
chapter 15

Deep inside the royal palace of Ba Sing Se a royal audience was happening in the throne room, "Hmm..ah..so the drill has been handled than?" Questioned the 52nd Earth King Kuei as he leaned back in his throne looking down at a bowing figure as the sound of sucking filled the throne room.

"Um..yes your highness." Answered the bowing figure of General Sung hesitantly after finishing his report on the attempted breach of the outer walls of the city, "Thanks to the Avatar the attempted breach has been handled."

He answered fidgeting a bit nervously doing his best to look away from the throne, his king, and especially the figure bent down at the kings crouch, "And per your instructions we've worked to dismantle and salvage the drill for parts." He reported gaining a slight proud smirk, "we've also managed to capture a number of soldiers and engineers from the drill including War Minister Qin."

He said with a feeling of pride at the success of his kings orders being carried, "Excellent~" Kuei said with a pleased groan as he ran his hand through the hair of the figure at the foot of his throne, "And...hmm..the princess and..her companions?"

He questioned with a arched brow with Sung giving a wince at the question and still doing his best to ignore the sucking noise coming from the throne, "I'm afraid there was no sign of them your highness."

Kuei gave a groaning sigh, "Disappointing yet expected." He said giving a shake of his head, "Ultimately it is no matter Qin himself is a excellent capture and as the overseer of the fire nations technology..ah...mmm.." He paused letting out a pleased grunt much to the slight embarrassment and jealous of Sung before he continued, "will prove quite useful and beneficial to the Earth Kingdom once the Dai Li make him see things our way~"

He said with a chuckle than gave the general a smirk, "You're dismissed general and expect to be rewarded for your success." Sung blinked and shot his lord a thankful smile, "Ah yes of course thank you sir."

He said with one last bow as well as one last glance at the figure at the king throne before making his way out of the throne room. Once he was gone Kuei glanced over to the waiting figure in the shadows of a Dai Li agent, "Hmm..the Avatar is now in Ba Sing Se."

He remarked than gave a dark grin, "You have your orders~" He said with a rueful chuckle with the agent simply bowing his head before making his leave, "Hmm..things are coming together quite nicely..ah...don't you think..my dear~"

He asked smirking down at the figure who for the past couple weeks had been his loving (emphasis on loving) companion in the royal palace and was currently eagerly sucking away at his cock as she glanced up at him

His first concubine Jin of the Lower Ring

Although no longer dressed in a heavy work kimono and instead in what one could call a slave outfit with a deep green breast band (with the earth kingdom insignia working as boob window) tiny (almost underwear) green shorts and long green stockings

The girl simply looked up and nodded before resuming her activity...AKA suck the royal cock

"Hmm i'm never going to get tired of your tongue~" Kuei groaned out pating her head and running his fingers through her hair, "You've certainly made royal audiences more enjoyable~"

Jin blushed feeling her face heating up in embarrassment.

Did she really just sucked the king´s cock in front of one of the generals?!!!

If it wasnt because her king ordered it...and because she was too focused on her job...she certainly would have died out of shame

"Hmm..and you enjoyed didn't you~" Kuei groaned out smirking down at her, "You loved worshiping your lords cock in front of a audience~" He said with a chuckle referring not only to the General but also the Dai Li agent that had left

"ummm ummm ummmm" Jin only sucked harder and faster trying to ignore that fact

"Hmm...yes~" Kuei groaned out with a grunt it's hardly been a since he became Kuei but he truly was enjoying the perks of being King especially these past couple weeks after killing Long Feng and claiming Jin as his concubine.

And now..He thought looking into Jin eyes as she sucked him eagerly now that the Avatar had arrived in Ba Sing Se and the city arc from the show had officially begun he had the opportunity to achieve true power and pleasure~

At that thought he picture the world at his finger tips and Jin being joined by a number of other girls from Avatar all of them gazing up at him with love and begging for the chance to worship his cock too~

He gave a grunt smirking, "Hmm..ah..gonna...cum~" He groaned out as he grabbed Jin by the hair and started to shoot his seed down her throat.

"Uggggg!!!!" Jin cried in surprise but soon began drinking up his cum "ugg ugg glup glup glup"

"Hmm..ah..fuck~" Kuei groaned out as he shot his seed smirking as Jin eagerly drinked it up, "That's it...that's a good girl~" He cooed looking at her with pride

"Glup...Glup...ahhhhh t-thanks...my king" she said once the last drop was taken

"Hmm think nothing of it my dear~" Kuei said with a smirk as he leaned back, "Truly the past couple of weeks with you has been some of the best weeks of my life~" He said smirking at her, "and just think.."

He grinned, "it's about to get even better~"

"Gulp...you...you talking about the Avatar being in the city?" Jin asked wondering how the supposedly savior of the world would look like or how it will act

"Indeed my dear~" Kuei said with a smirk, "Just imagine if I manage to get the avatar under my power~" He said giving a chuckle smirking, "I can use his power and the influence of his position to make the Earth Kingdom stronger than ever~"

He said smirking wide, "Not to mention exploiting the opportunity presented with him being the last airbender~" He said to Jin with a chuckle after all the canon Kuei daughter was a fool of the worst sort yes but her ambition for the air benders did have potential if applied just right~

Jin blinked.

"opportunity?" she couldnt help but ask

"Picture this Jin." Kuei smirked at her, "The avatar restoring the air bending population with "volunteers" from the Earth Kingdom~" He said giving a chuckle at the word volunteers, "Breeding a whole new generation that will be born, raised, and trained right here in the Earth Kingdom."

He said with a smirk, "and taught since to serve me and my descendants and by extension the Earth Kingdom first and foremost~"

Jin blinked at that.

that sounds...well she wasnt sure...the only thing she had heard about airbenders was that the avatar was the last one...it wasnt as if she knew much about them to know if that was a good idea or not.

she suppsoe that since there should be four elements...having more people mastering air was a need.

"Its...quite a big idea" she finally said "how are you going to convince the Avatar to do so?"

"Oh rest assured thanks to the Dai Li I have my ways~" He said with a smirk looking down at her, "Besides if he wants to restore balance he'll have to restore the air nomad population~

She hummed.

"that..makes sense...i think" she said "we dont get taught much about airbenders so..im not sure"

"Well they have been gone for over a hundred years so that's understandable." Kuei told her with a slight amused smirk, "But that is for the future."

He said leaning his head back smirking, "Now we must address the present." His smirk widen, "Because tonight we shall be dining with the Avatar and his friends."

He gazed over at Jin, "And tonight we shall not only put the Avatar under our thrall but claim the first of your two new harem sisters~"

Jin again was surprised...so she will not be the only one serving the king?

she shouldnt be surprised as he told her before...yet she couldnt help but feel a bit worried

"Are you excited my dear?" Kuei asked standing up from the throne and going over to Jin offering his hand to her with his gaze roaming over her body quite enjoying how she pulled off her new uniform as well as her hair newly style into pigtails, "Soon you'll have people to share true love and pleasure with~"

"Yeah...as my kings command" she couldnt help but say in submissive tone

"That's the spirit." Kuei said as she stood up fully giving her a smile as he leaned in and gave her lips a kiss, "I look forward to seeing my girls get along~" He said with a leer than smirked as he added on, "And how you'll compete for the position of harem head and Queen~"

He said giving a laugh

He laughed but inside Jin was getting competitive...she might have doubts..but she was not going to let anyone walk over her again

"Hehe come my dear we must prepare for tonight." Kuei said after Jin lips a another kiss and putting away his cock he made his way out of the throne room with Jin loyally following eager for tonight

(Else where later in the upper ring of Ba Sing Se)

"Here we are your new home." A woman by the name of Joo Dee said happily with a wide if somewhat creepy grin to the group of four (Five if you counted the winged lemur) through the city of Ba Sing Se...none other than the Avatar and his traveling companions himself.

Aang the avatar himself a 12 (Technically a 112 counting time he was frozen) who was shaved bald with blue arrow tattoos covering his body wearing the traditional air nomad colors of orange and yellow

Sokka of the southern water tribe a boy of 15-16 years with brown hair slightly shaved at the sides and style in pony tail wearing the blue colors of the water tribes

Katara a girl of 14 years possessing caramel skin, beautiful bright blue eyes, and dark brown hair while wearing clothing colored in the water tribe.

Finally the way ward daughter of the Bei Fong Family Toph Beifong a girl of 12 years possessing milky eyes signifying her blindness, short black hair, and clothing in the Earth Kingdom colors.

And as she looked at the group a man rushed over delivering a scroll to Joo Dee before rushing off she read the scroll and smiled up at the group, "And excellent news regarding your request to see the Earth King." She told them retaining her grin, "It seems you've been summoned to dine personally with him tonight~"

"Wait what?!!" Sokka cried in surprise.

