
He had been played!! [18+]

Astar Levi stood frozen in place, staring holes into a thick clump of shiny brown hair peeking out of the crimson sheets.

Levi's chicken burrito must have remembered the existence of multiple bathrooms in the bungalow because the strands loosely framing his lovely face were damp. They cast shadows over the little one's cheeks and eyes, making him look all the more delicate, like a little angel.

A sleeping angel.

Levi: "…" (._.)

Noah: "…" (*ᴗ˳ᴗ*)

Levi: "…Baby?"( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) '…please tell me you are just resting your eyes while awaiting my return?'

Noah: "..." (*ᴗ˳ᴗ*)

Levi: "…Wifey?" ಠ_ಠ

Noah: "..." (*ᴗ˳ᴗ*)

Levi: (ꐦ °Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻ 'You are fucking with me, right?! Right?!'

Levi heaved, and this time around, it wasn't entirely due to arousal.

"This is your last chance," Levi raised his voice to call out one last time. "If you don't respond, I'm going to assume you are waiting for me to wake you up in the exact manner I previously mentioned."

If his baby was just pretending to be asleep because he felt too shy to face him, then this last warning should be enough for him to "wake up"!

Alas, as the seconds of deathly stillness ticked by, it became clear to Levi that his newlywed husband had indeed left him hanging once again. On their wedding night!!

Of course, the possibility that the mentioned little husband intentionally fell asleep because he wanted to be awoken by Levi's dick didn't even occur to Levi! He knew his thin-skinned little darling well enough to know he would be too ashamed to do such a thing.

"Heh," A vein bulged out of Levi's neck, and an angry laugh escaped him. " 'Whoever falls asleep is a bastard', is it?"

'Good. Very good. (ꐦ ◠‿◠) Don't say I didn't warn you!'

Levi flicked his hand irately. He mobilized his Enforcer power, making the bundle float up from the bed and slowly turn in place, unwrapping the layers of bedsheets to reach the sweet, human core. Like plucking petals off a red rose, the crimson silk sheets got stripped off one by one, revealing the tantalizing flesh of the treasure within.

Levi's heated gaze landed on the little one's lovely pair of long legs – naked flesh, white and smooth, meant to be spread and held up by Levi's large hands.

Levi's gaze slid upwards to the perky bottom hidden behind the small gray briefs – practically begging for a good spanking!

And then his eyes climbed up the white t-shirt, so oversized it nearly slipped off the shoulders, to see the delicate collarbones and the slender neck of his little incubus.

For a moment, Levi's rage faltered. Could it be that his baby intentionally dressed up like this because Levi had told him he found it sexy?

If so, then could it be that his baby had no intention to leave him hanging but was just too tired and accidentally fell asleep?

It WAS pretty late.

Gentle sweetness trickled into Levi's burning heart, and for a moment, he considered letting his baby off this time. But then–

…wait. (≖_≖) Whose fault was it that they didn't return home earlier? Who was it that kept entertaining the guests the entire night instead of entertaining his husband? Who was it that confidently promised not to fall asleep on him? And who was it that failed to fulfill their marital duty on their own wedding night?

Heh, heh! (ꐦ ◠‿◠) He, Levi, had clearly been cheated!!! This sexy form of dress was either accidental or meant to provoke him, but it certainly wasn't meant to seduce him! Otherwise, why would his naughty wife wrap himself up like a ball of yarn, impossible to untangle?! Clearly, it was to make Levi keep his eyes and hands off of him!!!

He had been played!! (ꐦ °Д°)

'Good. Very good. (ꐦ ◠‿◠) It's you who asked for it!' With that last thought, Levi pulled back his power.

With no force to hold it up, Noah's motionless form fell down like a sack of potatoes, sinking into the soft bed.

Levi's languid strut turned into a hurried stomp. Before he could even register whether he was jumping on top or crawling up the bed, he was already looming over Noah, with his hands and knees on each side of the other, his fingers gripping the bedding so hard it nearly tore.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Levi's right hand slowly unclenched to pinch the sleeping beauty's chin. His stormy blue eyes scanned the lovely face of his little husband, focusing on the little one's delectable pink lips.

A muffled growl later, the hungry wild wolf pounced, capturing the lips of his defenseless prey.

Levi sucked and gnawed on the soft lips of his target ruthlessly. His frenzy, a perfect manifestation of his frustration and hunger. Deep yearning mixed together with overpowering adoration.

And yet, the little one beneath him returned not even one bit of his enthusiasm.

The indignance within Levi grew, and so did his unwillingness to admit defeat. He ground his painfully hard lower half against the little one's small package. Levi's hand released Noah's jaw and slid under his t-shirt, looking for a small perky bud to tease. He rolled the pitiful little thing between his fingers, carefully looking for any kind of response from its owner.

With each second, Levi's breaths grew heavier, yet the breathing of his little wife still remained unaffected! The little bud instinctively stiffened underneath his fingers, but its owner still showed no signs of waking up! Even his lower half showed no signs of waking!!

Levi's eyes flashed dangerously. His mouth released his baby's puffy red lips, sliding all the way down to the jugular vein, sucking and biting viciously the entire way, until he found just the right place.

'Baby, wake up!' With that last thought, Levi's teeth sunk into a soft spot on his darling's neck while his fingers simultaneously delivered a ruthless pinch to the erect little bud.

Finally…! After that vicious attack, the response that arrived….!

…ai, there was none… ○| ̄|_

No sound! No movement! Not even batting an eye!! There was not even a frown!!!

The exposed patch of flawless white skin on the little one's neck was now marred by clear teeth marks, and the tender little bud between Levi's fingers had clearly swelled up! Yet, let alone blush in shyness, its owner didn't even suck in a breath!

Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, the wind blew, palm leaves rustled, and waves washed over the shore.

Yet inside, Levi felt as if he was in a middle of a howling blizzard, his searing flames buried under an avalanche of snow.

Bloody hell! What kind of a deep sleep was this?!?

What exactly was he supposed to do to wake up this little ancestor?!?

With his teeth gritted and expression dark, Levi pushed himself off his sleeping little wife to stare at his own workmanship.

In the end, no matter how unwilling and indignant he felt, besides leaving one big hickey and one swollen red nipple, what else could he do?

Evidently, pinching and gnawing weren't enough to wake his baby up, and Levi wasn't willing to go as far as to bruise or break the skin.

Maybe he'd be able to wake the little one up if he treated his sensitive bits roughly, but he, Levi, didn't want to treat his baby roughly! >︿< Not unless his baby enjoyed being treated roughly. (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

But if the other side was out cold, how would Levi be able to tell what his baby enjoyed or didn't enjoy?! What his baby wanted and didn't want?!

What was the point of touching his precious if the other couldn't feel his touch?! Fucking hell! He wasn't into having sex with a soulless doll! Ah, what was the point of pretty flesh if it didn't contain his baby's lovely soul?! QAQ Where was the satisfaction if his touch didn't bring forth a cute response from his sweet darling?!

Levi rolled off Noah to lie next to him, shoulders slumped, looking listless. After realizing that his baby couldn't feel his touch at all, even his bulging erection had shriveled up pitifully.

It would seem this miserable husband wouldn't be getting any booty tonight… ಢ_ಢ

… … …

But there was always tomorrow! (๑•̀ -•́ )و✧

No – wait! Technically, today!!

Ha-ha! It was after midnight anyway! This "wedding night" had actually been "wedding morning" all along!

Therefore, it wasn't too late to continue their marital activities in the morning!

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