
Fractured Legends: The Outcast's Uprising

Exalibar and Chloe, teens with extraordinary abilities, are thrust into a new life under the protection of the enigmatic James Maxford. As they navigate high school and uncover the dark secrets of their pasts, their presence stirs dangerous forces and hidden enemies. In a world where their powers make them targets, they must determine who to trust and what it means to be truly free. Amidst growing chaos and escalating threats, their journey reveals that the line between friend and foe is dangerously thin.

No_8TAN · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Battle of Wimps

The rules of the game are clear, the first team to lose all players looses the game. The class had 20 students so each team would have 10 people. Jack assumed the role of leader for team A and Dylan for team B. Jack being the first to pick chose Aisha to be on his team. He did this not out of a crush or an admiration of her but to separate her from her brother. He knew what a powerful duo the 2 made and did not want to be on the opposing team. "Best I separated the 2 ", he thought to himself. Dylan saw this and in return picked Chloe for his team. He wasn't sure of how effective Exalibar and Chloe worked together but he wasn't about to risk it. Jack chose Exalibar next which struck the other students as odd. "Normally newbies get picked last but.... Dylan chose Chloe first, why?" This was the thought that caused him to pick Exalibar. The other students where chosen and the teams took their places on their ends of the hall. Having a coin toss to decide who gets the ball first team B had lady luck on their side. (literally they had a girl named Rachel who's power was probability was always in her favour.) 

Dylan took the ball. After calculating how he was to eliminate a lot of players in one fell swoop he threw the ball. The moment the ball left his hand he let out a small blast which propelled the ball even faster. The ball shot to the opposing team hitting Richard ricocheted of him and darted towards Zayn. He took notice and tried to dodge but was too late. The ball was just moving to fast. He knew that even if he tried to move his body wouldn't react in time. (Zayn can perceive events slowly as his mind can process information at an alarming rate. His body however can't keep up with this speed thinking so most of the time he knows something is coming but can't do anything about it.) He closed his eyes, prepared for impact but the ball never made contact. "That is a point for team A" declared the teacher. As he wondered how he opened his eyes to see Exalibar holding the ball in one hand and the other in this pocket. 

Exalibar: You ight bro?

Zayn: Yeah thanks for the save.

Exalibar: Don't mention it. Now that I have the ball Dylan its best you just forfeit the match.

Dylan: In your dreams man.

Exalibar: Fine, have it your way.

With this Exalibar threw the ball at him..... and completely missed. Well technically he didn't. You see Dan from his team shifted the air around the room and made the ball ever so slightly lose its course.

Exalibar: Oh come on that's got to be cheating. 

Aisha: It isn't use of powers is allowed remember.

As the dodgeball match continued, the pace intensified with each throw and countermove. Exalibar's team maintained their early lead, showcasing not only individual prowess but also seamless teamwork. Aisha's alchemic abilities played a crucial role in coordinating their movements, creating a dynamic strategy that kept Dylan's team on their toes.

Chloe, positioned as a key player on the opposing team, continued to astonish the spectators. Her energy blasts weren't just defensive maneuvers; they became strategic weapons, altering the trajectory of the incoming balls and surprising her opponents. The hall buzzed with excitement as students marveled at the unexpected twists in the game.

Dylan, determined to turn the tide, unleashed his pyrokinesis to heat the air around him. The mirage created disorientation among Exalibar's team, testing their adaptability. Exalibar, relying on his speed, demonstrated exceptional agility, dodging the fiery obstacles with calculated precision.

Aisha's coordination became even more crucial as the game approached its climax. With teammates strategically positioned and a heightened sense of anticipation, Exalibar's team faced off against the formidable duo of Dylan and Chloe. The dodgeball match had evolved into a captivating spectacle of extraordinary abilities, leaving everyone in the hall on the edge of their seats.

In the final moments, as tension reached its peak, Exalibar seized the opportunity to make a game-changing move. With swift and calculated precision, he aimed at Dylan, who, despite his pyrokinetic defenses, found himself momentarily vulnerable . There was no time to dodge or start a fire to block. Chloe, realizing the strategic importance of the moment, unleashed an energy burst that unfortunately complemented in the grand scheme of things Exalibar's throw. The blast caused the ball to spin back to Exalibar who in turn spun himself to match the rotation of the ball and threw it. The ball headed straight for Chloe bounced of her and hit Dylan in the leg eliminating them both.

The hall erupted in a mixture of gasps and cheers as the combination of Exalibar's precise throw. The unexpected turn of events left an indelible mark on the dodgeball match, turning it into an unforgettable display of skill and camaraderie among students with extraordinary abilities.

As the excitement settled, the classmates, initially divided by teams, came together to congratulate each other on a game well played. Exalibar and Chloe, despite being on different teams, found themselves at the center of admiration, their actions transcending the boundaries of competition. This shared experience not only showcased their unique powers but also fostered a newfound sense of unity and acceptance among the students.

This was the best first day anyone could ever ask for.