

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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719 Chs

Chapter 147 ( bloodline )

"How you feel?" Tabane asked seriously as she looked at the boy.

"To be honest, I feel better than ever"-answered Cloud as he frowned, but his expression changed to one of melancholy when he saw how his bracelet had completely disappeared.

"You can be more specific?" Tabane asked curiously.

"Hmm..."-Cloud closed his eyes for a few seconds while he saw his Stats, only to notice his Stats, only to open his eyes in surprise when he noticed how his race had changed

[Race: Dragon (20%)]

[Information: In order to recover all the damage caused by the effects of [Limit Breaker] and thanks to Tabane's intervention, your bloodline activated again, modifying your body at the cellular level. On the outside you are still human, but on the inside you are a descendant of Draconian blood like the Wyvern]

". . ." - Cloud didn't know how to react to this discovery. He knew that in the future he would stop being human but he never thought it would be so fast, not to mention that now he didn't know what kind of side effects having intimate contact with girls would have.

"Is something wrong, Cloud?" Houki asked with concern.

"I'm sorry... it's just that I don't know how to react exactly" - the blond sighed as he looked at the girls normally, only for them to notice the apparent change in his pupils, now they were completely reptilian on their blue irises that they made to be much more exotic than before.

"Interesting... I hadn't noticed the change in your eyes" - Tabane said as she carefully looked at the blonde's eyes - "Do you feel something different?"

"Everything looks much clearer and... could you lower the volume of your voice a little? My senses are out of control"-Cloud said as he grabbed his ears. Not only the sound was bothering him, but also the smell of it. He could smell the girls' perfume among many other things.

"Interesting... your basic senses have increased considerably" - Tabane said seriously - "Does that mean your touch and taste are too?"

"I'm sure it is" - the blonde muttered as he remembered the fact that the [Dragon Slayers] had serious problems with public transport.

"We would have to do some tests, although these will have to wait for later" -the inventor agreed as she looked at the girls-"I'm going to give you some time, don't do anything crazy because he just woke up"

"W-We didn't mean to do anything weird!" - exclaimed the girls with faces red as apples.

"I know, I was just kidding"-Tabane smiled as she left. She had to go to Chifuyu to inform him of the situation.

". . ." - A deep silence invaded the medical room while the girls looked seriously at the blonde.

"Um…how have you been?" Cloud asked with slight discomfort.

"When you recover, we'll talk seriously about how stupid you were to not only start fighting alone, but also use that technique that almost killed you" - Charlotte said with growing fury. The others were just as upset with that situation.

"I did it to protect you" - Cloud replied seriously - "I wouldn't risk it that way, then things would have been much worse and most likely one of you would have ended up in a catastrophic state"

"I'm not going to get into arguments about 'What if'…" Houki said as she hugged the boy, "It's good to see you're alright…"

"Thank you, Houki... Ouch!" The blonde exclaimed as he cupped her cheek.

"That was for being a jerk and worrying... I hope it doesn't happen again..." - the girl said coldly. She was being serious about this because she didn't want to go through something like this again.

"I'm sorry..." the boy apologized as he sighed regretfully.

"I think Houki-san made things clear"-Tatenashi said as he looked at the blonde-"It's good to see you're okay"

"We'll talk about this later, I still haven't forgiven you"-Charlotte said as she gave him an annoyed look, but she quickly put that aside and hugged her boyfriend-"You don't know how worried she was...no , we were"

"Cloud-san..."-Cecilia said as she hugged the boy with tears in her eyes.

". . ." Cloud looked around and sighed again as he shook his head.

* * * * *

"You're tenacious"-said Chifuyu seeing that the blonde was awake with the girls sleeping next to him.

"I still have many things to live for" - Cloud replied with a small smile.

"From the reports that Tabane gave me and from the new appearance of your eyes, I guess you didn't lie when I asked you about the origin of your strength" - Chifuyu said seriously.

