
10 Dance under the moonlight.

After the dinner they went back to their respective rooms.

Enel was now meditating in his room. He is sitting cross-legged, eyes-closed while facing the window that was the only source of illumination in the dark room. The moon that can be seen through the window, cast a silvery light on him, as if he was under a spotlight. On his head, Beibei was still there, fast asleep.


Hours passed— it was now midnight, when suddenly, Beibei woke up and made a cute sound "kyuuu?" The sound had a tone of questioning and curiosity. Enel heard that and opened his eyes. "What's wrong Beibei?" He asked. Beibei responded by looking outside of the window, as if pointing at something.

Enel then looked outside the window, there, from the distance, he saw a woman's silhouette walking away towards the direction of the lake where he sometimes meditate.

"Who? What's that person doing in the middle of the night." He questioned

"Kyuuuu" Beibei responded, in a tone that seems to says: "I don't know"

Enel's curiosity won him over, so he opened the window and leapt outside to follow the woman. When he got close, he recognized that unique long silver hair that bobbed up and down because of the girl's movement.

"Eril?" He whispered under his breath.

He then kept a distance of 50 meters and concealed his presence to avoid detection. After a while, Eril finally reached the edge of the lake. She then sat at a large stone, and just stayed there observing the water ripples caused by the whistling wind.

Enel on the other hand, climbed up a tree near the lake and sat at one of it's branch that provided a good vantage. He continued observing her; it was a shame that he can't really see her that well, because of the clouds that covered the moon and cast a shadow on the place.

Then, as if the wind hearing his complaints, a strong gust suddenly came and blew the clouds away. The moon finally brought light to the place. With the moon here, Eril's beauty was now in full display, it can even be said that the moonlight further amplified her looks. The silvery light of the moon, complimented her silvery hair that glistens under it. Her creamy white complexion became fairer, her eyes, seemingly reflected the starry night sky above. She was like a Moon Goddess. Enel has never met the God that represents the moon, but one thing is for sure, in his mind, Eril was the perfect candidate for it.

With the moon now lighting the place, the lake became a mirror reflecting all above it. Enel saw the moon, the beautiful starry night sky, and her reflection on the lake. Those three elements, blended well together and formed a heavenly scene, for him not even the most talented of painters can depict this scene.

He once again focused his gaze on her. She was still starring at the lake, the only difference is that her face, has now a smile. It seems, like him, she was also taken aback by the scene. Then, he saw her face suddenly change when her eyes focused on herself and her hair. The once smiling face, now contained sadness, anger, contempt, and disgust. That behavior was bizarre to him, a question can't help but form in his mind:"does she hate herself?"

Afterwards, he saw her stand up, she raised her arm, and from her arm, formed a light, azure flash of particles. From those lights a sword made of ice formed. She then coated that sword with her Qi of the ice element, and took a strike at her own reflection. A loud boom and crackling was heard. Large amount of cold mist filled up the place when her sword landed on its target which blocked his vision.

After a few minutes, the mist started to dissipate. The spot where she struck, was now frozen, the crackling can still be heard as the entire lake was slowly being frozen by the ice.

Eril can be seen just standing there, unmoving. After a while, the sword from her hand disintegrated. She fell knee-down while covering her face with her hands. Then, a sorrowful wail of a girl resounded on the icy area.

Enel, witnessing all of this, can't help but be worried. The once serious girl, looked as if she was carrying a whole mountain on her shoulder. Seeing her like that, he can't help, but want to comfort her.

Enel sat there contemplating on what to do when... "A firefly?" An idea popped up in his head when he saw the fireflies around the place.

He began to execute his plan to cheer her up. First, he focused his Qi and imbued his aura on the tip of his fingertips, he imagined and willed it to be in a spherical shape. A small ball of light then began to gather and form on top of his finger. The ball of light looks similar to the glow of the fireflies. With the ball now imbued with his divine aura, fireflies and other insect were attracted towards it. Enel's aura was like a flame to a moth, to them. It was hard to resist. Enel made the ball of light float using his spacial law. The fireflies began to follow it as if it was their Queen. He made it circle around the place where Eril was at. Wherever the ball went, the fireflies followed, it left a trail of light as it glides through the air.

He looked towards her to see if there was any reaction, and there was! She was watching the fireflies! More importantly, her wail went down to sniffing, and she was now rubbing her eyes to dry it. It seems his plan worked. Now, he was just starting. He was now filled with confidence, so he maneuvered the ball around the air, showcasing it like a pilot doing an air show. He made the ball circle Eril, starting from her feet all the way to the top. The fireflies naturally followed and circled her. That action startled Eril and it made her stand up. She was so engrossed watching the spectacle that she stopped crying. Enel made the fireflies dance around her once again, now at a fast pace. Eril followed the movement with her eyes, which made her twirl around. Her long gown flowed up as she made the turn. It went up all the way to her knees, which displayed her smooth, unblemish, white jade-like legs.

Enel saw that, and he was entranced, so he made the ball spin around her over and over again at a fast pace, causing her to twirl like a ballet, it seemed she was enjoying this, as a smile formed while she was dancing.

This scene took him a back, it was forever engraved in the back of his mind. The scene where the moon goddess danced with the fireflies under the moonlight.

He was in a daze as he watch her enjoy the moment. He did not realize the ball stopped moving, which in turn, made the fireflies clumped up making a large ball of glowing light in the air.

As time passed by, it continued to grow larger and larger in size. At this point Enel finally notice it, an idea once again popped up in his head.

He decided to end this with a bang. He made the ball rise up all the way in the air.

He only stopped when he deemed the height was enough. Then, he made the ball of light scatter in all direction, which made the impression that the ball exploded like a firework. The entire place was lighted up by the lights from the scattered fireflies. Eril saw all of this and was amaze.

After the spectacle, Eril's face was flushed, she enjoyed it too much like a little kid that she forgot to restrain herself.

Eril knew someone was watching her; thinking about how that person saw all of that, Eril bowed her head down in embarrassment as if hiding her embarrassed face. After a while, she clasped her gown with his hand and whispered under her breath which only she can hear:"Thank you"


In the distance

"look what we have here. I thought the clan and my brothers already collected all the good ones. It turns out some treasure is still hiding here." Said by a boy holding a golden see through mirror. He was pointing the mirror at Eril, while looking at her through it.

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