
So, I got Isekai’d

So, I got isekai'd, though it may sound bat shit crazy; it's a commonly used trope in a lot of video games, anime, manga, and light novels in the U.S. and Japan. If you are not aware isekai or fantasy in English, is the term and genre for stories involving being summoned from our universe into another, which is what happened to me.

For you to better understand I'll provide some context; I'll begin with a little background information before I get into the particulars of what happened to me. We'll start with the fact that no one spoke or wrote in a language like any of our own, when I first heard them speak I didn't recognize anything, however when they finally stopped, I could understand them as easily as you understand me, it was a spell from one of the priestesses, we were able to understand each other, it not like everyone suddenly spoke English, I now knew their language Ciriaalian, I will just be translating everything as closely as possible to English. The second is, I wasn't alone, a hundred people were summoned in total; we weren't the first, but hopefully we were the last.

I don't really know how it happened, which is to say, there were no glowing circles of light, and I wasn't struck down by the notorious Truck-kun. The last thing I remembered from earth was turning off my tv to go lay down. I sat on my bed and before my head could hit the pillow, I was in what felt like an ethereal realm, standing before a God, who to me looked just like Freyja.

I know for sure if it was Freyja even though we neither spoke a word nor moved, it was an all-encompassing feeling. My body was dematerializing into nothing more a spirit. Freyja, without words communicated to me that I along with ninety-nine others were needed to help stop a cycle of endless violence and unspeakable evils and save a world called Ciriaa.

I would have loved to say I got to choose a magical affinity, or the warrior class I wanted. But sadly no, this wasn't some RPG, we all became what we secretly always wanted to be and while I might have chosen something much less conspicuous I had become a Felanar, a Tig'rid to be precise; I definitely wasn't disappointed with the enhanced physical prowess of the beast people, plus all beast-kin inherently possess a higher metabolic rate that allows them to heal and grow stronger at a rate of five times faster than any other species, though I definitely stood out even amongst the other beasties as tigers are not native to Ciriaa. I've never been shy so while I may not have been able to be stealthy, being six foot six, three hundred pounds of solid ferocious muscle, without even trying my intimidation factor was top tier.

While those perks were amazing, the drawback was egregious, all beast-kin if mortally wounded, transform into, a feral 'American Werewolf in Paris' style beastie. Even though this transformation makes us much stronger and faster, we lose all sense of reason and massacre everything in our proximity whether friend or foe. Like any other cornered beast fight or flight takes over and beast-kin always choose violence. But seriously though, how funny would it be to watch some petite smoking hot bunny girl go full Cujo on something twice her size.

My strongest affinity in magic turned out to be electricity and my skills; Instant Comprehension, Skill Creation, and Exp Multiplier had me written all over them. Which all aided in my speed leveling and improving my skills faster than most of the other transfers. Understand that even though this has taken me some time to explain, in actuality, this all occurred in an instant(any language spoken or written are the slowest ways to convey information); I was on earth, this happened and poof I'm reconstituted in this body, on Ciriaa, standing in the middle of a crowd of people, every one of us naked as the day is long, in a church, and it all took but an moment.

We were blinking into existence one after another the clergy at the ready, providing everyone with robes to cover up with. After we were all covered up, the Priestesses began escorting us from the church up to a palace, to be brought before the Queen, Her Majesty Opalescence. Though a Demi God, she spoke to us all very plainly, she explained that she regretted needing the continuous help of Warriors from other worlds and even offered apologies for our summoning, even though for her world it was a necessity. She then told us the story of how it all began (though I'd rather not recite her impressively long and annoyingly drawn-out monologue, here you go):

"Before there was a multiverse there was nothing but the Gods and while immortality and unfathomable power is very appealing to former mortals like you, it comes with a huge draw back, you will inevitably see and do it all and eventually boredom sets in. Then we Gods created life and would eventually argue amongst ourselves who would rule over it. Though the argument was short, with our infinite wisdom we decided to create more universes, with more life, agreeing that every universe would be ruled by three Gods, all decisions pertaining to our respective universes are made by council."

In the universe I was summoned to the three gods could rarely agree on anything, and chose to cultivate life in their own way, to see whose ideology was superior with one caveat, all countries, churches, and governments formed in their names must be recognized, and all life forms would be able to worship whomever they chose freely. They foresaw the mess the Gods in our universe would make and agreed not to repeat that. They took a more hands on approach with cultivating their peoples. By teaching them how to use and manipulate the potential energy that permeates all existences, taught their people what we call magic.

