
Chapter 56

In the lush forest, a group of birds suddenly took flight.

A figure slowly materialized on the branch of a large tree.

That person was Mark, of course.

The strength of his body provided him with exceptional balance, allowing him to easily stand on a branch that was less than half a foot thick.

Afterward, Mark observed his surroundings and noticed little had changed since he left.

He leaped to a higher branch, then stooped to pick up the mobile phone he had wedged between the tree branches earlier.

Originally, he had intended to bring the phone with him during his interdimensional travel. However, he needed to consider the time difference between the two worlds, so he ultimately decided to leave it behind.

Upon powering on the phone, he obtained the current time in this world.

As for the other side...

Mark tapped the pendant hanging from his chest, causing a device similar to a wristwatch to appear on his left wrist.

This was the web shooter on his left wrist.

The shooter contained a communication device, which resolved the communication issue that arose when wearing the suit without a place to hide the phone.

In the world of Miles, this communication device could even connect to the police's internal radio, allowing Mark to receive real-time crime updates.

While parameters might need adjusting for other worlds, the basic timekeeping function remained intact.

When Mark checked, he was quite surprised.

The times on both sides were identical!

This meant that his journey this time had indeed taken a full day and night!

This differed from his initial interdimensional travel to Miles' world, where "four days equaled two hours"!

Was it because interdimensional travel time itself was disordered?

Or was it due to differences between these two worlds?

If it were disordered, things would be troublesome.

What if one day he went to another world and returned to find centuries had passed here?

Not only would everything change, but even objects would not withstand the ravages of time!

At that point, it would truly be a world of difference.

In that case, what significance did this world hold for him?

Yet upon closer consideration, it was too hasty to deem it purely disordered.

For any astonishing coincidence, there was invariably a fixed logic behind it.

The flow rate of his world and the flow rate of Toby Spider's world were incredibly consistent. This indicated that there must be some form of correlation between the two worlds.

On the other hand, the vast difference between his world and Miles' world suggested a lower level of correlation.

Could it be because Miles' world was an "animation" originally while the Spider-Man world was a "live-action movie"?

Was it because the latter shared a higher degree of similarity with his world, while the former had a lower degree of similarity?

Mark scratched his head irritably.

The matter of the multiverse was indeed incredibly complex.

This only served to solidify his determination to study quantum physics.

Only through that could he unravel the mysteries within.

After slipping the phone into his pocket, Mark didn't immediately leave the forest.

He casually found a tree branch and sat on it, gazing into the distance through the gaps between leaves.

He pondered his next destination for interdimensional travel. Perhaps he should target Toby's world a few months from now?

Before leaving, he had memorized the variables of that world, essentially fixing the coordinates of that world.

Getting there was straightforward.

Furthermore, due to his knowledge of the original storyline, he could easily add subsequent plot parameters to the known variables. This way, he could achieve the effect of traveling to that world a few months later, which was during the events of "Spider-Man 3."

However, it seemed somewhat pointless to go back again.

A few months' time probably wouldn't yield significant progress in Dr. Octopus's research. Additionally, if he didn't approach with genuine intentions next time, who could guarantee that the doctor wouldn't change his mind? After all, the doctor was still a psychosomatic patient!

Alternatively, he could go to the world of the Miles.

He had noted down the variables (universal coordinates) for Miles' world, so traveling there was also feasible.

But the time difference between the two worlds gave him some concerns about going back.

Last time, it was four days there and two hours here. What if next time it became two hours there and four days here? That would be quite the twist.

Apart from those, there were two more options.

The first was the world of Holland's version.

There were many advantages to going to this world.

The technology here was far more advanced compared to his world. They had aircraft carriers that could fly in the sky and mature laser weapons.

The nuclear fusion reactor-related knowledge he promised to find for Dr. Octopus could also be found in this world. For instance, he could look for Iron Man.

However, this world was also perilous.

On Earth, there was S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers, the Sorcerer Supreme, and more. Outside, there were entities like the Celestials, the Asgardians, and many more.

Being a guest from a parallel universe, he had no idea if he'd catch their attention.

The most suitable time to visit that world should be during "No Way Home," when Holland's Spider-Man sought Doctor Strange's help to erase people's memory. Thanks to his "mouth" magic, he used magic to defeat magic, besting Doctor Strange with humor, and summoned the Spider-Men from parallel universes, including Tobey's Spider-Man and Andrew's Spider-Man.

That time would offer the least risk.

However, by that point, Iron Man would have already died. This posed yet another dilemma.

Of course, there was a second option: Andrew's Spider-Man's world.

It's "The Amazing Spider-Man."

Although he hasn't been to this world and doesn't have its world coordinates, he knows the storyline. This allows him to use the known plot as a condition to locate it among many parallel universes.

Regarding Andrew's Spider-Man's world, he has always had a regret.

Gwen Stacy, Andrew's Spider-Man's canonical love interest, died at the hands of the Green Goblin in the second movie. This is a regret for many fans.

If possible, Mark naturally wants to save her.

Additionally, the web fluid he inherited from the deceased Spider-Man of Miles' world has been gradually depleting as a result of the consumption across both worlds. It's now down to less than half, so he urgently needs a refill.

Coincidentally, he could get a refill from Andrew's Spider-Man.

Of course, if he could also learn the web fluid manufacturing process along the way, that would be even better.

"Alright, decision made. I'll go find Andrew's Spider-Man in the next world!"

After some consideration, Mark made up his mind.

For now, he decided not to touch the world of Holland's version.

The waters there are too deep, and he can't afford to gamble.

After making his next move, Mark didn't immediately take action.

Using his ability to travel back consumed about 10% of his energy.

The good news was that returning only used half of the energy it took to go there.

The bad news is that now he only has about 15% of his temporal and spatial power left.

However, the world of Andrew's Spider-Man, much like Tobey's Spider-Man's world, falls under the "live-action movie" category.

This suggests that the energy consumption from going back should be similar.

Based on this time's travel, going back should consume about 20% to 25% of his energy.

In addition, he needs to reserve 10% of his energy to avoid entering a weakened state.

So, he should have at least 30% of his energy left.

For safety's sake, it's better to have 35% or more.

Given the current natural recovery rate of his spatial power, it will take about fourteen or fifteen days.

As for the energy to return.

He can accumulate it slowly in that world.

After quietly planning everything, Mark jumped down from the tall tree and walked lightly towards the edge of the jungle.


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