
'Mrs Potts Café'


This isn't how I wanted my Wednesday to go...

Pulling all-nighters for the last few days, helping my newest client, Eleanor-INearlyRanOverAnElderlyWomanDrivingOnTheCurb-Stevenson because as her greatly creative name shows, SHE NEARLY RAN OVER AN ELDERLY WOMAN WHILST SHE WAS DRIVING ON THE CURB!!!!! How does one even do that? Like, just...how..?

So anyway, here I am running out of my office at hyper-speed so I can avoid Eleanor stalking my office to try to tell me a "legitimate" reason as to why she was driving on the curb. Yeah, okay lady driving on the curb because you were running late and thought it would get you there quicker would drop the charges of ATTEMPTED MURDER!

I run as fast as my little 5"2 legs can carry me and make it to my favourite Café 'Mrs Potts Café'. The owner, Mrs Potts (I KNOW!) is the sweetest soul I have ever met. I swear she made the most of having 'Potts' as her last name and building a 'Beauty and the Beast' café, and it's the cosiest place ever! they literally have a Belle book shelf with a ladder that slides across it (I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous BUT I'M JEALOUS!). It's been my dream ever since I was a late teen to have a Belle bookshelf for my more than humiliating book collection.

As I open up the door I am greeted by a little bell chime above the door. I look around and take in the sweet smell of books and caffeine. If I could be reincarnated as anything after I die, it would totally be a book but not just any book, an earth-smelling, hard-copy that is so fresh you'd have to disconnect the pages from each other it's that new. I take a seat over by the window and am mesmerised by the aesthetic. I go to this Café every chance I get, and by 'chance' I mean 'when Eleanor isn't chasing my ass'. A waitress comes over WEARING A BELLE DRESS to take my order. I'm surprised they don't just make my order straight away when they see my face because I order the same thing every time; a 'Chip's iced latte'.

When she disappears, I take out my laptop to go over the notes I took during mine and Eleanor's meet-up, and by 'meet up' I mean 'hunger games 5' where I'm being hunted down by a savage beast who's frothing at the mouth, something's coming out of there mouth but I can't hear them because all the blood has rushed to my head as I try to run for my life.

As soon as smooth plastic hits hardwood, my phone jolts alive in my cardigan pocket. I plop my laptop on the table and take out my phone. let's play 'Phone Call Guess Who. Can you guess who it is? ITS ELEANOR-FREAKING-STEVENSON! I stare at my phone for a second and frown. WHY!? BECAUSE GOD HATES ME! I take a sip of my coffee because I'm going to need the energy to get through this conversation and I answer the phone, preparing myself for the bullshit that she's going to spew at me this time...

"Ms. Smith speaking." I say as I lift the phone to my ear.

"Hi, Alexandra! Listen, I'm going to need you to do something for me. It's about the trial." Eleanor says from the other side of the line. I take a quiet breath, making sure she can't hear me. I can't wait for this to be over. It would have been over last week if she agreed to pay the fine, buts she's so adamant to take this to trial. Not even taking it to trial, she doesn't want to pay the fine, which in return, takes this to trial.

"And what's that, Mrs. Stevenson?" I say with a smile on my face. She can't see it but if looks could kill and she was here, she'd be on the floor.

I'm this close (you can't see my fingers but they're practically touching) to quitting. I only stay because everyone in my family is a lawyer and they expect nothing more from me.

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