
Solo Leveling: ReNix

Floating at an endless void in the valley of the dead, tears slowly floating away from her face. She had sacrificed her life for the life of millions of other in her country, it was her choice. A life with the man she both hated and loved at the same time, so that others could live. It was her choice, it was her that had made that choice, but she couldn't help regret her choice. Until, a chance appeared before her. A chance to rewrite the fate she couldn't have changed, all within a single word. "Would you take the chance?" ---- At first, I wanted a rewrite of my SLJTEO FF, but then I got this instead. I don't know how to express how much I planned for this that I even forgot about the origin book, LoL. Anyways, go straight dive in! Ah, finally! I had begun to create my own covers!

Nakamura_Shun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs


"Hahhh!" Akari charged forward with her all and slashed at the monster in front of her, the damage which she could inflict was only minimal, to which the giant responded with a kick.

Akari held up her sword to block the attack as she flew to a building, collapsing it by the sheer force and momentum she had travelled with. "Kuha!" She coughed up a glob of blood as she slowly stood up.

Her bones creaked in protest, "it hurts!" was what her body screaming at her, but she had to stand up! Civilians that she had rescued were just several blocks from here, she had to!

"Rahhhhh!" Akari shouted she summoned all her strength, just to lift her blade. Akari gathered her mana unto her whole body, spreading it evenly as she stared at the giant slowly approaching her with a wicked smile.

"Blade Dance." She muttered out loudly as her mana flared like white flames surrounding her body. Akari jumped up and avoided a stomp of the giant as she slashed down on the giant's leg, lacerating it.

The giant roared in pain as she slid on the ground and plunged her sword on the ground, using momentum to spin around as she shot towards the giant's back, unsheathing another sword.

She swung it at the giant as she passed by and cleaved its shoulder. She landed on top of a building as she saw her hair that was wafting around turn gradually white, "I don't have much time, huh?"

She let go of the broken sword as she unsheathed another sword, she held her sword up high as the giant stared at her with pure rage. To which she gladly smirked at. "Empyrean Rule."

Mana flooded her body as she felt her vitality leave her body rapidly, her mana becoming a beacon of light to the darkened flame devoured city of Tokyo as all the giant type monsters looked at her.

Akari let out a final battle cry as she swung her sword down with all the emotions she could muster up, the hate, the sadness, the rage, the melancholy, the wrath she felt for these giants destroying her home.

"Bisect in two you pieces of -!" Akari shouted as she slammed her sword down, all the giants in the city fell as they were cut apart in two parts. "Except that bastard, of course."

Her knees gave out as she fell, but her eyes still burned with hatred and drive to do whatever it took to kill the remaining giant that stood in front of the dimensional gate.

Akari felt a presence beside her as she didn't even bother to look up at the person. "Hey, Jin-Woo. Take care of the remaining monster for me, will you?" she spoke, sure that it was the exact same person.

"…You could have waited for me, you know." Jin-Woo spoke. "Me? I would rather kill myself off than wait for you." she replied in a very snarky tone. "So, promise me you'll kill the bastard for me?"

Jin-Woo sighed as Akari felt her vision darken. Jin-Woo knelt beside her and hugged her. "Hey, Akutagawa Akari. Could you please take your eyes off on revenge for now? Your love-hate partner is here."

Akari let out a smirk as she closed my eyes. "Fine, you irregular." She spoke curtly. Jin-Woo clenched her frame harder as he spoke. "You know that I love you, right?"

"I do, I know oh so much that you're obsessed with me." Akari let out a soft chuckle, as if the city they were standing on wasn't in ruins. "So why did you do it?" Jin-Woo Inquired.

"Would you wait for someone else if you are fully capable of saving your city razing in fire from the destruction monsters caused?" Akari asked him. "No, but why did you?!"

Akari felt her shoulders wet from tears. "It's because it was my choice, you shit-burger. I chose to sacrifice my life with you for the life of many others. So what if I can't have my time with you?"

"That's just selfishness on my part. But, thousands, millions of others of my country deserve to have a chance in life. To feel what it is to love, to feel what it is to hate, to experience life with their own choices."

Akari turned around to face his crying face as she smiled warmly at him. "And I was prepared to make the choice of sacrificing a life with you, for the option of others having the choice to live."

Jin-Woo gripped her further as he was afraid to lose her, and he was. He was afraid to lose someone again. He lost his father, his mother temporarily, and now her too? It was ripping his mind apart.

