
Son of Gods (Doulou Dalu)

ALL CREDITS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF DOULOU DALU, ONLY MC IS MINE A boy is reincarnated in the dangerous world where only the strong prevail, but he has a powerfull bloodline and two strong parents, but this world is different, come and enjoy. Please support me for more chapter, i will apreciated please. thanks to the original author of the manhwa patreon.com/SimpleWriter1000

Yorath_Herons · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 8. Revelation and Nuoding City



We had been walking all night the path to Nuoding city, thanks to the perks of being Spirit master we don´t get tired enough, but during our walk I was thinking of showing my second martial spirit to Suon, "Suon I want to show you something", he look at me, "what is it", I turn to left, "let´s go to the forest I don´t want people to see", I go inside the forest with him following me, then we stop in a small clearing and then I turn to look at him, "in the awakening ceremony I feel a second Spirit, I didn´t want to show it because I wanted to avoid more problems", I say serious, "but you are my friend, loyal and courageous so is right to show you", I close my eyes and let my second Martial Spirit materialized showing my rainbow butterfly wings and start to float in the air, I open the eyes, "this is my second martial spirit, wings of the Rainbow Fairy King". I say to Suon, and see his shock face. And some small blush, "strange".




I am looking at the most beautiful image I see, I know Little Teng is a man but he is so gorgeous want me to protect him, looking at his wings the shine that show, covering with light of the moon, is like a god in the earth, "beautiful", I didn´t try to stop what I say, I see he blush a little, "yes I am cute but…..never mind this is my second martial Spirit", I didn´t continue hearing mesmerizing in the beautiful image in front of me.




I can´t believe he say that, I know I am cute but I didn´t think showing my wings will had this effect, I can see he is in a kind of trance, I take a deep breath and cancel my martial spirit, he calm himself and look away blushing, "the other thing is that both my parents are gods", he look at me with shock in his face, then understanding, "he change quickly", he look at me, "I knew you were different but I didn´t think it will be this", he say to me, "you believe what I say", I was surprise he only nod, then I proceed to tell him the story of my parents and my mission in this world, after I told him he always look with a calm and serious face, "that means in the future a powerful enemy will come and you need to defend this world, but the problem is that this world is not united and you don´t had a lot of time to it", he summarized what I say, I only nod, "then I had to came clean too", he take a deep breath then he close his eyes, he lift his left hand and a miniature Sun appear, "fuck is Escanor but different", I can shout mentally, "this is my second Martial spirit Sunshine, it give me the power to created a miniature sun", is cool and I can feel the heat, I smiled, he return the smiled then cancel the Spirit, "then what know", he ask me, let´s continue to the city ok", I answer him the we continue our way, "looks like nothing will change between us", I smiled meanwhile I am walking.

It was early in the morning when we reached Nuoding city and had to say the Manhua didn´t do justice to it, Is huge, I can´t imagine the capital, both of us are looking all around us with evident happy faces, "first let´s find an hotel to rest ok, we will stay for a week here then we will go to a place to Sunset Forest and stay there sometime to train and cultivate and maybe getting spirit rings, during this week we will explore the city and but some necessities ok, at least Old San and father gave us a lot of money", I say to him he only nod at it.