"thats great!" called Aang with a smile "because we really need to talk to him so this is perfect"

"hold your bisons Aang" the blind girl called before turning to Joo Dee "how does the king know we are already here?" she asked with suspicion

Joo Dee at the question gave a blink but didn't miss a beat as she answered, "Why he was informed immediately about the Fire Nation attempted breach with that drill." She said before gesturing toward them, "And by the arrival of the Avatar and his friends who stopped it."

Toph frowned.

that was..truth...but...for some reason it felt...weird....like she was saying the truth but....

"well im happy he heard of us" said Sokka "tell him we will be there"

"But of course." Joo Dee said giving a bow keeping her signature grin, "And he is most eager to meet all of you." She shared happily, "He is quite curious to meet and in his words.." She glanced down at the scroll inviting the group before her, "Meet the brave warriors who have fought beside the Avatar and shared his burdens."

"and we will be honored to assist" said Aang with a small bow back at her

"Excellent.." Joo Dee said with her wide smile as she moved toward the carriage that they had exited earlier, "A escort shall arrive this evening to take you to the palace." She informed them looking out the widow, "I am sure it will be a dining experience to remember~"

With that she left the Gaang alone.

"Oh my gosh...this is big!!!" called Sokka super excited "we will be able to talk to the earth king himself right away!!!!"

The others smiled at him, "Which means we can tell him about the day of the black sun." Katara said as her brother nodded tapping the bag strapped around his shoulder containing the scrolls taken from the library of the spirit Wan Shi Tong, "and maybe we can get his help finding Appa."

Aang spoke up hopefully speaking of his missing friend and flying bison hoping he was okay

However a voice cut through the excitement

"Am I the only one that finds this quite suspicious?" Asked Toph with an arched eyebrow "i mean…isn't this a bit to fast and convenient?"

"What do you mean?" Aang asked with a blink looking over at his Earth Bending teacher, "Yeah doesn't seem that weird to me." Sokka chimed in with a shrug, "Aang the Avatar of course the Kings going to want to meet him as soon as possible." He pointed out to Toph

"but arrange a whole dinner in such short time?" Toph pressed "it hasn't even been pass a day since we arrived and believe me when i say this type of events take time to do" she added remembering all the dinners she had to attend with her parents

"Well.." Katara spoke up with her own speculative look, "Maybe the King didn't want to wait." She offered trying to ease her friends paranoia, "He probably wants to meet Aang as soon as possible."

"yeah...because he is like...the avatar?" said Sokka in slow tone making Toph huff.

"All im saying we should be careful" the blind bandit said feeling quite annoyed the group was ignoring her warnings...again "we dont know what kind of person we are dealing with"

This point made Katara frown and think back to General Fong and how he tried to force Aang to master the Avatar state and use it as a weapon against the Fire Nation no matter the risk before she shook it off, "That may be so.."

She acknowledge before smiling, "But we shouldn't jump to the worst conclusions." She said looking over at her friends, "I'm sure he's a good king and leader like Chief Arnook." She told her mentioning the North Poles leader.

"the guy that allowed an old man to kick you and Aang out of his lessons because you were a girl?" asked Toph remembering that story from when the Gaang told her about past adventures "not the best example if you ask me"

Katara gave a wince remembering that with annoyed frown, "That was mostly Master Pakku.." She weakly pointed out frowning, "And that was because they were being stubborn about following the Northern Tribes traditions when it came to girls."

She added grumpily crossing her arms before sighing, "But I understand your point Toph." She told her friend walking up to her placing her hand on her shoulder, "you're worried." She said with a slight smile, "But you also haven't met the King yet so give him a chance."

"After all he might just surprise you~"

"lets just hope is a good surprise and we dont end the evening having to fight our way out" said Toph turning around and walking away "although i would prefer that to a boring dinner"

"Relax." Sokka said as they started to make their way into the house, "The worst that's probably going to happen is not liking the grub." He said with a amused smirk with Aang chiming in, "Yeah you'll see this will probably be a night to remember."

The avatar offered with a grin as they walked inside the house and worked to prepare for their dinner with the Earth King.

(Later that Evening in the Earth King Palace.)

"Hmm.." Kuei looked over a large table with a array of food and the settings before sending a pleased nod toward the servants standing by, "Excellent work I believe this is perfect." He told them before looking over his shoulder at Jin, "Don't you agree my dear?"

Jin wlaked behind the king hands on the front looking around.

"i believe its looks great" she called seeing the great table with dozens of different ditches...some she had never thought she would see...or even ehar about "you really will give them a hero welcoming with this"

"Hehe that's the idea my dear." Kuei said before dismissing the servants leaving him alone with Jin, "If the plan is go perfectly we need to put them at ease and gain their trust."

He told her with a smirk, "Once they dig in the special ingredients I made sure to add to their own shares of food should do the work~"

"and after that?" asked Jin but she had a good idea of what the answer will be considering the Avatar was traveling with two girls

Kuei gave a smirk as he replied, "They'll be taken to Lake Laogai for a little...reeducation ~" The earth king said with a dark chuckle before adding on, "with the exception of the Avatars earth bending teaching as the Dai Li methods won't work do to her being blind."

He explained

Jin blinked.

"blind?" she wondered then how is that she was traveling with the Avatar "also and sorry to ask my lord..." she added "this won't...well..made the Avatar unable to..well..save the world?"

"Oh of course he will still be able to defeat the fire nation." Kuei assured while musing quietly in his mind that the task might be made all the easier if a certain princess walks into his planned trap later, "I'm just insuring he saves it in the name of the Earth Kingdom."

He told her giving her lips a peck, "and help us bring the rest of the world under our order and.." He let out a little chuckle as he wrapped his arm around Jin waist pulling her against his chest as he growled out, "control~"

Jin shivered in delight.

"well...we are...I mean...you are...a better option than the firelord..." she said with a loving look

"Of course I am." Kuei said with a smirk as he rubbed her cheek and squeezed her close, "under my guidance the Avatar will bring balance to the world." He assurred her letting out a chuckle, "The kinda balance that will make the Earth Kingdom more powerful than ever and give me control over all the nations."

He said growing a evil smirk before pausing as he added on, "Well me and my future Queen." He leaned in and whispered huskily, "whoever she may be~" Before giving her lips another peck

"ummmmm" Jin lend to the kiss...more and more her mind became more decided to take that tittle

And Kuei held and savored the kiss for several moments before ending it, "Hmm and as for the Fire lord." He replied out getting a dark smirk, "If all goes well his daughter will be sucking my cock while he's beheaded in front of me~"

He said giving a dark laugh

"ummm" Jin looked nervous "if thats what my lord wants..."

"Hehe oh no reason to look nervous my dear." Kuei said with a smirk giving her lips another peck, "After all Queen or not you'll be by the side of the most powerful man in the world soon~"

He said with a dark smirk, "And if you're a good girl i'll even let you debase and humiliate the Fire Nations Princess~"

"ummm..that...sounds good" said the girl wanting more kisses

"Hehe excellent~" Kuei said giving her lips one last kiss before pulling back and gesturing at the table which had 5 chairs set up for him and the Avatar and friends, "Now are you ready to join me for a dinner to remember my dear?"

"ummm are you...sure you want me there?" she asked a bit nervous "i mean...im just your...concubine for now..and well..." she looked at her outfit

"Of course I want you there with me." Kuei said cupping her cheek, "And you're not just a concubine.." He told her smirking, "You're my concubine~" He said letting out a chuckle as he pulled her against him and moved his hands to her ass squeezing it, "And I want the Avatar and his friends to see that I have the most beautiful girl in the city at my side~"

"ummmm" she blushed but felt touched by her king´s words

"You'll be sitting on my lap of course~" Kuei said with a smirk squeezing and kneading her ass, "After all I want to keep my desert close~" He said with a purr as he licked up the side of her neck

"umm your...your highness...not here" she moaned looking at the servants still fixing things

"Hehe sorry my dear.." Kuei smirked stepping away though not before giving Jin ass a good SMACK!

"It's just so hard to resist your body~" He said with a smirk as he turned away, "But you're right I should wait till tonight when we properly welcome your new harem sister~"

Jin stood there as a shiver traveled her body

(Later that night)

A carriage entered the palace´s courtyard as Aang, Katara and Sokka awed at the place (Toph not saying anything more because she was uncomfortable of being inside the steel carriage)

"Man this place is bigger than the Northern tribes palace." Sokka remarked in awe looking at it, "Certainly bigger than Bumi's." Aang said with a smile that fell somewhat remembering how Omashu was currently under the control of the Fire Nation

With Toph merely snorting in annoyance, "You've seen one fancy building you've seen them all." She remarked with a wave of her hand, "And even without my eyes that goes double for me~"

come on Toph" called Aang "you cant tell you arent excited about going through the royal palace and in your way to meet the king of your nation?"

