There's a reason I haven't uploaded anything guys, it's mainly because I've written so many different stories and I don't know which ones to stick to. I thought that maybe uploading them here might give me the impetus to write specific one/ones if I know what my readers wanna see. Let me know which one you like and I'll post an update when I come to a decision. If you have any other ideas though, also let me know in the comments. if you wanna actually continue one of these stories, please let me know and we can discuss ideas/beta-reading, etc. and maybe actually start a community of writers together.
Premise: An individual who gets the Let me Game in Peace System on his phone. However, he can customise dungeons himself. Wishes get revealed as the story goes on.
Fawcett City,
January, 10 PM
In a living room, a kid wearing a Shazam t-shirt grinned maniacally at his phone.
'So close... I'm nearly here,' he thought with a hint of desperation as he glanced at his avatar in the game on his phone. He mentally willed his character to dodge the attack of an enemy on the screen.
His avatar seemed to only be grazed by the insectoid enemy but a purple aura began to surround him. His avatar collapsed not a few seconds later and his screen displayed a 'game over' message.
From the other side of the living room, an older, slightly pudgy man finished reading his newspaper.
"Come on Lester, sleep time," he said.
Nodding, the boy seemingly caused the phone to fade away,
"Okay Uncle Dudley, Good night."
Getting up, Dudley turned the TV off before rubbing his adopted son's head,
"Good night Lester, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. And don't be going on that phone of yours. Unlike your brother, you don't have the stamina of Atlas to be staying up all night and then going to school tomorrow, understand?"
Lester gave a small laugh before nodding in agreement with his adoptive father before they both went to their separate rooms,
'And that little shit has the nerve to message me that he will be sleeping at his girlfriend's, I'm going to give him the biggest nuggie to the head when I see him.'
Lester slept peacefully that night dreaming of the tyranny that he would inflict on his younger brother.
Maybe this story should have a preface eh? Well, let's go back to the beginning, shall we?
The Promethean giants, cosmic beings and foolish entities that failed to breach The Wall were reduced to frozen statues. The sculptures of these dead gods that were laid into the wall seemed to prevent anyone from approaching the wall itself, a deterrent of sorts. What is the wall you may ask? To those uninitiated, it is a multiversal barrier separating mortals from The divine origin, The Source of all things.
However, a royal-blue, hallowed capsule seemed to be emerging from the wall with golden geometric lines engraved on it. Laying within the capsule was a vaguely male, humanoid figure bearing three pupils within an amniotic-like fluid. Its entire existence seemed...ghostly, translucent. The capsule floated slightly in the space between Multiverses as the figure shifted inside the capsule. His shifting caused the capsule to vibrate as if excited that he was finally free, the child having his own thoughts.
'I'm finally fucking free, I've been stuck there for god knows how long... I'm finally FREE! At least I managed to finish that last fight in Ninja Storm 4 though eh before I died of rage? Well, no point getting hung up on something that happened that long ago, let's just...focus on the...future,' he contemplated before suddenly feeling tired and falling asleep.
Rotating slightly as if positioning itself towards a specific direction, the capsule began to move. Through the dark, the capsule kept moving past multiversal entities that seemingly didn't perceive the child. Through the dark, it finally made it to a particular universe where magic, superpowers and other abilities were commonplace.
After the capsule reached Earth, its hallowed blue colour began to fade as it seemingly plunged straight into the expanded stomach of a mother-to-be.
Firmly planting itself into the mother's reproductive system, the blue colour had completely faded. A more accurate description though would be that the blue colour transferred to the child within the capsule. The geometric lines seemingly glowed before a thought was transferred through the fluid to the child's mind,
"Live Well, Game Hard and I hope this note was delivered once you learned the true meaning of maybe a couple of Mya I would assume"
'Interesting...You motherfucker...but thanks I guess,' the child thought with a smile internally.
Fawcett Central School,
January, 12 PM
The bell woke Lester from his daydreaming about his origins in this world, being dismissed from his English class. Collecting his Shakespeare books and placing them in his bag, his teacher called him over with a concerned face.
"Lester...I'm concerned about your attention in class, you don't seem to be engaging with my teaching - is everything okay?" her voice seemed to soothingly question. His face seemed slightly pale as he began to form a deadpan expression before replying,
"Yes miss, everything is kinda easy and I have it learned already so..."