After half and hour we find a small hotel, when we enter we se the lounge and a huge arc door that go to the dining hall, then in the lounge we find a girl behind the counter so we came close to her, "Hello sister, we two rooms please", I say polite to the girl, she look at us and her face blush and I thing some hearts appear in her eyes, "so cute", he shriek and then hug me, putting his cheek against mine, "your are the cutest thing I had seen in my all life", I was shock by this, in the village this never happen, I look at Suon who is trying to contained his laugh, "you are so small to walking alone with other kid, are ok", my eye twitch, I use a little of force to separate from her, "I am a spirit master and I am 6 years old", I shout at her, then look at me with evident surprise in her face, "sorry young master", I take a deep breath, "is ok you are not the first", she put a professional smile, "right now we only had one room but this room has two beds and bathroom is ok with you", I only nod, "good that will 20 spirit coins the night including breakfast and lunch", she say to us, "we will stay one week so here is 140 spirit coins", I past to her the money, "good this is your key, the rooms is on the third floor the number is 310", she smiled and Suon get the key, "thanks and can you please send our breakfast to our room please", I say to her, the she nod in understanding, Suon and me say goodbye and go to our room, when we enter we see two beds with each one has a night table and a closet for clothes the left is a door, so I enter and see the same type of bathroom in my house, "this is a cozy place", I say sitting in the bed, Suon doing the same, "I will take bath", I say to him, "can I enter with you", I look at him and see some small blush, "I know I like boys but…..here all they mature more faster", I sigh, "fine, come", I grab some clean clothes from Essence tool and enter the bathroom, and see the bathtub enough for two people, I start to undress and then turn to Suon, "he has muscles and his skin look rough, perks of being a attack type spirit master", then I look at my chest and belly, "I don´t have hope to develop a lot of muscles", I sigh then I finish to take off my clothes, "can I clean your back", I look at him and only nod, so I sit on the small chair that are in this bats and hear how Suon grab a sponge and soap and start washing my back, "you know Teng when my grandpa died I never think I will be happy again but when I meet you that day I knew the destiny want me to protect you, Is like the word say that to me, hearing that I had an idea, "I could be the will of the world or the universe but that explains a lot", I say mentally enjoying the small massage I am receiving

After some good bath and a change of clothes, I can feel that Suon and me are more united, we hear the someone hitting the door, Suon go to open in and I hear the familiar voice of the girl, the he close the door with two plates of food, "our breakfast", I smiled at him, "yes this will be enjogable".


We had been one week here in Nuoding City and we are preparing to leave to the Sunset Forest, During our Tour we buy some ingredients for food, clothes, weights for Suon who want to be more strong, and some gifts that we send Old San, Jack and the others two, I discover something else when we pass a pet store, and is that I can understand the animals, and they understand me so I buy and eagle and do something my mom told me in my room, I inject creation qi on it and the eagle transform, not it looks more majestic almost like a pidgeot, and see it became a spirit beast, I was surprise I can turn normal animals in spirit beast even Suon was surprise, and even I can see the Eagle that His name is Faer, he is the one I send the gifts, then return the same day and from that day he is always flying up in the sky or in the forest, because even if he is a 1 year spirit beast is still a Spirit beast.

We even buy some material like a mortar for herbs because If I am correct Dugu Bu still doesn't discover the secret place and that is our destiny, we will stay there a lot of years and see if I can at least become a Spirit King and Suon a Spirit Expert, then I will wait for Dugu Bu and had another subordinate, because I can save him and his son, so I preparing for that, I thing during this time he was a spirit sage and I think Suon and me can defeat him.

After some buying more stuff, we rent a carriage that will take us to the nearest village of Sunset Forest, another thing I forgot to say is that whenever I walk all the girls and women look at me like a doll, even some men, and I had to Stop Suon to start chopping heads with his axe, but all went well.



Name: Huioog Teng

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years

Spirit Power: 24 (Grand Spirit Master)

Martial Spirit 1: Sacred Spear of life and Destruction (700 ring, Swarm Spear - 2000 Ring, Crystal Sphere)

Martial Spirit 2: Wings of the Rainbow Fairy King

Bloodline: Creation, Life, Destruction

Cultivation Method: Creation and Life Core, Endless Core of Destruction

Cores: Creation, Life, Destruction


Name: Wei Suon

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years old

Spirit power: 13 (spirit master)

Martial Spirit 1: Divine axe of the Sun (500 years, change of weight)

Martial Spirit 2: Sunshine


Now his friend now the truth and from now, some new characters will appear

More chapter on my patreon, Link on the description

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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