around him.

And his most important items were hidden in a special storage room he had, something no one else had. It was just one of his skills, being able to create spaces in different dimensions where he could store things.

After he closed the door without locking it, he walked to his bed, lying down immediately.


The cell phone in his pants pocket suddenly rang before he took it out.

He then took out the phone to see who was calling him.

(New Atlantis President's Daughter!)

That was the contact name of the person who called him.

Levi took the call from that number before putting his cell phone next to his ear.

"Mr. Dark Crow, good evening!" A charming voice echoed from Levi's cell phone.

There probably wasn't a man who wouldn't be happy if he heard that voice.

However, Levi's expression did not change at all.

"What's wrong?" Levi asked in response.

"May I ask you something, Mr. Dark Crow," the woman replied.

Hearing that, Levi remained silent, waiting for her to say her request.

"Uhmm..." The woman cleared her throat as she didn't get an answer from Dark Crow.

Although she understood that Dark Crow was silent because he wanted to hear her request, she would be more comfortable if Dark Crow asked first.

"I just hope you don't interfere with Mr. Lucas' campaign tomorrow night," she said, finally saying her request.

Apparently, Dark Crow was still silent.

The woman seemed to have trouble speaking because she knew that Dark Crow was waiting for the reason she dared to ask that.

"Mr. Dark Crow, Mr. Lucas is a close person to my father. It just so happens that my younger brother will be attending that campaign to start his political career. My younger brother is a good man, I wish him a good career." The woman finally said the reason she had asked that of Dark Crow.

If she knew that Dark Crow was even interfering with her cousin's campaign, the woman would definitely not dare to ask for such a thing. After all, she was a nobody to Dark Crow. She was able to communicate with him only because Dark Crow came to her with various proofs of her crimes and then forced her to become his spy within the precincts of the New Palace, the palace of the President of New Atlantis.

Levi still did not say anything, he immediately disconnected the phone, then threw it aside.

In a certain luxurious room in Pyramid City, an extremely beautiful 29-year-old woman threw her cell phone against the wall with a gloomy face.

"Damned crow, you asshole," she said in a loud voice.

Levi turned off the light in his room and slept facing right.

After a few minutes, before Levi actually fell asleep, Levi suddenly felt a hug from behind him.

A pair of breasts pressed against his back, giving him an infinitely soft sensation. Even then there was a pair of long legs wrapped around his legs.

"You are the one I love the most, Levi!" Isabel's soft voice echoed beside Levi's ears.

However, Levi kept his eyes closed, continuing to try to sleep.

This kind of thing he had to admit that it was something very comfortable.