
Slave To A King

comming soon...

Madonna_ · Histoire
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1 Chs


" WHO , DID THIS? " a loud voice full of anguish led all the slaves of the old shop who were suspected for breaking the expensive glass statue, get goosebumps..There was deadly silence in the place along with the terror mingled in the air . It was evening time and there stood only five of them in a seperate small room , which was their master's office .

" I Said ...WHo did This" the fat man dressed in shabby clothes furiously shouted while harshly tapping his whip on the ground intentionally , so as to scare the soul out of the poor workers .

* no response * ..

There stood four man dressed in dirty clothes with patches of another worn out cloth sewed on theirs .. This reflects their pathetic state and the absence of Money in their life . Out of them all , there were two boys younger in age , of which one has messed up hair and was shaking with fear . His face got puckered wity his eyes closed , As if he was trying to escape the scene but unfortunately he could not . The other red haired boy named "Dale " was standing expressionless feeling so weak and desperate . Bradley a middle aged man and an older man of all them had their head hung low indicating that they either doesn't have a clue or they don't want to disclose the truth. Undoubtedly, they all were terrified from the action of their so called master Geoff.

" No response Huh? " ..An evil smirk appeared on Geoff's face as the words came out of his mouth . His right hand hold the whip tightly showing his anger inside and in a fraction of second " whip ....." WHIP .." ~whip " the sharp sound of lash echoed in the air as he started hitting the slave standing closest to him who was that young boy, "ahh..."..."AAhh".. " plea. (" whip") ...se" ..the boy groaned in pain as he fell down on his knees , with his clothes covered with red stains . It was too much pain for him to bear , tears rolled down his cheeks and he started pleading for mercy ..

" Please ..no... I know who did this " a voice came which belonged to the middle aged worker, 'Bradley', shouted not too loud but enough to grab all the attention .

" Master .... please have pitty on my brother ...." he said and also knelt down at the masters feet . " it was D..." as he was about to say a voice cut his sentence which belonged to the old man " I ..I did this Master . you can punish me .." he confirmed . "but.." (bradley whisper , his eyes showed surprise),

" Plese forgive others , I am responsible for it " the aged slave pleaded and knelt .

Dale was still standing there with a blank face , his mind couldn't interpret what just happened and is happening now , he was in a total state of shock ..

" That's like a good dog" Geoff smiled and said with his husky voice while crushing the old mans hand with his shoe ( no sympathy on his side ). "umh..a..a.." the painful voice of man was heard but he was still in the same position kneeling, lowering his head down and no much expressions , Being a slave for years ,now he was very much used to it .

" It was an era where money was everything and the poor doesn't deserve to live , or if they exist then they should be treated like animals and must serve their master " was the ultimate rule which was followed by everyone .

Geoff , stopped and looked at the other worker's faces full of terror and pain , fearing what would happen next ?.

" Fine , As you wish " he agreed and let go of his hand and kicked the other two kneeling away . They fell apart . The boy who was hurt and Bradley were now looking at the master with fearful stare .

The old man gulped . Masters eyes shined as he took out the sword and 'splash ' ..'splash ' blood splashed in surrounding and some on Dale's face and he came out to reality , The moment he looked down he was devastated from inside to see the old man dead .. blood dripping out of his body .. He wanted to scream ,no he wanted to cry , or knock out the master..but he was weak , and he couldn't figure out how should he react ...he looked at the old man's face realising the kind soul sacrificed himself by taking his blame .

Bradley Huged his brother as the young man had also witnessed such thing for the first time ..

" My dear pets ! now clear it all up " happily said Geoff walking to the door and stepping on the dead in between his way .

" If you dont want an end like this " the sweet tone changed to a more terrifying one .. he looked back and glanced in Dale's eyes as if he was already knowing the truth but did it just for something useless called as 'for fun'

and he close the door ...

tear escaped Dale's eye as the past memories flashed infront of his eyes ....

" Fa...Father " he whisper softly with tears escaping his eyes ....



Geoff came out of a big mainson and as he walked in a dark alley and an he evil smiled to himself . " Dale ? My pet ...do you think I can forgive you for my loss ...no I'll take something more expensive than you broke ."



" I wannt this , doll " ..

" no, you're a boy and ought to practice fighting " ...

" But, I've my pets ...they will protect me "

" Dale , you will be the future king , when you'll grow up ,so you must act like one ."..

"..but my do" .