"You know, I'm one of a kind, one in 6 billion people, so if I will walk, I will be alone. I've grown weary of lying to the bone with you, it's not forever that I will stay with you, you know?"

"So now," She bowed her head as she lost my energy to move. "I was here with you, but I think I'll be going first. It's about time that I leave alone now." Akari spoke as her final rope on life, started snapping apart.

"Please, kill that monster for me, will you? Oh, and find another like me, I can't have you crying for me forever, my precious shit-burger." Akari's vision fully faded as her body relaxed.

But Jin-Woo felt it, there was still a single thread left! There was a chance that he could save her. "Beru! Use your healing spells on her- (snap!)" But there, he felt it, his authority was over death after all.

He turned his head around slowly, he was afraid, afraid that he would see it, and as he looked at her staying still in his arms, a smile gently adorning her face.

<< Would you like to use shadow extraction on the target? >>

The system inquired as he himself felt his sanity snap in half for a moment. He didn't cry, he didn't even move not to mention. He sat there, his back resting on the building's railing.

The corpse of the one he loved dearly, lay dead in his arms. "My liege…" Igris spoke in a hint of sadness. All the shadow soldiers showed the same expression as their master.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, my Liege." Beru spoke as he slowly backed away. Jin-Woo stood up as he gently lay her body on the building roof. "You didn't disappoint me, Beru."

Jin-woo spoke quietly as he stared at the giant beside the gate, cradling its deathly wound across its torso. "It was her wish, and we shall respect it. Why don't we fulfil it then?"

With his words ignited a blazing inferno of determination inside every single shadow soldier in his army. Determination to utterly crush and destroy the giant in front of them.

"Shall we, then?" Jin-woo calmly spoke as he lifted his head to see the giant. Calmly, he spoke, but his eyes glowed purple with violent wrath evident in his iris. "Charge."


Akutagawa Akari, floated around in empty dark space, an abyssal place, without the suns or any other star's ray. She drifted along whatever current it had, the feeling… it wasn't so bad. Her mind was blank, as much as that of a wooden plank. No thoughts, or any other things passed her consciousness. Perhaps because she was focused on only one thing.

Was it worth it? Was it worth to sacrifice a life with him for the life of many other people? Was it really what she wanted? Was she satisfied with the result––– "Gosh darn it, you shit-burger! Stop making me regret it...!"

She exclaimed out to the empty darkness, not like anyone could hear it. "I did it so that people could live! So that thousands, millions, could have the chance we didn't have!"

Tears softly left her eyes, "So… So don't make me regret my choice…" She cried out to the darkness; her voice would reach nothing in the valley of the dead except others who died.

And it did reach out to someone. Stars, galaxies, nebulas, stellar parallaxes on the scale of universes slowly appeared around her. Until a cosmic being of immense powers appeared before her.

<{-Do you want a chance?-}> it asked, its voice thundering across the darkness painted with stars. "W-what?" Akari let out. <{-I said, do you want a chance?-}>

"What do you mean by that, what chance?" She asked. <{-A chance to try again. A chance to turn back time. A chance to inherit my powers. A chance to regress with the power to change.-}>

Akari was absolutely flabbergasted by such a deal. Just by the voice, Akari could tell that the being was powerful, very, very powerful. But this wasn't for free right?

"What do you want?" Akari asked. <{-What do I want, huh?-}> The being rhetorically asked. <{-I want you to live a chance that I couldn't live, that is what I want the most.-}>

"Then why didn't you use that chance?" Akari inquired. <{-It is because my dear, I have long lost my chance. I cannot leave the valley of the dead anymore.-}> The being answered honestly.

Even such a being was not capable, well, not anymore, it spoke. Hana thought about it for a moment, and then answered. "I want that chance, the chance to change everything I know."

<{-We have a deal then.-}> The being warmly smiled as space and time started distorting, <{-I am granting you my core powers, of which is absolute control in mana, and the second is all my authorities as a "Sovereign", {Stellar Parallax}. -}>

<{-That authority is my very essence as a Sovereign, you could create and destroy anything. But its main purpose it to create powerful servants. Along with the authority is all my mana, and it shall be in you possession from now own. Use it wisely.-}>

The being spoke as time and space started to become more unstable, and it spoke the last before disappearing. <{-Goodbye.-}>