She continued "While for the most part everything was moving along smoothly, some humans became discontent with their gifts, and jealous of others. Which eventually turned to hatred and bigotry. These Humans began to segregate the groups, creating subcategories for Humanity, believing themselves the only creatures made in the image of the Gods, and all others were less than human and barely more than beasts."

She took a brief pause to compose herself and continued:

"Those with a visage like mine considered themselves untainted and referred to themselves as humans, and all others were dubbed as Demi-Humans in order to dehumanize them. While most demi humans are now treated as less than, three are considered above even humanity, Demi God a minority race of offspring with humans, they are known as the Nine throughout Ciriaa, our conception happens once every few hundred thousand years. Though we mature, we do stop physically aging randomly. The eldest of us Nine, while looking like a petulant prepubescent boy was a few millennia old."

A slight grimace crossed her face and was gone as quickly whilst she proceeded.

"The Demi-Angel and Demon-kin, titled by hero's summoned in the past, number roughly one hundred thousand, can live for only a millennium or two, and are the children of the humanities and the Demi-God, they tend to be quite beautiful. Whether they are considered angel or demon is quite literally based on what whether they are a healer or a warrior. Lastly are the 'Holy' Dragonoids, these are warriors of any "race" that one of the six elemental dragons deemed worthy to receive an infusion of their powerful blood. This alters the body, making one's appearance more Draconic, greatly increases their physical and magical strength and prevents these once very mortal warriors from aging further"

Opalescence took another pause, and while everyone else was hanging onto her every word, I was getting bored. And this ain't a game so I couldn't even skip this long as cut scene of a monologue.

"Lead by Laifon my eldest brother, who had become corrupted by his own arrogance and prejudice, proclaiming himself the one true 'Lord of Light', he attempted to cleanse the lands of those he deemed impure. His power was so tremendous, that even that worlds strongest and finest heroes were no match for him. This is when and why Father, and the other Gods were forced to summon other worlder's to put a stop to his tyranny and carnage."

"This here," she gestured with her right hand to the church out the window, and then to all who stood with in her chambers "you heroes summoned from other worlds, bestowed with the ability to quickly develop the skills and power needed to defeat him. When our first summoned hero finally defeated my brother, he was cursed, his soul consumed by the same hatred Laifon felt, and a new Lord of Light was born and so it has been. Heroes summoned to vanquish a new evil, becoming that which they were summoned to defeat, over and over and over again."

The disparity of her words, the melancholy on her face, even I became still. Quite filled the hall as she sipped at tall glass, breathed heavily, and continued.

"Throughout the age of man in all realms those summoned like yourselves, who survived the battles and retained their souls were returned home, given one final mission; Relay the saga they had written with blood and tears, so their people, who may be summoned in the future better accept and understand this responsibility."

I would find out during my travels this was birthplace of the famous Japanese folk tales by Urashimo Taro, the brothers Grimm, even D&D creators Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, as well as the countless others who were able to return to their worlds, would introduce interdimensional travel, the monsters and their sagas in these lands and created the stories/games that inspired the isekai genre. Many of our comic book heroes are loosely based on the experiences of hero's who returned to our world.

She finished by saying: "The Last hero to defeat the Lord of Light had a unique skill 'Shared Growth.' This allowed him to share all the Exp he gained with his Party members, and vice versa, so when he slew the former hero, he shared his curse with his entire party. Giving rise to 5 Lords of Light…. thankfully the power of the Lord of Light is finite and was divided amongst them. While individually they aren't grossly overpowered, this well-tuned unit of warriors is now twice as powerful as any previous Lord."

After her monologue she introduced one of her subordinates and opened the floor to our questions as she excused herself from the room. While the baffled stares of disbelief became acceptance, and some couldn't hide their excitement, the murmurs began growing louder and louder, I took the opportunity to start making my way towards the door. During this commotion someone asked about leveling, exp farming and the like, so I stopped and listened carefully for the answers. Compared to everything else I'd heard; this information was the most useful.

