
Season 0; Ep 2

Harry was in his room in the penthouse as he was in his bed, waiting for Peter to call him so he would be able to open the door for him.

But he soon heard a knocking on the window which led to him falling off his bed and seeing a silhouette. He slowly got up as he started to slowly walk towards the window which was covered by drapes. When Harry arrived at the window sill, he quickly pulled the drapes away and saw that Peter was hanging on the ledge.

"Peter!" Harry said he opened the window and helped Peter get in the bedroom.

"How did you—"

"I'll explain it later," Peter said as he was sitting on Harry's bedroom floor, breathing heavily. Peter climbed up a high building and was terrified for dear life. He never climbed up this high and it led to him being mentally tired.

"Maybe you could've lived in a lower level," Peter said as he breathed and got up.

"I don't know how to tell you this," Peter said to Harry, "but I have powers."

Harry looked out to where Peter came in from and saw how high they were. There was no way no human could be able to come up, with the exception of Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and some other Justice League members. He looked at Peter with a questioning look.

"How in the hell did you get up here?" Harry asked.

Peter stood up as he jumped on the ceiling and had his hand on it. He saw that Peter was sticking on the ceiling. Peter soon brought his feet to the ceiling and stood upside down in front of Harry. Peter soon dropped from the ceiling and landed on his feet as Harry was writing down some powers Peter has. So far all he has was the ability to stick to surfaces.

"Do you know what else you can do?" Harry asked as he looked back at Peter.


Within the same night, in an abandoned area in the Gotham Pier, Peter and Harry decided to leave the penthouse and were now in a very large and abandoned warehouse that contained some light and some stuff for Peter to test his powers. Harry also brought a stereo as he put it down and played the song Alright by Supergrass.

"You ready?" Harry asked.

"You bet?" Peter said as he took out his notebook and pencil to write down his powers.

Peter was at one end of the warehouse and Harry was at the other end of it. The distance between them was 40 meters and Harry had a stopwatch as he yelled, "GO!"

Peter did a full out sprint as he crossed to the other side of the warehouse. Harry clicked it again and saw the time was around five seconds.

"5 seconds!" Harry said, as he was writing Peter's top speed down, "So that would be 200 meters persecond."

"Yeah," Peter said as he panted and felt some pain on his calves, "but at the cost of me being really gassed out and aching."

"Still great," Harry said, "but yeah, just maybe don't go on a full out sprint."

Peter nodded as they continued to do a strength test. There were some empty shipping containers that cranes would carry as Peter started to lift one up. Peter and Harry looked up that an empty shipping container weighs about 5,071 pounds. So they took it in consideration as Peter added another crate and another until seven in total as he was starting to strain which led Harry to tell Peter to stop.

The two multiplied the seven shipping containers by the weight of one and got the total of 35,497 pounds which led to Harry writing down the total weight. The two soon started to test the amount of force Peter's punch can pack.

After that Harry took out a revolver and Peter started to get concerned.

"Okay what is that for?" Peter asked.

"It's to see your reaction time," Harry said, "Don't worry I'll shoot you in the leg."

When Harry shot the revolver Peter did a high jump that led to him grabbing on the ledge of a beam. Harry looked up as Peter dropped from the beam and landed on the floor.

"Sorry," Harry said, "I won't do it again."

"Yes please," Peter said.

As the teen duo were walking out of the abandoned warehouse, Peter and Harry were trying to find some way to test Peter's powers as they both agreed that Peter needed some experience and a test to see how much he has to hold back.

Peter was walking forward while Harry was looking at his phone, his eyes widened as he read an advertisement.

"Dude look at this," Harry said as he showed Peter his phone, "there is an amateur wrestling match going on. The prize is $3,000 for three minutes in the ring!"

"That sounds cool," Peter said, "the prize money will help for sure. Aunt May and Uncle Ben can use the money."


The next morning arose as Aunt May and Uncle Ben were talking about Peter's recent behavior. In the background TV was playing as the Gotham Gazette's anchorman was talking about petty crime increasing in the city despite the most wanted criminals being held in Belle Reve.

"Something's bothering him," Ben said, "maybe he's just too embarrassed to tell me what it is. Or it is that I'm too embarrassed to ask him, you think?"

Aunt May nodded as she was knitting and Ben continued, "I don't even know anymore."