"Please.." Toph rolled her milky white eyes, "You forget who you're talking to Aang." She pointed out reminding them of her status as the Bei Fong heiress, "And while my folks sheltered me I still got plenty of experience with the upper crust."

She said as the carriage rolled to the front of the palace, "And the King might be higher ranked but you just watch he ain't going to be any different than the usual boring stiff and snobs my folks did business with." She warned them while internally hoping that was the worst case because something about this still had her on edge

"Yesh what bite you to be this snappy?" asked Sokka

"You mean besides something about this not feeling right." Toph asked with a sarcastic tone as they made their way into the palace following a escort of servants, "I honestly can't stand stuff like this.."

She sighed out, "All this boring prim and proper rules of the high class.." She frowned clenching her fists as memories swirled around her head, "Give me a Earth Bending rumble over a dinner party any day."

"come on Toph" scowled Katara "you get to come here without even a bath as we told you to...what else do you want to make you stop acting all like this?"

Toph grumbled as she crossed her arms, "Just.." She paused before sighing out, "Just try and keep me out of it when he tries to cozy up with the Avatar."

She groused, "And let me eat in peace.." She added on with a frown, "The sooner we get through this dinner the better."

with that the carriage stopped and the doors opened.

Joo Dee appeared.

"welcome honorable guesses" she said "if you can follow me i will guide you to the dining room"

"Sounds great." Sokka cheered patting the bag containing the scrolls from the spirits library though found his stomach giving a grumble at the mention of food as they moved to follow Joo Dee, "What kinda grub we having?"

He asked with a eager grin after all getting this information to the king was important...but so was filling his empty belly~

"a select variety from the four corners of the kingdom" the guide answered "the king thought it would be good to taste and show some of the things he wants to protect...like our gastronomy"

"I don't know what that means but it sounds delicious." Sokka said eagerly as he rubbed his hands together causing Toph to snort amused while Katara rolled her eyes and Aang simply smiled eager for a meal that might help him take his minds off thing for a little bit

Before Joo Dee lead them through a entrance hall where a large table awaited them and at the end of the table sat a royal robed figure waiting for them though what caught their attention was the figure sitting in his lap

"Presenting to his majesty...Avatar Aang and company!!!" announced Joo Dee not even bathing an eye to the weird situation

"Ah at last.." Kuei smirked from his position his eyes falling upon the Avatar Gaang in person with a eager smile his eyes particularly going to Katara and Toph, "Welcome friends to my humble abode."

He said with a chuckle not at all bothered by his position as he gently rubbed Jin legs, "I am the 52th Earth King Kuei at your service~" He introduced himself with a smirk, "And this little beauty.."

He kissed up Jin neck, "Is my royal concubine Jin~"

"ummm...nice...to meet you" Jin maoned a bit.

Katara and Sokka blushed at this while Aang looked confused.

"well....seems this actually could be more entertaining that what i thought" said Toph

"Hehe please sit, sit.." Kuei replied gesturing to the table, "I can't tell you how eager I've been to meet you." He said with a smile being honest with his statement even if it wasn't for the reason they might believe.

"I..ummm...we also wanted to meet...you" said Katara eyes still on the two "right Sokka?...Sokka!!!" she called as her brother was still gazing on the girl on the king´s lap...or more exactly...the outfit she had on

Something Kuei noticed with a amused smirk, "Hehe quite a beauty isn't she~" He asked Sokka while kissing up the side of her neck, "Have no worries though.."

He told him with a smirk as he raised his hand up to give Jin breast a squeeze, "While Jin is not someone i'll be sharing.." He told the water tribe boy, "I'll be happy to arrange some personal entertainment for you after supper~"

he said with a smirk his gaze going over to Aang in particular at those words

Sokka blushed....Toph raised an eyebrow...Aang looked confused....and Katara looked scandalized.

"excuse me...WHAT?!" she cried in shock

Kuei at Katara yell simply laugh, "Hehe forgive me if I'm being crassed my dear." Kuei shit a smile at Katara, "I just simply want to be a good host to my guests ~"

He said with a slight smirk which fell when his gaze went to the Avatar, "Though..." He sighed, "I will be honest my offer to your friend is tied to a most important matter we must discuss Avatar Aang." He said with a grave look

"eh? with me?" asked Aang while Katara slapped Sock out of a dream-like state "well...we also have a quite important matter to talk to you...your majesty.." said the Avatar "something really important that could change the war"

Of course just take a seat." Kuei said giving a nod as he gestured toward the table, "We can discuss business while we feast." He said while giving the side of Jin neck a few kisses

"ummm" Jin moaned a bit making the older teens in the group to blush again.

"Ok..i will say I wasn't expecting this" said Toph also sitting "you are not planning banging her while we eat right?" she asked in straight voice

"TOPH!!!" cried Katara.

"what? its obvious she wants that"

Kuei let out a laugh as he saw Jin slightly flush, " Oh it's tempting my dear~" The king said with a smirk rubbing Jin thigh and leg, "But me taking her publicly will have to wait for another party I throw ~" He said kissing at Jin neck

Sokka and Katara looked with fallen jaws at that.

Aang was a bit uncomfortable with the physical action while Toph "blinked"

"well...that sounds like a party I could get in" she said "it reminds me of some post tournament reunions the guys used to do at earth rumble"

That comment caused Kuei to let out a laugh while wondering how "experienced" Toph might be or if even her rebellion against her parents didn't cross that line, "Oh you are a delightful one.."

Kuei said moving his hand slightly to Jin ass giving it a squeeze as he looked over at Toph, "It's such a relief to see that while you're from the Bei Fong family you aren't one of the boring stiffs and suck ups i'm used to." He remarked with a roll of his eyes

Tch...of coarse you know im a Bei Fong" said Toph "and my parents never were ones for..fun" she added "I learn that in Earth rumble"


"oh grow up princess!!" called the earth bender "seriously how is it that I have more experience on that than you?"

And as Katara flushed and looked indignantly at her friend Kuei laughed with amusement, "Ah truly you know how to put a smile on my face~" He remarked with a grin as Jin with a slight jealous frown reached down to pick up a piece of fruit before offering to her king which he took gladly letting his concubine feed him

Noticing with a slight smirk Sokka was already digging in despite the current discussion, "Though..um." He swallowed the food as Jin started to continue to hand feed her lord, "Speaking of that kinda fun."

He looked over toward Aang who was blushing as he started to eat, "As I said this kinda topic ties into what I need to discuss with you Avatar."

"Ehh what do you mean your highness?" asked Aang taking some salad

"Well.." Kuei got more serious in posture and gaze though he still haippily took the food Jin was offering, "You are aware that the war with the Fire Nation has done a lot of damage." He said looking across the table as he took a offered dumpling chewing on it for a moment before swallowing, "And that as the Avatar you must restore the balance of our world."

He said staring across the table at Aang, "But i'm afraid it will more than winning the war to restore balance."

That called the attention of everyone

"What do you mean?" The air nomad called "all we need to do is beat the fire lord and things would return to normal later right?" He added with a confuse smile

Toph facepalmed

"You really are a kid twinkle toes" called the earth master

"I'm afraid things aren't that simple." Kuei said shaking his head as his mind went to the spin off Avatar comics, "Not only will forging peace between the nations in the aftermath of the war be difficulty."

He explained pointing out after all a hundred years of war will have left it's mark on the memorie and culture of all the Elemental Nation citizens, "And the complications of politics such as what should be done with the Fire Nation colonies."

He pointed out, "Many of whom have citizens who were born and raised there and wouldn't like the idea of losing their homes." He said shaking his head, "There is also the matter of the worst of the damage the Fire Nation has done to the balance.."

His eyes went to Aang, "That being the loss of the air benders."

The atmosphere turned somber as Aang stopped eating, Sokka proceeded to eat faster to ignore the tension, Katara (who was drinking from a cup) looked at Aang in worry while Toph sighed asking for a refill

"The fact of the matter is.." Kuei sighed taking on a somber gaze as he sighed, "balance will never be truly restored until the air benders are return to the elemental nations."

He explained with a grave look, "and i'm afraid.." His stare seemed to penetrate Aang, "you are the only person who can make this possible." He explained tapping on the table, "Not as the Avatar.." The king shook his head as Jin shot him a concerned look, "but as the last living airbender."

"ehhh?" Aang looked up confused.

"pfffff hahahahahahaha" Toph began laughing much to everyones confusion "wait hahaha you...you are not seriously asking Aang of all people? hahahahahaha oh spirits hahahahaha i eat my words hahahahahaha coming here do was worth it hahahahahaha" Toph kept laughing almost falling from her chair

"What.." Aang blinked confused looking over at Toph not understanding why she was laughing, "What's so funnY?" He asked looking around the table with Katara just having a deep blush as well as a look of shock while Sokka was going through a assortment of expressions

Kuei and Jin just watched this with slight amusement in the King case and irritation in Jin case for the earth bender laughing at her lords words, "While it might seem humorous to you my dear." Kuei said looking over at the laughing Toph, "The fact of the matter is it's our only option for restoring the air bending population into existence."