We were informed that there were in fact several locations controlled by monsters, all centered around dungeons, that the dungeons themselves are actually boss level monsters and that dungeons generate the other monsters, a lot like how the human body makes white blood cells, T cells, and anti-bodies. As a matter of fact, the word Dungeon comes from Ciriaa and means 'Ever Growing Doom'. We were also told that though they start off small, like a slime, the more they consume the more powerful the Dungeon becomes and the larger it grows, even going so far as absorbing and becoming the very landscape they've burrowed into. Conveniently explaining why there are so many dungeon types. She also explained:

" The first ten levels can spawn monsters at a rate of what translates to one every six seconds and go up by one second every ten floors after that. All the monsters know exactly where you are at all times because of the dungeon's omnipresence skill. I warn you attempting to hide or entering a dungeon by oneself is suicide, the longer you are in the dungeon the more likely you are to be overwhelmed. However, if your party is dead set on leveling in a dungeon, proceed with cautious haste."

The Queens aide continued answering questions then informed us that tonight would be a banquet and an evening of rest before we would set out to get acclimated to our new reality before training began. She bid us good luck and departed the room, which quickly erupted with chatter. Being the shy soul I am, I roared until I had everyone's attention. I announced my name, the one Freyja left etched in my soul. I gave a vague explanation of what city and state I came from; I announced that I was forming a party to head straight for a dungeon so we could efficiently maximize leveling. Whether by fate, luck, or divinity my son recognized me while making his way through the crowd he also recognized my nephew and dragged him into joining me right away. Others I knew whether irl or from social media/gaming; had also transitioned to Ciriaa and eventually joined up with us.

Not everyone transitioned into their new 'hero' roles, we may have all been summoned to save Ciriaa, but like the old saying goes, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Too many chose to go down a rotten path, they didn't last long crossing my path.

Since everything up to this point is wordier that I'd prefer (seriously I feel like I've spoken more here than the entire decade I was in Ciriaa), I'll just give you a quick rundown of my party members, to start off I never told you my name, Vali Lucifr Freyjasson , you can call me Vali, Val, Lucifr, or Luci; deviate from that at your own peril, here's everyone else.

My son, who would go by Gunnir Valisson, had become a Dragonoid, wielding Dark magic which is awesome, but dragonoids are lethargic, so he's a near unstoppable tank, who often has a case of the sleepies. Don't get it twisted though, he was a beast on the battlefields. The longer a battle dragged on the more ferocious he became, screaming at his opponents as he ripped them apart with his bare hands how their deaths were their fault alone, had they just run away and let him rest he wouldn't have to hurt them, then he'd block the rest from being able to flee because he hadn't handed out their punishments. We eventually relegated him to aerial assault, having him control the sky's allowed us all to fight more freely.

My Nephew, who embodies truth and justice I dubbed Heither Tyrsson, he had become a flame magic wielding Dwarf. This kid spent the majority of his time in Ciriaa doing research, he didn't believe in killing his enemies, he held true to the Shonen standard: 'today's enemy is tomorrows bestie', so he focused on gathering intel, and while he was able to hold true to his beliefs, his intel and naivety helped me kill the fuck out of a whole lotta people.

A dancer, Idunn, had become a Light Elf wielding healing Light magic, was also squeamish about 'un-aliving' others, spent her time in the middle of the Pride, keeping our teammates health up. Beautiful and powerful with a sharp tongue and cutting wit, Idunn destroyed the egos of anyone she found undesirable, who attempted to garner her affection.

Shu, the Griffin is able to manipulate the very air in your lungs with his wind magic, though a danger to all manner of foe that dared make an enemy of him; Shu, like most Griffins is known for being rational, his logic and compassion give a regal air to his presence as with most people of regal stature he was forced into the role of party leader, he would also become the shadow leader of several cities, implementing social, technological and political reforms.

Wielding water magic, the beautiful bartender you'll come to know and love Nephthys. A Siren of beguiling beauty and voice, refused to sling any drinks our entire journey, can charm even the most stubborn and cynical. Like Heither, Nephthys became an intelligence asset, Shu spent our time level grinding observing and figuring out which jobs were optimal for everyone's quirks and personality types. And while I was a hard-core battle junkie, the mental and emotional scars from taking a life are still very prevalent. Shu decided that no one, other than we 'predators' would have to fight on the front lines.

