
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · Autres
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80 Chs


** Before you read this chapter I would like to share a good fanfinction titled *Winner of life in soul land* although it only have 2 chapters uploaded currently I could already see it's potential.


Because of the fusion of martial souls, the two of them were less alert to the outside world. A pair of cold snake pupils locked the two people by the campfire through the dense grass.

      The colorful snake body is perfectly hidden in the grass. The bifurcated snake letter can capture the position of the prey even in the dark. The pink venomous horn on the forehead is bright and dripping, and it is full of venom. Well prepared for one blow.

      Facing the unconscious prey, the mandala snake approached quietly, five meters, this is his best attack distance, the snake body was coiled into an S shape, and the force was charged like a spring, and then it was thunderous. , The ejection strikes, the target is directed at Chaotianxiang's slender neck.

      "Be careful!" Although the vigilance dropped sharply, the instinct of being born to death in the Star Dou Great Forest for many years still allowed Meng Shu to discover this sneaking mandala snake first.

      Before he could escape, Meng Shu directly took Chaotianxiang incense into his arms, and the instinct of the tempered beast made him subconsciously summon the dragon stick to stand behind Chaotianxiang.

      The deadly snake kiss was blocked by the volley and bit on the dragon rod. Even if it didn't hit the prey, the venom was still secreted frantically.

      "You!" Chao Tianxiang exclaimed. Before she could blush, she saw Meng Shu turning back and smashing a thick-thigh colorful giant python to the ground, and then raised her dragon rod with both hands and confronted the giant python.

      "It's a mandala snake, five thousand years! It's just right!" Chao Tianxiang saw the giant python, not surprised but rejoiced, and summoned the snake stick to confront Meng Shu side by side.

      "Don't be eager to be happy, the prerequisite for you to absorb its spirit ring is that we can survive." Meng Shu looked solemn, and the soul beast corresponding to the upper limit of the spirit master's absorption of the spirit ring is generally stronger than the soul master itself.

      This is also an important reason why spirit masters rarely obtain spirit rings on their own. When they encounter a suitable spirit beast, they are not opponents alone.

      Meng Shu's words were like a basin of cold water, pouring the incense to wake up. She is no longer the little princess who can rely on her father's strength. She inadvertently glanced at Meng Shu's dragon stick, and saw the position where she was just bitten It is purple and black, and two small dots with the same pinhole are rapidly expanding.

      A martial soul is like an organ of a soul master. Even a weapon soul cannot be absolutely immune to toxins. Meng Shu can feel that the toxin is rapidly depriving him of control of the martial soul.

      "Your martial soul..." Chaotianxiang was a little retreat. If two people are in perfect condition, maybe they can challenge this five thousand years old mandala snake. Now with the poisoned debuff, the winning rate is slim.

      But Meng Shu didn't speak, his hand holding the dragon rod trembled slightly, his eyes fixed on the dragon-shaped scar on the snake's head.

      Chaotianxiang also noticed what was wrong with Meng Shu. Following his gaze, she couldn't help but shrink her pupils. The dragon-shaped scar was exactly the same as the pattern on Meng Shu's martial soul. He recalled that his father was killed by a mandala snake...

      " You go first. This is my battle. Today, he and I must die!" At this moment, Meng Shu seems to be a different person. Although he can ridicule his eaten father without changing his face, but Which child does not want to have fatherly love, and which child does not want to have a hero-like father?

      The enemy of killing his father is not shared. The Star Dou Forest is so big. If you escape this time, I am afraid that I will never have a chance to catch this mandala snake in my life, and Meng Shu will not leave.

      The incomparable strength does not mean that he cannot kill the opponent. He must personally kill the murderer who ate his father, regardless of the cost!


      "Aren't you going to help?" Bingdi was lying on the bottom of the bubble, his two calves swaying behind him.

      "No need, disturbing the romance between young people is not something the teacher should do." Chengying said, raising the Phantom, in the sight, the sight pointed directly at the mandala snake's forehead, ready to pull the trigger...  Facing the mandala snake, Meng Shu is ready to fight to the death. The four spirit rings on his body are constantly moving, confronting the mandala snake, like a cowboy in a duel in a western movie. .

      Chao Tianxiang watched this scene, her lips tightly pressed, she could leave as soon as Meng Shu died, the bet would have no meaning, and she would be free.

      But for some reason, she just couldn't take steps, and she had only known each other for a day, but it seemed like she was destined, so she could not sit back and watch Meng Shu die.

      Quietly, she came to the left side of Meng Shu, her slender hand firmly held Meng Shu's sweaty palm.

      "This time, you are no longer alone."

      Soul power flows through the bodies of the two. If the fusion of martial souls also has a synchronization rate, at this moment, the synchronization rate of the two is less than 50%. , Soaring to 80%.

      Meng Shu held that slender hand, neither refused nor hypocritical, as if it should have been, there was no life and death, only the tacit understanding that seemed to cooperate countless times.

      Fight, that's it!

      There was no words or eye contact. The two moved almost at the same time. They held hands and rushed out to face the ejected snake head. The snake rods in their hands were crossed, and the snake kiss was stuck in a cross shape so that the fangs could not touch the two. Human spirit.

      The synchronization rate is 90%!

      After the mandala snake attacked, the first spirit ring of the two flickered at the same time, the two sticks softened at the same time, and the snake head was tied like a rope. One tacitly fell over the shoulder and threw the mandala snake out. .

      The action of throwing over the shoulders just made the two face each other, making a circle like a dance. The dangerous poisonous snake seemed to be just a prop for their dance.

      After being sealed with fangs, the two can only be beaten repeatedly. With the tacit cooperation and connection time after time, the tacit understanding between the two people is getting higher and higher, as if as long as the hands are held together, they can know each other's thoughts.

      The synchronization rate is 98%...99%...


      Almost at the same time, the two of them gave up their combo attacks on the mandala snake. Their spirit powers were completely integrated, conforming to the feeling that the martial spirit brought to the two of them. They actually embraced each other grandiosely on the battlefield. together.

      As if they melted into liquid and melted together, the dragon rod and the snake rod were also spirally coiled, like a double helix of DNA. The gene fragments of the dragon and the snake were arranged and combined, and finally turned into a powerful ancestor in the ancient times.

      The martial spirit of the double helix turns into a huge green dragon, accompanied by the dragon, and a cloud of blood like the sea, the scarlet vertical pupil exudes the majesty of the king, even if it is only a juvenile body, it is by no means a mandala. Luo She can be provocative.

      The dragon swimming in the sea of ​​blood let out a proud roar. Within a few miles, the soul beasts carrying the blood of the dragon and snake bowed their heads, feeling the majesty of the dragon, and both of them had a name in their minds at the same time-the blood sea magic dragon. !