"pfff HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!" this was too much for Toph who end up falling on her back kicking her feet on the air "hahahahaha oh its too much too much!!!! hahahahahaha"

"Toph!!!" called Aang half worry half scowling.

"hahahahaha dont you get it Aang? hahahahaha he is asking you to do the ultimate male fantasy and get down and get busy with a bunch of girls hahahahahahahaha!!!" Toph laughed

"Wait...WHAT!" Aang yelled out to such a high volume his shout might have very well echoed out across the entire palace with Kuei simply sighing as he leaned back with a subtle smirk, "While it could have been phrased better."

He said looking over at his dinner guests, "That is indeed what i'm asking."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lucky guy Aang!!!" mocked Toph again.

"Toph!!! this is serious!!!!" called Katara in anger before turning to the king "How can you ask something like that?!!!!"

"Considering the alternative is air benders ceasing to exist.." He cast a serious dark gaze at Katara, "And potentially by extent the reincarnation line of the Avatar."

The table stilled at those words, "I think i'm well within my right to suggest this plan."

"wait wait hold up!!!" called Aang "I..im not sure thats how this works" he called "i cant...have babies" he blushed "and hope they will come out with air bending..." he turned to Katara "can i?"

"Um..well..I." Katara stuttered feeling slightly embarrassed and put on the spot at her friends question but found her head turning to the king as he spoke up once more, "Realistic a number of your children will be born non-benders."

He admitted with a shrug but kept his gaze onto Aang, "But i've done my research Avatar Aang." And he really had as he knew in canon Aang and Katara only had one air bending child in tenzin with the other two Kya being a water bender like her mother and Bumi a non bender like his uncle.

But he had done some research among the royal library and among the past recorded children of past Avatars..., "Any time any of your predecessors father or gave birth to children.." He looked hard into Aang wide shocked eyes, "The children who were born benders always bent the element of their Avatar parents first and birth element."

He explained before adding with a shrug, "The only exceptions is when the child in question inherited the bending element of their other parent, or were born a non-bender."

"ummmm that...does make sense" said Sokka much to everyone´s shock "statistically...the more kids he had the more chances of them being born with the air element are" he actually began thinking "but the number of women that would need to be impregnated are..."

"YOU ARE NOT SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT THIS ARE YOU?!!!" his sister roared in anger

Sokka flinched holding up his hands placating as he shrunk down his chair looking at his sister slightly afraid, "Hey like it or not the guys...sort of got a point." He said with a slight nervous stutter as Katara looked at him in disbelief, "Aang the last airbender.."

He said gesturing over to his friend, "If he doesn't have any kids than.." He trailed off with Kuei finishing the statement, "than he will truly be the last airbender."

He said with the utmost grave seriousness he could put into his tone, "And once the reincarnation line reaches air again we might see the end of the Avatar."

Aang froze at that...the end of the avatar?

"there is a whole cycle before reaching air again!!!" Katara yelled in anger "plenty of time for air benders to appear again!!!" she huffed "is not like Aang needs to..to..."

"make the naughty with a harem of girls?" Toph couldnt help but jab at the water bender

"And tell me something. Master Katara." Kuei looked over at Katara though was unable to hide his smirk at Tophs words with Jin even giving a slight giggle in his lap, "If they're are no more air benders after how Aang."

He arced a brow, "Just how will the Avatar born in Earth and Fire learn airbending?" He asked before leaning forward being mindful of Jin in his lap, "And Aang is the last air bender just where would other air benders come from besides him?"

"I...well...im sure..." she blushed "Aang probably have...kids in the future...so...."

"But will he have enough kids to restore the air benders to the sustainable population we need for balance to be restored?" Kuei asked looking over at Katara, "The fact of the matter is.."

He looked deep into the water benders eyes, "Even if he were to wed a fertile and eager girl who didn't mind having..." He paused humming, "Let's say 10.." He put the number out there well aware that Katara and Aang stopped at just three and only one of them was a airbending, "That still wouldn't be enough to revive the air bending population."

He said with a frown, "Even if all ten were benders it would be centuries to build up to a quarter of their population before the massacre if even that."

"I..well...he...." Katara studder.

"I..never thought..." Aang continued could it be? could it be he the last air bender of them all!

"So now do you see the problem." Kuei said leaning back into his chair, "And the reason for me suggesting this course of action?"

He asked looking at all his diner guests, "Because If not I could remind you that we are in a war we could still lose." He said with a grave frown, "And if Aang were to die before fathering any children.."

He trailed off and let their imaginations do the rest

"But we have a plan!!!" called Katara "Sokka tell him!!!"

"Hmm.." Only for Katara face to fall when she saw her brother with bulging cheeks full of food wearing a sheepish expression as he chewed for a few moments before swallowing ,"What it's good food!"

He said a tad defensively at his sister look but at her growl he gave a nervous laugh before reaching down for his bag, "You're majesty we've discovered when the fire nation will be at it's weakest."

He said with a eager grin at sharing the info they had gotten from the library though he was like his sister shocked at the King plan for Aang he didn't see the big deal I mean he'd love to be in his position!

"It's known as the day of the Black Sun." Sokka explained pulling out some scrolls, "It's a solar eclipse that's only happen once before but it's due to happen again soon.."

He grinned widely as he read from the scroll, "On nineteenth day of the seventh month of the cultivate rule of the Year of the Dragon." He said with Kuei humming in acknowledgement already aware of this do to canon he just couldn't remember the precise day until now, "This is excellent news..."

He began slowly, "But what is your exact plan to exploit this time frame?" He asked with a frown rubbing his chin, "We can't afford to put all our eggs in one basket after all."

"If you put your armies alongside the forces of the northen water tribe" explained Katara "we will have enough numbers to take the capital, find the Fire lord and have Aang defeat him in the time the eclipse is happening" she said.

"Hmm it's a good plan.." Kuei said with a hum rubbing his chin, "And certainly strike a heavy blow against the Fire Nation." He said with a slight grin, "though if it will end the war if this is successful is up to debate."

He added with a grim frown, "As odds the soliders outside of the capital might choose carry on the war even if the Fire Lord is defeated."

He explained to the others, "Especially if Princess Azula remains free to take leadership." He said in a grave tone, "And if reports about her are to be believed that itself would be a disaster."

"you know of Azula?" asked Toph..some suspicious returning to her mind

"and why would she be a problem?" asked Aang "with her dad beaten is not like she would have much power or options but surrender"

"You'll find I do my best to keep aware of certain players in this war." Kuei said to Toph before his eyes turned to Aang, "And if half the rumors or reports i've received about her are true i'm afraid that things aren't that simple."

He said with a grave tone, "Azula has been raised and trained to be Ozai perfect heir and weapon." He explained to the Avatar and his friends, "She is cunning, resourceful, and absolutely ruthless.."

He said listing off her traits, "She is more likely to push for the war to continue and avenge her father than simply surrender."

"But...with the fire lord beaten by the avatar..." tried to say Katara

"Would be a great victory yes.." Kuei said with a nod before adding with a frown, "But not the end of the war."

He told them and realistically it wasn't heck the only reason the war didn't carry on in canon was because Azula was captured and by that point Zuko who was on their side at that point rose to the position of Fire Lord and had the Fire Nation surrender.

"After all.." He arched a brow at the group, "If I were to be captured by the fire nation you wouldn't expect the Earth Kingdom to stop fighting would you?" He told them that scenario as a comparison

"well...no...but...thats different!!" cried Katara.

"yeah...i mean..we arent the bad guys right?" said Aang

Kuei sighed hard to believe that they had come so far but were still quite naive to a number of things, "Everyone is the hero of their own story Avatar." He said with a frown feeling Jin rub his arm as she looked up at him with concern, "After all to the people of the Fire Nation they are liberating the other nations and bringing enlightenment."

He told the four seated at the table.

"enlightenment?!!" called Aang with anger "who would believe that what they are doing is something else than criminal?!!"

Kuei simply shrugged, "As hard as it may be to believe that is what the fire nation citizens have been taught to believe about the war."

He explained to them, "But i'm afraid we are getting off track." He said frowning, "This information will indeed help us land a great blow against the Fire Nation." He told them smiling at Sokka, "But.."

The water tribe boy looked over with a arched brow as the king sighed, "even if the attack proves successful and the Fire Lord is captured or killed.." He frowned, "this victory alone will not secure the end of the war."

"But..But then..."