Gaia, as you can guess had earth magic, by that I mean rocks, soil and ore. An adorable, petite Dark Elf; which made watching her battles hysterical, you'd see this little attractive woman with barely any armor, run onto a battle field dragging a great sword, nearly twice her size behind her, then in flash she had it up and would cleave her enemies in half with ease, their faces would shift from cocksure to terrified instantly, it was priceless.

Cernunnos, a stalwart bulwark of a Satyr, with the Creation abilities of his Light magic he could and did become our munitions foundry and lead expert. Bringing our modern era war machinery into their, magical world. He even figured out why, Ciriaa's technologies were so far behind ours, even though Ciriaan's access to magic could have had their societies technologies advanced beyond our own. In his own words "necessity is the mother of innovation, for the most part these people don't need technology, since their able to accomplish their immediate goals with magic, they've never had to figure anything else out. It's probably why they're so reliant on summoned heroes as well."

Lastly was the Felanar, a Lynx by the name of Bellona whom everyone called Bella, mastered her Plant based Earth magic. An invaluable member of our team not only could she provide cover in battle, shelter in storms, she was able to keep us all fed. Whether it was growing crops in seconds or catching prey using the flora and fauna as a trap, Bella single handedly kept our team from sated and brought several towns and cities out of the brink of starvation, and into age of abundance. Shu put her skills to task, as our party's liaison. Bella, Nephthys and Heither would travel to nearby towns and villages ahead of us and create good will.

After we formulated a few plans on how we should proceed, we rejoined the larger group and joined in drinking and eating our fill. The raucous laughter and jovial expressions bounced from face to face, we watched as people practicing spells made the room light up like a fireworks display. One person amusingly enough used up all their mana and passed out like a drunk whose had that one too many. Don't worry they woke up shortly after, like an hour or so no worse for the ware. This turned the banquet party into full swing and while everyone was nice and distracted, I snuck out.

After seeing that I'd be in a vulnerable state if I used up all my mana, and still not having a full grasp on how my new abilities worked I made a b line straight for my room, it was time for me to get prepped. I knew I could potentially be a huge liability to my team if I didn't get a handle on my 'new self'. Once safely in my room I began creating new skills for myself, first creating an Auto Regeneration skill, a passive skill that would heal me for about 3% of my total health every 30 seconds to boost my already beefed up beast-kin healing(by the way, this is the reason beast-kin level up faster), next I created Level Cap Break skill which will grant me an additional 10 levels per skill rank up, after I hit the max level of 100. I needed to insure I wouldn't be killable, thus a quest to become the most disgustingly OP person this world has world has ever produced began.

Or so I thought, after creating Skill Cap Skill, I promptly passed out. After waking up, I realized just how powerful this skill would become, so I made sure the next skill would be just as powerful I Presence of Mind, so that if ever I'm critically wounded, I won't ever totally lose my sense when becoming a Weretiger, dude that sounds so goofy. I passed out again due to how much magic this one skill took to create, I told you I was OP bitch!

Whether a few hours or days had passed, didn't matter to me, the only thing I wanted was to go level up and insure my survival. I had every tool at my disposal and if it was a skill, I didn't have yet I'd make it. Though we were never told, I knew if we all survived this and went home, our magic would cease to exist because mana in our world is so scarce and weak, so I created skills I thought would work with or without mana. Using the information from our world and based on my new bodies physiology I prioritized my skill creation so in no particular order I created Sense Enemy to bolster my natural predatory instincts, Telekinesis, we all know how that works, Warp Gate, long range teleportation to anywhere I've been prior, Instant Movement short range teleportation to anywhere I can see, Alchemy, Black Smithing, Gunsmithing, Chemistry, Machinery so I could bring the marvels of scientific creations to this world. Finally for self-defense Martial Arts, Dual Wielding, Archery, Marksman, Sniper and Magic Creation (allowing me to create and cast new spells, of any element). Finally, after creating the Dimensional Storage skill I rested.

My Pride and I stayed back in the palace for a few days after basic training, we had access to their libraries, and we made use of them looking up fundamentals of magic, monster weaknesses anything we thought would make level grinding efficient. On the morning of our departure the guards gathered and presented us some armaments, and about 8 weeks' worth of rations and potions. With our gear in hand, and our planning finalized we set out heading straight for the nearest Dungeon. Some adventurers visiting the capital were overheard talking about how it had grown yet again, which meant the dungeon had claimed more souls. Its entrance was a cave at the foot of the mountain range a few miles east of the Queendom, the guards stationed at its front warned us not to go in, but we were going to defeat, and loot the hell out of this dungeon so we ignored them and entered.

