
Chapter 9: The trip to the clothing store [Pt.2]

As Hikaru stood in front of the changing room, Haruame had his head peeking out of the curtains watching Hikaru like a hawk. Hikaru lightly chuckled as he watched Haruame slowly come out of the changing room. The outfit looked really good on Haruame, It made Hikaru feel his cheeks heat up a bit. 

" You look really cute, Haru-chan. It really is pretty on you " Hikaru smiled as he watched Haruame get flustered, Hikaru then pulled Haruame into a hug. Haruame's mouth opened and closed multiple times before He just gave up trying to speak and just hugged Hikaru back. 

His face felt very hot, and his heart felt like it was about to jump out his chest by all the acrobats it was doing inside his chest. 

' Th-Thank you, Ru-kun " Haruame squeaked slightly when he stuttered. Hikaru found his squeak very cute and hugged him closer to his chest. Hikaru and Haruamae just stood there, hugging each other until they heard a familiar voice call out to them. 

" Hikaru? . . . . . Haruame? What are you both doing here? " 

Haruame and Hikaru separated and looked behind them to see Ema, Louis and Iori standing behind them. Ema walked up to Hikaru and saw the small pile of clothes on the chair next to Hikaru's jacket that he brought with him. 

Ema's mind then began to run wild and somehow came to the conclusion that the two boys were shopping for clothes for her. {A/N: I don't know how she came to that conclusion. Like did she not see Haru-chan wearing the outfit? Or did she just choose to purposefully ignore him again?} 

She smiled brightly and turned around to Hikaru, She rushed over to him and gave him a big hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and put her head on Hikaru's chest. She felt so giddy right now, She was glad that Hikaru did like her. She was getting worried since he was spending most of his time with her brother and basically avoiding her. 

" Oh, Thank you Hikaru!! I just knew that you liked me too!! " Ema giggled as she jumped up and down as she continued to hug Hikaru, who had frozen in place and not dared to move. His brain was trying to catch up with what just happened, But it was a bit difficult to understand the situation right now. 

When he finally snapped out it, Haruame had changed back into his regular clothes and bagged up the three outfits. He then turned to Hikaru, Who's body wasn't letting him move forward. Haruame then grabbed the three bags and shoved them into Hikaru's arms with tears in the corners of his eyes. 

Haruame quickly wiped them away before he put a very forced smile on his face, " Well thank you, Hikaru-san for bringing me here to shop for my sister. I guess you needed someone who was close to her size so you could buy the right close for her. I'm glad that I could you but It's time for me to be getting back home. I still have some work to finish, I'll see you all later " Haruame bowed slightly before grabbing his bag and rushing out of the store. 

He only remembered that Hikaru had driven him here by the time he was already outside. 

Shit, He thought, The fuck am gonna do now? I don't have much money left. I could either spend it on bus/cab fair or on it for food because I'm starving but then again I could eat when I get home but I don't want to go home now. Argh!! Maybe I should just go find a bar or an internet cafe or just a park. Yeah, Lets do that for now. I'll think about what to do in the morning I guess. 

After Haruame figured out a plan for the night, He began walking around the town to find someplace to sleep for the night. He began walking around the town to find someplace to sleep for the night. He walked and walked and walked until he finally found a good bar that he could stay at for a little bit. He made sure that he still Had enough money to buy a few drinks before he walked into the bar. He found an empty seat in the back corner and sat down quietly, before pulling his satchel onto his lap and looking through it to find something to entertain himself with. 

He was looking through his satchel and he saw his phone buzzing from being messaged so many times. He took it out and unlocked his phone, he saw that the message app had more then 30 messages already. He had only been gone for an hour and a half, So he opened his message app and saw that most of the messages were coming from Ema and they weren't too nice. 

[Slight warning, Bad language, probably some homophobic slurs and just Ema being a bitc- A meanie. So Just skip it if you would like to] 


Ema: Hey where the fuck did you go? 

Ema: Hey stupid, answer me damnit 

Ema: Haruame you stupid fuck, answer me right now. Where the fuck did you go? Hikaru is ignoring me and seems really angry at me, I don't know what I did so you must now. Tell why he's angry with me 

Ema: I swear to god, Get your gay ass here now before I go find you myself 



[ Warning over, You should be good] 

After reading the last text Ema sent a few minutes ago, Haruame definitely didn't want to go home now. But it did slightly confuse Haruame as to why Hikaru was ignoring Ema when he was buying clothes for her. However Haruame didn't bring to much attention to that thought at the moment. 

Haruame sent one thing to Ema, which was a Gif of a male holding up his middle finger saying "Go to hell", {A/N: I don't think that's an actual Gif but I'm going with it anyway. Haru: You don't even use Gif's. A/N: yeah but you do now} before exiting out of her messages and clicked on the name with the second most texts which surprisingly, {Haru: Note the sarcasm}, was Hikaru. 

Haruame sighed before he started reading the texts, 


Ru-kun: Haru-chan please answer me, Where are you? I'll come pick you up but I'd like for you to listen to what I have to say. It's all a big misunderstanding, I promise. 

Ru-kun: Please Haru-chan just tell me where you went, I won't pick up but I'd like to at least know where you are. I'll wait until you feel comfortable enough to talk to me but please know that I didn't go there to shop for your sister, I promise. 

Ru-kun: Haru-chan when you get this please just say something so I know that your still alright. I hope you come back home tomorrow. Dinner is done so I have to go eat, I'm sorry for making you cry and I hope I can make it up to you.


Haruame felt tears start welling up in his eyes for some reason, He quickly wiped them away and replied to Hikaru, 


Haru-chan: I'm sorry for running away, I simply could not stay there anymore with her. I'm at bar on rositan street. I'll be back when I feel like I can face you and Ema. I'm sorry but When I do come home then I promise that I'll listen to what you have to say but please give me a little bit of time to cool off and get my thoughts straight. 


Haruame then exited out of Hikaru's messages and then clicked the name under Masaomi, 


Masaomi: Hey, Hikaru, Ema, Louis and Iori told that you ran out the store then disappeared. If you get this then please tell where you are and If you're okay. I can come pick you up if you want, Dinner is ready now. Please text me back. 


Haruame smiled softly before replying to Masaomi, 


Haruame: I'm okay, I promise. I'm at a bar on Rositan street, Its a safe and decent bar so I'm fine. You don't have to pick me up, I don't think that I'm coming today maybe in the morning or in a few days. I just need to straighten out my thoughts then I'll come back but I'll keep in touch so you don't worry. Please tell Louis and Iori that I'm sorry for running out like that. 


Haruame sighed once again before putting his phone on the table with the screen facing the table. He then got up and bought a few drinks, He wasn't going home at least not sober. He drank a few shots of something then bought some more acholic drinks and drank till 2am when the bar was closing. He grabbed his phone and bag and left the Bar, He actually made a few friends and got their numbers. He was quite happy because he doesn't have many friends. 

He began walking down the street with wobbly legs and blurred vision, It was getting bad so he sat down on a bench before pulling his phone out. It was already 2am so not many places would still be open, not to mention even such a place was open Haruame would have a hard time getting there with his condition. 

So he really had no choice but to call someone, Who to call however was the problem. Maybe Masaomi, but he was probably asleep now. Hikaru? No not yet. Ema? Absolutely not. 

Haruame checked his contacts and his eyes landing on . . . . . . [TBC] 

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