
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · Urbain
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16 Chs

(4) Cecilia Sloan

Owen just plopped in to a desk and began shaking like crazy as Adalin rushed over to hug Owen and just radiate green fire energy that didn't burn, but soothe them both.

"He forgot to unawakened you." Owen sighed deeply.

"It's fine. It's not bothering me. The important thing is... are you alright?" Adalin asked him worriedly.

"Yeah. Now come here. Let me fix you so you back to normal." Owen sighed pulling Adalin into his lap.

"You can do that?" Adalin looks surprised.

"More or less. Imma call upon the ancient spirits of the sea to unawaken you." Owen nodded.

"Like Calypso?!? She can do that?" Adalin asked in awe.

"The Atlantic Sea itself... not an actual god or goddess of the sea..." Owen looked a bit concerned.

"Awl and I was over here thinking you were going to call forth favors from the actual deities!" Adalin explains.

"I am not a priest... I don't have that power. At best I can summon that giant wolf you saw. It's one of the spirits on the spirit council... if I'm really desperate and if the spirits deem it so. I just might summon the Mystic Stag! God and leader of the spirits animals! But that's got a be one hell of messed up situation." Owen explains.

"Still I think that's pretty amazing!" Adalin was in awe.

"Glad you think so. Now you might know this chant. I mean I'd hope you do. Try not to interrupt me." Owen explains.

Adalin nodded and looks curious, "From the ocean to which you settled. A promise be made with fair exchange. From priceless jewels and precious sentimental tools... I beg you to look after us fools. May we sail across your seas with calmness in the tides... To return to your arms oh great mother for when we die. We call upon you once more... to ask for your blessing to wash upon our shores... reach inside our souls... protect us from various foes... and may we join you in the deep dark blue... and let you hold us close. Like the children we are meant to be. Dearest mother protect thee." Owen touched Adalin's chest and drawls an anchor symbol with his finger.

Adalin's eyes turn bright blue and slowly turn back to their normal reddish hazel color as the energy around him fades into vanishing specs until they are no longer able to be seen.

"That's the sailor's protection chant we say it every time before going to sea or when we feeling anxious about our love one's being at sea. Just... how did you do that? Will you show me!" Adalin begged.

"Easy now. You don't need to be calling the sea mother for every little thing. Plus... Imma have to throw her something nice in her later as per exchange of my favor." Owen groaned.

"I just... I felt..." Adalin tried to explain it as he held his chest.

"A warm embrace perhaps? Cool and yet light and floaty sensation? Very calm and relaxing." Owen hummed.

"Yes! That's it!" Adalin nodded.

"That's her energy you felt. Because I was evoking her spirit." Owen explains.

"And you can just do that? Invoke spirits... of any kind whenever?" Adalin asked.

"Yes and no. They chose to answer. But I figured she would. You're part of her... mmmmhmmm... pack? Flock? Something of that nature." Owen explains.

"Can I invoke spirits too?" Adalin asked.

Owen winced, "Well.., I guess because of me... yes you'd be able to. Normally... spirits try to not directly interfere with our lives... so unless you're a summoner or a spirit or hunter.... Than yeah summoning spirits is kinda hard... there are expectations... you're one of them." Owen sighed.

"So I can summon spirits... because I know you?" Adalin looks confused.

"Not quite... it's not more... uh you know what sure. Whatever makes you happy." Owen blushed.

"What you mean by that?!?" Adalin glared at him pouting again.

"The spirits... are more inclined to come to you... to help me protect you. Let's just say that." Owen sighed.

Adalin fidgets a bit in Owen's lap his legs are over both of Owen's legs at it's side with Adalin having to be slightly turned to face Owen.

"Why's that?" Adalin asked cutely.

Owen sighed and hugged Adalin as he starts purring uncontrollably, "Just cuz." Owen hummed.

"Are you.... Purring?!? Like a cat?!?" Adalin leans his head against Owen's chest to listen.

"Yup..." Owen sighed deeply.

"So weird..." Adalin just listened to the purring feeling very relaxed and safe.

Owen bites his lip, "We should get something to eat. We are going to miss lunch." He sighed.

"But I have so many questions!" Adalin looks at him cutely.

"And I will answer them all in due time. Food first kay?" Owen sighed.

"Okay!" Adalin happily gets up and Owen stands up and leads the way to the cafeteria.