After a week on the first floor, we farmed enough exp to get up to level 10 using Transmutation to make enclosed spaces appear or brick over doors in existing rooms so we could have a safe enough place to rest as the dungeon created more pests for us to eradicate, then pressed on. By the time we reached the fifth floor I had nearly died twice, my Berserker Skill (plus 10% to all stats per enemy attacking me while I'm mortally wounded) passive boosted my stats well beyond that of the average person at level 20, and I wasn't the only one, everyone's skills had greatly increased and our coordination had begun to synchronize.

We definitely should have brought more food stores with us, we were 3 weeks in and out of rations, no one informed us that leveling up requires a lot of calories, and Beast-kin have almost all protein-based diet. I began eating the monsters around week 2, in order to offset the lack of rations we faced, since I didn't get sick from it, by week 4 everyone else ate them as well, when your starving, tired and have no other options you'll find just about anything palatable.

14 weeks in and our skills were, let's just call it A ranked, our levels hovered at or just below one hundred and my party was ready to leave. I used my Warp Gate to return us to the capitals center, where after startling everyone, we were greeted with hugs and tears, most everyone thought we had died. While Cernunnos and I horded our wares, the rest traded in the weapons, armor, and materials they didn't need or want with the smiths, and apothecaries for coin then returned to the castle to check in and compare levels with any of our fellow summoned still in the capital.

To say we were shocked by the difference in our levels would be an understatement. In just over three months our group was at most a few levels away from a hundred, while these transferees were barely in their thirty's. A few outliers had closed in on 40 but that wasn't much of an improvement. Since my party and I still had a little room to grow and I was nowhere near the OP level I wanted to be, in order for our plans to progress. my squad and I decide to temporarily split up. Gunnir and Heither decided to do some serious adventuring, traveling from town to town saving innocents along the was it was very Kwai Chang Caine. Cernunnos and Shu would head to the frontlines helping push back the lords of lights' troops, reclaiming lost territories. Nephthys, Gaia, Bellona and Idunn would stay behind, helping lead other transferees through the same dungeon we all leveled up in. Queen Opalescence even had a lavish dwelling erected in front of the cave entrance, allowing the ladies, as well as a few dozen guards the convenience of living on site until all the heroes maxed out. They even guided many of the guards through to help better prepare them for the coming battles.

With my skills now I was only able to make Minor Level Cap Break Potions for my Pride, allowing them to go up twenty-five additional levels. With three potions a piece we all went our separate ways. I too was doing the adventurer gig, as a wandering mercenary I traveling to far-off villages protecting them from monsters, bandits and the like, I fought against armed contingents of the Lords of Light's armies. And hunted down and destroyed every Dungeon within the fiefdoms I could find.

Time flew by, my fun filled days battling bandits or monsters; or destroying dungeons, while my nights were entertained by the local food, drink, and women of whatever town or village I found myself in. My leveling slowed tremendously after 250, and with how highly ranked my skills had become I decimated my foes with enough ease I could begin the next phase of the plan, well my portion at least. With some of the people I'd helped, I traveled just outside of the unified borders into Laifon Kingdom, home of the lords of light if your too dumb to infer that on your own; to build a city. Located in the 3-mile wide, 15-mile-long mountain pass I set up camp. With Every ounce of their being, my new companions helped erect massive, stone gates, sheered the cliff side smooth, Tilled land for farming, erected lodgings.

I did what I could to help bolster by training for greater physical and magical strengths. I instructed them on how to instruct others. Whenever one of my teammates passed through, they would help with the infrastructure, armaments and manpower, in less than two years' time our refugee camp was a full-blown modernized city. Complete with a population able to defend themselves against the armies of the Light. I decided to bring all the comforts of home to this new world, and we accomplished that in spades. We had renovated this ravine, and put entire infrastructures to work, defenses, technology, agriculture, and education systems. I was told long ago, the greatest revenge against those who hate you and wish you ill, is to live well, and we did. Our city was bursting at the seams with abundance. Our population was able to enjoy safe/ish healthy lives. The public works projects, like sewage lines and public bath houses were the starting point, proper hygiene made this place much more livable and much less rank than any other locale.