Peter's footsteps were heard as he came down the stairs and had a bag of food which only contained a sandwich.

"Hey," Peter said, "I'm going to the Downtown Library to study."

"Hang on, Pete," Ben said as he got up, "I'll drive you there."

"I'll take the train," Peter said, not wanting Ben to know what he was doing.

"No, no, no, I need the exercise," Ben said, "go get in the car."

Peter left the door, but before Ben joined Peter he looked at May and gave her a thumbs up.


As Ben pulled up from the curb where the Library was, Peter was about to get out.

"Thank for the ride, Uncle Ben," Peter said as he was about to get out—

"Hold on wait a minute," Ben said, making Peter stay in the car, "Peter we… we need to talk."

"But we can talk later."

"Well we can talk now," Ben said as he turned off his car, "if you'll let me."

"What do we have to talk about right now," Peter asked.

Ben positioned himself so he can properly talk to Peter, "Because we haven't talked at all for so long. Aunt May and I don't know who you are anymore on top of the growth spurt you had a few days ago. You've choked your chores and you have all those weird experiments and you start fights at school—"

"I didn't start that fight," Peter said, correcting Ben, "I told you that."

"Well you finished it," Ben said.

"What was I supposed to do," Peter asked, "run away?"

"No," Ben shook his head, "you're not supposed to run away, but Pete look, you're changing. I know 'cause I went through the same thing you're going through at your age."

Peter shook his head as Ben didn't know what he was going through, he's now a literal Human Spider, "No, not exactly."

"Peter," Ben started to explain, "these are the years when man changes into the man he's gonna become for the rest of his life. Just be careful who you change into. This guy Flash Thompson, he probably deserved what happened, but just because you can beat him up, doesn't give you the right to. Because with great power comes great responsibility."

"What are you implying?" Peter asked, "Look I'm okay. Something's different I'll figure it out, stop lecturing me, please."

"I don't mean to lecture and I don't mean to preach," Ben said, "And I know I'm not your father—"

"Then stop pretending to be!" Peter said in outburst.

Ben simply had a hurt expression on his face as he looked ahead and solemnly nodded, "Right, I'll pick you up at 10."

Peter simply got out of the car and closed the door and as Ben drove off, Peter went to the wrestling building and met Harry who was waiting for him.

"Hey man," Harry said, "I'm going to watch you and to support you. And to give you a heads up, the fighter is Bonesaw."

"Thanks Harry," Peter said. Harry nodded as he went in through the audience line and Peter entered through the fighter's entrance. Peter went up the stairs and saw a big muscular man, Bonesaw body slamming another person.

"Ouch," Peter said to himself as he walked to another area to take off his hoodie to show a black long sleeve shirt that contained a white spider logo and he took out a black balaclava mask and put it on his face. Peter went in line and waited until he was up to sign up and the woman laughed at his body despite having a toned build.

"There's no middleweight for you sir," the woman said, "next."

"No, sign me up," Peter said.

"Okay," she relented, "you understand the Gotham Wrestling League is not responsible for any injury you may and probably will sustain while participating in this event and you are participating under your own free will?"

Peter nodded, "Yes."

"Down the hall to the ramp," the woman said, "good luck."

Peter walked up to the ramp and a drape covered him.

"What's your name, kid?" The announcer asked him.

Peter didn't think about it before so he just said the first thing that came to his mind, "The Human Spider."

"The Human Spider, that's it? That's all you got?" The announcer asked him, not sure if he wanted that type of name.

"Yeah." Was Peter's simple answer.

"Well that's a shitty name," The announcer grunted as he rolled his eyes and walked to the ring to call him up. "Up next against Bonesaw is the terrible, the deadly, the Amazing Spider-Man!" The announcer said with enthusiasm trying to better the name of a built guy behind him, after all, even if he hated the name, for sure he liked his job and the money he got out of it.

Peter started running by the walkway a little annoyed the announcer changed his name and when he got to the part where he needed to get into the ring, he jumped right off the ground jumping over the ropes and landing inside, shutting up everybody's booing as they were impressed and wondering how he was able to do what he did.

The only person not surprised was Harry and Bonesaw, who just looked at him with a grin. "I hope you are ready for your bones to be crushed." He said to Peter as he flexed his muscles.

