
Chapter 2

I sat up from the floor as I felt my chakra refilled to a decent level.

'I was holding off on taking this but it seems I have to use it now.'

I took out a pill from my inventory before popping it into my mouth. I felt my chakra level instantly skyrocket, going over my current limit and not coming down.

This is one of the pills that are available in the system. [The chakra enhancement pill]. It increases the users chakra capacity. But no good thing comes without risks. You can't take more than one at once.

Your chakra coils have to get used to the instant increase caused by taking the pill. Taking more than one could completely damage your coils. Right now I should have chakra a bit above that of an academy student in their final year. Close to genin reserves.

Naruto had extremely high chakra levels but low control. Sasuke had chakra not as high as Naruto, but a bit higher than normal and had good control.

I'm not going to have as much chakra as Naruto anytime soon but it's steadily increasing while my chakra control is extremely high.

Getting up from the ground, I walk up to the Kumo nin's corpse. I raid his pockets and his bags for things that could be of use. So far I found a few kunai and shuriken, wires, smoke bombs and lastly 2 paper bombs.

A book on the basics on Fuinjutsu was one of the first things I got in the lottery. I haven't reached the level where I could make paper bombs in seconds but I'm getting there. It took me a whole year to learn it and it still takes me a full minute to make one paper bomb.

If not for the fact that I focused on fuinjutsu at the time, I would have already maxed out [Genjutsu] or at least reached level 9.

As I put the loot in my pocket, a familiar yet slightly unwelcome voice brought me out of my thoughts. I leaped a few meters away from my position, landing in a crouch.

I look at my former position to get a good look at the figure. White spiky gravity defying hair and masked face. Hatake Kakashi. I didn't think I'd meet him anytime soon.

"Hoo...good reflexes. Now what's a kid like you doing out here?" Kakashi spoke with his usual aloof attitude.

I kept silent and focused all of my attention on the copy ninja. I can't fight him. He can kill me within seconds. His eyes wandered to the dead body until they locked on the Kumo headband.

"Oh. This is messy indeed." His tone changed from his aloof tone to a serious tone. His eyes hardened as he stared me down. When it looked like he was about to move, I threw a kunai with a paper bomb attached aimed at his face.

He dodged by leaning his head slightly to the side. As the kunai went past his face, his eyes slightly widened at the tag attached before it blew up.

I turned around and dashed at full speed, not waiting for the smoke to clear. He obviously dodged that and I'm not waiting around like a fool.

He proved my point by appearing beside my as I ran.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked with an eye smile.

Quickly using [Wind Manipulation], I removed air resistance around myself only, further increasing my speed. I catch his eyes widen a bit as I burst past him.

I kept going for some time, once in a while using [Body Flicker] to gain more distance. After about 10 minutes I was exhausted. It was a bad decision using so many skills at the same time. I turned back to realize that I didn't see Kakashi anymore.

I let out a breath of relief as I leaned on a nearby rock to catch my breath. As I sat down on the rock, I quickly found myself tied to it. I looked up to see Kakashi giving me that creepy eye smile.

"You're fast for a kid! Now why don't you calm down." He spoke, still smiling.

I quickly used the [Body replacement jutsu] to escape. In my place, tied to the rock was a log making a sizzling sound. It blew up just as Kakashi leapt back.

'That was my last explosion tag. Shit!' I fell to my knee as exhaustion finally hit. The last thing I saw before falling unconscious was Kakashi's smiling face.

'Damn you!'


I woke up in a white room. Looking around, I figured it was a hospital room. I look out the window only to see the four stone faces in the distance.

'So I'm back in Konoha. Why can't my life just be simple for once. They sold me off, now I'm back here. Make a damn choice!'

Calming down, I assess the situation. Judging by how bright it is outside, I'd say I've been unconscious for about a day.

'In that case..'

I took out another [Chakra enhancement pill], then popped it into my mouth. I felt the familiar feeling of my chakra overfilling but not reducing. Considering it's been at least 24 hours since the last one, I should be safe.

I felt my chakra finished cross into Genin level.

