
Chapter two

Two days later

I sit there watching the news about how spider-man has died.

they revealed his true identity to the world. The world got silent when he died. People cried as he was the number one trending person on Twitter. I shake my head at that thought.

That's all I could find on Tv. It appears that this new person named Gemini killed him. The Avengers didn't take it very lightly.

None of them got their hands on this person. To be honest, I'm glad he's gone. Dead wasn't what I wished for him, but at least stop being spider-man. He swung in once a day and left for the rest. How weak could you get?

I turn the Chanel to the news to see he was all over.

reaching over, I grab a cup of water the nurse had left for me.

I sat in the white room. A cast around my waist as I crossed one leg over the other. I wore this blue robe thing they usually put on their patients.

I couldn't help but think what the Avengers would do now. How would things work out for them? How would they catch the killer? So many thoughts ran through my head.

Of course, I wasn't going to get any attention. Pity schools crimes aren't mentioned on the news nowadays anymore.

"So sad... isn't it?" I hear.

I turn my head quickly, startled at the light voice that was echoing through the room.

It was Ellen. My heart began pounding as I got embarrassed at my condition I was in. She was so beautiful. The shade from the clouds washes over her lightly, making her skin seem a little paler which made her so much more beautiful.

She had balloons in her hand. Her tight jeans showed the curves in her body as her hoodie was tight enough to give a good outline of her breast. Like she was going on some sort of date.

"He... hey," I say.

Ellen closes the door behind her as I hear her car keys jingle as she walks.

Her glasses were thick on her face as her eyes were nice and slim. In the sunlight, you could see her brown, Chinese eyes.


"Are you doing ok?" Ellen asked.

She comes over to me, giving me a whiff of cake and high-quality perfume.

"Yeah. A few sharp pains here and there," I answer.

Ellen sets the balloons sown on the wooden table and pulled up a chair next to my bed.

"I had to come and visit. To thank you for saving my life on the bus."

"Ahhh... Don't worry about it."

"No! But I have to. You risked your own for mine. to you, it may seem like something normal but to me, it means a lot. I couldn't help but think about how my mom would be the one coming up to the funeral if you hadn't gotten in the way. NOT to say that I wanted you to, just hard to imagine the fact that you did that. That I was supposed to be the one on this hospital bed," Ellen says.

I sit there and just look at her.

Ellen looks at my arms with a sad expression on her face.

"I didn't mean to barge in and just rant to you."

"No! No! You're fine. I'm glad you're here. I needed a little company. Got a little boring in here with just the Tv, Spider-man, and a cup of water next to me. Thank you," I reply.

Ellen smiles and grabs my hand.

My heart was racing yet I almost popped a boner. I had to hold back. If I got too excited, I'd send sharp pains through my body. I was already hurting enough. Ellen nodded and looked up at the Tv. Tony Stark was now speaking his round about how great Spider-man is.

"Peter was awesome. Saved my sister's life one time. I don't think I've ever told you," Ellen says. I shake my head.

"You haven't," I say.

I hear Ellen's phone go off and I pull my hand away from her.

She seemed to notice why and sigh before looking at the message she'd just gotten. It was from Jake, her boyfriend, my enemy.

"I don't want your boyfriend suspecting you of anything. I think you might want to head out now. I don't want to cause any problems with you, him, and I," I say. Ellen sits there for a moment and nods.

She had this look as if she didn't want to leave. But I let her go anyways.

"Right." Ellen stands.

I watch as she does. She puts her phone in her cooker and grabs her car keys and purse before turning with her back facing me.

"Thank you, again. Means so much to me," Ellen says.

I didn't do anything but just look at her as she walks away.

I wanted her to stay, yet I was so glad she left. I hated her seeing me in this condition. Not like she cared that I looked like this. I did save her life. But in my eyes, I always want to look good for someone that I like. Especially her.

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