
Sound Soul

A young wanting to be a weapon master attend the academy with his bestfriend. Knowing the danger and adventure they will be doing together. Lets unravel the story of Andy as he Step in the world to achieve his goals. With the help of his friends will they be succesfull knowing that a war will be raging on . Will they be able to know their selves and will they achieve a sound soul?

johnlayson7 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


Today was Saturday one more day and the class will begin. My week here has been the same. Eldren keep bugging me out of nowhere while Max and Lawrence always invites me to join them eat break fast lunch or dinner sometime we stroll around the school. We even watched Lawrence perform some stunts with his weapon well his weapon are two gauntlets that converts his soul wavelengths to conjure solid earth materials like earth spikes when he punched the ground.

I even remember the time when he told us some information that may help us like types of soul wavelengths and level of weapon masters. He even told us that he's already a 2nd level weapon master. He even told us that in order to level up or position as weapon masters we have to kill 99 normal Yomas and 1 veracious eater.

Yomas are creatures that eats human beings to become stronger and to survive. Based from what Lawrence told us, Yomas are classified by level too. He said Yoma is called to a Normal Yoma. Well even though its is the weakest in their kind it's still been able to kill 3rd level weapon masters. Next in line is the Veracious eaters.

Veracious eater is somewhat more powerful than Yomas. Their power is said to be 10 time a single Yoma… And that surprise me that Lawrence was able to kill 99 Yomas and 1 Veracious eater… Next to it is the Awakened beings well Awakened beings are normally weapon master whose soul become dark and evil. They can switch from human form to their Yoma form. Their power is actually has big gap between the two. Since they use their soul wavelengths to power up their attack. Lawrence even told us that even some !st level Weapon master find it hard to deal with these creatures. He even told us that he met one too. It was Roman Turner. He then added that Mr. David and Roman was actually Batch mate here in the academy.

I even remember the reaction of my mom when I mention her that name. She even shared some memories of her when dad and mom was sent to deal with him, but he escaped from the brink of dying. I even laugh at the thought of it when she's saying those words because I can actually feel her aura from the phone… She might be really pissed of him.

Today Mr. David called us to meet him in the office and Max is waiting in outside my room. We were told yesterday that today we will be choosing our weapons. Well Eldren has his already and it was a Japanese sword that can emit lightning. Well the power of the weapons comes from the wavelengths of the user. Usually the souls has a dominant element that can be used to perform powerful attack and conjure elemental powers such as Eldren's lightning, Lawrence earth Element, and Clarisse Flame element. Yeah yeah… Clarisse has been joining us this lately…

I was about to move out of the dorm room when Eldren said..

Good luck on getting your weapon... "* he said while smiling… I just nod and was about to walk again, but then he stopped me by holding my arm.

If anything that you want I'll be here okay… Don't be afraid to talk… Im a good listener. "*he said leaving me curious.

My point is that… You can talk to me if ever you want someone to talk to. I can be your friend right? And besides were roommates its just that I can't stand seeing you keeping some distance."* he blurted and I was surprised by his words…

Its just that I have never been so socially active my life. Well Max told me to trust you to because he sees you as a good friend along with Lawrence and Clarisse but I'm still working on it. but thank you for trying to be my friend."* I replied a little shy

he smiled and leave a little chuckle and pull me close to him.

He then said.

Its alright… You can take your time we will always be here for you."* he said then patted my head.

I smiled at him and turn my back to him to walk out of the door. Outside Max was waiting with a frown in his face. I was about to ask him what's wrong he then started to walk… I followed him and gained some courage to ask.

What's wrong?"* I ask while looking at him with a little smile maybe it would lighten up some space.

He smiles but still a little discomfort is visible…

Nothing bud… Its just that I've been thinking about something.'* he replied looking straight at me.

Then mind sharing it with me.?"* I said while trying to reach for his arm.

He then stops walking and holds my hands. Smilling looking back at me.

I've been thinking how would I tell your mother that his son is already in love and leaving his older brother to be alone."* he smiled with a controlled laugh that is visible in his face.

WHAT!!!!! NO!" I snorted pouting. Why would he think about that.

