
Solo Hybrid

This story is about a prince from another world that was betrayed by his own brothers for the throne. He en bark on the level up process after finding out that there is a link between his old world and this new one,With the deep passion for revenge not being left out of the picture

Mr_Mikey · Autres
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11 Chs


Aenea's Prov:

He selected a worn-out combat glove as his equipment and noting more. After all the registrants had chosen their respective weapon, we moved them all to another Hall known as the magic lab to evaluate their level of magic power and the kind of element they are gifted with .

The players were asked to place their five fingers on a transparent cristal ball to check their level (Magic Powers are measured based on their levels which is from level 1-60 depending on the level of the player, the more a player increases their level the higher their magic power increases, The cristal is also used to check the kind of Element the player's class posseses , the common elements that the player in this era poses Are Wind, Fire, Water and Earth{THE CRISTAL CHANGES COLOR DEPICTING TO THE ELEMENT The INDIVIDUAL HAS UNLOCKED WITH THEIR SPECIFIC CLASS}). While the players were checking the element they were gifted, The players started to get their various element which was still the basic elements. I was so disappointed to see that even this batch doesn't have any one with a good element other than the basic elements, Turning around to take my leave I suddenly heard the players exclaim in ow turning back I saw a shabby looking girl dressed like a bigger checking her Element that was the Light Element (One of the uncommon Element to have even in the big family {It is not a combat type class although it has some self defense skills and it is mainly a HEALER class based ELEMENT}).

Andy's Prov:

One of the girls from the registering players Checked her element and got a light based element. It became my turn to check by elements next, As I walked towards the podium I asked the system what my element was.

The System: The host currently has a dark element of a lower grade.

Andy:vis there any way for me to increase my element from the lower grade.

The System: The system suggest the host use a sum of the magic power the system has been absurbing and turn it into system point, So as to increase the element with the system point.

Andy's Prov: How points will be needed and how much will be left.

The System: Host is currently having 120% of magic power and after the upgrade of the host's element the magic power will be left with 18%

Andy: Upgrade the Element

The System: The element has been increased into the Holy rank and has now added One skill and six sub skills, more new skills to the host Skill panel (New Skill Main: Necromancer Sub Skills: Recovery, MANA Regeneration, Mist of calamity, Undead Resurrection, Creation, Shadow Evasion).

The Necromancy skill is also known as a class in this world, and it is the only class that accept the use of Holy Energy and Demonic Energy. This class comes with its own skills and do not mostly accept other skills but is mostly about the improvement of personal skill. It's skills as follows.

Recovery: This skill allows the host to regenerate any kind of attack instantly if the level of the host is high enough.

MANA Regeneration: This is a skill gifted some mages to replenish their spent MANA while still in battle.

Mist of Calamity: This Skills uses demonic energy to absurd MANA from the demonic creatures around, and it also use demonic energy to create a mist to hide the host presence during a battle, And it also gives De-buff to players below the level of the host and also players whose level isn't much higher than the host.

Undead Resurrection: This skill is also a demonic skill that allows the host to summon the soul of any dead creature to serve the host as its lord.

Creation: This is a Holy skill that allows the host to create a living organism or being using pure holy energy as it's core, the host can give the creature parts of the host skill or the host can create a skill and occupation for the creature.

Shadow Evasion: This skill is from the assassin's class the host can move from one place to another through the use of a shadow, as well as hide in the shadows of other creatures


Immediately the torn for the next person had passed the name sir Andy was called, It is time Andy said to himself as he walked towards the podium to check his element.

As he walked through the crowd of people he could not help but ear the scornful chat of other players ,they Say look at him, he looks like one of those good for noting, look at how skinny he is he looks like one of those failure that keep on trying to be a player, but they end up having no skill, most of the people like them should only be used as slaves another person said as he walked.

He paid no heed to them but kept on walking up to the, standing in front of a transparent crystal he was asked to place his hand on the ball and channel all the energy in his body into the crystal, Doing as he was instructed, he placed his hand on the crystal,, but he decided to just impute little of his MANA to caurse a commotion, and so he can level up in peace without the interference of any person organization.

Adding a bit of MANA the orb didn't show anything for the next two minutes, everyone in the hall started laughing frantically saying just as we thought he was use-, but before they could complete their sentence and continue their laughter the whole room suddenly be came dark, With a shortage of air as if the Crystal had sucked all the air in the room, The players in the room started to Collapse due to the shortage of air as panic struck the players, Then everything thing suddenly went back to normal as the crystal showed the information of the young boy.

As everything settled down the information of the young boy was showed for all to see it states.....