"Hmm...So you feel that you don't need to engage with my class then?" She asked.
Lester simply nodded before his teacher began to explain the importance of following along with her lessons and how it would help when he's older as it demonstrates his listening skills.
"Listen, miss, I think you're a very lovely teacher but please... all you should care about is my grades in the class - which are exemplary if anything. Don't sweat the small stuff. Just like it's in your nature to try and improve my engagement, it's in my nature to be disinterested in something I already have memorised," Lester sighed leaving his teacher gobsmacked.
Before leaving he stopped to give a final comment,
"To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."
"Shakespeare's Hamlet," She queried with a raised brow.
"Act 1, Scene 3," He replied before waving as he walked out. His teacher seemed conflicted internally but accepted his philosophy,
'It seems my class is simply too restrictive for such a smart kid..."
Running his hand through his dark brown hair, his light brown eyes glistened as he put his hand into his back pocket as if reaching for his phone. Materialising it in his back pocket, he thought,
'Neat trick to be fair... using my wish to make it a soulbound item is pretty nifty, now where the hell is this kid?'
Sending a message to his younger brother, the eleven-year-old Lester smiled as he thought about what he had planned this afternoon.
Getting a reply back from his younger brother, Lester waited outside for him before he opened his gaming folder on his phone. Clicking an app called Ant Nest, he played through the dungeon again - feeling a drain on his stamina ever so slightly. His avatar formed and began advancing through the dungeon.
Lester was always curious about how the protagonist of that novel controlled his character in the game. It seemed, for himself at least, he could mentally command the character to execute game-like actions.
"Big Bro!" A voice called from afar causing Lester to be distracted from his dungeon run. His character seemingly stood still as a golden-coloured ant approached him.
[Game Over]
Glancing at his phone a final time, he looks at the dungeons he's unlocked so far. Ant Nest, Naga Swamp, Wolf's Bane and his newly unlocked Goblin Hideout.
Name: Lester Batson
Age: 12
Level: 50
Strength - 35
Speed - 39
Constitution - 37
Energy -39
Armor-Piercing Jab I - A strong striking attack that can break through medium metal armour.
Purging Strike II - Attacks deal additional damage to individuals channelling external energies, having a chance to dispel outside influences.
Toxin Ward I - Summons a toxic shield that floats around the user, lessening the damage taken by 5%, its main use is to inflict poison.
Combat Efficiency III - Equivalent to being in combat class 6.A/N: For reference, Batman is Combat Class 12 and DC Karate Kid is 15.
Companion Beasts:
Black-Winged Serpentine Flying Ant (Fusions x1)
Talent Skill: Guardian's Sonar (active), allows the monitoring of a 1km radius indicating species and threat level to the user.
Talent Skill: Protector's Speed (active) - When defending, flight speed will increase by 100%.
Wind-Striped Golden Wolf (Fusions x1)
Talent Skill: Poison Dodge (passive) - once a day allows the user's body to dodge a fatal physical attack by turning the body into a liquid poison.Talent Skill: Thunderous Stomp (active) - A stomp that causes an arc of lightning to spread through the ground, spreading to close enemies. May cause paralysis.
After looking fondly at his stats, he waved over to his brother. Giving Billy a hug, Lester ruffled his little brother's hair before asking him about his day at school.
"We ended up learning about Tesla and electricity today," Billy talked about his school day.
"You should know all about electricity then huh?" Lester smirked at him causing Billy to give him a small jab to the shoulder.
Getting to a small, abandoned storage area,
"shazam," Billy called out as a bolt of lightning arced towards him. Curious about Billy's powers now, Lester questioned,
"So how has your training been going with Freddy?"
"It's going good, we've managed to confirm that I have fire resistance, electricity manipulation, a load of durability and superstrength."
Lester used his Guardian Sonar before coming to a conclusion about Billy's threat level if they got into combat.
'Orange. Interesting, so he's on the fuck around and find out level on the scale. Still, it's an improvement from the black it originally was. Even then, Shazam was always one of the strongest Justice League characters,' Lester thought as he reflected on his last few months of progress. Calling out his companion beasts in their item form, he was garbed in a jet-black insectoid-style cloth. His wings. They could be relaxed to make them seem like clothing.
A/N: Think Big Chill from Ben 10 in how he can wrap his wings around him to make it look like he's wearing clothes.