"sigh...let me guess" called Toph "this is the part where you going to rebeal you have a plan of your own or something like that?" some earth began shifting under her "if so please tell me we are not going to like it so we can skip to the fight...or dessert at least"

"I admit I might have some plans of my own.." He told Toph honestly partial do to the fact he was well aware of the fact he knew that she could tell if he lied, "But i'm afraid that I can not fully reveal them as of it."

He said with a frown before holding a hand up placating, "Please just trust me.." He said frowning, "As of late trust is something i've treasured and cautious of after the revealed treason of my former most trusted advisor and former head of the Dai Li."

He explained a bit, "But I will tell you part of the plan includes securing and capturing the Fire Lords heirs.."

He said with a frown, "And also working to repair the damage done by the fire nation."

"uummmm" Toph frowned...there was something of truth there...but also lies? almost as if both were there.

"well..maybe we can work together?" asked Aang "put our plans into one?"

"Hmm..perhaps." Kuei said with a thoughtful frown doing his best to hide a smirk since it probably wouldn't be much longer till the drugs kicked in was all four had eaten just enough, "It's worth a try at the very least."

He said smiling, "But.." He gave the Avatar a serious look, "That doesn't change the fact that the air bending population needs to be restored and you are the only one capable of doing so."

He said giving Aang a serious look, "I know it's a lot of pressure but it must be done for the future of Air bending, the security of the Avatar cycle, and for the sake of restoring the very balance of the Elemental Nations."

He said putting as much passion as he could in his voice.

Aang actually looked down and began thinking...could it be truth? could it be the only way to bring his people back would be...doing that...with girls?

"But I believe we've discussed enough business for tonight." Kuei spoke aloud, "So please.." He gestured to the table, "Eat and let the rest of the night only be about.." He gave a slight chuckle at the last word that Jin shared, "Pleasure~"

He purred out and gave his concubine a kiss to emphasize the word.

three of the gaang looked a bit uncomfortable at the sight...while Toph sumply shrugged and took a bite of her food

And so for the next few minutes or so everyone ste their meals peacefully some of then trying to block out Jin moan or giggle as the teased and played with his concubine body while enjoying his meal

Though Sokka did send a few subtle jealous looks Katara and Aang were more concerned with everything just discussed and revealed by King Kuei

Aang was quite confused and worry...could it be he really was the last of the airbenders? no matter if he had kids in the future the chances of getting his people back were so low?

was the king really asking him to...to...how Toph called it? get dirty with multiple girls?

He hadn't really thought much of having children...well beyond some fantasies he had of him and Katara having a life together after the war.

He thought with a subtle blush as the image of Katara holding a baby that resembled him popped into his head before he quickly shook that off thinking back to everything the King said

And he hated to admit it but he could see where King Kuei was coming from. By all accounts as much as it still hurt to acknowledge this he was the only last known living air bender...which meant he was the only hope of not only the culture of the air nomads surviving but air bending itself

And if the air nomads were going to be restored he knew realistically it would take more than one girl...but still could he actually go through with something like this?

He thought taking some bites of his fruit and vegetable meal (Apparently the king knew he didn't eat meat) distractedly noting a strange taste to it but writing it off as some spices

Meanwhile Katara was fuming in the inside.

they came here expecting to have the king´s help to win a war...not to give Aang a harem!!!

by the spirits..what was that guy talking about? was he planning to turn Aang into some breeding stock to pop out air benders or what? who would thought the earth king could be such a pervert...he even had a concubine as is not hiding the fact they are basically...about to have sex or something in front of them!!!

And at that thought she gained another flush while sending a subtle scowl to the King and his concubine in question who was currently giving a slight moan as the king kissed at her neck

Honestly right in front of them had they no decency! She thought incredulously though at the same time she felt her body began to hit up and she subconsciously began to rub her legs against each other

This on top of wanting to turn Aang into a breeder for spirits knew how many women and children.....though as she scowled a part of her couldn't help but acknowledge that as much as she hated it the King was right about Aang being the last of his people

If he spirits forbid died or was killed before he had any children than...than that really would be the end of the air nomads and air bending wouldn't it

she shook her head.

No...lets not think of that...Aang will win...everything will be alright..and once all is over...well...she...she will...

Katara blushed at her hidden thoguhts.

"well i will say this is one of the best foods i have had" said Sokka with a smile pulling everyone out their thoughts

"Why thank you~" Kuei said turning his attention to Sokka, "I made sure the cooks prepared them special for all of you~"

he said while giving a small subtle smirk knowing that by now the drugs should be kicking in any second now~

"Well send my thanks on my part" said Aang..before giving a yawn "and thanks for...not including meat in...mine" he shook his head suddenly feeling sleepy

Toph hearing that gave a snort, "Honestly twinkle toes...you need to eat...meat...sometime.." She said with a grumble before giving a yawn, "Arg...man.." She said rubbing her eyes

With Katara giving a blink, "Is something wrong....Toph.." The water bender began to ask before she yawned as well and felt her eyes began to drop close, "I.." Toph began to say fighting to stay conscious as Sokka dropped face first into his plate and let out a loud snore, "The...food.."

The earth bender managed to say before she could stay awake no more and with her Aang and Katara also fell asleep at the table all under Kuei smirking eyes, "Ah I love it when a plan comes together don't you my dear~"

He asked Jin giving her legs a good squeeze as the Dai Li entered the room

"indeed my lord" said Jin pressing herself to the king as the guards began collecting the sleeping Gaang

"Now you remember your instructions.." Kuei said with a stern look toward the Dai Li, "I want the water bender personality kept in tact.."

He said looking at the Dai li while enjoying the feel of Jin body, "But with the addition of a attraction and love for me.." He said with a smirk, "and severing any pesky feelings she has for the Avatar.."

He said looking over at Aang. "Speaking of make sure his loyalty falls ultimately to the Earth Kingdom and more importantly myself.." He said his grin widening, "With the Avatar as our weapon breeding a army of air benders the Earth Kingdom shall become stronger than ever~"

He said with a dark laugh

"what about the blind girl and the other male?" a Dai Li asked

"Miss Beifong do to her blindness the brainwashing likely won't work on her.." Kuei said in observing tone, "So for now keep her drug, monitored, and contained in that metal cell I had you prepare.."

He said than looked at Sokka, "As for Sokka while not as powerful his mind isn't to be underestimated.."

he said rubbing his chin before snapping his fingers, "But he could be quite useful.." He said with a dark smirk and truthfully much like with Aang he wanted to enjoy the power of fucking the women special to them while having him in his power, "So make him loyal to me and the Earth kingdom beyond all else.."

He said smirking, "Make them see that the Earth Kingdom gaining domain over the world and my happiness is best for all~"

"yes your higness!" all cried as they took each of the Gaang away in diferent directions

Kuei smiled happy as he looked over at Jin pressing herself against him, "This is a great day my dear~"

He said taking her hand and kissing it, "Because soon not only will we have the Avatar under our power.." he told her with a eager dark grin, "But soon you'll have a fellow concubine to join my bed with~"

Jin huffed a bit at that...but she just remember the promise she made to herself...she will be always number one.

(Later Lake Laogai )

"Arg...my..head.." Katara said coming to blinking blearily around before widening her eyes as she found herself in some dark room restrained to a stone chair with two Dai Li agents standing in front of her, "What's going on?!"

She demanded as she tried to struggle but found herself still feeling weak and tired

"Nothing to worry about..." Joo Dee said entering Katara´s field of vision "all will be ok...all is ok"

"Joo Dee what?" Katara gasped out her eyes going to their guide who merely smiled though it seemed wider and creepier than before (which was saying something) "You have been chosen for a great honor master Katara.."

Joo Dee explained as the two soldiers got to work with Katara distractedly noticing some kinda device around her now including what appeared to be a lamp, "What honor?" She demanded wanting answers, "Why.."

Joo Dee gave a little giggle, "to bear our kings children~"

"what?!!!" Katara cried in shock "what are you talking about?" she said looking around and noticing she was alone "where are the others? what have you done to Aang?!"

"You're friends are fine.." Joo Dee explained not once breaking her smile, "Lady Beifong is resting in a room that the Earth King had prepared specially for her.."

She said placing her hands behind her back, "While your brother and the Avatar are likely in the middle of their own education process.."

The Earth Kingdom women before letting out a giggle, "After they're done they'll be introduced to some lovely ladies who are quite eager to meet the Avatar and a hero of the war like your brother~"

Katara´s eyes looked at her in confusion.

"What? Ladies? What?" she then thoguht "wait...you are not talking about your king´s crazy idea of making Aaang...ugg have sex with a bunch of girls!!!"

"But of course.." Joo Dee chirped with a wide grin as the Dai Li began to activate the device, "All in the name of saving and restoring air bending to the world.."