'Hehe...imagine that. A four year old with Genin chakra levels. Then again Naruto had more chakra than jonins before he even graduated but he's an Uzumaki so he doesn't count.'

I can't explain it but I have an instinctual sense of the standard chakra level for each class of shinobi. I'm not sure if it's the system or the fact that I might be a sensor.

I quickly cross out the possibility of me being a sensor. I haven't been in close contact with a Jonin before Kakashi to know the standard amount, even though Kakashi's reserves are not to big.

I quickly take out a kunai from my inventory, you know...just in case. I look down to see that I'm still wearing my normal clothes. Deep blue shirt and grey shorts.

Just as I move to get off the bed, the door opens. Acting on reflex, I launched the kunai with my full strength towards the door. I hear the sound of the kunai digging into the wall, creating a very deep crack.

I look towards the door to see, surprise surprise, Kakashi.

"Oh. Be careful with those stuff. If it was anyone else who entered, they'd be dead." He spoke in a bored voice.

I realize that the kunai was stuck in the wall beside his head.

"Anyway, now that you're awake, the Hokage wants to see you." He continued.

I felt the neutral look on my face quickly change to anger as I heard his statement. Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against the Hidden leaf. The one who I have beef with is the third hokage...and Danzo.

I got off the bed. Before I could give a reply, his hand was on my shoulder as the world shifted and we landed in the Hokage office. I shoot him a glare as I regained my bearings from the impromptu transport.

Looking around the room, I felt like going to sleep and not waking up again. What's with all these important characters appearing so soon. The third hokage was expected, seeing as how I killed a jonin. Kakashi was complete coincidence...I think. Now Jiraiya too?

'What a drag.'

The hokage were facing off in a silent staring contest. We both knew that I hated him at this point. He then finally decided to speak.

"Izuna-kun, I see you ar-"

"Why am I here." I interrupted him. I have no interest in whatever pleasantries he wants to pull.

"Oi brat! That's no way to talk to the hokage." Jiraiya who had been observing us spoke.

"Shut up. This has nothing to do with you." I replied, looking him straight in the eyes.y chakra unconsciously stirred and wind picked a bit in the office causing my hair to smoothly shift. Something that they found odd, considering the windows were closed.

"Brat-" "Jiraiya!"

This time it was the hokage interrupting Jiraiya. He then looked back at me.

"There have been a few complications regarding your transfer to Kumo." He started. The more I heard him speak, the angrier I got. I've never felt so much anger before.

"Due to some unforeseen circumstances, you will be staying in Konoha." He finished.

"What unforeseen circumstances?" I ground out.

"That, I cannot tell you." He said calmly.

There was silence in the room as I felt my bangs cover my eyes.

"So that's what we are...the people of Konoha. We're just tools...bargaining chips that you use for senile quest for peace. You're a hypocrite." All of this was said under my breath but it was clearly heard by all occupants of the room.

I turn around and started walking towards the door. As I got to the door, a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Kid, that's enough." Kakashi who had been the silent observer decided to intervene.

"Get you hand off me." I spoke quietly. Instead, he gripped my shoulder tighter. Not bothering with words anymore, I aim my index and middle finger at a few points on the offending limb.

[Nabong Needle Ryu]!

Immediately after hitting those points, his wrists fell limp as I felt it release my shoulder.

[Nabong Needle Ryu][Level 2/10]

[Description]:[This is the type of martial arts that utilizes acupuncture to attack. It is emphasized in strong, fast attack with fingers functioning like needles to puncture pressure points and vital points on the body.]

[1st Effect]: Gain access to [Acupuncture] skill

[2nd Effect]: Gives the user's fingers the ability to function like needles

[3rd Effect]: Gives the user the ability to access the [Acupuncture Creation Technique] skill.

It's not high leveled because I haven't really been in an actual fight before but it's enough to temporarily paralyze his hand.

I open the door before throwing the hokage one more dirty glare before leaving the office. He stayed silent, as if he expected this to happen. I don't really care.

I walk back to the building I live in. As I walk I feel someone's gaze on me. I turn my head to see the culprit. As I looked at the person, I quickly turned back to the road I was walking.

