
Son of Gods (Doulou Dalu)

ALL CREDITS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF DOULOU DALU, ONLY MC IS MINE A boy is reincarnated in the dangerous world where only the strong prevail, but he has a powerfull bloodline and two strong parents, but this world is different, come and enjoy. Please support me for more chapter, i will apreciated please. thanks to the original author of the manhwa patreon.com/SimpleWriter1000

Yorath_Herons · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 14. Shorth Jump in Time



It´s been 1 year since we arrive to the Yin and Yang Well, and a lot of things happen in that time, especially when we go to find ours rings, Xiaogang told us that only Dragon Type Spirit Beast can add the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, but because his become a mutation, that Is not necessary, now it can absorb any type of ring, so that's good for us because Dragon Types are to Scarce in the world, we use Kiss to get down the mountain and then when we reach the floor we were attacked.


We just reached the forest again after we get down from the Yin and Yang Well and now a herd of Tempes Wolfs are around us, but I think this is a good time to test our new powers, "Both of you test your changes, but don´t kill them just injured them ok", I say to both of them, "now separated", both obey my order and the alpha of the herd give some orders and the 20 of them separated in groups of 7, "that beast is smart", I look at kiss, "I know Xiaogang become strong but because he doesn´t had a ring can you go and help him only if he has trouble", I ask kiss and then shriek and start flying to the direction of Xiaogang.




I run to a safe distance then I stop and some seconds later 7 wolfs surround me, I am scared I admit, I shake my head, "now I am strong even I still don´t had spirit rings I am stronger and is all thanks to the boss", I take a deep breath and calm my nerves, I put a dagger from my essence tool that was gift of the boss, I look at the dagger, "the information that the boss gave say that this dagger was made with a tooth of Deep Shark of thousand years", it was expensive but it was a gift because before we get down the mountain, "you need to move and fight too, maybe your martial spirit can move without orders, you need to learn how to fight and not stand still, you are a Attack-Control Type Spirit master", I remember the words the boss told me, "this is good way to test it", I materialized my Blue Dragon causing some clouds to appear and thunder roaring in the sky, and finally the dragon in al his glory make and Appearance and I can see the fear of them, "this must be the bloodline restriction, the boss say that if the bloodline of the Spirit boss is powerful lesser bloodlines can´t move well unless they had the capabilities to resist the primal fear".

"Go", I say to the dragon that open his mouth and go in a fast speed to bite one of the wolfs that is stop and cause some injuries, but no enough to kill it, "I don´t know why the boss don´t want to kill them but I obey orders", after wolfs see one of them fall, their recover and owl to the sky, they bodies are cover by some kind of wind with lightning and jump to start spinning and came to me, I call my dragon and make surround me like a snake receiving the attack, I can see some crack on my dragon but no enough, I order it to hit them with their tail hitting three of the wolfs make then passed out, the other three decide to separated and the other one to attack me, but thanks to the herbs my senses are almost of an animal and feel the danger and dodge and at the same time I stab the wolf with my dagger, then it feel on the floor, "hope is not death", I came close and see is still breathing, "good", I look to my dragon and see he already knocked out the other two, "all is done, I look to the Sky and see Kiss came close to me, "you were guarding me", I ask the bird, "shriek", I take that as a yes, I look at the wolves, "can you help me take them to the boss". I only receive a deadpanned expression from the bird.




I am looking at the seven wolfs in front of me and I can stop to lick my lips, "come one them", I materialized my axe and my ring came out of it, I can feel the power and the weight of the axe I can make it three time more heavy or weightless that before, one of the attack me but I decrease the wight and make a fast slash that cut floor, "damn I need to control my force, if this weightless and I can´t imagine the heavy attack…..i think I will use my Sunshine", I receive a hit in my back that move me some cm, and look at the wolf who did it, that hurt a little I dematerialized my axe and then I concentrated my spiritual power and feel all around me become hot, the I life mi finger over my head and a miniature sun appear of it, "I feel powerful", I bring the sun to the ground some them try to stop me, but the stop because of the heat I am generating, the sun touch the floor causing a huge explosion of flames, causing a pillar of flames to reach high in the sky, "ups", I say after looking at the damage done, a part of the floor, trees, and flowers are burn, and the wolfs all are burn on the brink of death, "oh damn", I hear some sound came behind me and see Brother Teng looking me with a deadpanned expression, "I can explain", I say hurriedly".




Minutes before

I am looking at the alpha wolf and the other five wolfs, "let´s try the Absolute ice", I close my eyes and I can feel the alpha wolf ordering the other 5 to attack me, but I release a cold aura, and lift my hand in front of me, "Absolute Zero", when I open my eyes I see all the area around me completely cold, "damn this is the power of the Dragon King at least a Minimum power output", I say looking at all the ice around me and the sculptures of the wolf pack, "at least there are alive", I feel the living breath, I use the power of Absolute fire, with a lot less power to melted the ice, causing some vapor to rise, I look at the wolfs that are shivering, "sorry I didn´t think it will be this strong jejeje", I laugh innocently and I can feel the irritation and fear of the wolfs, then a huge pillar of flames in the direction of Suon appear, "that fool", I say, then I look at the wolfs, "I know you are hungry but don´t worry we don´t want to kill you", I pinch my nose, "let´s go fast and see if I can save those ones that must be burn to the crisp", I start to walk to the direction of the fool

Actual Time

I am looking at Suon who is on his knees with his head down, "what I told you", I say to him already heal the best I can the wolfs that were burn, "when we return to the mountain I will make punish you and I had a great idea of how", I touch my head, "using a lot of Spirit power to heal almost death beast is to tiring", I hear someone coming and see Kiss with three wolfs, one in each claw and one is his mouth, I see Xiaogang dragging one his martial spirit the other three, two with his tail and one in his mouth, "oh joy", I say sad, I take a deep breath, "here we go again".