My Smithing skills combined and evolved into Engineer, which gave us a huge technological boon. Farming tools, melee weapons and armor, were no longer the only items I could create, I now had access to make advanced technology, I produced firearms, vehicles and microchips, engines, etcetera.

The crown jewels of my creations though were Refrigerators, air-conditioning and heating units and in-door plumbing, which may not sound all that impressive to you or I, but for those who have been living in this world where the summers were sweltering, the winters were freezing and dropping a deuce in a chamber pot is disgusting. These advancements meant a whole new level of comfort for these people, they could bathe regularly, poop privately, and live more comfortably. Not to mention economic stimulation this would all bring, no more going hungry, an educated and skilled society that has the qualifications to replicate these wonders meant no one else could look down on or disrespect them because of their station or species. It helped bring a little of the needed balance, a little of the desired respect, and even more curious enchantment.

I will not deny that neighboring lands thought that they could take our quaint little town by force, but with the Light and Heavy Machine Guns mounted every fifteen feet, and my addict like fervor on the battlefield that didn't go so well for them. Funny story, true story, one particular battle occurred while a good 50 transferees were in town. A contingent of 10,000 came marching towards our gates, and the Sentries were eager to show off their newfound strength, so they invited the transferees to the parapet for a display, unfortunately for them by the time everyone had gathered, I had already run out to meet our would-be invaders. In but a few short minutes, I had culled the enemy forces completely, 10 large, versus me and a pair of bearded axes. I walked back from the carnage drenched in crimson past the slack jawed heroes who finally realized how under leveled they truly were.

Other than those handful of failed attempts we had a safe community, I was able to focus on numerous contingency plans to defeat the Lords of Light. Along with the handguns, which were solely issued to on duty Sentries, and were returned to the armories after shifts end, I started working on every idea I could to neutralize them. I decided to work backwards, I first began researching ways to imprison them.

Peace and bliss don't seem to last long when greed and corruption exist, as the humanities seemed to evolve past their prejudices with in the Fiefdoms, and the Lords of Light's influence along with their borders were being pushed out of the people's hearts, minds and lands, Garrisons lead by the 5 Lords themselves started invading, and the war that would kill nearly half of the remaining summoned heroes, and nearly two thirds of the combined fiefdoms forces, and nearly all of the Demon-kin began, and my saga neared its end.

Do not get all gloomy, I am sitting here telling you my story, so you know I didn't die.

The encroachment of the Armies of Light caused my squad and I to rejoin the fight, as rear guard. It appeared as though we were the last line of defense, when in reality, we were secretly supporting the soldiers on the front. Adding a little of our mana to their spells we bolstered the strength, stamina, and magic pools of our comrades. Our comrades became too overconfident in their abilities, even the Demon-kin overestimated what they could do. When the 5 Generals finally descended upon us chaos erupted, and the battlefield became a graveyard.

Days of overpowering the monstrous soldiers of the enemy's army gave high hopes, the losses retained the moment the 5 Generals arrived wiped hope from the hearts of all who survived. Out of 3,000 Demon-kin, 64 summoned heroes and 200,000 knights of the fiefdoms, we lost 180,000 lives. In a nanosecond over 70% of our forces died. The morale ran dry, the remaining knights tried to flee, with barely a force of two hundred, the Demon-kin that regrouped to protect the retreating soldiers the sixty-one remaining summoned heroes panicked. They had been facing an assortment of, compared to them; weak, stupid, uncoordinated foes. They now faced a knowledgeable, cohesive fighting force with overwhelming power.

Gunnir had become a wise leader on his journey's, his war cry was loud enough to be heard for miles, got the attention of friend and foes alike, his tenacity in the face of overwhelming dread stopped the retreat and for just a moment the Army of Light froze, a shot of fear trickled down their spine, down some of their legs too, we seized the moment, and our counterattack began.

