
Chapter V


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I squinted my eyes still adjusting to the light, and looked at the caller's name. It was Liam calling me, "What do you want Liam it's too early and was still enjoying my sleep." I whined  obviously annoyed by him waking me up early. I heard him scoff  and laughed though the phone. "afternoon to you too my love, and it's 12:45 check the time." He laughed even harder. "Say what! I never wake up that late..." I said looking at the time on the screen.

He was right which was weird to believe, I never wakeup his late. I don't even sleep long to begin with. "Well there's a first time for everything" I laughed shyly. "What made you sleep long anyway? Have started taking pills? You know that I don't want you taking pills right, they'll mess you up Lea. What happened after I left last night. Were you guys drinking or something?" He sounded angry and angry mode Liam was not a fun Liam.

He was practically like that junior parent when he's big sister moved out. And to me he was one you do not want to mess with. He would lecture me and he would go on and on about how much of a child I am. "Liam I didn't take sleeping pills to two obvious reasons. One I do not wish to be lectured on about pills and actions ,and two because mom would... Well you know the horrors. I was not drinking... I think the twins well Leanon is just like you, y'all need to chill. Leanon helped me sleep yesterday I must have got too cozy last night." I told him hoping he'd listen. "Ohhhkk cool... I'll let you be for now... I'll come by around four ok. You better be right about the alcohol part." He said over the phone. "Ok cool" was all I said and hang up the phone.

I noticed I wasn't even on the couch anymore, I was on my bed in my room. The images of me sort of cuddling from last night made my stomach feel all fuzzy. I got up from bed and made my bed. In truth all I wanted was go back to sleep, yes that may sound lazy but in my defense it's a saturday so yeah. I took a shower and got dressed baby blue crop top and black high waist jean shorts. Time to make me breakfast.

I went down stairs and was met by mouth watering smell of sausages and  eggs. Who ever was cooking was doing a get job. Then it hit me Liam wasn't gonna be here until four pm and my parents were out of town so who was in my kitchen. I walked in really slowly minding my steps from any sounds. "Morning princess well... Afternoon really." Leanon chuckled as he turned to me for a moment.

He wasn't in the same clothes he was in yesterday he was breath taking in his sky blue shirt and nervy blue denim shorts. "Heyyy.. You look nice" I told him honestly. " Thank you princess, you look breathtaking yourself. I made you breakfast... Or whatever you can call it now anyway. You looked so peaceful when you were asleep, I didn't want to wake you up." He said looking back at the stove.

"Thanks for the breakfast and the compliment. Breakfast smells lovely you didn't have to though." I was very much tempted to saying like you but I too have self control sometimes."Its a gift really, I wanted to thank you for inviting me and my brother last night with breakfast." He gave he a charming smile. I was wondering if he had to miss other activities in life just so as to look after silly old me. I was thankful for the gesture but I felt selfish. I was the one who wanted them to come over because I don't like being alone.

As if he could read my mind he came over and gently pulled me close to him giving me a warm comfortable hug. He the made me look up at him.  "I went for my morning run; did my morning excise routine and got cleaned up and changed at home. So don't feel bad ok. I'm only here to check up on you I know you do not like being home alone. I couldn't wake you up because you looked so peaceful in your sleep and after what you told me last night I felt like you deserved just as much rest ." He said then kised me on my forehead.

He has a way of making me feel better. "Really?" I asked just to confirm. "Yeah you are my responsibility ok if anything was to happen to be you I'd not forgive myself." He whispered I'd think he didn't want me to hear that but I did. "What do you mean by I'm your responsibility?" I looked at him confused. " You heard that huh?" He did a small chuckle as if to be nervous and hiding something.

"Let's talks about it over breakfast how does that sound?" He asked me as just shrugged at the sound of breakfast. It's like he knew me too well he had made all my favorites and only my favorites. He was a great cook he's food tasted really amazing and on point. " You were gonna say something" I asked him.

"Have you ever met someone an you feel the need to protect them from people , and harms way because you just like them. We used to be in the same class in the fourth and fifth grade. And you'd always tell me how you thought you'd be kidnapped when you're alone. I moved away but that never left my mind. You know how you'd be alone with the bullies and I'd not be there to help you." He told me.

Then it hit me why they had looked familiar and why I felt the need to trust them. They were my friends when I went to midddlemist primary school. This was beforeI changed schools. "I remember now." I smiled at him. They kept me from picked on and the other girls would be nice to me so that they could be friends with the cute twins.