
something new and exciting.

Auteur: Great_man
Magical Realism
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Describe something you did that was new or exciting. You should say: what you did where and when you did this who you shared the activity with and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]   Model Answer 1: I like to try new things every now and then in order to make my life a bit more interesting. But, I never really thought that horse riding would be one of them, and I still can’t believe that I actually did it! Anyway, here is how my horse riding story unfolded. It was about 3 years ago when I went to visit a good friend of mine in the countryside. It was my first visit my friend’s place, so I didn’t really know what I was exactly supposed to expect there. Of course, as soon as I arrived there, about 200 kilometers away from my hometown, I was really impressed with the beautiful nature of the countryside. Equally impressive was the fact that some farmers there actually used to raise some beautiful looking horses which I never really thought that those farmers could have ever afforded. So, when I asked my friend about how those farmers ended up having such beautiful looking horses, he told me that a group of wealthy farmers had been living in that countryside for generations who just loved to ride horses. In fact, I saw someone riding a horse one morning. After seeing this, I also became interested in horse riding. So, I asked my friend if he also knew how to do it. As soon as he said “yes”, I told him to borrow a horse from one of his farmer neighbours and teach me horse riding. However, my friend told me that I couldn’t possibly learn it just like that, but I could ride a horse with him, sitting as a passenger behind him. So, I just obliged and rode the horse for the next 15 minutes with my friend. Anyway, this activity was completely new for me, I never had a chance to touch a horse before, let alone riding one! Besides, the fact that we are still using the term “horsepower” to describe the power of a 'car engine' or 'machine' made me really wonder how “elite” of an animal Sample Answer 2: I know what to tell you about here! I’m going to tell you all about what I did, where and when it was, who I shared the activity with and why it was both new and exciting for me. I love trying new things. I’m not particularly brave, but I hate missing out on adventures, and I am curious about the world. On balance, even if something is uncomfortable, or positively frightening, I’d much prefer to ‘give it a go’ and face the consequences than walk away from the opportunity and wonder what might have been. Last year I went on holiday to a fitness boot camp. It was in Northumberland, right by the sea. This is a wild and beautiful location in the north of England. The week involved lots of different activities, abseiling; hill walking; river kayaking; climbing (I was rubbish at that); bodyboarding; orienteering even learning how to build wild shelters out of scraps of wood. Lots of those activities were new and/or exciting, but there was one thing in particular we did that gave me a massive adrenalin high! Coasteering! Now I’d never even heard of this before, so I think you might also need me to explain a bit more about what exactly it is!

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