"It was a fair deal, Chifuyu-san, you were telling me something extremely personal and I was doing the same" - answered the blond boy while shaking his head - "Although I'm going to be honest, for certain reasons I couldn't tell you the whole truth about my skills because it would be catastrophic for you"

". . ." - Chifuyu was silent for a few seconds and nodded. She could see that the blond wasn't lying and at the same time she now understood why she felt there was something off about their conversation.

"If you want to know more, I'm going to need you to come in a few weeks" - Cloud said calmly - "Although if you do come, I'm going to warn you that you're going to have to come with the mentality of leaving everything behind"

". . ." - Chifuyu was silent for a few seconds as she tried to analyze the blonde's words, but she didn't have any favorable results - "Ok... I'll keep it in mind"

"I'm serious, Chifuyu-san... because at that moment I'm going to ask you a question that will change your life"-Cloud said as he closed his eyes again. He was still a bit tired and needed at least a day or two to get used to his new body.

Chifuyu left the room with a confused look because she still didn't understand the blonde's words- "Change my life?"

he wouldn't lie, she was curious to know what Cloud was trying to say.

Cloud for his part, began to see the notifications that had happened during the time he was unconscious and noticed a small window that showed something he had never seen before.

Recruitable Characters:

1) Shinonono Houki (All Requirements Completed)

2) Shinonono Tabane (All Requirements Completed)

3) Charlotte Dunois (All Requirements Completed)

4) Yamada Maya (All Requirements Completed)

5) Orimura Ichika (Missing Requirements (75% Completed))

6) Orimura Chifuyu (Missing Requirements (95% Completed)

7) Cecilia Alcott (All Requirements Completed)

8) Tatenashi Sarashiki (All Requirements Completed)

9) Kanzashi Sarashiki (Missing Requirements (5% Completed))

10) Huang Ling Yin (Missing Requirements (50% Completed))

11) Laura Bodewig (Missing Requirements (80% Completed))

12) Tina Hamilton (Missing Requirements (70% Completed))

13) Natasha Fairs (Missing Requirements (50% Completed))

Cloud was surprised to see all this information, although after looking at it carefully, he calmly nodded. The information that was listed was only the Recruitment Completion percentage, there wasn't any additional information such as help to increase the percentage, so I didn't find this feature to be 'game-breaking' after all , the people from these different worlds were not lifeless NPCs, but flesh and blood people who could change their minds at any time.

"I better go back to sleep... the faster I recover, the sooner I can check my body well" - thought the blonde as he closed his eyes again.

* * * * *

The two days had passed quickly for the Academy boys and Cloud's situation was already known.

Laura, Ichika, Tina, Rin, and Natasha went to see him when they heard of his waking up, only to see the woman from America start apologizing like a machine gun firing bullets. Ichika and Rin weren't far behind, they too apologized for letting their emotions cloud their judgement, though after seeing that Cloud wasn't upset, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Laura appeared to make it clear that as long as she wasn't strong enough, she wouldn't bother him again with the fact that he became her husband.

Tina apologized for the events with [Silver Gospel] together with Natasha, after all, even if it was indirectly, the United States was responsible for all of this.

Maya stayed by Cloud's side the whole time when she heard that he had woken up, to the point that she asked for days off so they could spend more time together.

Tabane had gotten a little more animated now that Cloud had woken up and was even more daring with her questions regarding her new body. She even asked questions about her potential sexual enhancement, only to be hit by her younger sister who was as red as an apple.

Tatenashi also spent much of her free time with Cloud as she was slightly embarrassed when they were alone. Now that she was aware of her feelings, she couldn't stop thinking about a thousand and one things that embarrassed her beyond words, although she had to be thankful that Cloud wasn't bothering her.

Houki and Charlotte had told her about all the times Cecilia had taken care of him during her unconscious state, so she decided to give her relationship with the girl from UK a chance.

Chifuyu dropped by from time to time, although she quickly left because she still had a lot of things to do, and so the weeks went by and the end of the first semester was getting closer and closer to the end, with only one day left for everyone to have some fun. deserved vacation.


2 girls Who will be joining Cloud are :

1 - Chifuyu.

2 - Shizuka


guys support me on p@treon and read upto 157 chapters of Source and read 18k words ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic
