

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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719 Chs

Chapter 410 ( Surviving )

30 minutes had passed since the start of the battle and chaos was reigning in the place.

Soldiers were dropping like flies while Houki and Tsubaki were doing their best to try to help their comrades, but with no favorable results. They could only watch as the soldiers were mercilessly torn apart by the beasts while another group continued to advance.

Lindow's entire body was bloodied, only this time it was the blood of their prey.

Tsubaki could only lament as she saw how her younger brother's attitude was becoming more and more savage, and he was even beginning to disregard the safety of his human companions.

Houki knew that it was only a matter of time before her former leader's transformation was complete, which was why he had to kill as many [Aragami] as possible before he started to really go berserk.

"There are only a few of us soldiers left, Leader Shinonono!" - A soldier exclaimed as he looked around and noticed how the mangled limbs and bodies of his comrades were scattered all over the place.

"Calm down, help is coming!" - Houki exclaimed as she continued to cut down all the [Aragami] near her, though she had to admit that her [Shields] were being consumed much faster than they were recharging - "Mental note, tell my sister to modify [Akatsubaki] so it can absorb other types of energy!"

[Energy below 15%, the user is advised to reduce the consumption of [Shields] to continue the use of [Akatsubaki]].

Houki was silent for a few seconds as she instructed his [AI] to make a report on how long he could continue using the maximum power of [Akatsubaki].

[Initiating analysis]

[Analysis performed, delivering response]

Houki discreetly watched the screen that had appeared in front of her, only to frown as she noticed how she only had at most 10 minutes left - "Can you perform a scan of the surroundings and confirm the arrival time of our reinforcements?"

[I can only perform a scan of a maximum distance of 200 meters around the user, outside of that the consumption of [Shields] will be massive].

Houki clicked her tongue when she heard this, but still ordered him to do it, after all, she couldn't fly because her energy would disappear in a matter of seconds. The only consolation he had, was that despite everything that was happening and the drastic change he was having, Lindow continued to tear apart all the [Aragami] in the vicinity, not caring as his wounds increased.

[Scan completed, no human life forms in the vicinity, recommend performing a second scan after 5 minutes.]

". . ." - Houki was silent as she felt the pressure they were getting was mounting. She knew that her allies had to be fighting with all the [Aragami] ignoring them and continuing to run towards the base, but their situation was not so good as to say 'Don't worry, take your time'.

"I don't think we can hold out for more than 5 minutes" - Tsubaki muttered as she continued to help her companions, but her speed was getting slower and slower thanks to the growing concern she was feeling for her brother.

* * * * *

"This couldn't be more chaotic" - muttered Sofia as she looked around with a face full of sweat. They had been moving forward for 30 minutes, fighting off all the beasts coming towards them.

"If this keeps up, we'll never be able to get to them" - Sakuya replied wearily. She could feel her fingers starting to hurt from using her [God Arc] so much.

"And that's a problem because if we're bad, they who are on the front line have to be much worse" - replied Sofia as she continued to cut off everything that passed in front of her - "But at the same time we can't let those things pass through us, not when all those civilian lives are in danger"

Sophia was aware of the situation, that's why she could only curse in her mind the precarious situation they were in.

The allied soldiers were much worse off, after all, they were not as strong as her and the other members of the [First Unit], she could even see how some of them fell to the ground tired, only to be trampled by the beasts they were trying to kill.

"Now I feel jealous of Tatenashi and Houki for having that weaponry that allows him to fly" - muttered Sophia as she sighed regretfully.

"We better continue fighting because the faster we finish, the faster we can get to where the others are" - replied Sakuya while wiping the sweat from her forehead, not noticing how something was flying at high speed slurping their heads.

Tatenashi was using what little energy she had to get to Houki in order to support him. She had decided to put aside the fact that she had little energy, after all, she had come to the conclusion that after arriving, she would only use the partial summoning mode to be able to use her spear, with that she wouldn't have to worry about not being able to use her [IS], since her weapons were somewhat separate.

"Come on, Houki, hold on while I go help you" - Tatenashi muttered as she increased her speed, after all, for her there were only two people in this world that she would defend with her life on the line, Cloud and Houki.

[The energy of the [Shields] are in the red, please reduce the energy consumption].

Tatenashi frowned at the robotic voice of her [IS] as she completely ignored it. She continued to speed up to the point that the alerts were becoming more and more frequent because she didn't know her friend's status.

* * * * *

Houki was breathing heavily as she watched the last of the soldiers she had commanded, fall to the ground and be torn apart by the [Aragami] in the area. She knew things were terrible for them, but she couldn't leave Tsubaki and escape. She couldn't take Tsubaki and escape either because she didn't have enough energy left to be able to fly, not to mention she was sure she wouldn't want to escape either, not when Lindow was still here.

Tsubaki gave a glance to her companion and sole survivor besides her, only to sigh regretfully. She knew Houki was only staying for her, and now they were suffering grave danger because of her.

"Lindow!" - Tsubaki exclaimed as she looked at her younger brother in hopes that he would realize the situation so she could escape, but to her misfortune, her hopes had been trampled by Lindow who was ignoring her - "Lindow!"

The huge grey beast looked at Tsubaki coldly as it continued to tear apart everything in front of it. It was at that moment where Tsubaki finally saw clearly how his brother was disappearing and now only a small shadow of his former self remained.

Tsubaki could feel how something hot was running down her cheeks, tears were flowing like rivers while she could only bite her lip.

"Don't lose your concentration!" - Houki roared as she used her two Katanas to defend her fellow survivor - "The last thing we need is for those things to take advantage of you being with your mind elsewhere and kill you!"

"!" - Tsubaki's eyes widened as she shot a glare at Houki, who was breathing heavily from all the physical exertion she had been putting in. The black-haired woman cursed herself as she remembered how the dark brown-haired woman had been defending her every time she made a mistake because of her very unbalanced mental state.

Houki wouldn't deny it, she was furious with Tsubaki and her weak mindedness, though she knew she couldn't blame her, not when Lindow had mutated like this. Houki could put herself in Tsubaki's shoes, after all, she had a sister too, but right now none of that mattered, not when their lives were at stake.

"Houki!" - Tatenashi exclaimed as she landed next to her friend.

"Tatenashi!" - Houki exclaimed in surprise as a small smile appeared on her face, though it quickly disappeared when she remembered that her friend was also low on energy - "I guess you'll be our only support?"

"I know I'm not the best help right now, but you don't have to give me that face" - Tatenashi replied as she gave him a blank look. She quickly summoned her spear and looked around with a serious expression - "But let's leave the talks for another time, we have a lot to do right now."

Houki also deactivated her [IS], leaving only her two Katanas as she gave her friend a smile - "I know this will sound horrible, but I'm glad to have you by my side in this deadly situation."

"No one has ever said something so nice to me before" - Tatenashi said with a cute smile, only to look disdainfully at her friend - "Or at least that's what I would say if this wasn't a life and death situation."


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