She said not breaking her smile or eye contact with Katara, "And all in the interest of the earth kingdom as well~"

The lamp began moving...making an orbit around Katara.

"after all...what the Earth king wants its the best for the kingdom" Joo dee continued "and what he wants for the kingdom its the best for the world"

"I..what?" Katara found herself saying as she became distracted by the lamp, "And what he wants is what you want." Joo Dee said smiling, "Because what King Kuei is not only for the best of the Elemental Nation but the best for you.."

She said with a tilt of her head, "And you only want the best for King Kuei.." She said as the lamp made another orbit around Katara, "because you love King Kuei."

"love? i dont...i dont love..."

around and around the lamp went...Katara following it with her eyes each time it passes by

"You love King Kuei.." Joo Dee repeated with a smile ignoring Katara protest, "you want to stand by his side.." The lamp went around another orbit, "share his burdens.." another orbit, "offer your love and body for his pleasure." another pass, "to bear his children.."

"I...I...love him? bear...his children" slowly her eyes felt heavy again as she kept lookign at the light; Joo Dee´s words echoing inside her head "offer...him...my body...his..."

"Yes.." Joo Dee said her smile seeming to grow a bit, "Your body, your heart, your soul all of it belongs to King Kuei." She said the lamp making another pass, "He is the culmination of all your desires and dreams." Another pass, "No one be they your family or even the Avatar is as important to you as King Kuei and your children with him."

"My desires...he is...my desires...he..." the light kept going and going...her mind began filling with images of the earth king.

her earth king.

her master.

her lover.

"Nothing would bring you greater joy than to spend your life with King Kuei.." Joo Dee said another pass, "to be part of his harem is a honor." another pass, "To bear his children is the greatest gift you could receive." another pass, "you love King Kuei."

"i...love...my king..." Katara couldnt help but repeat as her mind soon was molded into something more for the needs of certain earth king "my king...orders...i obey...my body...is his..."

Joo Dee gave a wide pleased smile with the Dai Li all of them sure the king would enjoy the results of this session, "You ate no longer simply Master Katara water bending teacher to the Avatar."

Joo Dee said as the lamp passed, "But pleasure slave Katara loyal concubine and Queen candidate to King Kuei~"

"pleasure...slave...queen...to king" Katara repeated in drowning tone

Joo Dee gave a pleased hum believing they were making excellent progress, "I believe the Earth King will be most pleased~"

"yes...thank you...I will...please him.."added Katara

"Of course you will because you love him." Joo Dee said with her creepy smile and giggle, "Yes...love...him.." Katara droned on, "your heart and body belong to the Earth King.." Joo Dee repeated once more, "Belong...to...Earth...King.."

Joo Dee nodded, "Everything from your breasts, ass, pussy, and womb belong to King Kuei.." Katara nodded faintly, "My...breasts...ass...pussy...and...womb...belong...King..Kuei.."

Joo Dee gave another smile as she continued the procedure before the Dai Li escorted the water bender to their King chambers, "Oh yes the King will be most pleased~"

(Royal Bedroom)

Inside the great room the king was already waiting and couldnt help but smile as the door where knocked

"Please come in.." Kuei said with a eager smile and lick of his lips already wearing nothing but a pair of green pants and the undergarments underneath them having eagerly been awaiting to see the results of the Dai Li work with his next concubine choice..

While his first concubine he sent off (after bit of fun) to her own personal quarters believing it best to attend to Katara alone for the first time~ Though he could see Jin was reluctant to do so but conceded and he could see the jealousy flash in her eyes oh what fun he'd have when he brought them together later~

The guards entered with Katara following them

"the water bender you highness" announced the Dai li

"Ah excellent please leave us.." Kuei said waving off the Dai Li who bowed before turning his attention to Katara who seemed slightly dazed, "You requested to speak with me alone Master Katara?"

He asked with a subtle smirk before putting on a concerned look, "I do hope there's isn't anything wrong with the quarters I gave you after supper." He said getting up from the bed and stepping up to her

Hoping the Dai Li did their work and Katara didn't remember getting drugged at supper but rather remembered what he wanted her to remember~

"No...your highness...everything's ok.." said Katara with a nervous tone "I..I just needed to...talk with you.."

"Why what about my dear.." Kuei asked with a smirk gently cupping her cheek, "you seem awfully distracted at super.."

He said in a concerned tone, "I do hope my plan for the restoration of the air nomads didn't upset you that much.." He said rubbing her cheek, "The Avatar seemed quite eager for it after all~" He said with a amused chuckle looking into her eyes, "And if you perhaps wish to take part i'm sure he'd welcome you into his bed~"

He said with a light note of teasing while also testing her reaction at his words

Katara blushed.

"I...well...i realized I was being...too rude" she said "you are already trying to help us...and...I was upset but you did have a point so...I..." she then kneeled "Im sorry I shouldn't have let my mouth run like that"

Seeing Katara kneel caused Kuei to smirk, "Oh think nothing of it my dear~" he said with a chuckle smirking, "If anything I loved that energy you showed quite a attractive trait.." He looking down at the bowing girl, "Hmm but.."

He rubbed his chin, "If you're really sorry what would you be willing to do to show it?"

Katara looked up.

"yes your majesty...I will do anything to fix my mistake" she said

"I'm glad to hear it Katara.." Kuei said with a smirk looking into her beautiful blue eyes, "Because I actually had a offer for you~" He said with a chuckle, 'Tell me what did you think of Jin?"

"Jin? well...she is...umm quite servicial..and seems a good girl..and..."

"and attractive~" Kuei finished with a smirk looking into her eyes, "Much like you~" He said with a chuckle smirking, "would you like to know why I took on a concubine~"

He rhetorically asked as Katara gazed up at him, "It wasn't just out of desire for Jin alone no.." He remarked shaking his head, "But circumstances after dealing with a traitors forced me to realize as the last of my line i had a duty to restore the royal blood line.." He explained adding with a shrug, 'much like the Avatar has a duty to restore the air nomads~"

He said smirking as he offered Katara his hand allowing her to stand back up, "Which is why I plan to take a harem of concubines..' He said with relish, "Breeding them all and even choosing one I find most worthy to be my Queen~"

"gulp...welll...that sounds...smart?" Katara said suddenly feeling hot under her clothes "I...I wish you the best of luck...finding the..next one"

"Mmm I think I already have~" Kuei said in a husky whisper running his hand through her hair staring deeply into the water bender eyes, "and she's quite a attractive water bender~" He said before giving her lips a kiss

"ummmm!!!" Katara was surprised by the kiss...yet...it felt...so...good...she couldnt help but return it

Something that Kuei was quite pleased by as he reached down and grasp at her ass squeezing it with him intensifying the kiss with the water bender resulting in a hot make out last several moments as he continued to knead and squeeze her ass through her clothing

"ummm umm ahhh...your...your highness ahhhh" Katara moaned...the king was touching her? but...why? does it manner? no..because if the king wants...

"Hmm Katara~" Kuei groaned out as he kissed at her neck, "Become my concubine~" He said with a purr, "be the 2nd person to join my harem~" He said giving her neck a lick, "I know the Avatar has feelings for you but he is but a child compared to me~"

He gave a husky growl, "And you deserve a men who can give you a life of pleasure and luxury~"

"I...well..he do...is a child"she repeated "and i...want a man..."

"Hmm and i'm a man~" Kuei said as he grabbed at the robes to peel them off, "and you are certainly a sexy woman who seems like she could be the perfect example of water tribe slut~"

"gup...s...slut?" Katara asked feeling her face (and body) heating up at the sight of the almost naked king

"Hmm yes a water tribe slut.." He said untying her tunic robe and letting it fall to the ground, "One with a sexy body begging to be conquered by some Earth nation cock~"

He said as he examined Katara revealed body now that the robe fell to the floor

"Hmm yes a water tribe slut.." He said untying her tunic robe and letting it fall to the ground, "One with a sexy body begging to be conquered by some Earth nation cock~"

He said as he examined Katara revealed body now that the robe fell to the floor

she had white chest binders covering her breasts the line of her pants now visible just under her belly button

"glup..sexy body...you think..im sexy?" she asked breathing harder, her face turning red

"Hmm very sexy my dear~" Kuei said rubbing at her chest binder giving them a squeeze noting with a slight grin she felt a bit bigger than she apepared perhaps do to the bindings, "the fact the Avatar hasn't already attempted to breed you with his child already only shows how much of a child he is.."

