
Spider quirk in mha (droped)

albion123456 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

My quirk

In a hospital a women is currently giving birth

Clair: so uh I'm nurse why do you look so nervous

Nurse: I'm it your baby mam he's got a spider head

Clair: OK so have a spider quirk I just produce webs so I already assumed that one day one of us would have a mutation *is handed the baby* so let's think of a name oh aron yeah aron arachnid ( don't judge me I'm bad at naming things) < a few years later he 4>

??? :yo aron

Aron: hello side how are you

Side: good I got my quirk u can paralize people with my howl that's it

Aron: cool I also got my quirk its called demon spider it gives all of my pyscial attributes a giant buff and I can produce webs as strong as titanium and sharp enough to cut thru steel like butter and its also super stick cool <a few years later in middle school senior year>

Teacher: OK class we have a new student emerald crimson

Emerald : hello nice to meet you all *smiles*

Aron: - why the #@#@@##@@@#@ ( this means constant swearing that I don't feel like writing) is she so cute-

Teacher: OK go sit next to aron

Emerald: k * walks over and sites next to him*

Aron: - fuck fuck - hello

Emerald: hi - he seems nice-

After class

Emerald: so aron wanna be friends

Aron: I'm sure

Another time skip emerald and aron and side are in high-school and have been friends for a while and emerald and aron have also started dating there very much in love in fact they started dating at the start of the midyear in high school and its mid senior year he kinda wants to propose

( OK listen I'm sorry for all the time skip there gonna slow down and the 10 month training will begin in chapter 3 also if you think the romance has been written poorly or was rushed that because I suck at writing romance in my other book I just time skipped thru it all to begin the relashinship I attempted to actually write some romance and I failed miserably well I hope to see yal next chapter also if you want to know what they all look like for the mc go to the auxiliru chapter comments and il post sides and emeralds appearance in the comments on this chapter also the mc has the spider head also