In his hands, a scaly trident formed with a lightning motif running through its body.
Billy stood at the side with twinkles in his eyes at his older brother's suit-up,
"...that's so cool...they just materialise..."
"Ah yes, because that's so much cooler than being struck by lightning and being turned into...YOU," Lester smirked back trying to convince his brother that his transformation was much cooler, "Okay, let's do this. Now, time to get your combat up to scratch."
Lester twirled his trident before indicating to Billy that it was time for a beatdown. Billy smirked as he dashed towards Lester causing his eyes to widen, taking in more visual information. His pose. His facial expressions. His body tension. His muscle twitches.
'Right Hook'
Lester spinned anti-clockwise making Billy trip over by slamming the body of his spear into his back,
"Come on Billy, stop being so predictable, a right hook really? With that sloppy footwork as well?"
Pushing himself off the ground, Billy turned around and planted his feet firmly on the ground. He put his hands up to the sides of his face and shrugged his shoulders up.
"Good, Now again," Lester reiterated as Billy took on a boxing stance.
Stepping forwards, Billy sent a straight jab at his older brother's face which cut through the air. His eyes widening Lester barely dodged the jab as time seemed to slow down in his eyes.
'Thank fuck for the combat proficiency... I need to improve that skill,' Lester thought as his eyes widened to increase the amount of visual stimulus he was receiving. Taking in a deep breath, his eyes hardened as he began exchanging blows with Billy. When a fatal jab was about to hit him, Lester seemed to be able to redirect the blow with his trident.
Soon enough, Lester's cloak unfurled, his wings beginning to beat. Billy's cape began to flutter, their fight continuing. Lester began only defending against Billy before...
Lester launched towards the ceiling of the warehouse. Billy stood there gobsmacked before crying out,
"Oh come on, that's no fair, I can't fly!"
Lester smirked before he lorded over his younger brother in mock superiority,
"and you won't, at least, not in a million years lil' bro.."
Billy seemed to get a bit angry to which Lester smiled, 'Yesss. Good.'
"Oh yeah, well if I can't get up there," Billy pointed towards Lester," How about I bring you down to here?"
Billy pointed his finger towards the ground.
A bolt of Lightning crashed down on Lester from the clouds causing him to freeze up for a second before his head tilted up.
The Lightning bolt crashed to the ground and any remnant energy dissipated. Billy smirked before trying to come up with a catchphrase, "How did you like that, taste lightning!"
Compared to the image that Billy had in his head of a boy with frazzled, black hair, Lester seemed to be perfectly fine, still floating in the air.
'I'm so glad [Poison Dodge] activated...' Lester thought before glaring down at his brother,
"What a shitty catchphrase...Now go to sleep bro, for trying to embarass me like that, I'll let you explain to Uncle Dudley why you were late. Who knows, maybe if you learn to fly, you'll get home on time..."
Lester gripped his trident the wrong way round before throwing it at Billy's face, the blunt-ended bottom of his spear crashed into his forehead causing him to briefly glance at his older brother.
"Truly, Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone... am the honoured one," Billy heard Lester say before he blacked out with one final thought, ' Tch. He also came up with a cooler catchphrase than me...fuck!'
Getting back home, Lester had dinner with Dudley before explaining what happened to Billy.
"So basically, you want me to just pretend that he stayed with his girlfriend for longer than he should have," Dudley asked rubbing his rough stubble, " Sure. Why not? It'll teach the little shit not to bring down a LITERAL Lightning bolt on his brother."
Lester and Dudley grinned maniacally together as they shook hands, " But don't go too hard on him, You'll need to see his reaction when you reveal that it was all a plot by us to mess with him hehe."
As Lester began walking upstairs, he left some cupcakes on the side, "These are for him as well."
Dudley waved Lester off while nodding in understanding, "Yep, just don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to sleep."
Lester nodded before going up to his room and collapsing, "Today really fucked me, I can't believe that kid threw down a lightning bolt on me..."
Suddenly a deep fatigue came over him, "I'll just...go to... sleep."
"LESTER! I don't hear the tap running!" A shout came from downstairs. Pulling himself from his bed, he realised,
"Fuck...I forgot to brush my teeth."
Sighing, he went to the toilet and brushed his teeth before going to sleep, 'I need to unlock a new dungeon tomorrow...Something more specific than generic RPG dungeons. I've collected everything from the goblin hideout by now...'