He said giving her lips another kiss, "A girl like you deserves to feel a kings cock~" He said with a husky growl biting at her neck sucking it, "to be at my side along side Jin~" he licked up her neck, "Perhaps be my Queen~"

He mused before once again biting at her neck

"ahh umm ahhh your...queen? yes...that sounds...ahhh good...ahhhh" Katara moaned

"Hehe you'll have to earn it first~" Kuei said kissing at her neck, "Jin and i'm sure your future harem sister will want the position too~"

He told her with a smirk, "So why not give me your answer and tell your King what you want~" He said taking a step back from Katara

"what I want?" she asked "I want...to satisfy my king...I want him...to use...my body..as he pleases"

Kuei smirked at this, "Will you give me my heart and bear my child.." He asked gesturing toward her, "If so strip and let your king see his new concubine body~"

"gulp...yes..my king..." said Katara before removing her boots and then peeling down her pants showing just a piece of cloth protecting her pussy

"Hmm so lovely~" Kuei said licking his lips his eyes roaming her body, "I must confess something.." He said with a smirk, "After all the stories I heard of your skill and beauty well.." He chuckled, "I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival to my city so I could seduce you away from the Avatar~"

He confessed to the girl smirking, "After all it's not ever day someone even a King can claim the girl the Avatar loves for themselves."

Katara blushed as she began undoing her wraps.

"Im..im glad you think my body is good for you my king" she said as the bandages fell revealing her naked breasts to him

"Hmm rest assured it's not just the body I like about you~" Kuei said licking his lips noting with pleasure that he was right about the wraps making the breasts appear smaller than they were and they were almost to Jin size very nice~

"But also your lovely personality and sharp mind as well~" He told her with a smirk and was actual truth there was a reason he had her personality kept in tact if he wanted her simple for her body he would have had her turned into bimbo

Plus as Earth King it wasn't like he was lacking option when it came to women~ It was just the ones he wanted were special...after all how many could say you fucked and claimed all the girls you liked from one of your favorite shows~

"umm thank you for your kind words...my king" she finished undoing her underwear letting the cloth to fall; leaving her fully naked in front of the king

"Hmm think nothing of it my dear~" Kuei said as he pulled down his pants kicking them also now standing completely naked with his hard cock pointing toward her, "I merely speak the truth about the most gifted and beautiful water bender in the world~"

He said softly pumping his cock

"ummmm" Katara blushed at the sight of the kings cock..her pussy tingling and dripping almost at the moment

"Now come and worship your kings cock you water tribe slut~" Kuei commanded with a dark amused smirk

"yes..my king..." said katara kneeling again in front of the king grasping his cock with her hands

"Hmm you have such a wonderful grip~ " Kuei said with a groan

Katara then began stroking the king leaving also small kisses on his shaft

"Hmm that's it~" Kuei moaned out, "Hmm tell me Katara how many men have you done this for?" He asked with a amused smirk ideally if what he knew from the show the answer would be none but since this was real life for all he knew Katara could of had a little fun with someone like Jet behind the scenes or something

"ummmm...I...ummm...once..." she said "Jet..ummmm...he visit me one night..." she blushed as she kept treating his cock

"hmm jet..huh?" Kuei said playing clueless to the name, "Was his cock as big as mine?" He asked with a groan, "And did he get to deflower this sexy water bender I see before me?"

"umm...I..no...he wasn't that big..." she said with a blush "and...no..he...he took...ummm...my other...hole"

This caused Kuei to laugh, "Heheh splendid~" He said with a wide smirk, "That gives me the honor of claiming your virginity~" He said at least her pussy wise, "Though up the ass never thought you'd be into that you naughty slut~"

He said with a cruel laugh patting her on the head, "i'll be sure to give that hole plenty of love too than~"

"umm..he...he wanted to...take me..but...ummm since I didnt wanted..." she blushed

"you wanted to save it for someone you loved didn't you~" Kuei asked with a smirk, "Well Katara.." He leaned down looking into her eyes as he whispered huskily, "Do you love me?"

Katara looked up..did she...

"yes...I love you...my king" she answered

"Than my dear.." Kuei smiled as he gently placed his hands on both sides of her head looking into her eyes with love before giving a dark grin, "Suck your king cock!" He exclaimed before forcefully taking Katara by surprise as he thrust his dick inside her mouth

"ugggggg!!!!!" her eyes opened wide at the sudden intrusion whoever she left out a gaged moan as her pussy dripped out

"Hmm such a tight wet mouth~" Kuei said with a smirk groaning as he started to roughly face fuck her, "is that a water tribe trait slut?"

"ugg uggg uggg!!!" Katara moaned even the hurtful words of the king were turning her on...she was a slut

"Ah yes mmmm ah..nothing but a water tribe slut~" Kuei groaned out fucking her face harder and rougher, "giving..ah..up your ass...virginity...some random boy~" He said groaning, "hmm throwing yourself at a man twice ah your age..you just met...king or not~"

he added groaning, "you're nothing but a water tribe slut!" He said gripping her hair rough, "Bet you sucked off that Fire Nation prince too didn't you~"

"uggg ugggg..nuhh ugggg" Katara denied as she ket sucking at the kings cock

"Hmm ah ah bet you planning this the moment you saw me and Jin~" Kuei said with a lustful desire, "you wanted to suck me and off and offer your body to me than and there didn't you!" He screamed out thrusting his cock as far down her throat as he could

"uggg uggg uggg...ugggg" her pussy dripped in delight

"Arg you were born to be a whore to my Earth Kingdom COCK!" He moaned out fucking her mouth for all it was worth while feeling like he could explode at any moment

"ugg uggg ugggg my king ugggg" Katara moaned in delight.

Yes she lives only to suck his king...if he wants to take her she is his

Kuei himself gave another growling groan feeling so empowered fucking Katara the Katara mouth like this ohh the things he'd make her do~ He thought with lustful relish as he felt his release hit, "Urg...take...my...SEED YOU SLUT!"

He yelled out thrusting his cock deep down her throat while using his hand to keep her head in place to make sure she swallowed every last drop...

"ugggggg!!!!!" Katra cried feeling the warm seed entering her mouth and into her throat.

at the same time her pussy exploded in a shower of juices

"Mmm ahh..Katara~" Kuei groaned holding her head in place for several moments till he was sure he had shot the last of his seed than pushed her back off his cock to the ground allowing to catch the her breath, "Ah..that was wonderful~"

He said smirking down at the heavily breathing water tribe member, "Did you suck off cocks for extra money while journeying with the Avatar or something?" He asked with a amused smirk

"ah ah..no..i..i never..ah ah...I just...found some..scrolls and...books" she admitted

"Hehe wanting to prepare yourself for pleasuring your future husband my dear~" He asked bending down to offer her a hand up~

"ummm....prepare..myself?" she asked

Kuei laughed as he helped the shorter girl stand up, "Yes you know studying how to pleasure your future husband..' "

He said with a wave of of his hand, "practicing deep throating on a banana while pleasuring yourself to your fantasies~"

He said giving her forehead a kiss

"ummm...it was...an idea...as...ummm I met a lot of guys and just....wanted to be ready" she blushed

"Hehe and no shame in that~" Kuei said leading her to the bed, "Besides it paid off quite well I think.." He told Katara stopping at the edge of the bed cupping her cheek, "But are you ready?"

he asked with a arched brow, "Ready to swear yourself to me and become mine for the rest of yours days~"

he said staring deep into her eyes, "Do you think you're worthy of being my concubine or even of competing for the position of my Queen if you desire?"

"gulp...if...if my king considers me...worthy..i...I am" said the water bender

"Oh I consider you more than worthy my dear~" Kuei said with a lick of his lips, "The question is if you do.." He said staring deep into her eyes, "If you are having any second thoughts about this nows the time to say so.."

He said giving her a serious look, "You can either get dressed and walk away now.." He told before adding with a smirk, "or you can show me the passionate brave water bender whos taken on the fire nation again and again as you claim your place at my side~"

The king said with a chuckle already knowing what the answer would be~

"gulp..I...i..." she gulped "Im...ready to...serve my king..and...do what is needed" she answered

Kuei gave a feral grin at the reply loving her submissive attitude but part of him hoped she'd show more of the spirit he saw earlier and on the show...eh even if she didn't she'd still make a splendid love slave and toy anyways~

"Than get on the bed and beg your King to take you~" He said in a husky whisper of desire, "Show me how much you want me to deflower you and fill you with my seed~"

"gulp...yes...my king" she said lying on the bed spreading her legs "please your highness...take...take my body...as payment for my bad aptitude...take my...virginity as proof of my...loyalty...to..to you and your kingdom"

"Hehe~" Kuei gave a laugh as he crawl on top of Katara, "Does my water tribe slut swear to serve me above all others even the Avatar.." He said smirking, "to give her body to me in any depraved way I see fit.."

He gave a evil dark grin at her, "Even if it be parading you around naked to the entire kingdom or having you ride my cock in front of all the royal court~" He asked rubbing his cock against her pussy

"ahhh ummm if...if that pleases my king" Katara said

"It does~" Kuei said with a smirk, "Now beg..moan!" he ordered grinning wide, "Let me hear your desire and how much you want me and my cock more than the little boy Avatar~"

"I...want your cock...torn my maidenhood...I want my king inside me!!!" the girl moaned "I want him to fill me...ruin me for that little boy!!"

