
Spider-Man Supreme

An old school fanboy of Marvel Comics, the Marvel Comics movie universe, and Marvel-based games makes a wish and finds himself in the child's body of his favorite, wall-crawling superhero where he sets out to prepare for his new life as a superhero. Do things go well for him? Come and see. Self insert Please be advised that this Peter Parker will be completely different from the original and will be more like a Batman who kills character. He will only kill when he has to. Story was originally written by Screaming Dean but was unfortunately abandoned by the author. I have chosen to adopt this story and continue Screaming Dean’s legacy. Stay tuned

Hyuga_Tobirama · Films
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Venture into Hell's Kitchen

"Good evening, Master Peter. I know it's been some time since you've seen me, but surely you haven't forgotten me already."

Then it hit me. "Armand?"

Armand Alert was the one who had taken care of me when I was young before my parents had met their demise. He was well-dressed, five feet eight inches tall, barrel-chested, and prominently shouldered, weighing a muscularly well-defined one-hundred-fifty pounds.

Despite being middle-aged, Armand had a boyish face, with large expressive, sky-blue eyes and a small pointed nose. His blond hair was styled in a long undercut with bangs over his entire forehead while being shoulder-length in the back. In addition to all this, Armand had noticeably defined eyebrows and sideburns.

"Now that we've been reacquainted, how about letting me in?"

"Um, yeah sure." I had sensed no hostility from this guy. In fact, there was a whole lot of goodwill coming from him. I also liked the fact that he reminded me of that small, blond-haired guy from the Attack on Titan series that I liked.

"Let's sit in here," I said as I motioned towards the main room of my estate that had a large, oblong table with diamond chandeliers over them.

After recalling how Armand had taken care of me as much as he did during my childhood until my parents had died, I asked him how he had managed to find me.

"I've always managed to find you, Master Peter, no matter how much you got lost."

At that point, I realized how intelligent Armand was, even to the point of being practically psychic. As I was contemplating the situation, Armand spoke up again.

"I was well aware of how you have trained in martial arts while disguising yourself. How you learned that particular skill is beyond me. If I didn't know better, I'd think you had a different consciousness transferred into your body," Armand explained while giving me a knowing look.

"Oh, I see." Then I remembered how intuitive Armand had always been much like his look-a-like from the anime. However, this version was a lot stronger and more sure of himself. And somehow he had locked onto me at an early age.

"Now, that you've made yourself into a billionaire, you require my services. A long time ago, I promised your parents I would take care of you. It's a pity; I couldn't have done that for the last few years. However, I can tend to you now. By the way, why do you have all kinds of vehicles, computers, and equipment in the caverns below your estate? You've been pretty busy, haven't you?"

How did this guy know all that? I would have known it if he had read my mind. So how did he find out about all that? I've learned intensely how to engage in precognition and post cognition from various individuals, but I didn't think I'd have to deal with such skills above and beyond my own capabilities.

"I've been in MI5 and have worked for MI6, so I have ways of helping you further conceal what you're going to do despite how intelligent and aware of your environment you seem to have become," Armand explained as he answered my unasked question.

I sensed Armand was telling me the truth. I had plenty of money and a corporation where I sold personal computers and other technological wonders which helped to maintain my wealth called Parker Industries. So having my own version of Alfred wouldn't be so bad.

"All right, Armand. Welcome back."


Later on, as I worked on my underground base, applying the finishing touches, something occurred to me.

"Aunt May!" I thought. I had been so busy with my life that I had forgotten about her and Uncle Ben. I was twenty-two by this time. For all, I knew both of them were dead!

"Something wrong, Master Peter?" Armand asked when he saw the look on my face as I came running through the living room of my estate.

"I've forgotten about my Uncle Ben and Aunt May!" I gasped out as I ran towards the front door like a chicken with his head cut off.

"You can read the newspapers on the internet or the obituary pages therein, Master Peter," Armand explained without turning from wiping the dust off of some sparkling wine glasses and plates.

After pausing for a moment, I realized Armand was right. So I ran back into my main room where one of my computers attached to the internet was. Then I saw it. My Uncle Ben had died when a burglar had broken in their home and shot him seven years ago.

"Oh, no!" I cried out loud when I found out what happened to my Aunt May a few weeks later. It turned out she was so distraught over my uncle's death that she wasn't paying attention when crossing the street when some maniac ran her down right through the red light he was facing at the time.

While I was out playing Bruce Lee, my aunt and uncle had died at the hands of the unnamed burglar. However, I remembered how this guy looked like after having read the comic book in my previous life. Even though he felt he had escaped, he'd find that he was dead wrong!

Then I went into my underground base, using the undetectable computers there to do my investigation.

