
Spider-Man: Spider-Souls

Earth-1842, The Dark Souls Earth, home to the most monstrous villains and ruthless heroes. A crazed Norman Osborn causes New York to shatter and Spider-Man has to restore it as best he can, and he won't be pulling any punches.

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Shattered City

Earth-1842, muddy, ashy and bleak. Here, Peter Parker, like many universes, is Spider-Man. The only Spider-Man. Mutant villains run rampant, and the only way to properly face them is to pull no punches.

The Daily Bugle readies their daily news report. "Good morning, New York, J Jonah Jameson here, giving you your daily dose of superpowered news. This morning's topic? Spider-Man! Just last night he caused immeasurable damage to the city in his fight against Sandman! Down on West Boulevar-" Suddenly, the ground rumbles. Jameson and his crew rush to the windows. Deep blue lights shine through cracks in the Earth. The ground tremors again and chunks of New York City begin to ascend. Standing up on trembling legs, Jonah points, "See! See! This is all Spider-Man's doing!".

Spider-Man swings past the window, carrying Big Wheel out of his weaponised vehicle by the scruff of his collar. He tosses the villain up and webs him to a wall before moving in closer to the cataclysmic event. "Hey! Hey! Don't leave me up here!". He doesn't answer, he rushes to the aid of the police.

Spider-Man crawls down a wall, his classic suit moves organically. He startles police Captain George Stacy. "What's the situation Cap?" "What does it look like? Make yourself useful and get the people out of there!" Spider-Man nods "Gotcha." and thwips away.

He swings between the fractured islands, saving people from the rioting criminals as he goes. Eventually, he reaches the core of the problem, Oscorp. He rushes up the building's glass exterior, slingshotting up and around to the top where he finds Norman Osborn, standing in front of some sort of device. "What have you done?" Spider-Man walks closer, clenching his fist, "What did you do?", ready to kill Norman at any moment. "Trust the process, Spider-Man. All will be revealed, in time." Spider-Man spins a web and zips straight to Norman when his spider-sense alerts him of a nearby threat. Before he can react, Spider-Man is struck by a large figure. Skidding to a stop, lifting his head up to meet his adversary, "Rhino? Nice to see your ugly mug." The mutant towers over Spider-Man and lets out a gruff chuckle. Spider-Man stands back up, ready to face Rhino planning to end this quickly. The pair charge at one another. Peter dodges Rhino's horn and swings around him, attempting to cocoon him in webs, when he is suddenly picked up by the Vulture. "Damn, another?" He struggles to escape. Things don't get easier, as soon as he breaks free from his claws, he is attacked by Electro, then Shocker, then, the other Mutant, Scorpion. "Oh! You didn't tell me we were having a party!".

Spider-Man is able to fend them off when they attack one-by-one, but when villains like Scorpion and Vulture attack at the same time he struggles to dodge, being bested at both ground and aerial combat. Eventually, through a battle of attrition, he is bested by the five. Just before he can get up one more time, Doc Ock makes his appearance. To his surprise, though, Doc Ock is more angry at Norman. "You said the device was ready! You call this ready? You've blown up the entire city!" Without a second thought, Doc Ock uses one of his metal tentacles to pierce the device. Rhino charges and tackles Doc Ock off the roof with him. Norman rages at his work nearly being destroyed right in front of his eyes, lashing out at anything close by. "Kill him." He says coldly with hatred dripping off his words. "With pleasure." Scorpion chuckles, Spider-Man's senses blaring warnings throughout his brain, but being unable to push himself up in time, Scorpion plunges his stinger into Peter's back before bringing him up to eye level. Peter grasps the stinger that has pierced his torso. Scorpion laughs one more time relishing this moment before tossing Spider-Man off the top of the tower like trash.

Peter wakes up in a cocoon of web, in a familiar dark alley. He hurriedly inspects his chest to find no wound. He died, but somehow he's fine?. Well so far. Climbing the web, to the adjacent building, Peter finds the city in the same state. Ruin. "It wasn't a dream?" He ponders to himself. He notices a familiar six armed villain trudging and dragging his mechanical arms through the city. Spider-Man swings his way towards Doc Ock, quickly fighting some low level thugs on his way.

After saving a woman from a burning building, and then some kid's balloon, Spider-Man encounters Doc Ock's robotic minions. He struggles to fend them off, but at least he doesn't have to worry about getting his suit bloody. He punches holes through the Octobot's heads and torsos, permanently shutting them down. Eventually he reaches the man himself. Doc Ock is surprised when a web sticks to his chest, followed by a swift punch to the jaw. He catches Spider-Man's foot with a metal arm before he lands and throws him through a nearby wall. The mechanical arms tick and lock in a combative form as Doc Ock closes in on the hole. Through the smoke and rubble, Spider-Man slingshots himself towards Otto and the two engage in a violent fist fight. Spider-Man dodges most of the Doc's attacks, all-in-all, Doc Ock doesn't really stand a chance. Before he knew it, Doc Ock was falling to the street, fatigued and bruised. Spider-Man lands in his signature pose and grabs Doc Ock by the collar "What did Osborn do?" He shakes Otto violently, "Tell me Otto!" He screams. Otto barely gets out a few words. "He told me it would work. I don't like it just as much as you do, let me help. I know how the device works. I can stop it, please, let me fix this." It's surely a long shot, but Peter chooses to believe his former foe and helps him up. "If this is a trick, Otto, I won't be too happy." Doc Ock straightens his posture, "You really think my ideologies line up with destroying the city? Please, I'm not as evil as you think I am."

Thought a Doctor never told any lies.