"Uhm when I want to commit suicide I'll call you… don't hold your breath." Peter said, making people chuckle at his remark, and making Bonesaw angry as he totally pushed his threat aside like it was nothing.

"OK ladies and gentlemen, this fight is special, we are having this fight to be caged!" The announcer called out as the cage was starting to form around the ring.

"What the fuck, a cage fight? I wasn't expecting that," Peter said to himself at first, but then turned around to face the announcer, but since he just shrugged, Peter just gulped. "Ok Peter, next time, try to shut up, because your Parker luck just makes you get in worse situations." He also said to himself as he turned back around as he was also now nervous to fight Bonesaw. Harry was watching from the audience seat and just hoped Peter would be okay.

Peter started jumping up and down shaking his body to let loose. The bell rang and Bonesaw was happy because he wasn't going to wait for him to attack after his remark. So he just started running forward trying to slam his head at the target which was Peter's body. Thanks to Peter's newly acquired powers though he was able to jump up, do a front flip in the air and land his feet on his shoulders and push off of them causing Bonesaw to be pushed into the metal cage… hard, as Peter landed safely on the floor of the ring.

"You are an amazing fighter, have you ever heard the saying 'don't rush head first into your problems'? You're good at that." Peter quipped as Bonesaw got up with even more hatred towards him.

"Oh you're gonna get it." He said as this time you could hear a Mexican accent. People in the arena were shouting "kill" him over and over. As Bonesaw was walking towards him he started swinging and kicking, but Spider-Man dodged and countered every hit, causing Bonesaw to get on one knee. Peter seeing this opportunity using the momentum of a backflip he kicked his chin actually causing him to go up in the air somewhat and making him land on his back hard against the ground.

As he slowly stood up one of his followers that was close to the ring went up and gave him his chair. He was able to use the chair as his advantage as Peter wasn't able to dodge it making him go into the ground, as he was on the ground Bonesaw wasn't going to give him a chance to come up so he kept hitting him over and over with the chair as Spider-Man kept trying to get up.

"Do you not know the meaning of a squashed Spider!?" Bonesaw asked him loudly as Spider-Man wouldn't give up so he threw aside the chair and grabbed him, and started throwing him against the cage, then letting him go as he flung him into the floor of the ring.

"It's alright, it's just your bones, your muscles, and your organs, you can fight it. Man, I don't understand the meaning of shutting up." Peter said to himself as he got picked up one more time and thrown again, but expecting it Peter flipped his body making his feet land on the cage and pushed himself back at Bonesaw.

"Here come the ten toes of knockouts!" Peter quipped as he flipped his body in the air to hit Bonesaw with his feet, knocking him back into the cage again, and this time when he fell he was already knocked out. The announcer called it.

"And the winner is… Spider-Man!" He said as he raised one of Spider-Man's hands in the air. Looking at the time Peter saw that the whole fight lasted 30 seconds. Happy with the turn out he smiled to himself. Harry sat down in relief that his best friend was not going to get killed or kill someone.


Peter met Harry at the back alley after the fight to talk.

"Dude, that was awesome!" Harry said, "I knew you could do it."

"Thanks man," Peter said, "It's getting late. I got it from here, you should go home."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, not wanting to leave Peter.

Peter nodded as Harry simply nodded and walked away to his penthouse and Peter went into a fight promoter's office.

The promoter saw Peter and simply gave him a hundred.

Peter had the mask still on and was visibly confused.

The promoter saw Peter was still there, "Get out of here."

"A hundred bucks?" Peter asked, "The ad said $3000."

"Well check it again, kid," the promoter said, "it said three grand in three minutes and you pinned him in 30 seconds and for that, you get a 100 and you're lucky to get that."

Peter was now pissed off, "I need that money!"

"I missed the part where that's my problem," the promoter said to him only making Peter more furious, he went out of the room while flipping the promoter off and walked in the direction of the elevator that would take him downstairs.

Then out of nowhere he heard yelling.

"Hey somebody stop that man, he took the money from the vault!" It was the promoter, a security guard, and the guy was headed to the elevator, Peter just shrugged while stepping aside and let him through to the elevator in which the guy clicked the button, when the door was almost shut he looked at Peter.

"Thanks." Was all the man said as the elevator closed.