After using searching the internet and comparing stories of various people including criminals and the police, I put two and two together and figured the guy had probably fled to Hell's Kitchen and that the thief resembled a wanted convict named Dennis Carradine, a known member of Kingpin's crime family. Thus my first mission as Spider-Man had become apparent.


A couple of hours later, I was ready!

My uniform consisted of a dark blue bodysuit covered with a dark red belt, gloves, boots, cape, a midriff covering tunic with a dark blue spider insignia on it. Then I had a face-covering mask/cowl with two pointed ears on it on either side of it. In addition to that, my uniform was such that it made me look two inches taller.

My newly made Spider-Mobile was a modified 1969 Dodge Charger that was dark blue with a white spider insignia on either side of the car. It was beyond an ordinary car with a mid-mounted V-8 with a turbine-like exhaust that could spit some serious gunfire and flames. In addition to that, it had other amenities like video surveillance, its own computer, and the ability to fly in the air if necessary. The vehicle and even the windshield were also bulletproof made of a nearly indestructible metal alloy.

"Good hunting, Master Peter!" Armand called out to me, seeing me off as I got inside my car and drove out Spider-Cave. In a matter of seconds, I had arrived at the exit which was a sliding stone door that opened as soon as the coast was clear. Despite that, I had my stealth device and invisibility for my car on as I left my property.

A few miles later, I turned on my car's camouflage making my vehicle look like any other vehicle. Eventually, I made my way to Hell's Kitchen when I spotted the beginnings of an assault taking place.

Upon making sure my car was hidden by parking in the shadows, I stealthily left it and appeared right behind the would-be-rapists who were dressed up in jeans and leather jackets with white shirts underneath. The woman who the five guys had backed to the wall in the dark alley wore a checkered shirt and black skirt, showing that she was a waitress for a local restaurant chain.

"Here, take my purse!" the attractive, brown-haired woman cried out.

"We don't want your purse! Now shut up and assume the position!"

As the leader of the gang reached for her blouse and tore it off revealing breasts that were well-endowed and well-rounded, one of the other gang members reached for the woman's brazier, tearing it off. At that point, I had seen enough.


This temporarily paralyzed the members of the gang who slowly turned around to see me in all my dark spider glory while the busty, half-naked woman used the opportunity to take her purse and make a break for it.

"Who are you?"

At that point, I grabbed the leader of the gang by his jacket and pulled him to myself. "I'm Spider-Man. I want you to tell all your friends about me."

I had made my full face mask in a complex way that it made my voice filtered to sound more intimidating. And after hours of practice, my voice had a deep, almost robotic yet dark baritone resonance to it as it filtered itself through my mask, making me sound similar to Darth Vader without the asthmatic breathing.

While I was holding the gang leader up, one of the other gang members tried to attack me from behind with a crowbar. As he moved in on me, I pretended as if I was oblivious until I backhanded him, breaking his nose and knocking him to the ground into a world of unconsciousness.

"I will ask this question just once. Where can I find Dennis Carradine?" I said as I grabbed him by his neck with one hand, lifting him a couple of feet off the ground while his feet dangled in the air as if he was hanging by a noose.

"I don't know him. I never heard of him. I don't even know what you're talking about," the guy gasped with his eyes darting back and forth.

"If you don't what I'm talking about why did you sound as if you knew him?" I asked coldly.

"I… Koff!"

"You know full well who he is. Now tell me where I can find him!"

This was it. I was going to find the killer of my Uncle!

"I ain't saying nothing and you can't make me!"

Then I glared at the punk, making my massive presence known which prompted him to quake in his boots.

"You will say something and I can make you. You have five seconds before something happens to you. Tell me or else."

Then I said, "three, two, one."

"I don't know where he is! I swear it! You don't scare me anyway! You're just some schmuck in a stupid red and blue costume… Gack!"

"I find your lack of candidness disturbing," I said as I struck a nerve in his neck with such speed that my hand was invisible as it moved. Then I let go of him and watched him go into convulsions as he grasped for his neck being unable to breathe.

"That's enough! Let him go!"

"As you wish." I then snapped my fingers, using the vibration to free up the neck nerve that allowed the gang leader to breathe. Then I turned to my right and regarded the man wearing a red devil outfit with a half-face mask and a billy club in his hand.

"Stay out of my business and walk away while you can, Daredevil!"

I was never much of a fan of Daredevil in the comics or the series on Netflix. Despite all that, I still recognized the main character of that show which resembled Charlie Cox as he paused at the power of my voice if only for a moment. Fortunately, I had prepared myself, modifying my uniform and controlling my body in such a way that he wouldn't be able to sense who I really was in case he ran into Peter Parker in the future despite his superhuman senses.

"I'm not going anywhere, and what happens here in Hell's Kitchen is my business. I'm in charge here."