Once they get into the cafeteria they get into line and grab their trays and head over to the table closest to the teacher's table to sit down with Keith and Gregory.

"You guys have no fear." Adalin gushed sitting next to Owen as he sits across from Keith and Gregory.

"What they going do? Lecture us more?" Gregory sighed.

"Yeah it's not like we them seventh graders over there hiding away in the back of the caf." Owen pointed to the table of kids beside the rear exit of the cafeteria.

"Look at them. Plotting and scheming. All I'm say they better not try anything with our class." Keith sighed.

"That being said. How's it been hanging with us seniors?" Keith chuckled.

"Oh... I guess I haven't been going to the classes with my actual grade." Adalin blushed.

"Honestly I'm surprised the teach hasn't cared. Than again teachs ain't that bad here. They probably just letting you taking things at your own pace and let you settle in." Owen hummed.

"Don't worry tomorrow he'll be going to class with his actual classmates." The female teacher with flaming brunette spoke up and glared at Owen disapprovingly.

"Haha," Rufus laughed, "Honestly let the kid stay. I don't care." He hummed.

"That's up the the principal... not us." She sighed.

Owen and his group just meekly wave at the teachers smiling as they just shake their heads at them.

"Wait he's not a senior?" One of the teachers blinked.

"Nah he's a junior according to the roster." Rufus hummed.

"He's a transfer student so we're still trying to sort things out." Wynstan explains drinking some coffee.

"Ahem... anyways." Owen looks at his group shyly coughing, "Sorry for keeping me being a hunter a secrete from you both." He tells them.

"Nah it's cool bro we get it." Gregory nodded.

"Yeah it's good between us. No harm done." Keith pounds his chest with his fist and kisses it and flashes the peace sign.

"Thanks guys." Owen felt happy.

"But what up with that hand kissing thing? You ain't royal blooded enough to be getting away with that my dude." Gregory has a cheeky smile.

"Huh? But isn't like a polite gesture used for promises and stuff?" Adalin looks confused.

"Maybe in your country. But here it's got different meanings." Keith chuckled.

"I assure you it was just a polite gesture!" Owen went blood red waving his hands in panic.

"In Hope when a cowboy kisses someone's hand. It's usually a sign of affection to his lady friend." Keith explains.

Adalin looks like he's going to take off his hat and hit Owen again with it, "Hey hey! In Feya Mista it's how nobles greet another!" Owen whimpered.

"Yeah you ain't royal blooded enough for that my friend." Keith shakes his head.

"There be no nobles here. Just mad scientist and inventors." Gregory chuckled.

"In a desire it's how you make a pact with a vampire and in Brooklyn it's to show respect for the boss man." Keith explains.

"Than what about this state? What does it mean here?" Adalin asked.

"Good question...." Gregory tried to think.

"It's not a social etiquette that's practiced or common here. Only hunters do it. It's a hunter's etiquette and gesture to show loyalty as the dragons do. You might see us if the church do the same, but only if the high priests or priestess is around." Rufus explains making Owen want to die.

"Awl. That's no fun." Gregory booed.

"See! It's nothing weird at all!" Owen still looks embarrassed.

"Back in my day. Kissing of a hand was a marriage proposal." The female teacher with flaming hazel hair named Mrs. Sloan chuckled.

Adalin chocked on one of his fries, "We too young for that teach." Gregory shakes his head.

"Ah I know. Mind yourselves. Worry not about me." She explains dismissively.

"She definitely from Desire." Keith whispered.

"Yeah she definitely has that vibe." Gregory nodded.

"Y'all just looking for trouble." Owen sighed deeply as he eats his food with them.

The bell rings and Owen flinched a bit as him and his group dump their tray into the trash and leave on the counter next to the trash holes.

"Next is Mrs. Cecilia Sloan's class. She's our homeroom teach and all that. So back there we go!" Owen leads the way to the classroom and sits middle row with Adalin.

Sloan walks in and taps her fingers giving Gregory and Keith to look to hurry up as they winced and take their seats behind Owen. She sighed and looks pleased that everyone is accounted for and than sees Adalin who just sheepishly waves at her.

"For today mister Pompey you'll be allowed to attend with your seniors, but tomorrow we expect you attend class with your juniors... I suspect you father has already put in your appeal to be a senior this year yes?" She asked.