"What the hell's the matter with you, you let him go!" the guard said, while he left, "cut him off the lobby and call the cops!"

"You could've taken that guy apart," the promoter said, "now he's getting away with my money."

Peter scoffed, "I missed the part where that's my problem." He said to the promoter with a smug look, seeing how he didn't pay the poor kid as he should have, he felt that he deserved it and went away guiltily before turning around to say his final words.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you all the money you deserved, kid, I guess I did deserve that, after all, the saying is 'what goes around comes around'." And the promoter left, making Peter regret not stopping the man, but didn't think too much into it, after all, what is done is done. Something his uncle taught him as well.


Peter was walking down the street and turned around on a corner to another street as he was heading to the area where Uncle Ben could pick him up. He was taking his time as he didn't see Ben's car, but when he turned he saw lights... red and blue lights, which were coming from the direction ahead of him, and when he finally paid full attention to them he realized that the lights were coming from the police cars, wondering what was up he went to check it out, only to see a familiar face in the ground. He started running, pushing any cops that were coming his way.

"Stay back," the cop said. Peter soon saw the face of Uncle Ben and shoved her away.

"That's my Uncle!" Peter said while going to Uncle Ben who had a gunshot wound on his chest.

"What happened?" Peter asked.

"Car jacker," the cop said, "he's been shot. We called an ambulance and they're on the way."

Peter looked to Uncle Ben, "Uncle Ben? Uncle Ben…"

Peter was able to hear the laboring breathing of his uncle as the old man opened his eyes and saw Peter.

"Peter…" Uncle Ben barely said.

"I'm right here, Uncle Ben," Peter said while shedding a tear. He saw Ben's hand open up and held it as Ben said, "Peter…" before he soon died and let go of Peter's hand.


It was all that he felt as he remembered the last time he talked to Uncle Ben he said something that he shouldn't have said and he wished he could take it back. Peter had his head down in sadness as he started to cry, but it all stopped as he overheard a cop talking.

"They are in pursuit of the shooter," the cop said, "he's headed south on Fifth Avenue towards Crime Alley."

Peter was now in hunger for revenge to find Uncle Ben's killer, he was going to do whatever it took. He didn't care if he had to search all of Gotham to find him but he will find the killer.

Peter got up and ran off into an alleyway and put on his balaclava mask. He looked around and saw no one was around and it was perfect as he was going to climb up the building. When Peter got on top of the rooftop he took out his phone to see where his location was. He saw that he was near the Gotham Cathedral as he went there and perched on top of the bell tower and it was perfect as it was located on Fifth Avenue.

Peter looked around and saw the stolen car of Uncle Ben and jumped off the tower to chase it.

The robber in the car was driving towards Amusement Mile. He was being pursued by cop cars, but his heart dropped as he heard a thud on the car.

Peter had managed to pull off a massive leap from a building and landed on Uncle Ben's stolen vehicle. He didn't hesitate to punch through the roof and grab the killer's face. It led to the car swerving, but Peter paid no attention to it as his Spider-Sense went off and out of instinct, he bobbed his head to one side, dodging a gunshot. After dodging several shots Peter jumped onto a chiller truck. Peter steadied his breathing as he kept his eyes on the car. It was driving ahead and as he eyes tacked the car, it also showed an overpass that Peter jumped over and landed back on the truck. Peter saw the car which was over ten meters away. Peter breathed as he jumped and did a massive round off and landed on the hood. Peter saw the killer and punched the windows, but his Spider-Sense ringed again.

He jumped and did a backflip as he landed on a rail while balancing on it perfectly. He looked back and saw the sign to where he was, the Sionis Steel Mill.

Peter explored the steel mill and saw a few armed thugs, another came out from a door to talk to the group.

"Carradine came back," the thug said, "we should gather around before he kills someone."

The goons were about to enter the mill, but Peter landed in front of them.

"Hey boys," one said, "It's just a kid."

Peter threw a right hook that made the goon fly a few meters with his nose being broken. Two other goons aimed their rifles at Peter, but they were knocked out right away as Peter did a roundhouse kick to one and did a spinning backhand to another.

Peter saw the last goon who was shaking and walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar.

"Where the fuck is Carradine!?" Peter asked in rage.

"I-I don't know," the goon said. Peter's eyes narrowed as he broke the goon's finger, making him scream.

