
Son of Gods (Doulou Dalu)

ALL CREDITS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF DOULOU DALU, ONLY MC IS MINE A boy is reincarnated in the dangerous world where only the strong prevail, but he has a powerfull bloodline and two strong parents, but this world is different, come and enjoy. Please support me for more chapter, i will apreciated please. thanks to the original author of the manhwa patreon.com/SimpleWriter1000

Yorath_Herons · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 2. The Boy




I find myself sitting against a tree with my eyes closed and hearing all the sounds around me, "this is peaceful", I say meanwhile some birds came to sit on my shoulder and some other small animal came to me, the I open my eyes, "hello my friend how are you doing today", I salute my furry friends the they answer, "is almost like I can understand what they say", I look at the sky through the leaves of the tree, "4 years since a reborn in this world….i am Huioog Teng, I am 4 years old, and my heigh is 35.33 inches, I am short for my age but that is not important. What is important is that I am cute, I had gray hair with green eyes, my face is too cute I had baby face and white porcelain skin, some old people in the village take me has a beautiful doll, and try to dress me", I sigh, "at least I don´t long hair", I close my eyes again, "since I woke up in this body, I was scared at the beginning but with some time I assimilated the changes", the wind blow on my face

"my father or adoptive father his name is Jack and we live on the Holy Spirit Village in the Heaven dou Empire, and yes this is the world of Doulou Dalu, but the difference is that I reborn almost 50 years until the beginning of the plot, and that's the problem they never say a lot of the lives of the people that live in this era", I open my eyes and stand up, then I look at the animals, "I had to go so return to your families and friends ok", I smiled at then and they disappear, "I don´t remember about my family and friends of my past live but I know I was never this gentle and calm, I don´t know how to say it but the Nature make me calm, and I had the urges to protect all the animals, plants, flowers around me, is strange but I am accustomed to it", I walk to the village but a boy stop in front of me, he has black short hair, blue eyes and cute face, he is 37 inches, his names is Wei Suon, he is my best friend and bodyguard how he call himself.

"hello Brother Suon", I salute my friend, Hello Little Teng", he smiled and I become a little irritated about my heigh, "is not my fault, it doesn´t matter how much I eat I never grow like you", I say, "damn the mentality of a child", I think myself the I hear him laugh, "hmm, good day", I pass him, "jajajaja, ok sorry Little Teng you know I am joking right", he start walking to my side, "2 years for our awakening are you prepared for that", I stop and look at him, "like you say is 2 years for that, I don´t think on the future I only think of the present", I say with a lot of wisdom, "jajajaja you talk like a grandpa", I am fuming with rage but I take a deep breath and continue walking, "you know I don´t need protection", I say, "I know but I want to protect you, you are small and some bad adults make kidnapped you", I look at him with a straight face then I sigh, "had it your way", we continue walking until we reach our home, "we are here", I say to my friend, "I know, so see you tomorrow ok, let´s play with animal friends", he smiled and start running, I take a sigh, "Very energetic, just I hope you awake a powerful martial spirit and spirit power", I enter my house and see the living room with some furniture, and a table for 2 people, and to the side is the kitchen that use in this medieval times, I look at my dad that is preparing the lunch, "hello dad", I salute my father the he turn to me, "hello little Teng, Lunch will be ready in 10 minutes, why don´t you go and wash your hands ok", he return to the pot I only nod at him, "he looks young and different from his future, well he like 30 years", go to the corridor and see 3 doors, that belong to my room and my father, and the other is the bathroom, "if I am correct all the village suffer some changes because my father told me when I was 3 years old because I was always so mature, he told me, he use some gems and gold my parents leave where they left me here, he use all of that to remodel the village and create some fields to sow some fruits and vegetables, that is something strange too, the fruits and vegetables that grow here are more tasty and good, not only that all the people is more lively, and I had the little suspicion that is because of me", I sigh then enter my room and see a bed withs silk blankets, and oak desk and chair, even a Oak Closet, "thanks to the fruits and vegetables we sell. Our village is well now in the providence and some nice restaurants ask their ingredients from here, other thing is that some people try to make some trouble but some Spirit masters that decide to find a calm place to live decide to move here, there are three spirit master, two of them are spirit kings and the other are spirit sage but all of them are almost like 70 years old so they decide to enjoy the rest of their lives in peace, of course if they are troublemakers they take care of them", I go to my closet and grab a shirt, then I go to the bathroom and see a tub that use in this times, and a kind of washbasin connect to a subterranean water reservoir, and the mirror to the side, I go to the mirror and see my reflection, "why I am so cute and small….i know it has to be because of my Martial Spirit, I only hope is not a mediocre one", I wash my hands and face, I take off my shirt and see me in the mirror, I am skinny but I had a little muscle, I am doing some light exercise both I don´t had muscles", sigh, "hope it will change when I had my first spirit ring", I finish to put the new shirt and put the other one in the dirty basket.


Now I am sitting on the table with my dad eating some good food, "how was your day son", my father ask me, "the same as always, peaceful and quiet", I answer, "good", we continue eating in a calm ambient, "I will go to inspect the fields after this what do you are going to do", I stop eating and look at my that, "I will go the forest again and meditate, I always feel peaceful in the nature", he smiled at my answer, "well then I wish you luck", we continue eating I can help to smiled at this life, "I will enjoy this life no matter the dangers on this world", I say mentally.



Name: Huioog Teng

Gender: Male

Age: 4 Years

Spirit Power: ????

Martial Spirit 1: ????

Martial Spirit 2: ????

Bloodline: ????, ????, ????


Something special has our mc, hope you know who are his parents jejeje

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