Ethan dies and reincarnates in another fantasy world where myths are everyday things, a place where living for 100 years is a short time and fighting against other people is the most common. Now with his new life, he decides to reach new horizons that before he could only admire or long for, but since he suffered the feeling of frustration and helplessness, he has decided to be different, so as not to have to feel that way again... that was his goal at first, but the time changes things and also one.
"Change with me" were the first words I uttered after a long time of being silent because of my death.
I have been chained to the body of a small child for a long time, I had the opportunity to have control over the child since I woke up as a soul within him, but I decided to only be his conscience in his future, at that time I did not have the will to try to snatch the chance to live from a young childish soul.
Time passed and I shared experiences with the child, our first laugh, first scare, nightmare and family love for our parents, whatever the child felt, I would also feel it for sharing a body.
Everything was normal until a stampede of monsters stormed the small town where the boy lived with his parents.
The beasts were ruthless and massacred almost the entire town, including the parents of the only 4-year-old boy.
The poor little man lost all his will to live, I could feel in every second his longing for his parents and for dying to be able to reunite with them.
The soul before full of vitality and light of the child was now only a miserable memory of what it was before, impotence filled my being and I could only hug the soul of the child while he disappeared.
For several minutes I held him in my arms until his soul left his body, I could not stop him, the child had already lost all his willpower to live, his soul was cracked by the impact of seeing his parents being eaten by a Demon Beast.
In the end, there was only a work of dim light floating in the place of the child, to merge with my being shortly afterward.
If I were not here, the child's body would also have died from the loss of the soul, although I suffered a pain similar to the one the child felt, as someone with more lived experiences, I can bear the pain of losing them, but he can't.
So this is how I completely became Ethan, a 4-year-old orphan boy from Sonnenwende Village ravaged by Demon Beasts.
I squeezed my hands for the first time, but it was not to test my connection with my physical body, but out of frustration and anger at realizing that the stampede was not an event of misfortune, but was planned and programmed to happen this very day and In this way, I was able to confirm this when several groups of men with their hidden identities explored the town writing down all the information they could gather, from death to the destruction of the will to live and about the demon beasts coordinating during the attack.
All the survivors are children and of all of them, only 2 are still alive or were, because they took the other child, while I was examined as dead for the symptoms of a Shattered Soul.
The stress finally reached my body and that caused me to pass out in the ashes of the remains of my home.
Black and white dots filled my vision, my ears felt very hot as if they were boiling from within and my balance became a disaster, I fell to the ground without strength and thus I disconnected from the world, I no longer returned to my inner realm where I used to live as a soul, I was now completely unified with my body.
"..." I woke up after some unknown time, my eyes felt uncomfortable from crying and also from the light hitting right on my face.
I blinked several times until I got used to the feeling and lighting of the room, I could tell that it was morning because of the smell of humidity and the position of the sun, but what most caught my attention was that I was in a bed comfortable that I could recognize because it is one where I have been before when my family visited my father Arthur's older brother.
Uncle Daven, my father's older brother and also a Mystic Blacksmith by profession in the neighboring town.
* Ting! Ting! * Now more awake, I could hear the sound of metal being struck, but always with a very strong rhythm, a rhythm which made my hands itch, a strange feeling, Ethan had never felt that before when he came to visit his uncle, but now I feel some things that Ethan could not before.
Everything is rhythms that resonate with my being and some more vivid while others briefer, the latter came mostly from all around me, it was a rhythm so silent and calm that one could not feel it, but all those rhythms were overshadowed because I could feel one full of great energy and rhythm, but below that rhythm, there was a darker one, almost opposite, intrigued, I headed towards my uncle Daven's workshop.
A very hot breeze hit my sensitive and childish face, but my curiosity was greater and I went into his workshop until I reached the Forge area where my Uncle Daven found is focused on forging some Artifact level weapon because his eyes and arms were full of SoulPower.
It didn't take long to identify what the rhythms that my Uncle Daven was releasing represented, I could detect [Sorrow], [Will], and a bit of [Wrath], but their most powerful rhythm was [Will] so, I can't understand, but I know it is Will, I just know.
The hours passed with the two of us in his workshop, I did not say a word, I was amazed by the forging of my Uncle Daven who was focused on forging a two-handed Ax, a weapon full of [Will and Wrath].
My uncle Daven slowly slowed him down until he came to a complete stop.
"Let's eat," He said with his always impassive voice as he began to place all his tools in his designated place, my Uncle's entire workshop was completely organized, labeled, and in his way, clean.
He is not good at socializing or almost anything other than Being a Mystic Blacksmith, here he is called an Eccentric Genius, but I know he only suffers from TOC and Sage Syndrome.