After healing the other wolfs, I find myself sitting of a rock and two boys kneeling in front of me, "I knew I say don´t kill them, but I don´t say to injured them like, at least knocked them down", I pinch my nose with my fingers, Kiss is behind me to my right and the alpha wolf to my left, "after I heal them they behave like some puppies", I look at the pack of wolfs around us that are eating some meat we bought at the city, "now we need to but more", sigh, "I had to sell one herb In the auction but without backup I can´t do it, unless we hide our faces", I look at Suon, "power attack Spirit master grew in high more faster, maybe if he absorb a powerful ring he can grow more…..then we use mask, besides we are more strong that some Spirit master, and we absorb our next rings, even a spirit king will had problems against us", sigh, "we need money", I say to the both of them, "after we obtain our rings will buy some mask and some fancy clothes and enter an auction, I can´t believe we had to return so fast", I pinch the bridge of my nose again, I look at the tempest wolf, "you can leave if you want, your pack already eat", he came close, I can feel nothing dangerous from it, he stand in front of me, I lift my hand and pet his head.

I can feel his emotion, because I defeat them they knew I am strong and even because I heal them and not killed them they respect me for that, "you want to come with me right", the wolf nod and I can feel some envy from Kiss, "if I am correct the alpha wolf is a beast at almost 6000 years old, and the rest pack go from the most weakest of 600 years to 4000 years, "if you swore your allegiance to me then you can be my subordinate, and your help will come good with the troubles ahead of us", the wolf make an powerful owl to the sky, I smiled at that feeling his acceptance, then one the wolfs came close to Xiaogang in the ground, "is this", I look at it and them it nod, then I see the Alpha that only make a bark, I sight, "Xiaogang, that tempest wolf is offering to be your first ring", I say to him and he open his eyes of the surprise, "really", he ask me and I am nod, then he look at the wolf", are you sure", the wolf bark, the wolf came closed to him and the touch his head with Xiaogang, the wolf shine and a yellow ring glow, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon materialized and start absorbing the ring with Xiaogang meditating, I look at the corpse of the wolf to the side, some of the pack grab it and put him close to the alpha who whimper, I can feel his sadness but is happy too, "thanks", I say to it, "If you mind I can destroy the body to avoid been eating by other beast", I ask the wolf who nod, I concentrated power of destruction on my hand and touch the wolf, "rest in peace valiant wolf your sacrifice will be not in vain, hope you life happy in your next life", the body disappear, and I heard the pack howling in a signal of goodbye, "Suon, sometimes the Animals are more human that humans you know", I say to him, "yes brother", I look at him, "about your punishment I will do it know", I see the look of fear, I smiled at that, "don´t worry I read about this", take the ropes in your Essence tool and give it to me, he just do that, with rope in my hands I smiled evilly, causing all the beast and human shiver, "strip", I see his mouth open in shock, "do it", I continue smiling, "the punishment of made in abyss is good, jejeje", I say mentally, meanwhile I watch Suon undressing.




Name: Huioog Teng

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years

Spirit Power: 30 (Grand Spirit Master)

Martial Spirit 1: Sacred Spear of life and Destruction (700 ring, Swarm Spear - 2000 Ring, Crystal Sphere)

Martial Spirit 2: Wings of the Rainbow Fairy King

Bloodline: Creation, Life, Destruction, Fire Dragon King, Ice Dragon King

Physique: Ice and Fire Dual Immunity, Dragon King Physique

Elements: Life, Absolute Fire, Absolute Ice, Absolute Water

Spirit bones: (Left hand external Spirit bone one million ice dragon king), (Right hand external Spirit bone one million fire dragon king)

Cultivation Method: Creation and Life Core, Endless Core of Destruction

Cores: Creation, Life, Destruction, Fire, Water, Ice


Name: Wei Suon

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years old

Spirit power: 20 (spirit master)

Martial Spirit 1: Divine axe of the Sun (500 years, change of weight)

Martial Spirit 2: Sunshine

Physique: Blessing of the sun


Name: Yu Xiaogang

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years old

Spirit power: ? (spirit trainee)

Martial Spirit 1: Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon (true form) (???? Years ring, ????)

Bloodline: Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon


Name: Kiss

Age: 2000 thousand years old

Gender: Male

Cultivation: 5000 thousand years old

Species: Wind Celestial Eagle

Bloodline: Wind Celestial Eagle

Physique: Blessing of the Goddess of Wind


Name: ????

Age: 6000 years old

Gender: Male

Cultivation: 6000 years old

Species: Tempest wolf

Bloodline: Tempest Wolf


Yes the punishment from Made in Abbys a good manga indeed, hope you like it, and now he has another ally, more to come

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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