
Soulbound: Embracing the Unseen [BL]

"Do you believe in a world that defies common sense and reality? A world where humans coexist with spirits?"

Meng_325 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

A Perfectly Logical Suggestion

Cody returned to the bookstore with us. Eleonora carefully examined his wounds, which weren't deep, so she didn't need to use her healing powers. Instead, she meticulously cleaned and treated them with care. 

After patching him up, Eleonora attempts to start a conversation, but Cody's uneasy body language makes it clear he feels a bit uncomfortable. Sensing this, Elle soon excuses herself, allowing me to approach him.

"If you want, you can go to my room. You know where it is, right?" I ask.

He nods and quickly stands up, heading towards the stairs. I still need to discuss this situation with my colleagues, so it's best if he doesn't hear it. As I watch Cody's figure retreat, Arthur tugs me by the elbow and pulls me aside.

"What now?" He mutters, more to himself than to me.

I pause and think for a minute.

"What if he stayed here?" I bluntly suggest.

This suggestion seems perfectly logical to me, but Arthur's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Are you out of your mind?" He blurts out, a bit too loudly, so he leans in closer. "This place will become a demon burrow in less than a week."

"It's not like he summons them. Maybe he's just unlucky," I whisper, irritation creeping into my voice.

"Unlucky?" Arthur's voice drips with sarcasm. "Show me someone else with that kind of luck.'"

"Don't forget we need to protect him," Eleonora interjects, appearing out of nowhere. "Whether he attracts them or is just unlucky, it would be easier for everyone if he stayed here."

I nod in agreement, but Arthur remains unconvinced.

"Fine, but he probably has a family. Are we just going to kidnap him and lock him up here?" He grumbles.

"For God's sake, no," Elle sighs. "It's his decision. But we all know it's probably the only sensible solution."

After intense discussions and debates, we conclude that Cody could stay with us. However, no one seems eager to be the one to present this offer to him. Once the conversation ends, Arthur vanishes from sight, while Eleonora and Kaya suspiciously linger near the bar. Looks like this task falls to me.

As I make my way toward the room, my mind races with thoughts on how to broach the subject. I have no clue what to anticipate from him either. Upon opening the door, I find Cody inside. At the sound of the door creaking, he turns around to face me.

"Hope I didn't startle you," I offer a smile as I present him with a cup of warm tea.

"Nothing could be scarier than that thing," He replies, accepting the cup from my hands. "Creepy as hell."

My lips tighten instinctively. A pang of guilt seizes my chest.

"Sorry I wasn't there," I try to break the ice again. "I was looking for you, but I couldn't get there in time."

Cody stays silent for a moment.

"It's alright. Not my first rodeo. Probably not the last either," He sighs, bringing the cup to his lips.

Although I feel guilty, my curiosity overrides my self-restraint, compelling me to push forward.

"When did all of this begin?" I ask.

"About two years ago. Since then, they keep coming back. Sometimes after a few months, sometimes a couple of times a week. It varies," He smiles sadly.

I wonder how he managed to hold on for so long. Since Cody doesn't have any supernatural gifts, he should be at least in a wheelchair.

"Do you always face them head-on?" I continue.

"Sometimes I spot them first, then I manage to hide. But more often, they find me faster. It's like I'm wearing a safety reflective vest."

I can't help but chuckle. His joke struck me as genuinely amusing. However, my laughter seems to catch Cody off guard, and he shots me a glare in response, his expression a mix of surprise and mild annoyance.

"Sorry," I smile apologetically, "Good expression."

"It would be funny to me too if I could fight them on equal terms," He says rather harshly, though I understand his underlying anxiety. "Unfortunately, I'm not like you."

"I know. But it's not easy for us either. Not all of them are easy to catch. Besides, you've seen that we don't come home looking very good," I sigh.

"Try to imagine how I feel," He continues, his tone softening slightly. "I don't have colleagues who can heal me. Sometimes it seems it would be better if one of them finally finished me off. At least I wouldn't have to hide and be afraid. But I want to live, so I fight."

I realize that, at least for now, I won't get much more out of him. My inquiries are merely provoking irritation and it's not helpful for either of us. It's also time to discuss the possibility of him staying with us before he angrily storms out of the room.

"We thought it would be best if you stayed here. Of course, if you decide on staying, you'll need to inform your parents or..."

"They're dead," His words slice through the air like a blade.

I find myself holding my breath, feeling the gravity of his words as they hang heavily in the air. It becomes increasingly apparent that with each exchange, Cody's life emerges as a narrative woven with hardships and tragedies.

"I'm so sorry," I say, trying to offer some comfort.

Nevertheless, my words feel hollow, lacking any real impact. Unsure of what else to say in such a situation, I realize that a stranger's sympathy won't save the day.

"I've accepted it. I'm alone now, so I handle things on my own," he says, lifting his gaze to meet mine. "If I stayed, would I have to join in on the hunts?"

I crack a small smile, keeping it subdued to avoid seeming rude.

"No, absolutely not. It would just be easier to protect you," I reassure him. "We're a bit busy here too."

Cody falls silent, lost in thought for a moment.

"I wouldn't say I trust you, but my situation is hopeless. I don't know, I could pay rent or at least help in the bookstore," He finally declares.

A wave of relief washes over me.

"No need. You staying here is already a great help. And we'll do our best to help you. Please, believe in that at least."