But as a good Adult, Uncle Daven managed to become completely independent several years ago even though he worried my father and my grandparents a lot, who only wanted to protect him from the world, but he is now someone recognized as one of the Best Mystic Blacksmiths of Fifth Degree.
After my uncle cleaned himself and changed his clothes for one with symmetrical and uniform patterns, we went out to eat in a restaurant that he always visits at the same time at the same table, as soon as we sat down, my uncle inspected the knife That they offered us as utensils, the knife must have 48 teeth or else he will take out his utensils.
"Here dear, tell us what you want" The waitress was about to give me the restaurant menu, but my uncle intervened.
"The usual for me, but for my Nephew Ethan, bring him Menu #5 with extra rice and meat" My uncle ordered a little stoic as always, while he gave me a little pat, I was not surprised, I still can't read him, but it's good to see that my Uncle is still the same.
I well understand that he just has trouble showing how he feels or that he thinks about others, but now that I can see and feel the rhythms, I can understand how much he cares about me.
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Life continues with its simplicity, one day someone dies and another is born and life cannot care if you think about your little importance on the large scale that life is, so it is also normal, that I can overcome the death of my parents, I had already accepted that I could not say goodbye to my first family, lose a second, did not increase the torment in my heart, but only became fuel to increase my will to enjoy my new opportunity to live and understand better, how unfair is this fantasy world.
My family could have been saved, but since there was no benefit to doing so, the Milagre Hall did not put up defenses against the demon beasts that surrounded the town.
The town had not granted any Sage Spiritual Artist in more than 80 years, which means that time would only increase and the value of the village will decrease in the eyes of the Empire and the Milagre Hall itself, 50 years ago the hall stopped sending Sages to keep the beasts under control.
The village had only been kept standing by the few Elemental Rank Spirit Artists who lived there, including my parents.
As the son of two Rank 18 and 19 Spirit Artists, my future is not so promising, but still much better than 80% of the StarDust Nation's population, as my Spirit Core will already have stored energy that I inherited from my parents, and I will have a better sensitivity to Spiritual Energy because my mother had me when she was at rank 15, enough to ensure my Destiny as a Spiritual Artist.
Something that I know I will be since I can see the SoulPower of other Spiritual Artists, something that a normal person could not, that's why several hundred years ago, Spiritual Artists were known as Witches or Demons for the crazy things they could do.... apart from the fact that during that era many Spiritual Artists did not know what they were doing and ended up discovering harmful Spiritual Techniques, now branded as Devil because of the negative effects they have or the requirements that one requires to be able to use them, an example is bathing in blood from another Cultivator to absorb their Cultivation and enhance one's own... one of the most well-known and most heinous cultivation techniques because it also works on normal civilians and has to be performed while the other person is still alive.
But decades later a cultivation technique that uses the beasts emerged that its foundations were made in the Thirsty Devil Technique, but now the Demon Beasts were used, after the Rose Blood Technique was born the Spiritual Artists created much more techniques and achieved discover many more new horizons in the Art of Cultivating Spiritual Energy and discovered such amazing Concepts or Dao.
The Cultivators created their cities where they would meet and debate in Duels to demonstrate which techniques are superior, then the Schools arose with the great Duelists being the respective directors of each of their techniques and fighting styles.
The world marveled at these people who were called Immortals for their long lives and that caused technological advances that should have arisen long ago, stalled by the investigation of this new world where the life of an average human being is something insignificant.
But other professions managed to reach impossible horizons, such as Blacksmithing, where a Rank 10 Mystic Blacksmith can create Life, an artificial life, but in the end, it is another living being that can grow and become stronger.
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During these several months, I have lived normally in my uncle's house, as a 4-year-old child, I don't have much to do, I can't exercise because it will only damage my body, not until I turn 6, which will be when my spiritual veins awaken and I will also have my Spiritual Manifestation that can help me to strengthen myself or maybe not.
Now with a lot of free time in the home of a renowned Professional Blacksmith, I have taken on a small part job of serving clients while my Uncle concentrates on forging weapons for different martial schools and some Cultivators who come to get a weapon from my Uncle.
So I slowly learned the writing of this world, first, it was the names of the different weapons, I scratched my head for many days when I found the metric system and not English or Chinese, anything other than the metric to be discovered in a more environment scientific and futuristic to medieval times that fills my entire environment, but I can't remember when this system was created.
Slowly I learned the language with the help of the clients who gave me small classes when they came to buy or collect their weapons, my uncle wanted to teach me, but anything outside of the Smithy, he is soo bad.
So I spend my time with a routine run in the morning and the rest of the day I am manning the entrance of the store only while I study for myself.