"Wanna try again?" Peter asked.

"He's in the loading bay with a bunch of other goons," the guy said, "now don't kill me please!"

Peter knocked him out as he entered the loading bay and saw someone at the upper level across from him. He couldn't identify who it was per say, but he knew that it was Carradine.

"Carradine!" Peter screamed.

Everyone was startled to who was screaming and looked to see a black hooded Peter who was wearing a balaclava mask.

"Go get 'em boys," Carradine screamed as he closed the office door.

The at least 12 goons varied in terms of weapons from batons, knives, bats, etcetera, no guns were present. One swung a bat at Peter who leaned to the side and threw a right hook that made him fly into a wall, rendering him unconcious.

"Who's next, gentlemen?" Peter asked.

Carradine was in the dark office of the Sionis Steel Mill as he started to shiver to the horrific screams of guys being brutally attacked by some random guy. He sounded like a kid and he was no way Robin, as Robin is less aggressive than this guy. But he couldn't say anything as he saw the door break open and one of the goons who was bruised and bloodied was being used to break the door open.

Carradine was shaking in fear as he saw the dark silhouette of Peter walking towards him.

"Don't hurt me, please," Carradine said, "just give me a chance!"

"What about Ben Parker?" Peter asked, "Did you give him a chance? Did you?!"

Carradine was silent which enraged Peter and picked up Carradine by the collar and pinned him by the wall. Soon a light shined and showed who Carradine was, he was the guy Peter let go from the fight promoter's office, he was also the one who killed Uncle Ben.

This enraged Peter as he snapped back in reality and felt a gun against his forehead, but he took the gun out and broke it as he punched Carradine in the face. Peter's rage was at a peak as he continued to punch the killer in the face, causing bruises on the face and blood to show. Peter was hailing punches at him and was about to kill him, but he stopped as if he couldn't kill him. He was hesitating, Peter looked down and saw the killer of his uncle, begging for him to live. It led to Peter remembering what Uncle Ben said, 'These are the years when man changes into the man he's gonna become for the rest of his life. Just be careful who you change into. This guy Flash Thompson, he probably deserved what happened, but just because you can beat him up, doesn't give you the right to. Because with great power comes great responsibility.'

Peter snapped back into reality as he stopped what he was doing and stood up as he heard sirens approaching the Steel Mill.

Jim felt saddened as he heard about the victim being his next door neighbor Ben Parker who was acting as a Father to a kid whom Barbara liked. Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock were entering the Steel Mill, but were surprised to see criminals and Carradine all tied up in chains.

"Huh," Jim said, "looks like someone did our job for us."


Peter was sitting on the edge of the rail of Wayne Tower as he looked out into Gotham City as he had decided to go back home.

It didn't take long for him to arrive and when he opened the door, he saw Aunt May was waiting for him and Ben.

"Where's Ben?" Aunt May asked.

Peter looked down solemnly as he said, "I'm so sorry Aunt May."

Aunt May started crying as she started to hug Peter who hugged her back.


General Eiling and a few officers arrived at a S.T.A.R. Labs proving ground bunker. They met with an executive, "General Eiling."

"Good to see you," the exec said. The two started to walk to the grounds as he said, "our exo-skeleton got real fire power General."

"If it does what you say it does," Eiling said, "I'll sign the contract tomorrow."

As they got to a trench, Eiling said, "I assume you're confident about this test."

"Absolutely," the exec said, "Captain Curtis is our top pilot."

They were watching as they saw the exo-skeleton starting to fly.

"So what about your commitment to Oscorp?" the exec asked.

"Nothing satisfies me more than to put Norman Osborn out of business," Eiling said.

Captain Curtis was flying the exo-skeleton up, "Re-flight complete, up."

"We are picking up an unidentified flying object," someone said through the Radio.

"The hell?" Curtis was confused, but his eyes were wide with fear as he heard a deranged laugh and a missile coming at him. Soon Eiling saw someone in a glider shoot out a bomb as he screamed and died in an explosion.


A/N: Chapter 2 is finished. General Wade Eiling is from the DC comics and with him dead, Lois Lane's father Sam Lane will be the United States Army General. Also Peter's face is based off of the ORIGINAL face model from the PS4 game. NOT the remastered, but the ORIGINAL game.

Chapitre suivant