

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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719 Chs

Chapter 553 ( Moon Ritual - I )

Two days later, Cloud was looking around with an expressionless face because he never thought things would escalate so fast.

Pretty decorations everywhere and strange natural lamps were hanging from tree branches, while the girls ran to a small meadow in the center of the island.

"Interesting, I never thought to see the traditional marriage of a mystical race" - said Netero as he pulled his beard - "And I have to admit I'm jealous of your luck, although now I'm a little worried about your health, that's a lot of women."

"I think the same" - Rika replied as she let out a laugh.

With all the time that had passed, she had overcome her irrational fear of being left behind, and was doing much better. She no longer felt that obsessive attachment with her friend, Shizuka, although there were still moments when she wondered if it wouldn't be a bad idea to experience a threesome with Cloud and her when she had the time, at least that way she would check if she really liked women.

"True, that amount of sex must be lethal, although remembering that he is a dragon and has an enormous vitality, I don't think he would have many problems" - Menchi added while drinking some beer - "Although the problem is the time."

"True, with all those women, it's minimum a whole day of sex without rest" - nodded Rika while looking with amusement at the blond.

Cloud just kept silent as the three recruits seemed to be laughing at his "misfortune".

"Anyway, when do you plan on using the [Ticket]?" - Isaac Netero asked as he looked at their leader - "I'm curious to know more about this strange summoning system."

"I'd say after the ritual" - muttered Cloud while clicking his tongue as he watched his three recruits let out a laugh and exclaimed that it would take quite a while.

"Well, I guess we can only wait, although now I have another question" - mused Netero as he looked up at the sky - "Is it possible to get off this island?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, the girls have gone out so they can buy some things directly from other people" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I see, I guess I could go explore this world, although after what I heard from you, I don't think there will be much adventures" - sighed Netero as he shook his head - "I guess I'll take this as a vacation until the time is right."

"Anyway, I reckon you'd better get ready because they already came looking for you" - mentioned Rika as she pointed in the direction of the group of elves that was approaching where the blond was.

"Cloud-sama, it's time for us to start with the preparations" - said Nol while she indicated him to follow her.

Cloud looked up at the sky and noticed how the sun was just coming into the center before he sighed and accepted his fate - "What do I have to do?"

"First you have to wash yourself in the sacred spring" - Nol answered as she mentioned to him the strange spring that appeared next to the [World Tree] during the last few days - "Then you have to put on the ceremonial attire, it's already prepared although you have to try it on to see if there are any arrangements to be made."

"I just hope it's not something too ostentatious" - Cloud sighed as he shook his head.

"I'm not promising anything because I'm not quite sure what's ostentatious by human or draconic standards" - replied Nol as the other elves looked at each other confused.

After two days of conversation, they saw that they were not as different as they thought, so now they were taking the first steps to be able to become a single clan.

Cloud nodded even though he would soon discover that the outfit was not ostentatious, but "liberal."

* * * * *

"I never thought I would get married so young" - Saya said with a red face as she looked at her wedding dress, which looked like it had come out of an erotic manga because of how open it was in some sides.

"I think the same, although I have to admit that this is not so bad" - mentioned Miku while licking her lips because she was wearing a much more revealing dress because it was just a kind of white bikini some more details.

"These clothes don't look very formal" - muttered Kyoko with a red face - "Good thing this is a private ceremony because I don't think I can show this to anyone else but our future husband."

"Hmm, do you think we could wear these clothes during our nights of passion?" - Saeko asked as she looked in a mirror and nodded with a smile - "I think it would be exciting to remember this night that way."

"Hmm, you have a point" - muttered Asuna as she struck a few poses in front of the mirror and highlighted her prominent front even more - "I think it would be exciting to repeat our special night, more so with these clothes that are so open that they shouldn't get so dirty from sexual fluids."

"Stop talking about perverted things so normally!" - Maya exclaimed with a red face.

"Come on, we've done worse, you don't have to be so embarrassed, Maya" - replied Chifuyu as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder - "By the way, it's a pity I can't invite Ichika to my wedding, but it's not like I want him to see my current appearance either, neither do yours".

"This should be too much, even for someone as dense as Ichika" - nodded Houki while adjusting her bra.

"I still think this growth is too much, your breasts are bigger than Onee-chan's" - Tabane muttered while squeezing her younger sister's breasts.

A vein was marked on Houki's forehead as she firmly smacked Tabane's face because she'd had enough - "Come to think of it, what are you doing here, if you're not Cloud's partner?"

"One, I don't plan to miss my Houki-chan's marriage, and second, I decided to marry the same man as you so I can do dirty things with you ~" - Tabane answered honestly.

Houki's eyebrow trembled slightly as the other girls shook their heads because this situation was something normal for those two sisters.

"Tabane-san's Siscon behavior aside, I'm surprised that you two are here too, Makoto, Ema" - Ayane said as she looked at her former partner, and the blonde girl.

"Well, I had already made this decision when I decided to follow him" - replied Makoto as she shook her head and looked at her clothes - "I still think this is too much though."

"Oh, come on, these clothes sin pretty cute ~" - smiled Ema while wearing clothes that seemed to be made of white feathers - "Not bad ~"

"What surprises me is that Ryōko-san is here" - mentioned Okina while pointing at Kyōka's mother, who was talking to her daughter.

"What's wrong with her?" - Yuriko asked while tilting her head.

"Forget what I mentioned" - muttered Okina while shaking her head, after all, she wasn't the first mother he conquered.

"I see you are in high spirits" - said Olga as she walked next to Delva, who was taking in the train of her wedding dress.

The women clicked their tongues because after a long and heated discussion, they came to the decision that only Olga and Celestine could wear a train for their wedding dress.

"Are they still upset about this? At least be thankful that I allowed them to participate in the wedding" - Olga snorted as she folded her arms. She was wearing a white wedding dress just as revealing as the others, although this one only covered her nipples and vagina.

"Are you seriously going to wear that?" - Ren asked neutrally.

"Wait, you're going to marry him too?" - Kyōka asked with surprise.

"Not much of a choice, not counting that he's strong, strong enough to know that our kids will grow up big and strong" - replied Ren calmly as she sat on the floor, which was a bit awkward knowing that she was also wearing a revealing outfit and her ass was exposed.

"What about you, Erin-chan?" - Kyoko asked as she looked at the stoic light-haired girl.

". . ." - Erin just nodded silently.

"Ok, since we made it clear that all of us here are getting married, which if I wasn't involved in all this, I would think it's crazy" - said Tatenashi as she looked around at all her classmates - "I think we better get ready, we already have our dresses, but I remember hearing about that we have to do something else."

"Yes, however, that has to be done in the evening" - replied Olga as she indicated to all of them to sit down - "And since we have nothing else to do, I recommend that we sit down to talk"

"Wait, where is Celestine-san?" - Saya asked as she looked around, confused at not seeing the other goddess.

"She's making the last arrangements to her outfit" - replied Olga while shrugging her shoulders - "I honestly don't know if that's true, or not, because she has the same kind of outfit as us."

"Does she have a problem?" - Saeko asked with a frown because the reincarnation of the goddess, didn't seem to act strange when they started the preparations.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's doing a ritual for her "sisters"" - replied Olga while shaking her head - "Remember that she is the reincarnation of a goddess, so she has to follow certain rules"


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 610

I hope you guys join me on this platform



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