'Nope...nope. I'm done for today.'

I picked up the pace a bit, leaving behind my observer. I'm not in the mood to meet another important character. My observer was none other than Ino. Yeah I'm just gonna keep walking.

Entering my 'house', I walk straight to my room, ignoring the fact that I haven't had food for over a day. My 'father' tried to make a ruckus but I just wasn't in the mood.

Sending a blast if wind straight at his temple, knocking him out. I went straight to my room and sank into the bed, letting sleep take over.

[[[The next day]]]

I woke up fairly early in the morning. My anger from yesterday had subsided...for now. Freshening up, I got ready for my task for today. So far, a lot of the skills and jutsu that I had previously gotten from the system were a bit above my chakra limit, which I'm close to overcoming.

Right now the problem isn't the fact that I can't cast the jutsu, it's the fact that they cost at least half of my current reserves. With that issue, I need to look out for low level but useful ninjutsu.

Which is why I'm going to the library to-



The growling from my stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten food in a few days.

I walk to the kitchen to see if the anything to cure my hunger. On getting there, I'm greeted with a kitchen devoid of any edibles. I sighed while thinking of what to do.

While I was thinking, something caught my eyes. Fugita's wallet. Opening it, there was barely any money. What little that was there wasn't going to be enough to pay for a decent meal but I took it anyway.

I walked out of the house, thinking of how to solve my food situation. After walking for a few minutes with no idea, I decided to try my luck at Ichiraku's Ramen. The show always made it out to be heavenly.

After a few more minutes, I found myself in front of my target. Walking in, I see that I'm the only one, besides Teuchi and Ayame.

"Good morning." I drawled lazily. I'm really not a morning person.

"Good morning. What can I get you?" He said quite cheerfully.

Looking at the prices, I almost wanted to pull my hair out. How could you be a ninja for over ten years and yet you don't have enough money to buy breakfast.

I sigh as I bring out what little money I had.

"What can I get with this much?" I asked, stretching my hand to give him the money. He looked at the money in my hand for a few seconds before smiling softly.

"Don't worry about payment. It's on the house." He said, pushing my hand back towards me.

This guy has officially become my favorite person in this village. I thanked him then sat down. Not a minute later, a steaming bowl of ramen was laid in front of me.

Shockingly enough, I found my mouth watering with drool threatening to escape my lips. Teuchi just smiles in amusement before I quickly composed myself.

Time to dig in!

[[[15 minutes later]]]

I stood outside Ichiraku's with a satisfied smile on my face. Never have I tasted something so good! I'm definitely coming back.

I walk away from the ramen shop to my destination for today; the library.

A few minutes later, I find myself walking into a library filled with civilians and shinobi alike.

'Time to get to it.'

[[[20 minutes later]]]

I couldn't help but feel annoyed as I walked out of the library. After searching through the limited amount of jutsu that a civilian is allowed to search through, I found nothing.

It was that I didn't find any jutsu. It was that I didn't find any 'useful' jutsu. All of them were practically useless. I also didn't bother using [Henge] to transform into someone else because that would defeat the purpose of coming here.

I frowned, walking through the streets of Konoha while thinking on what to do now. I quickly made up my mind.

'Well, it looks like I'm training chakra control today. So it's either I go to one of the ponds in the training grounds or I go-'


The feeling of me bumping into someone brought me out of my thoughts. Funny enough, I stayed standing while the other person fell. As I stretched my hand to the person, I saw the reason why.

'Honestly, if this is some kind of sign, just fucking tell me already.' Though, I didn't let my thoughts show on my face.

The person had light blonde hair, slightly pale skin and teal eyes. How would I not recognize her. Ino Yamanaka.

She took my outstretched hand, getting herself off the ground. When she looked at my face, she looked like she had a sudden realization before she got excited.

"Hi! I'm Ino!" She said excitedly.

I stayed silent for a few seconds to think, before finally thinking 'Ah what the heck'. Her smile seemed to be reducing the more I stay silent.

"...Izuna." I slowly replied. Hearing that, her smile came back full force.

"Let's be friends!" She said, even more excited than before.

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