
Space Battleship Omega Sahara 9-1

Basically, this book is my first book I am planning on writing it's probably going to suck, but it's going to revolve around 3 main characters 1 from the past 2 out of 9 in the present as well as involving a legendary spaceship connecting these characters together in some way or another as well as set up for another book to add to make it a series, and also revolves around a couple hundred or 100 side characters it is going to be edited a lot, with empires other made up legendary ships, probably some side characters that seem to be main and you end up loving which then end up dead hence the dark/tragedy aspect some may go out like a Bad A$$ others not so lucky and end up Betrayed/Assassinated/ Gone just like that dead or the worst way to go Brutally tortured to further aid the Main villains plans on killing the Sub Main Good characters and winning in their own way. Full Warning this story might get Gory, and use Cuss Words, Main characters can die their just way harder to kill besides the True Main character the other can all die you have been Warned!! Enjoy.

ZetaGrid · Romance
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5 Chs

Info Dump #1 Omega Sahara-9 Battleship

Sahara-Experimental Battleship Class

Stats: Omega Sahara-9 Battleship


Shields: 25,000/25,000


Hull Integrity:100%

Shield Integrity:100%

Armor Integrity 100%

8, 12, -8, -Front 10,000/10,000

8, 12, -8, -Back 10,000/10,000

-3, 6, 3 -Broad Left 10,000/10,000

-3, -6, 3 -Broad Right 10,000/10,000

24-Top Side 5,000/5,000

-24-Bottom Side 5,000/5,000

Ship Systems:

Weapon Systems: Online

2 Twin Barrel Omega Class Cannons-Experimental 50k-True-DG

10 Orion Class Super Heavy Cannons-20k DG

20 Orion Class Heavy Cannons-20k DG

100 Orion Light Cannons-10k DG

Aircraft Complement:

- 25/25 Orion Heavy Sriker Craft Class

-15/15 Hybrid Craft Class

- 5/5 King Class Heavy Transport Ships

- 200/200 Prince Class Light Transport Ships

Utility Systems:

Shields: Active

Lights: On

Toilets Flush: Optional D**k Captain Move."

Lock Down: Not Activated

Launch Pods: Not Activated

25,000/25,000 Shield

Regular Energy System: 200,000/200,000.

RG Energy Recovery: 120k Every Day.

RRE: 5k an Hour.

Red M: 10 Every 7 Days

Dark M:1 Every Year

Energy Reserves:

RG Energy:50,000/50,000.

Red Matter:1000/1000

Dark Matter:100

*Omega Overload-Uses 100 Red Matter to Enhances All Systems By 25% But uses 50% more RG energy last 1 hour.

Lights-Uses 5 RGE A Day.

Lock Down- Uses 50 RGE and activates all small weapon systems inside and locks all the doors and Hangers.

Slip-Space: Energy Usage 500 energy.

*Warp: Energy Usage 2,000 energy.

*Self-Repairing: Uses 2 Dark Mater every 7 days when damaged.

** Self-Destruct- Uses all the remaining energy to critically Overload the Reactor and shutting off all the Safety Systems in place to Ensure the Command is completed.

***Oblivion***: Information Classified, Captains ID Required, Handprint Required, Eye Signature Required, Blood Required. Access denied, "ANNONCMENT SENDING ALL AVALIBLE PERSENAL ON BOARD TOWARDS THE BRIG".

Acquiring Data

...ID Accepted

...Handprint Accepted

...Eye Signature Denied please input Override Password.... "Grid Lock"... Accepted

...Blood Accepted

Data Acquired

Oblivion Information Access Accepted.

Oblivion Activated-"May God Forgive Me"


Oblivion Protocol-Ensures the complete destruction of the Omega Sahara-9 Battleship by Combing the Dark Matter element with the remaining regular Red Matter powered energy as well as activating the self-Destruct Sequence, as well as activating the Slip-space and Warp count down and when the countdown reaches 0. Explodes the ship Creating a Crack in space as well as super electric and Radiational shockwaves in space leading to the total collapse of the solar system which in-turn will create a black hole destabilizing the gravity around 5 solar systems long.

Only The Omega Class Sahara-9 Flag Ship can use Oblivion.

So if you enjoy a certain chapter or dont enjoy please let me know by sending me he info in the commants.

Say which chapter and why. And I will first make up to 40 Chapters for you Gentlemen, and ladys to enjoy.

So If you dislike a chapter I can make it more enjoyable and if it gets enough reviews or dislikes I will change it and the backround is currently temporay I will make a new one probrobly after Chrismas.

1 More Thing I will probboly only post on well when I can about 2 chapters to fix any issures as well as gaining ideas.

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