Then I glared and pointed at him. "You are an overrated hotshot and a marginal fighter. Now, get out of my sight!"

As I turned back towards the frightened gang member, I sensed Daredevil leaping towards me, intending to nail me with a flying kick. However, to his surprise, I grabbed the ankle of the offending foot and slammed the interloper against the wall adding the momentum of his attack to the damage he took, stunning him. Then I moved in on him at super speed, striking him with a rapid-fire nerve attack that struck him countless times and rendered him unconscious.

"You are not as skilled as everyone around here thinks!" With that, I turned around to find the gang leader gone, but that was OK since I had secretly planted a spider tracer on him when I had sensed Daredevil's presence.


An hour later, I had tracked the gang leader to an abandoned warehouse where he ran inside as if death and destruction were on his heels.

Upon finding a way inside through a window near the roof without being sensed, I listened to the conversation below.

"Boss! Boss!" the low-level gang leader called out as he caught his breath after having made his way inside towards a large, broad-shouldered man with large arms and a huge, cast-iron stomach.

"What is it, Mason? What happened?!" a stern voice demanded

"There's a new guy around called Spider-Man! He beat me and my gang up when…"

"Spider-Man?! Who the heck is that?! There is no Spider-Man, you idiot! You've been smoking too much of the merchandise!"

At that point, a well-dressed man with a brown suit and tie partially walked out of the darkness.

"Take it easy, Rocco. This Spider-Man may be a new superhero that we'll have to deal with him sooner or later."

"I suppose so, Mister Carradine," Rocco said.

"Carradine?" I thought to myself, feeling as if I had struck pay dirt.

Then Rocco turned towards the young gang leader. "Did he take any of your money or product?"

"No, he wasn't interested in that."

"Good, then you still have everything," Rocco replied.

"I have the money, but I left the drugs we were selling with the other guys when I got away from this guy as fast as possible."

"What?!" Rocco screamed as he slapped the young man, dropping him to the ground.

Then Carradine stepped into the light where I was able to see him. Not only did he look like the guy who had murdered Uncle Ben from the comics, but he also matched the appearance of the man for whom I was searching. At that point, I decided what I was going to do.

The six-foot six-inch, broad-shouldered thug who stood guard on the north side of the warehouse wasn't expecting the nerve pinch to the neck I gave him. Thus I made sure he went down slowly when he slumped to the ground into a world of unconsciousness. After snapping his rifle in two, I wrapped the guy up in a web, sticking him to the floor.

After dealing with all of the guards there, nerve-striking them, knocking them out, and webbing them down, I made my way towards where Dennis Carradine, the young gang leader, and Rocco were still talking, but not before turning off the lights.

"What's going on here?!" Rocco announced while I grabbed the young gang leader and nerve pinched him, knocking him out.

Then I grabbed Rocco and struck him in the jaw right in front of Carradine. After that, I turned towards my mark, giving him a frightening glare!

"Who are you?" he said, shaking in his boots.

"I'm Spider-Man!" I said as I grabbed him by the lapels of his business suit and pulled him towards myself.

However, before I could say anything else, my danger sense went off, prompting me to vanish from where I was, allowing a red club to go flying past where my head was just a moment ago, striking Dennis Carradine in the forehead, crashing him backward to the ground.


As the club bounced off of Carradine and back into the hands of its owner, I turned around and faced, "Daredevil, I told you to stay out of my business."

"What happens in Hell's Kitchen is my business, Spider-Man. How did you manage to shield your heartbeat and scent from me? Are you some kind of android or machine?" the man without fear demanded as he tried to frighten me with an intimidating glare that did nothing for me.

"That is my business. How did you track me down here anyway?" I asked with a cold hard voice as I slowly glided towards him.

"I don't have to tell you."

"Let me guess. You knew I was looking for Dennis Carradine, so you showed up here, knowing this was his base of operations."

A look of surprise appeared on Daredevil's face as I regarded him despite the fact he was wearing a mask.

"What is your beef with Dennis Carradine anyway? He's just another gang leader. He's not even one of the most competent ones around."

"That is also my business. Now, I'll thank you to leave while I deal with this man," I said as I turned away from my pursuer.

"I'm not going anywhere. While I'm impressed at how quickly you've dispatched Carradine's men, I'm not the least bit afraid of you and your Darth Vader voice."

"So you want a rematch? Are you fearless about getting another beating? And don't expect me to be frightened by your little billy club."

At that point, police sirens resonated through the area, getting closer and closer.

"We're done here," I said as I vanished into thin air.

"This isn't over!" Daredevil called out.

I really didn't want to get into another fight with Daredevil, so I figured I'd bust up everything in which Dennis Carradine was involved, costing him as much money and street cred as possible. Hopefully, Daredevil would be too busy dealing with Kingpin to bother me.