"Than my dear~" Kuei said kissing up your breasts, "Take your King large hard...COCK!" He exclaimed thrusting inside her with no warning but eager lust her words only enflaming his desires

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Katara cried in pain as the kings cock pierced through her hymen without a pause

"ARG YES!" Kuei groaned out with a loud yell as he started to hammer away at the pussy, "So fucking tight!" He said with a yell, "It's like your pussy was made for me~" He groaned out grabbing and squeezing at her breasts, "All for me while the Avatar can do nothing but jack it while fantasizing about your slutty pussy~"

"Ahh ahhh ahhh!!! yes!!!! ahhh take me!!! take me my king!!!" the girl moaned like a bitch "ruin me!!! im yours!!!"

Kuei smiled wide with lust and triumph, "Yes!" He exclaimed pounding as hard as he could, "I'm going to make you moan so hard all of Ba Sing Se will hear you scream!"

"Ah AH AH AH AH AH" Katara moaned as the king began rocking his hips; moving his cock in and out her without a pause

"Ah .mm...FUCK SO TIGHT!" Kuei groaned out throwing his head back a part of him hardly believing he was deflowering and fucking Katara of all girls but he was lovin' ever euphoric moment

"ah ah ah ah ah ah!!" the girl kept moaning her breasts bouncing at each hit the man gave her

"WHO OWNS THIS WATERTRIBE SLUT!" Kuei demanded with a groan while laying a good hit on her bouncing breasts





"THAT'S RIGHT!" Kuei snapped with lust looking down at the moaning girl he was pounding away at, "NOT THE AVATAR ME!" He said giving her bouncing breasts another hit




"FUCK YES!" Kuei screamed out with euphoric pleasure, "It's ah true.." He said with a groan, "WATERTRIBE GIRLS ARE BORN SLUT SLAVES!" He yelled out with a powerful moan and thrust

Katara moaned in delight having her insides destroyed by her king...her master...the only one that will make all right

Kuei than gave a note grabbing her legs and lifted them up to his shoulders as Katara lowered body raised and he used to the new position to pound even harder

"ah ah ah ah ah yes!!! ah ah ah ah more ah ah ah ah give me more my king!!!" she begged

"Hmm ah ah my slut wants more than more she shall have!" He exclaimed pounding her harder and faster as he brought her left foot to his face giving the bottom of her foot a lick before biting down and sucking on her big toe as he continued to pound her pussy

"ahh ahhhhh!!!!" the small action sent shivers through her body making her moan harder

"Hmmm~" Kuei groaned around her foot, "your moans are so delicious~" He said licking at her little toes, "almost as delicious as you~" he said before he put a couple of her little toes in his mouth and started to suck

"ahhh ahhh imhonored ahhh you like my body umm my king!!!"

"I..ah..fucking..LOVE IT!" Kuei said nipping and biting on her toes before licking down her leg as he continued to pound away

"ah ah ah ah ah ah" Katara moaned in delight...this is what she wanted..being used by her king..soon he will mark her as his...she will be his!!!

"arg..ah..you're going to spend the rest of your days pleasuring me and giving birth to my children~" He said slamming his cock hard back into her after retracting it all but a inch, "Maybe i'll give your father and grandmother a royal audience so you can share the good news while riding my cock~"

He said with a cruel laugh

"ah ah ah ah ah yes...birth...ah ah ah ah babies for my king!!!!"

"Ah yes..so many children!" Kuei said with grunting filling his release looming, "Urg going come soon..' He said with a groan, "where does my new slut want it~"

"AH AH AH AH INSIDE AH AH AH GIVE IT INSIDE!!!" begged Katara...after all there wasn't another place she wanted

"Ah than take it.." Kuei groaned out before giving one more slam inside her pussy, "TAKE YOUR KINGS SEED YOU SLUT!" He cried out before he released shooting inside the water tribe girls womb

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Katara cried in delight also coming in the moment

"AAAHH YES TAKE IT ALL!" Kuei cried as he held his position for several moments shooting his seed deep inside her before giving a groan as he finished and allowed him to lay down on Katara while letting go of her legs, "Hmm very..ah..well done my dear~"

He said with a smirk while catching his breath before giving her breasts a lick teasing her right nipple with his tongue

"ahhhh ummm my king...im..honored" she said in dumb tone

"Hehe of course you are~" Kuei said with a smirk of amusement while internally wondering if the brainwashing process took out any of her intelligence or if he just fucked her that good

Eh worst came to worst if the former she'd still make a splendid concubine if nothing else, "it's not every girl who's beauty attracts a king~"

He said biting down on her nipple to suck on it

"ahhhhh my king...you are all to me...ahhhh"

Kuei kissed up Katara breasts to her neck, "I and our future children are all you'll ever need~" He said rubbing her thigh

"ahhh yes....my children...with you....ahhh"

"Heheh~" Kuei let out a laugh before he rose his head to meet her face and pulled her into a kiss

"Heheh~" Kuei let out a laugh before he rose his head to meet her face and pulled her into a kiss which he held for several moments saving her moan before breaking with a smirk, "now than.." He chuckled present your ass.."

He ordered grinning wide with a lustful grin, "i'm going to make you forget all about that Jet and show you how a King fucks a sexy ass hole~"

"yes..my king" she said putting herself on all four with her ass towards him

Kuei at this smirked before grabbing her by the ass and thrusting his cock inside her hole fucking it for all it was worth


SMACK! Kuei gave Katara ass a hit as he wasted no time in eagerly fucking her asshole ruining it for any other man just like he did her pussy and this was only the start of a night filled with debauchery

""ahhhh thanks my king...can I have another?"

SMACK! "You may~" Kuei said with a smirk, "And another!" SMACK! He added giving her ass another before reaching over to grab her braided hair to use it as leverage to pull and jerk her head back

"AHHHHHH!!!!" the girl cried in pain but then turned into moans as she climx again

"Heheh such a eager slut!" He screamed slamming his cock hard into her ass hole while jerking her braided hair back again before pulling it loose from the braid

"AHHH FOR YOU MY KING!!!" cried katana as her hair fell free over her back

SMACK! "YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A WATER TRIBE WHORE!" Kuei yelled out with relish before spitting at her back, "PWEW!"



SMACK! "YOU'D SELL OUT YOUR OWN FATHER JUST TO TASTE MY COCK WOULDN'T YOU WHORE!" Kuei said with relish while pounding her tight ass hole grabbing her now loose hair using it to jerk her head back, "I BET I COULD ORDER YOUR BROTHER AND THE CUCK AVATAR DEATHS AND YOU WOULDN'T GIVE A FUCK!"

He exclaimed feeling himself on a power trip



Kuei gave a dark laugh at this before slamming his cock deep inside Katara hole as he started to cum once again, "I"M ALL YOU NEED WHORE!" He moaned out filling her ass hole with his seed


"FUCK!" Kuei let out another groan cumming once again filling her with his seed before he let himself fall on top of her, "Ah..ah..welcome to the harem~" He said catching his breath kissing at the back of Katara neck, "Now make yourself useful and clean off your kings cock with your mouth~"

He ordered with a smirk, "Than uses those tits of yours to massage it~"

"ah ah...yes...my...king" with effort the girl stood up and turned (cum falling from her ass) and put the kings cock between her breasts moving them up and down on it

All while the King laid back on his bed enjoying the massage from his sluts breasts, "Hmm don't forget to use your mouth to clean my cock too while you're at it slut~" he said with a dark smirk giving a groan, "And be proud while you might not be Queen material from what I've seen yet.." He said giving a amused smirk, "you're certainly going to make a fine concubine~"

He said with a cruel laugh, "Hehe at the very least if you don't impress me before I choose you can be the Queen of whores~"

"ugg uggg uggg...what my kings desire...ugg uggg...its what I desire ummm" she moaned sucking at his cock

"Hmm ah of course it is~" Kuei said with a groan of pleasure realizing that it seemed while the brainwashing had done it's job well unless she came back to more of her senses than she was worthless as a Queen but very useful as a slut

"And your king desires to fuck you all right night long~" He said with a laugh grinning as he set out to do just that~

With him grabbing her roughly by the hair and slamming her mouth on his cock and soon the room echoed with moans and groans that could be heard quite a distance through out the palace

While outside the room stood not only two Dai Li guards but Jin who was peaking in and watching every moment with desire and jealousy while setting herself to show this water tribe slut her place below her tomorrow

Feeling both anger and arousal as she watched her king drilled the water whores pussy yet again while her legs were up in the air, "tch nothing but a water tribe slut.." She groused before heading to the personal quarters she was given when not sharing her kings bedroom