"Uh yeah... he did, but I don't know if I'll get it granted." Adalin winced.

"And you fulfilled out all proper documentation and took your test?" She asked.

"Uh test? There's a test?" Adalin looks confused.

"I see. I will prepare you the test. It's simply a way for the school to evaluate your current academic knowledge. That way we can see where you stand in your academic studies. By the way... that reminds me... because of your attendance Owen you'll be taking the same test again... Last year you barely managed to squeeze your way to becoming a senior... unfortunately you'll need to pull of a miracle if you want to graduate with your class. So you best take some study books from all your classes and double down on your studies if you're wanting to graduate this year." Sloan sighed.

"Yes miss Sloan." Owen sighed and nodded.

"Maybe we can be study buddies?" Adalin asked in a whisper and Owen nodded smiling.

"I will apologize on the school's behalf for not properly getting you situated sooner mister Pompey, but seems you couldn't even bother to come to homeroom to receive such aid." Sloan scoffed him.

"I'm so sorry! Forgive me! Sensai! A lot happened last year. I was so lucky to even get registered this year! We weren't even sure if it was going to be worth it... Father sails so much and I must go with him and he only stays a year at minimum in a place!" Adalin winced putting his hands together in prayer to ask for forgiveness.

*sensai- Japanese for teacher

Sloan sighed deeply and nodded looking at him in understanding, "It's alright. The principal has explained everything. That's why we are being so lenient with you. Though I do hope you will try harder to put your education, before anything else.... I will also understand if the circumstances of your living situation also prevents that. Either way we are glad to have you." Sloan explains softly.

"Thanks." Adalin smiled shyly.

"And Owen do be carefully with your tardy's you're up to your sixth absence for the semester and we're just starting the third month." Sloan rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Ah... yeah... I'll be careful." Owen rubbed his head wincing.

"Dam six already? That's a record for you. Usually it's five the end of the semester!" Gregory explains.

"Don't encourage him." Sloan sighed.

"Oh and ain't you're medical leave coming up soon on top of it? Geez. Talk about bad timing." Keith sighed.

"Medical leave?" Adalin looks at Owen terrified.

"Don't worry it's nothing too.... Serious..." Owen blushed.

"Just serious enough that he gets a get out of jail free card for ditching school for a whole week every month." Keith scoffed.

"That's enough! It's time for today's lecture." Sloan called for order.

"I'll explain it later it's a hunter thing." Owen whispered to Adalin who nodded wondering about it.

"Hmm... since you're all so set on using broken Galaish or even Gala-Freskian. We're going to work on our Nikonese and Galanese." Sloan explains.

"Uh. Just to understand properly... Gala is the language of the elves right?" Adalin asked confused.

"Yes. There are two forms of Galain though. The ones that is purely elven and the one we humans who were originally inhabited this country, before the king came to claim, it spoke. When referring to our elven country mates. We simply call it elven or mediocrain and others call it old Galain." Sloan hummed happy to explain the difference, "The true name for our melting pot of languages being blended into one is Vialacteain. It's just easier to say Gala and add on the other language we are meshing our mediocrain speech with. Thus Galanese for Nikonese, Galaish for the extremely slang to the point of street rat talk, Galamone for Germone, and so forth. Because Vialacteain itself can be altered through dialect, phrases and tones to change words that are the same, but gain completely new meaning with their new dialect, phrases and tone." Sloan explains softly.

*street rat- is a phrase used to describe those who grew up on the streets or inner city folk.

"Oh woah it sounds like super hard!" Adalin winced.

"And yet it is seen as the international and universal accepted language to speak to another. So it's important to learn of each variation of Vialacteain out of respect of the different cultures that are living among us. You can say... this country is a melting point of the world united for better or worse." Sloan sighed.

"You'd think it be easier to just learn the actual language of all the other culture at that rate..." Gregory sighed.

"That would take you all life times and my children. We don't have that time. At least if I let you all leave with Vialacteain and it's basics you'll find someone somewhere who will understand you in the world and assist you. That is my goal. So you all can go wherever this world takes you and find a way to get past any language barriers stopping from achieving your dreams." Sloan hummed.

"I see. Thank you!" Adalin beamed.

"You are good at speaking Galamone mister Pompey. It's cuz your teacher is smart and taught your class back at home you can even understand us all, who have a stronger understanding and foundation in speaking Vialacteain. So never stop trying to learn it's full expansion of knowledge and range." Sloan chimed happily.