Heither shouted commands to the Demon-kin soldiers, while Aphrodite and Nephthys reorganized the troops. When Gaia led the charge, to take down our foes she activated my trap. As the 5 Generals clashed with our army, they began losing their magic quickly, trying to press further and retake control until they too could no longer use magic. They attempted to retreat but found themselves trapped, Edge had activated my trump card, I call it The Killing Field, the whole time I was renovating my town I had been planting Syphons all over the countryside,

My syphons are simple little devices I created to absorb and store mana in. While working with them I noticed that 1 mana crystal could absorb all the magic within a half mile radius. Guess how far apart they all!

With the 5 Generals power neutralized. I shouted for the remaining mages to cast a binding or imprisonment spell on them "Do not kill them! Bind them and their curse for all eternity and bring true peace and freedom to these lands!" The generals responded in unison

"You can never bind me, I am Laifon, I am a God, I am Eternal!"

Aah shit the plot twist, I can tell you the rest of his boring ass monologue verbatim, but its long and boring and I don't wanna. So, here's the quick gist:

Laifon, is the original Lord of P.I.T.A.'s (pains in the ass) when the first hero slayed him, he didn't curse him, he body swapped the son of bitch. Trapping the hero in Laifon's dying carcass and keeping his, all to keep his big nasty racist dreams alive. Every time a new hero has been strong enough to best him, he swaps bodies like they're underwear, until his soul got split amongst the 5.

"Hey, fuck wad!" I screamed "Monologuing only tells us how to kick your ass even easier you know!"

They responded, "Filth like you, who would give up their divine humanity, to become a disgusting beast could never best me!"

"That's where your wrong pencil dick. I've littered the countryside with mana Syphons, you just told us you soul swap bodies, right? Seeing as you can't swap bodies without, I dunno, fucking mana, your kinda shit outta luck."

As reality dawned on the Laifon's, the fiefdoms remaining forces caught on as well. Now you might think an epic clash took place, you'd be wrong. See I kinda sorta had soldiers from my village secretly camped around the perimeter of the woods. I figured If we lost, at least they could have one last crack at these, or should I say this asshole/s. I called out, "FIRE!"

A fucking shit storm of bullet ripped through the tree lines, at the first pop of the guns, every remaining summoned hero was kissing grass. Our troops quickly followed their lead. The Laifon's on the other hand were being turned into Swiss cheese. In less time than it takes to say, 'I love you', the 5 Generals had been torn to pieces. No amount of magic or potion could ever revive them, we hoped.

With a contingent of rotating guards to keep watch, we left all the bodies where they lay for a few days, while I gathered up all the mana crystals and put together plans to collect our fallen. The mana crystals had absorbed God tier levels of mana, and I had plans. After I stashed the bulk of them away and made a few pieces of jewelry out of the rest we prepared to finally go back home, the Ciriaan's should be able to defend against any remaining forces.

As promised, the Gods sent us home, though I thought it would be after some serious nerfing. I had planned for that; I was going to use the mana crystals I squirreled away to cast a God Tier spell on my team and I, so it appeared as if the gods turned us all back to normal Earth-bound humans. That was unnecessary, the Gods allowed us to retain our access to magic, strength, and skills. They may have given us all the power we needed to save their world, but ours needs help too and they were going to make sure we retained the power to do it. Which is exactly what we aim to do, and though we may have different opinions on how we do it, we will get it done. Just hope that Shu's kind, gentle plans work, cause if they don't it'll be time for my plan. And while I'd rather spend eternity enjoying a carefree, lifestyle, of partying, fucking, and getting stoned, if your leaders don't work with him and get everything in order, I'm going to use the mana crystals I smuggled over here to help neutralize the poisons your leaders have allowed to be pumped into our oceans, air and soil. If your leaders haven't gotten their heads out of their asses, we 43 transferees and 200,000 of humanities best and brightest will live safely within said barrier; then I'll explode the super volcano under Yosemite, and as the rest of the world freezes over, my community only will survive, and thrive.

I'm done talking now, so I'm gonna go smoke a bowl, and fuck my wives. Dueces.

I've always found fan fiction to be among the best stories I've ever read, so I decided to create a story, that if you like it, and identify with any characters including the main, you could flesh the world out even more. If you're so inclined to create fan fiction for this, please feel free, I'd really enjoy reading your perspective, if you were one of the other 92 transferees.

Now, gifts, votes, tags etc., thats up to you. I just wanted to share a fun story.

I hope you enjoyed your read.

Clinton_Hanancreators' thoughts