Why would you think about that ?? And no I'm not leaving you over somebody."* I told him while we continue to walk still his holding my hand to where Mr. David is.

Well I kinda peek at your room earlier and saw both you standing close together."* he said while looking down on me while smiling.

Ohh about that he just told me to be open and wishing us both a goodluck nothing more nothing less."* I said in him still pouting.

Well hello boys."* a greeting from Mr. David broke us from our conversation.

Good morning sir"* both of us greeted him.

Well are two ready to select your weapon??"* he asked.

Yes of course sir !!"* Max being Max. Well its exciting actually its just that I'm a little scared. Well scratch that I'm totally scared right now since Mr. David is taking us down to a secret dungeon and its actually dark and cold.

He opened a door and revealed is a big stage in the middle. On the stage there are some writings and a circle in the center.

You have to stand inside the circle and wait for the weapon to come to you. Concentrate your soul wavelength to summon your weapon. I believe that you can perform soul Manifestation right?' Mr. David told us while leading Max towards the circle.

Well Soul manifestation was a process where we let our Soul wavelength to swell from our body causing vibration and glowing effects that surrounds us.

Max was smiling while paling himself inside the circle. When he's ready he then close his eyes and I believe he falls to concentration. Soon enough the air is starting to swirl around him making him more handsome than he is since the wind is ruffling his hair. Then after that he open his eyes and his eye color glows then we can see him glow.

After a few moments he held his right arm upwards and then a spark of light is forming in the top of his hand. The light then took shape a long shape. I thought it was a spear but then the shape change it still long but an addition to its details on the tip a long curve blade appear. Then the weapon appear in its full and amazing form. It was a scythe. The scythe was a combination color of silver and blue. With some gems in placed amazingly beautiful from the base of the blade and in the bottom of the staff.

Max then started playing with it like he'd been used to it. I was looking at him in awe and confusion. Letting a small question.

How can he do that?"* I asked the headmaster

Well when you summon your weapon successfully your body will be automatically be used to it. "* he replied while smiling.

I look back again to watch Max come down the stage. He then tied to let me touch his weapon but soon as I brush my fingers I felt I was burned. I yelp holding my hand towards my chest looking at the Headmaster is curiosity.

You can't touch the weapons of other weapon masters since the master's soul is intact with the weapon letting only the Master to be able to touch."* replied while checking my hand.

We watched Max as he did this cool thing where he tried to swing his scythe with his soul wavelength that releases ice spikes.

That was amazing!!"*. He smiled and patted my head.

Do you think so?"* he replied?

Yes I do"* I replied in a more energetic way.

Max and Mr. David laugh looking at me leaving me hiding my blush.

I was then led by Mr. David inside the circle. For a moment I pause and calm my self. I'm scared you know. I close my eyes I concentrated and focus letting my soul wavelength to envelop me. after a moment I can see glimpse of an object. It is surrounded by a hue of violet and pink color. It was a sword he has a very shining blade. Its handle has this carved patterns that looks cool and on the base of its blade from the hilt. I can Se a gap in the middle. And inside it a floating ruby gem.

From the gap there was a line in the middle of the sword that connects the ruby making the line glows ruby too. I grab it and was astonished… When I am satisfied with my weapon I then open my eyes. And surprisingly I was not in the dungeon anymore I was in a room off all white well it's actually it's the lights… I wandered my gaze around adjusting my eyes to the light I saw Max in a worried face and came rushing to me when he noticed that I was moving. Oh I was in a bed. It surprises me.

He held my hand making more confused. Then Eldren barge on the door hold looks so worried and came rushing towards me. holds my other arm while watching Max caress my. Hair.

I asked Max.

What happened"* he then smiles.

Rest buddy. Ill explain later."* he replied.letting me rest my back on the bed again.

Get some sleep their buddy. I will be here"* I heard Max while kissing my forehead before I drifted to sleep.


what could have happened in our Andy. and looking at Max caring his little brother heeh Cute^^.

heya update here.. stll im thanking those who read this book.

comments are very welcome ..

well see you on the next update.

love lots