
Chapter 1: The Awakening

The wild expanse of dry acrid plain was covered with dead bodies of both monsters and humans, with various spoils of war piled up in various places while smoke bellowed from burning corpses and smouldering woods.

A few meters ahead a group of men gathered around an old blind hag who incessantly cried out in a loud voice.

"The Devil's incarnate has awakened and in the place of peace, chaos, anarchy, and terror shall fill the land. In his hands and before him the world of men shall tremble."

The words echoed loudly around the mountainsides, reverberating and ringing in the heads of all who heard her. The words bear ominous meanings known only to those who are wise.

A loud cough was heard as a series of grunting emanated from one of the dead bodies lying around. The group turned around to ascertain the direction it was coming from when a shriek from one of the soldiers made them turn to the east.

A body floated slowly into the sky, its head bowed and hands limp. But its distinctive armor sent fear down the spines of the onlookers.

"I have risen from the abyss of Hell, vengeance is about to be let loose on men and no man shall escape my wrath!!!" It echoed loudly, raising its head to reveal its face and its glowing red eyes.


They muttered with a shocked expression, stepping back in fear. They drew their swords as he landed amongst the bodies, raising his right hand, his famous twin double-bladed axe flew into his hands. Taking close looks at each of them as he blows dirt off their blades, with a humph he took the first step as he dashed towards the men before him.

They stood their ground, with swords drawn but it was no use for the power of Satan flowing in his veins fueled with the thirst for vengeance.

Moving speeding in their midst parring swords while making jest of them, Scott bid his time while building his ultimate charge.

Stopping a few paces ahead, with his back turned on them. His axe ignited in a glowing red flame, the rune marks on it glowing red. With a speed faster than the eyes could see he moved in their midst stopping ten paces behind them.

The soldiers who stood watching gasped in shock as heads rolled one after the other as the seven commanders dropped dead, their bodies dissipating immediately.

The aura around the battlefield darkened as everyone felt the dark return of another Scott, not the one they knew.

The heaven darkened as a dark cloud rapidly gathered in the east, slowly covering the valley. Fear enveloped the soldiers as they fled in fear of what lay behind the clouds. They had seen first-hand the gruesome power of Satan and none wanted to be a victim of its wrath.

The fear and running were useless Satan himself was faster them all.

Cries of terror and pain filled the air as Scott moved rapidly amid the fleeing soldiers, cries of pain renting the air anywhere the glowing pair of eyes appeared and disappeared almost immediately.

No man was a match for him, not even the best of the best nor the bravest of the braves.

The ear-piercing voice of the old hag continued ringing furiously with renewed vigor. Her voice echoed a different message this time.

"Satan has come into your midst, his servant shall wreak havoc until no man shall bow onto any other but him, Beware!"

There was no hiding place for the soldiers of Rohan, their souls were meant for the underworld, and there they shall go.

The dark clouds thickened rapidly, and the cries and wails of pain reverberated everywhere. The red eyes moved faster than ever, it was as if he was like a shadow in the night like a phantom that merges with the night.

Soon a roar echoed loudly from the end of the valley, as the dark cloud dispersed in an instant to reveal Scott standing in front of the old hag who groveled at his feet kissing and wiping it with her disheveled hair.

"Rise woman!" Scott echoed loudly strapping his twin axes behind him. His glowing eyes returned to normal, as he raised the woman to her feet with a flick of his hands. "Go forth into the town and cities and announce my return, let all men get ready to witness the true power of Satan reincarnate. I am he that is destined to bring terror into the heart of men."

Grabbing the old hag, he blows into her mouth as her eyes turn black. In tentative steps, she turned and began walking inland towards the towns. Her voice rising and falling in newfound strength, she is now a herald vessel of Scott.

Slowly rising into the air, his eyes turned red once again as a wormhole opened up above him. Human souls shrieked in anguish and regret as they were drawn into the wormhole in the shapes of glowing sky-blue orbs.

Loud shrieks and wailing emits from the wormhole, and the crying of the damned souls in the abyss of Hell seems to sing a cacophony of sounds in the ears of anyone who cares to listen.

The pit of Hell must be fed and he Scott shall make sure his betrayers have a taste of what he felt in the abyss. It was his turn to roll the dice and this time he was going to take his time.

Dropping to his feet as the last soul was sucked into the wormhole amidst shrieks, their bodies dissipating immediately after the soul left it. Soon the battlefield was devoid of dead souls, all were in hell to witness true torture in the pits of Tartarus.

Glancing around as he returned to human mode, he dusts off the dirt from his armor as he speeds off heading for the inlands with one place in mind.

To visit his home and family.

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