Adalin paused to think about it and looked at his class in a state of shock, "I... I hadn't thought of it like that." He touched his chest wondering how much harder it would of been for him if he hadn't been taught some of the Vialacteain language... just speaking Germone hoping and praying for someone to understand him.

"I'm going to thank my teacher when I get a chance!" Adalin smiled happily.

"That you should do. That you should do, but don't worry to much about such things here. As I've said our country is a melting point of all countries and their cultures. You were bound to have some understand you even if they couldn't speak Germone they would know by hearing your dialect here and get you a translator to assist you. Such is the beauty of our country." Sloan gushed.

Adalin smiled and nodded, "I look forward to really learning more about language from you teacher!!! I want to know the reasons behind why they exist and more!" Adalin looks determined.

"Haha but of course child. Now than let's see if these seniors have been doing their studying. I want you all to say something in Germone to our transfer student to make him feel at home." Sloan ordered.

"(Willkommen im Schmelztiegel! Du gut?) Welcome to the melting pot! You good?" Keith chimed in Germone.

"Try not have Capri and the island's dialect slip into your speech mister Keith..." Sloan sighed.

"(Heil dem Muttermeer!) All hail the mother sea!"" Gregory chimed.

"(Ich hoffe wirklich, dass die Leute hier in der Gegend nicht mit dir schikanieren. Schicke dich mit eingezogenem Schwanz zurück zum Adan's Ale, von dem du gesegelt bist. Wie Ihr mich fair zum Middlin macht, mein lieber Partner.) I really be hoping that the folk around here parts don't be hazing a tenderfoot with ya. Sending you with your tail between your legs back to the Adam's Ale ye sailed from. As ye make me fair to the middlin my dear partner." Owen tips his black cat eared baseball cap like it's a cowboy hat smirking mischievously.

*adam's ale- water

*hazing a tenderfoot- giving a person from the city a hard time.

*Fair to Middlin'- feel pretty good; to be in a good mood.

Adalin goes blood red and hides inside his navy sailor hat wanting to vanish from the face of the world right now.

Sloan just sighed and glared at Owen who just gave her a cheeky smile, "You talk like that in Germone and even the carefree sailors will throw you overboard I swear!" She shakes her head.

"Tie him to the anchor and offer him to the mother sea, body and all!" Gregory scoffed giggling.

"Ah sorry teach. I couldn't resist." Owen apologized.

"One day mister Chiendame... You will realize there time and place for being so informal to the point of slang and slander, but that is not this place nor this time. You're all dismissed." Sloan face palmed as the bell rings making Owen winced as he's getting used to it now.

"He makes you feel good..." Keith elbowed Owen giggling, "That's something shady if I do ever say so my man!" Keith tells him as everyone starts heading out of class.

"Is that what that last part meant... what was it? Fair to.... Middlin... the hell is a middlin?" Gregory scratched his head confused.

"I only slightly get it myself my dude so don't ask me." Keith admits.

"I meant it as in he makes me happy." Owen complained blushing.

"Still sus. Owen's going sus on us!" Gregory chuckled.

"Eh it okay. I can tell it how it be from what I've seen. You fancy the lad don't you?" Keith puts his arm around Owen and asked.

"It's platonic okay!" Owen whined trying to escape.

"Yo you know we'd support you either way. No need to be embarrassed. You are homie." Gregory explains.

"Yeah we homies no need to be cold." Keith nodded.

"I promise you! It's all platonic. I have to get to class now. Adalin let's go!" Owen hollered snapping Adalin out of his thoughts and embarrassment.

"Ah right!" Adalin quickly followed Owen as Keith and Gregory just sigh.

Owen felt like he wanted to die of embarrassment and Adalin shyly tugged on the sleeve of his hoodie. Owen looked at the sailor boy confused.

"Uh... You... make me fair to middlin to?" Adalin cutely tells him.

Owen tripped over his dam foot and slammed face first into the wall making Adalin cry out in horror and surprise. Owen simply gets up rubbed his face in slight discomfort like it's no big deal.

"Are you okay?!?" Adalin cried.

"Yeah felt like a light slap." Owen chirped smiling.

"That didn't look like a light slap." Adalin whispered softly in horror as Owen just messes his hair up sighing.